Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1979, p. 4

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FridayJune 1979 NEWSROOM 72696537 CIRCULATION 7266539 amner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Brute Rowland publisher Let city hall carry out study Its incredible nnavoal study has been proposed to ascertain the recreational needs for the city of Barrie That study could end up costing taxpayers some $70000 Barrie would pay half while the province would pay the other $35000 Either way its all taxpayers money The study may or may not prove whole lot Several recreational studies for Barrie have been done in the past Nothing has come of those That brings up the question of the value of these studies surely whole topic in itself But theres something else about this latest study that has us wondering We wonder why the city of Barrie cant conduct the study on its own without resorting to outside consultants Who better to know the recreation needs of Barrie than our own recreation department Why must we use highpriced consultants to write study which hopefully will come up with the same answers Barrie would come up with on its own The reason lies with the province Queens Park insists on such professional studies before the municipality is eligible for Wintario grant The province argues this protects the municipality from facilities it may not be able to afford We find that attitude rather patronizing if not misleading If anyones overspending these days its the senior level of government not individual municipalities We take the view that our own city officials are well qualified to produce studies recreational or otherwise Such policy would make use of local expertise and save 70000 in this case alone The province would have to be satisfied with the local study of course But assuming they were the city should also be eligible for Wintario funds As it now stands the government policy on these kind of studies seems to us plentiful waste of valuable taxpayers money By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The recent adventures of corporation called Brascan Ltd have produced more recriminations disappointments and emo tional tensions than decade of soap opera The Torontoebased holding company has been unsuccessful again in another attempt to spread its wings and diversify This time it has abandoned its tender bid which would have given it control of retailing giant Woolworth C0 based in New York One fact that emerges from the latest lmbroglio is that when it comes to take overs the Americans believe in grabbing the Quid while hanging on to the quo In other words its fine for US cor porations to invest in Canadian enterprises but its whole nother story if Canadian company wants to buy control of an American firm The US authorities especially those in New York state expressed maximum dis pleasure at Brascans takeover plans So did the entrenched management at Woolworth which earned $130 million US on sales of $61 billion last year The case didnt turn solely on the question of foreign control The immediate cause of Brascans aboutface had more to do with the court action involving third party Edper Equities Ltd of Toronto which wanted to gain control of Brascan on condition that it write your mp 09 It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses It you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all it there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL STEWART MPSimcoe South Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GUSMITGES MPGreySimcoe ParliamentBuildings Ottawa Ont WIGLEWIS MPSimcoe North Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont MIN BUTT MPWellingtonDutterinSimcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL George Tayior MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto than Mchu MPPDufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto Company drives soft bargain drop its April takeover offer of $35 US per Woolworth share In US federal district court in New York Edper prevailed WAIT AND SEE What the future holds for Brascan and its shareholders remains unclear The outlook isnt made any clearer by Brascan managements penchant for silence but chairman Jake Moore is expected to throw at least some light on the subject at the annual meeting of Brascan shareholders on June 26 That meeting was originally to have been held in May but management postponed it until near the last of the 180 days following the yearend in which it is required to hold it Brascans past however is no secret and it makes an interesting case history for stu dents of business administration It begins in the era before the first world war when Canadian electrical engineers were the worlds best and Canadian technology and capital were establishing major power utilities in distant countries Over the decades host governments treated Canadian investors badly Five months ago when Brazilian government agency offered Brascan $380 million US for its 83 per cent interest in the utility that supplies about twofifths of the power con sumed in Brazil Brascan directors and management jumped at the offer DISCOUNT PRICE Their action raised plenty of eyebrows both because the offer was far below Brascans investment of $840 million US or about $1 billion Canadian and because they didnt give Brascan shareholders chance to approve or reject the offer Their reason for accepting such relatively low price may well have been fear that the new Brazilian regime taking office in March would stall the takeover and the in disputable fact that partial loss is preferable to total loss Brascan had and has miscellany of other operating assets outside of Brazil which in 1978 earned the princely return of 38 per cent on equity investment With its mountains of cash Brascan has tried to engineer couple of other substantial corporate takeovers lately and failed Canadian venture into coal proved to be costly experience for Brascan Now the same term may be applied to the plan to invest $425 million the bulk of the cash received on the disposition of the Brazilian power utility and $700 million bank loan in Woolworth Will Edper controlled by members of the Bronfman family of distilling fame take over control of Brascan and turn it around Stay tuned for the next episode bible thoug hfs And beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands Saying with loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and belss ing Revelation 51112 Let us join them on earth in praise until we join them in Heaven in person So shall we ever be with the Lord Lamb of God Lord Jesus we thank you Amen EDITORS ADVERTISING Craig Elson managing editor Len Sevick manager IanMulgrewcitveditor SALES aillMcFarlanewireeditor lWayne Hay NEWSROOM Aden Smith Dave Fuller Steve Skinner Claudia Krause glib boulton Stephen NicholIs Bert Stevens Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa LoriCohen CLASSIFIED Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer Gary Forbes 05 CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS $33223 Janice Marian 7266537 72824l4 7266537 Peter Hsu Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service In the immediate aftermath of the May 22 federal election we heard generous assort ment of predictions which suggested the Liberal party was finished as national force One newspaper said it had been reduced to regionallybased party destined to be in opposition for years Funny but thats exactly what was being said in 1958 when John Diefenbakers Con servatives ran roughshod over the reeling Liberals reducing them to historic low of 48 seats The Tories overwhelmed the Commons with 208 seats leaving the Grits without seat in Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta and By IAN MULGREW Examiner City Editor Im working at developing my physical potential Thats important because its the only way to health and happiness Im still not sure what physical potential is but its the wa Pyhysical potential is the latest craze for happiness and success seekers Remember potential That was about decade ago Various doc tors and happy successful people urged us to develop our potential thought it was something like developing biceps yet no matter how faithfully stuck to the exercises and prescription just didnt develop it Teachers and professors railed at me to develop to your full potential still dont know what they meant but it sure didnt go over well when my parents saw my report card which read not working to full poten tial Later it was motivation lacked motiva tion people said You had to find motivation be motivated motivate screamed the head lines never could SEARCHED EVERYWHERE hunted high and low in closets under tables and chairs but couldnt find any of the illusive elixer guess motivation iust eluded SCOOPS GOVERNOR BROWN WHAfS ms artist THING YOU HAVE some FOR YOU As YOU my fQR THE DEMOCRAT NOMlNATlON Peggy Chapell supervisc Elaine Porter Freda Shinner Dana Homewood From desk Another chance for happiness iauéiuéss Marian Gough accountant Mk Kernev torerr an Delva Mills Glenn Kwan asst tonalnan Vikki Grant Eon Saxnders ome ass Brenda Woods WI canoe CIRCULATION Stan Wray Bill Hollies mafldger Bill Raynor Stevewtiite assslantmanage EdAlIenby Andy Haughlon Jame Hamel Alva LaPIante Susan Kitchen LlSB WarY RmGildEr Barbara Strigl SheriMme enessnoom Don Near foreman Fred Prince 8551 toreman With or without Trudeau Liberal party still power British Columbia In Ontario the party was able to hold only 14 seats compared with 35 for the Tories Yet just four years later the Liberals came bounding back to win 99 seats the Tories took 116 and reduce the government to minority position And year after that Lester Pearsons Liberals were back in power with 129 seats while the Diefenbaker Tories were reduced to 95 What was widely predicted to be the demise of the Grits turned out to be mere inter ruption for them NEVER EVEN Its true that the rejuvenated Liberals have always had difficulty spreading their strength evenly across the country and even in Pearsons 1965 victory he had onlv one me or didnt have the right aptitude That was another great one for my pro fessors not the right aptitude for this sub ject Whatever that meant But potential motivation and aptitude gave way to selffulfillment Thats some sort of feeling you get when youre happy and successful thought it was the feeling got after three orders of fish and chi Bput didnt have to worry about not being selffulfilled because self esteem came along and had new goal TRIED CHANTING EST TA and the Indian mystics apparent ly had the answer you must have self esteem mustnt because no matter how hard chanted Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce Ijust didnt get off And still wasnt successful or happy But now have another chance physical potential After gleaning these years of ex perience Im sure Ive finally got chance to obtain success and happiness Ive got the answer now Whats that physical potential is out tofu and yoguort are in Maybe should have listened to my mother she said Buy low sell high COMPOSING ROOM The Examnor is member at The Canadian Press tcP and Auait Bureau at circulations ABCI Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to The Associated Press Reuters or Aqenre France Presse and local news stories published in he imminer Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EKLY by carrier Wrenls YEAR LY by carrier $4680 Convnon Veavstralion number 703815 reavslev ol BY MAIL Barrie 630 National advertSana attices bSQuren Yoromn as we 010 Cathcart SIMCOE COUNTY M° $3900 MOTOR THROW OFF Ml 50a year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Ml 00a year Liberal MP to represent the three Prairie provinces but no one was then suggesting the party had ceased to be national force But now in defeat with 114 seats the Liberals are perceived by many to be washed up as national party despite the fact they are obviously in better position than they were in 1958 Admittedly they have only three MP5 from the four western provinces and there is no doubt that the party is in shabby shape in that area but this doesnt represent any enormous change Even in the height of Trudeaumania in 1968 Alberta returned only four Liberals compared with 15 Tories Trudeau lost this recent election in Ontario where only 32 Liberals were elected com pared with 55 in 1974 Had dozen additional Ontario seats gone Liberal Pierre Trudeau would be carrying on as prime minister and there would be no talk of Liberal funerals The party not only held relatively steady in the Atlantic provinces but it continued to own Quebec And on national basis more Canadians voted for Liberals than for Con servatives But this is not to suggest that the Liberals dont face mammoth rebuilding problem The fact that the regional imbalances are not new doesnt make them any less real And now for the first time in 110 years there isnt provincial Liberal party in power LEADER BLAMED There isnt credible provincial Liberal organization in western Canada And even the wobbly federal apparatus that had been maintained by Otto Lang from his Saskatoon headquarters was knocked askew in this recent election The rebuilding program must start from scratch While the party faithful are falling over themselves to express loyalty to their leader Liberals tend to do this as way of life there is no possibility of any great party revival in the West so long as Trudeau is the leader The antiTrudeau sentiment in the West is embarrassingly strong says one defeated Liberal who publicly proclaims support for his leader The party will only be revitalized out here when there is new leader with some feel for us Even Ontario Liberals complained they were innocent victims of an antiTrudeau sentiment as opposed to an antiLiberal trend Who knows perhaps Trudeau will be able to eliminate some of these sentiments with his performance as opposition leader But in the more likely event that he accepts his in ability to regain glory in English Canada he will probably after decent interval make room for new leader One way or another the Liberal party will continue to be national institution The Enaminer claims copyright on all original news tnn anyprttstnu material created by its PmpIOyocS and published in this newsnaner The advertiser aarees that the pubLSher Shall not be liable tor anmaucs arts ma out 0t errms in advertisemrnts beyond the amount pain tor the space at malty occupied by that portion at lht anyerISrment in whmn up prror Curved whether Such error IS 1111 the nEQlQtnri at its servants or other Wise and there shaIl be no Iiannllv tor non insertion at an advertisement beyond the amount paid 017 such dvtrtlservwnt The world today IsraelEgypt peace working By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The outward activities related to the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel are all posi tive so far El Arish Egypts ancient city on the fringe of the Sinai was returned with much emotion on the Egyptian side after 12 years of Israeli military occupation The unbelievable spectacle of three Israeli warships armed landing craft to be exact moving down the Suez Canal flying both Egyptian and Israeli flags has to be har binger of the new era The equally unbelievable sight of Israelis attacking each other prior to the aban donment of Jewish homes in El Arish army against settlers showed the deep emotion involved in the event But it is only start and small one at that The really critical areas the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have yet to be dealt with And President Sadat made it clear prior to leaving for the El Arish return that negotiations on these areas could become very angry indeed in spite of the new friendship The Begin government is irrevocably committed to no home for Palestinians what soever on the West Bank other than through the formula outlined in the treaty clauses There is good deal of oldfashioned in transigence in the air in both Cairo and Jerusalem This is going to make for not only hard bargaining but some unwanted bad feelings again What will keep both Begin and Sadat in line is crisis not generally linked to the treaties signing the miserable economic condition of both Egypt and Israel at the present time and worsening Tsraels annual rate of inflation at about 60 per cent is the highest and the worst in the world The main reason is the great burden of necessary armaments which Israel must maintain to defend all her borders except the Egyptian part of it is due to the countrys major reliance on foreign crude oil critical element in her balanceofpayments which will be reduced as solar power use increases in the country as well as fuel from new gasification plants No one really knows by contrast what is Egypts true rate of inflation because other factors not present in Israels much better managed economy stagger the country Egypt literally is running down as managed nation Almost nothing works properly or on time the transportation sys tem telephones food distribution methods industry The country is belabored by population explosions great poverty large and very inefficient bureaucracy which cannot un tangle the mess and toolarge military establishment In spite of the television image of Egypts military mainly President Sadat and his senior army and navy officers in resplendent Britishstyle uniforms the Egyptians could not now win war against anyone Egypts military parks are filled with run down Soviet equipment for which there are no longer spare parts nor are the Egyptians innovative about integrating someone elses weapons like Israelis The truth of the matter is that neither Begin nor Sadat can afford literally to be enemies Their very shaky economies simply couldnt take another war at this time interpreting the news Europes voters go to the polls By GLENN SOMERVIIJJC WASHINGTON lCPl Voters in nine West European countries go to the polls next week for elections that are unprecedented in history total of 180 million Europeans are eligible to cast ballots June and June 10 in the first direct elections to the legislative assembly of the European Economic Community Despite signs in some countries that election of the new parliament has stirred little voter interest it is nevertheless major event in European history Some see the elections as another step in eventual development of United States of Europe Others notably French President Valery Giscard dEstaing say that is an extreme position But there is shared hope that the new palliament can play stronger role in promoting economic growth than was the case with the old appointed parliament dissolved May 10 There will be 410 elected members in the European parliament sitting in the French city of Strasbourg The four most populous members Britain France Italy and West Germany each will send 81 members The Netherlands will elect 25 Belgium 24 Denmark 16 Ireland 15 and Luxembourg six The assemblys chief job initially is to supervise Common Market operations but observers will be watching closely to see whether elected members start developing other political initiatives The Common Market is primarily an economic union that promotes trade and monetary development among member countries The old parliament made up of members appointed by majorin parties in each member country was mainly debating society It played only minor role in directing the communitys overall budget spending estimated at about $18 billion this year In the past Common Market policy was set by cabinet ministers of the nine countries who met irregularly at council of ministers The elected members of the European parliament are expected to play far greater role in setting policy and in exercising the com munitys economic clout

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