the examiner Friflgy Jupe 1979 Literacy council planned for Barrie Volunteer tutors needed to help local adults learn to read write Connie Morgan hopes literacy council can be formed in Barrie soon to help Barrie area adults who cant read or write As member of Orillia and District Literacy Council and resident of Barrie she says she has had many requests for tutoring Shes now looking for volunteer tutors Theres some embarrass ment so that people hide the fact they cant read or write she says estimating that pro bably 2000 adults in the Barrie area are functionally il literate Its amazing how some peo ple have been able to get through life Theyll use tricks like telling someone they forgot their glasses and then asking to take an application home with them to have someone else do it Mrs Morgan stresses that inability to read or write is not sign of low intelligence nor is it in any way disgraceful MANY REASONS Geographic socioeconomic physical and psychosocial reasons have caused many person to be deprived of educational oppor tunities The problem is not limited to any age group she adds About 10 per cent of Canadians cant read or write well enough to cope with everyday com munication needs Until recently the only help available was too costly for some too timerestrictive associated with unpleasant schoolclassroom experiences in the past or requiring future entry into the labor market Orillia and District Literacy Council began last year as volunteer organization to teach adult nonreaders Volunteer tutors use method pioneerd by Dr Frank Laubach in the Philippines nearly 50 years ago and which has since spread to 105 coun tries and 313 languages It is based on teaching sound cultural letter relationships using key word and picture associations repetition and content for the adult reader NETOONE TEACHING Since one of the prime features is onetoone teacher student ratio the student is able to progress at his own rate Instruction is given at time and place convenient to both usually at home says Mrs Morgan All information about the stu dent is kept confidential and the only expense for the student is the cost of his workbooks about $250 each Orillias program has ex panded to Barrie in very limited way she says adding that volunteer tutors are need ed for Barrie area It is not necessary that prospective tutor have past teaching experience All thats required is an interest in help ing someone learn to read and write and willingness to Barrie District United Way outlines campaign strategy By CLAUDIA KRAUSE Of The Examiner Barrie and District United Way has announced totals it hopes to collect from sectors in the community to raise its $180000 goal for 1980 Figures were released at recent luncheon meeting of the agency led by Terry Thomas 1980 campaign chairman Onethird of the goal or $60000 is expected from area businesses including corpora tions commercial bank and trust companies Richard Stewart Gary Payette William Garfat Donald Day and Brian Spencer all members of the 197980 cam paign cabinet will contact these sectors to gain support for United Way Another $42000 is expected through payroll deductions from industrial retail bank and trust federal provincial and municipal employees Bruce Brook Bob Vickery William Leslie Robert Thomp son Bruce Ritchie Alan Baker James Small and Gary Logan will help run the payroll cam paign The residential largely during the threeday blitz Oct 16 to 18 when volunteers will knock on doors askingfordonations Professionals including doc tors lawyers dentists and others are expected to account for $14000 in donations while area schools both staff and students should raise another $16000 The residential campaign will be run by Donna Douglas the professional campaign by Ed Bayhew Dr John Postnikoff and Lloyd Lawrence The teaching staff payroll campaign will be led by Chas Shanks while Major Garriott leads the campaign at CFB Borden and Eldon Greer leads special donations Canadian Forces Base Borden should account for about $13000 Special donations and events may add another $12000 SLIGHT INCREASES These amounts together total $180000 the 1980 goal Most amounts represent slight in creases from actual amounts padding decorated campaign collected durin last should draw another $23000 years campaign greater donation however is expected from payroll dedUC tions this year and Lloyd Armv strong Barrie and District United Way administrator says he feels the potential is there While the 1980 goal is about 16 per cent higher than last years collections payroll deductions are expected to net about 38 per cent over last year Armstrong says that in past years the payroll deduction scheme run by Barrie and District United Way has suf fered because Barrie residents employed in Toronto or other communities have often con tributed there FUNDS 11 AGENCIES The campaign to raise $180000 for 1980 funding of 11 local agencies officially begins in October About 175 per cent or $31400 is slated for ad ministration salaries office and campaign expenses The remaining $148600 is divided up among local agen cies except for $1000 sum which goes to United Way of Canada BrennerWatt White gladioli and daisies St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Barrie for the May 12 wedding of Maureen Elizabeth Watt and Douglas Paul Brenner The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Watt of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Brenner of Toronto Rev Harry Waite officiated at the service Soloist Tom Park of Anten Mills was ac companied by Case Van Hcmcrt Maid of Honor Pamela Watt sister of the bride led bridesmaids Susan Shields of Ottawa and Nancy Brenner of Toronto Best man was Steven Ferns of Scarborough Brian Watt and Scott Brenner both of Toronto were ushers utoftown guests attended from Toronto Fort Frances Ottawa Hanover Brampton Burlington and Pickering The couple travelled to the east coast for their honeymoon They now live in Horseshoe Valley KnowlesTingley St Pauls Anglican VlIUICll was decorated with spring tlowcrs for the May wedding of licborali Gail Tinglcy and liobcit hailcs Knowles The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Iingley of Barrie and the groom is lht son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Knowles of St Pauls The brides attendants wer Judy Kosowan and Mrs Pete Hurtubise the brides sister Best man was Greg Owens and the usher was ecil Mendel Outoftown guests ere from Sackville NB Oshawa Peter borough Toronto and Bramalea The couple honeymooned in Las Vegas and an official wed ding reception was held in Stroud on their return They now live in Barrie devote two onehour sessions per week to tutoring 10hour workshop for anyone interested in becoming volunteer tutor will be held at Collier Street United Church in Barrie on June 16 and 17 from am to pm on Saturday and from pm to pm on Sun day The workshop fee is $2 and the cost of initial training materials will be $550 All the basic information needed to begin tutoring in the Laubach method will be given at this workshop Persons interested in becom ing tutors or students can call Mrs Morgan at 7269099 after pm TOPS to meet TOPS or Take Off Pounds Sensibly now meets Wednesdays at St Giles Church on Cook Street Barrie The weighingin session starts at pm and the meeting begins at 8pm This Wednesdays meeting features guest speaker Ena Horton who will talk about diabetes The group started in Barrie last year For more informa tion call Dolores Yeo at 7260303 lifestyle Editor Claudia Krause7266537 Ontario Heart Foundation has chosen Barrie for lifestyle modification project being at tempted for the first time in Canada says Mary Foster pro ject director in Toronto Persons wanting to improve their living habits will join course designed to help them change their diet activity level smoking habits and stress level Volunteers will be trained to become group leaders for the course We thought Barrie was the ideal city because it has some community spirit its own media and its place where people know each other Ms Foster told The Examiner recently similar project completed by professionals at Stanford University in California was so successful that Ontario Heart Foundation decided to in troduce it to Canada This is the first time the Foundation has tried this kind of public education program although it runs many others The Stanford project found that people were able to change their lifestyles using self management The project was useful in that it showed people do like to take charge of themselves and improve their cardiovascular health she says Anyone interested in getting people Erplaoes Flea market sale Ladies Orange Lodge 551 are holding flea market base ment and bake sale with coffee and muffins on June from 10 am to pm at Allandale Orange Hall Burton Avenue and Essa Road in Barrie Open meeting Oro Township Horticultural Society will hold an open meeting on June 11 at pm Oro Township Hall Agnes Millward will show slides and talk about how to grow good perennials Everyone is welcome Panel to speak Barrie Horticultural Society will hold an open meeting on June at pm at Codrington Street School Speakers will be Pope and panel from the Civic Garden Centre The subject will be insecticides fungicides and summer care of plants There will be draws and refreshments All are welcome Dance for disabled Barrie and district associa tion for the Physically Disabled is holding dance on June beginning at pm The disc jockey will be from Sound Conspiracy Cost is $5 per person and includes buffet There will be cash bar Location is Embassy Hall on Blake Street Barrie Everyone is welcome Friendship service Barries annual in terdenominational friendship service will be held on Sunday at 230 pm at St Marys Church Farm home competition Farmstead and Home Im provement Competition open to rural and urban residean of Simcoe County will be held in conjunction with the Interna tional Ploughing Match 1981 Brochures and entry forms are available at municipal of fices and Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture 49 Essa Road Barrie 7282330 First entries close July 1979 Cancer Heart foundation picks Barrie for new project involved in the project is asked to attend meeting on Monday in the Blue Flame Room at the Consumers Gas Co building 165 Ferris Lane beginning at 730am Official says dont sign contract until youve shopped around An Ontario government of ficial says consumers should not sign contracts to buy cars until they are sure theyre get ting the best deal they can Estella Cohen consumer in formation officer for the ministry of consumer and com mercial relations says many people have contacted the ministry recently to find out whether they can cancel their contract because theyve found abetter buy While we want to see con sumers get the best deal they have to realize that contract is legal and binding Some buyers think the Con sumer Protection Act allows them to cancel the contract within two working days but theyre mistaken she says Only contracts signed away from the dealers place of business may be cancelled The Consumer Protection Act applies to contracts for goods or services worth $50 or more which will be paid for delivered or performed at later date The best advice is to shop around first Make sure the cat is within your budget and the best bargain before you sign anything And keep in mind that the 1980 cars that are hit ting the show rooms early this year are more expensive than the new 1979 models Ms Cohen also suggests that used car buyers check the cars graduates Tikkala University firm of Bellamy 89559 in Collingwood son Donald Arne Tikkal Ontario London He no Dr and Mrs Arne lekala of Barrie announce the call to the Bar of the Province of Ontario of their After graduating from Barrie Central Collegiate Tikkala studied at York Toronto and the University of Western practises law with the Augaitls and VandergUSt Joan Jacquemain BA In psychology society reaches goal Barrie and district unit of the Canadian Canc palgn target of $72000 One unusual of gas at three stations owned by Bruc Barry Peacock at left presents the campaign cochairman Jacquemain daughter mileage with the previous owners to make sure the odometer has not been tampered with Although the ministry has been laying charges against dealers who do this to conceal the true mileage it still seems to be prevalent problem she adds Before signing the contract send $3 the licence plate number and the request for list of previous owners to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Vehicles Brnch 4th floor Ferguson Block Toronto Ont M7A 2A2 This will also provide you with the registration date The date of manufacture on the compliance label of the vehi cles door frame does not in dicatehow long the vehicle has been in use Used car buyers should also use the consumer ministrys personal property security registration system to make sure the previous owner hasnt pledge the car as collateral againt debt For more in formation contact the land registry office at 114 Worsley StBarrie free booklet about car buy ing and information sheets on car and transmission repairs are available from the Con sumer Information Centre Ministry of Consumer and Com mercial Relations 555 Yonge St Toronto Ont M7A 2H6 er Society has reached its cam onation came from three days sales Peacock Petroleums Ltd in Barrie heque for $28438 to Alex Maniuris of Mrs McVeigh and the late McVeigh of Barrie has graduated from Wilfred Laurier University with Helen Mrs Jacquemain is graduate of St Josephs High School in Barrie and Teachers College In Toronto She has attended Drake University and Grandview College in Des Moines lowa and has taught school in Barrie Toronto Montreal town and Brantford Ann Landers Interracial ties difficult Dear Ann Landers Im young white woman 19 years old For the last two years have been living on my own and attending college Some of the guys have dated were black became seriously involved with one black fellow and nearly got married My sister said she could never be com fortable with him and my parents threatened to disown me My aunt said Im liberal to point but this is going too far live in the South now where this sort of thing is not ac cepted Im constantly being criticized by my friends and it hurts that they are so narrowminded and bigoted If should decide to marry black man what advice do you have for me Ive been reading your column for years mostly for kicks lt now need help Please be there for me Reaching Out Dear Reaching If you marry black man my advice is make very sure you love him enough to make up for the family ties that will be broken the friendships that will evaporate plenty of snide remarks and lots of gawking Some interracial marriages work out welhbut they are the exceptions Your best chance for happiness if you decide to take that route is to move to New York San Fran cisco or best ofall Honolulu Dear Aim Im so hurt Im in tears as write this letter Why would person who has been friend for years pass you on the street and not speak This friend was with another extremely welldressed woman at the time wasnt looking my best Im sure my friend was ashamed to admit she knew me Please tell me how to think about this situa tion am Too Crushed To See Things Clearly Dear Crushed If our friend is over 40 years of age thenes good possibility that she didnt see you Some people are too vain to wear glasses even though their vision is poor The ears go too dear So maybe if you said hello in low voice she didnt hear you either Dear Ann met women at work who appealed to me May told me she was 38 years of age Her cousin acciden tially spilled the beans Shes 43 Later learned that her husband filed for divorce when he caught her in bed with another man May told me she left him because he was homosexual Last night she asked if she could borrow $100 because so meone at work stole her wallet need some advice Henry Dear You also need to meet better type woman This one has already proven shes liar Get with it Buster CONFIDENTIAL to Retirement Do People Really Want it Some do and some dont Many individuals are worn out at 50 and others are at their peak of productivity in their mid60$ When Sears suspended its 65 and out rule last year nearly half the employees who could have retired chose to keep working mm Sock series concludes By ERMA BOMBECK This is the last in threepart series on what happens to missing socks Todays column deals with The Solutioni Out of the thousands of letters which offered solutions to the problem of missing socks emerged patron saint Al bert Einstein The majority of the writers seemed to feel that by going through life sockless he had not only endeared himself to QueenoftheMasliers everywhere but had made major contribution to mental health Many of the writers were naive suggesting pinning or clipping socks together colorcoding them or systematically putting them into mesh bag and washing them alone However that solution was shattered by woman from Connecticut who wrote she hooked together blue socks for Billy green for Marty red for Bill yellow for Sue and aqua for Diane only to have every one come out in perfect pairs but with three hankics and two pairs ofjockey shorts MISS ING One writer wanted to open clinic for single socks in the same building with the League of Right Gloves and Care and Rehabilitation of Lost Sweaters ne wanted to line the Grand Canyon with them another wanted to send all the mismated socks to Tucson where sandals can be worn all year The more practical people wanted to have it out with sock manufacturers urging them to make pair three instead of two issuing them in only two colors blue and brown The blue would reverse to brown and the brown to blue Some opted for disposables like Pampers One could visualize daring new style by Bill Blass or Halston of His and Miss socks woman from Canton Mich said Try to get your children to dress in the dark If that doesnt work turn it into learning experience la not everything in life matches opposites attract variety is the spice of life and di how else are you going to distinguish colors One mother suggested if we could channel the odor from her sons sweat socks into energy wed never have to beg for oil again For the greater part the mail reflected resignation toward the phenomenon Av learntolivowithsit attitude Look at it this way wrote housewife from Nebraska God takes only the good socks to that big utility room in the sky All the threadbare and holey ones get left behind woman from Forest Park Ga wrote happily Regard it as challenge Why even persuaded my husband that his green leg was less tired at the end of the day than his maroon one want to personally thank all of you who responded Im not sure we have come up with the cause or the solution for missing socks However there must be some comfort in knowing the problem exists throughout the world Since working on the story have had one leg disappear out of every pair of pantyhOse have put into the washer will not pursue this story any further Some things youre better off not knowing Lollys Pointers Best to pour batter evenly POLLYS PROBLEM DEAR PIIY wonder if anyone has solved the followmg annoying problem My cakes made either from scratch or packaged mix come to pyramid on top while baking and this makes them very hard to stack and frost IIIIIAN problem and have had it happen many times try to pour the batter in the pan so it is as even as possible hold the pan with batter about an inch or two above the counter and carefully drop it on the counter to even it up When it does happen turn the layers upside down so there is flat surface on top for frosting am sure some of our good cooks will be sending some more professional suggestions for you POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve IS that cars do not come equipped with horn facing out over the back bumper so we could remind tailgators when they get too close MARTHA DEAR POLLY The egg holder is in the top of my refrigerator door so in the summertime use half for eggs and the other half for lemons When make iced tea it is so easy to just reach in without looking and grab lemon HILDA DEAR POLLY use hair spray to remove any ballpoint ink stains from dolls skin When baking chocolate layer cake try sprinkling little cocoa after greasing the pans rather than using regular flour It will not show on the baked layers as white flour often does Try using cooking oil for removing stickers from furniture Soak small cloth in the oil and rub lightly MRS FD