WEARE 0P to MONDAY to FRI DY SA 0110 9t06 NEW USED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 202 DUNLOP WEST Jest lost of the Barrie Arena CALL 7374774 STARTING FROM $4911 pc living room suites sofa ottoman low back IiidI back chairs COLONIAL BED Incl Box Spring sI4 BEDCHESTERFIEL MOFFAT 12 CU FT 999 APPLIANCES USED PC BEDROOM SUITE Sane ltonIs Shler To IIIIITIHOII we also pay top ollor for used Furniture and Appliance HG MONEY IN STORE FINANCING Jul5H 728241 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 197283392 mam DON FLEMING CARPENTRY CONTRA CTING HOUSES SIDING COTTAGES SOFFITS GARAGES FACIAS ETC 3222806 Ju18MWF CHIMNEY REPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STRDUD 4364590 mm HIANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS oSTEPs OCURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanshlp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 DRESSMANING DRESSES FIT If made by JOSIE AQUINO iallzlng In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 SH OR TR UN OFFSET COPY PRINTING PH 070 COPIES TYPING MDUPLICATING SERVICES MAMMOTH LAWN SALE SATURDAY JUNE 10 AM PM Furniture antiques collec tibles books etc Harvie Road East mile south of TV Station on No 27 watch for signs Rain date June My2631JU1 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 2nd rain or shine somethingfor everyone dishes hospital bed and mat tress books stained glass windows headboard some collectables some an lIQUES Hwy 27 south to Ivy slderoad then miles west watchfor signs SONY STEREO Semational AMFM reclevor custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly stoning August79 now next door to KRAZY KELLYS Meolman One hour delivery Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF FAMILY LAWN SALE 158 College Crescent Saturday June 2nd Sunday June 3rd Starting 10 weather per InIItIng HOME FURNISHINGS pce living room pce dining room pce ued room suite coffee table end tables fridge stove washer dryer couch and chair dining table 29x12 rugs All in gooa condition Reasonable prIces Call 726 5208 evenings MATERNITY FASHIONS JUSI arnving for the spring and you AT REASONABLE PRICES MORES UNIFORM SHOP 7264401 Toronto St 9am530pm Mon thru Sat WFA18 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sun day 1p Antique farm tools bottles material many other items 77 College Crescent GARAGE SALE Saturday Only June 3nd clothing toys odds ends 54 Heather St 10a tasp COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor $1 500 JIM 7372432 TF vVIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estimates hone 7281599 QISTOM BUILT and designed Specializing in natural stone and antique brick using bellflres Workmanship guaranteed Peter Menatra 7372871 FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 GENERAL coNTRACTING RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS rec rooms etc For free estimates call after pm 7371588 GEFERAL REPAIRS maintenance attics proges basements cleaned rubbish removod cash for used appliances Gard 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP 0Windows storms removed cleaned OHome yard cleanup ORubbish removal small moving iobs OExterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873 41 Ju7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phone 42162955 after pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in In terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 7269M2 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 RENOVATIONS FRAMING Bricklayï¬ï¬ plumbing yard work Reasonable prices Free estimates 7267093 JANITORIAL Residential Industrial Cleaning To Service With Womans Touch 20Yeors in Janitorial Business PIANO Reconditioned and refinished Al condition $850 Also orange swivel chair Like new Telephone 7370386 MOPED Torrot1974 $125 Telephone 7260607 ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR I007 solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starting August79 Order tonite get free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Femdalo 7371182 TF LAWN SALE Moped bike exercise bike bicycles outboard motor hp like new books golf balls and nu merous other items am pm Saturday June 2nd 78A Bernick Drive Georgiancollegearea MEMBER POLE type gang mowers including harness 712 It cut Just sharpened 3200 Telephone 72642 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 2nd am to pm 43 Varden Cres between Downsview and Puget St PHOTOFLOOD STUDIO lights set of four complete with stands AC control unit included plus four studio back EOTR SALE One cubic foot freezer oTT ly 1011th old 5150 728 5969 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order tonite get free 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting August779 RRAZY KELLYS now next to Meatman Highway 90 Fern dale7371182 TF GARAGE SALE 50 Debra Crescent Saturday June am Bicycle ski boats many other Items too numerous to mention GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE 53 and 56 Varden Crescent Barrie Saturday June am Antiques fur niture household articles toys children and adultclothingetcetc AIR CONDITIONER Emerson Quiet Cool horizontal air con aitioners limited quantity 500 BT $18995 800 5260 Optional year parts and labour guarantee Call or visit Simcoe District Co Op 259 Innisfil St 726 6531 FREEZERS Woods 221 cuft regular 533995 limited quantity iust 529995 fully warranted trades accepted Free delivery Call or VISY Simcoe CoOp 259 lnnisfil St 726 6531 18 SEARSTportable colour TV years old 5250 WITH stand REFRIGERATOR 19°°df IL 199 PM L99 131 L216 BOYs or GIRLS 20 bicycle gooacon ditionV $25 728 8370 PLUMBING SUPPLIES retired from business AB pipe and fittings cop per pipe brass fittings etc Have look make an offer 728 6948 after STUDIO CLEARANCE of used iiano ac cordions beginners to artist models AI reconditioned and guaranteed Call Orillia 3251815 evenings FERTIIZING weed spraying mowing sod dflg seeding etc Vic Triemstra 7282909 Weed spralng fertilizing results Econteed Weed Man 7372721 FERTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing nodding seeding Also rec rooms finished 7372717 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney lr Fireplaces specialty Free stimate 7054245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment laanud for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfiald 7281799 PRCFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in Classical popular and rock Two openings cull GARY 7269098 PIANO LESSONS given by Anne Leeper ARCT Prepare for Royal Conservatory ex 7371743 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7266341 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters Ilrained staff tingoing supervison and quality paints Backed with two year written guarantee Call 7370502 Ju14 PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPED low rates satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates Telephone 7281232 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable asti matos Telephone 72171087 PAVING 25 in ZENITH COLOR TV fridge frost free Singer knitting machine bicycles large stereo leather foot stools 12 gauge browning shotgun 4249817 GARAGE SALE Saturday June Sun day June 35 pm to pm Three single beds one double bed one king size water bed white bedroom furniture dressers antique furniture professional bumper pool table davenport daybed clothes etc 319 Grove Street East 7283138 YARD suaï¬turday June from 930 am til pm136 Berczy Street FOUR FAMILY LAWN SALE anti ques collectables boat motor ap pliances furniture miscellaneous June and 930 One mile north of Highway 11 on Highway 93 opposite comet station GARAGE SALE 263 Highlandérésfi am SaturdayJune 2g if DISHWASHER portable Kenmore with wash settings white with artificial cut ting board top In excellent condition 5100 or best offer 7263465 64 PATIO SLABS coloured 20 20 S75 oak side server beveled mirror $125 new 30 inch Lady Kenmore stove $95 4562452 GARAGE SALE household items clothing Tototiller miscellaneous items mi west on Hwy 90 signs postedJune2nd 3r 9amto$p GARAGE SALE Saturday June 2nd 830 to 1200 Household items two wheel bike lawn furniture new 39 bed set much more117 Springdale Dr GARAGE SALE Saturday June am to pm 39 Downswew Drive Anti que sofa bed old chairs pictures and farmes books plus miscellaneous items GARAGE SALE Saturday June at 13 Wellington Street West corner of Maple and Wellington See signs boys bicy cle electric washing machine for cot tage or trailer electric percolator lewellry dozens of books games dishes small appliances iars guide uniform and other clothing old 78 rpm records etc See y0u Saturday FAMILIES something for everyone Home baking Including pies June 2nd 3rd Rain date June 16111 16th 32 Penetang St GARAGE SALE Saturday June 2nd10 am families Something for everyone some antiques Harvey Rd off 27 Hwy Holly watch for signs No ad vance buyers NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE Approximately 10 families or more in volved Kipling Place Letitia Heights Saturday June 2nd am weather permitting PS Anyone on Kipling that would like to participate please do 737 2008 MOVING SALE Saturday June 2nd 197910 am 105 117 Peel St Bar rie Something for everyone NO reasonable offers refused GARAGE SALE June 10a 4pm 240 and 250 Rose Street Redwood pcnic table air conditioner camping ac cessories baby items etc and much more PERMANENT ELECTRIC baseboard heaters in excellent condition low useage 10 heaters with thermostate assorted sizes from 2500 watt to 500 watt For more information please phone326 6012 GIANT GARAGE SALE June 2nd to furniture ornaments dishes bicycles toys camping equipment ar ticles too numerous to mention 321 St Vincent eed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible mmm amas mm MAN ERI PA VIN LTD Drrveways Parking Lots °Tenrtis Courts Concrele Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN GUARANTEE 7260081 Serving Simcoe County Since 1961 TF PICTURE FRAMING OATES 32 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phane7283270 EII GRAHAM ROOFING STOP IS your roof leaking dont take Chances Roofing installed Roofing repaired GRAHAM ROOFING 7286628 MWFJu11 UBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE BILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE No SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4873035 SIMCOE IEN Mind Display om any Limited MAWFACTUIBS OF PLEXIGLAS SIGNS STOHEFRONT Et PLYLON SIGNS ILLUMINATEDNUNILLUMNATED CUTOUT LETTERSLOGOS Specializing In All Fields DRIVEWAYS RENTALS AVAILABLE 7260955 Auto 3352449 ooNIIIIIERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DESIGNED AND CONCRETE WORK INSTALLED TO YOUR EAVESTROUGIIING FANDSCAPING Satisfaction Guaranteed COMPLETE VESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS In Estimate SATISFACTION 39$ E°°l3rii=r° 1221 COCHRANE Rm uovzsmsmnmum SOD FARMS 7374453 High quality sod MWFTF Stewart Electronics qeiVered °r pCked up 51 my mm £25 11123 $313331 SRLZTIIIZNS Repairs to 19 GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD w°° TELEVISION 4244 307 TV AND RADIO STEREO RADIO Ju15 REYNOLDS Tv SERVICE Repairs to color Other Electronic Equipment RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL tilzlnlngéstereos etc All makes 74 PEILST WIN CAR Pll °9 IHATER SERVICE 7289457 lam NDSCAPING Opadting lots tonnis courts TF ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK RICKS ResidentialCommerciaIIndustrial ï¬g floor Serving 5001119 radius ExCAVATING pond porn SPECIALTY Swimming Pools ILLPSEHITEIKJITILTEH151 221 nah CARPENTRY rough finished Above ground In Ground Work guaranteed 7264131 mDNG nluzlus ROOFING SERVICE Lawn Sod Watering HURONIA FENCING Chain link and wooden Rflway tie retailing vols Road Construcï¬on privacy fence For free estimates call hour DOWICO 7285609 WORK GUARANTEED 52 F1221 18135 25 Au Hummus PM WIN CAI IOTOTILLING wmoow Lumuc ZEpiï¬bitbffï¬l£2iii3ll PAINSWICK 7265666 55952 £5221 321 21333 ALLENs wmoow CLEANING Comma wintnr rates Workmanship guaranteed MWFO26 any surface Kobra Free estimates and Residential Free estimates Telephone 4245902 7264612 7281914 40ertloles for sale 40 erticios for sale 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GX100 N54 and got free 12 RCAXL100 for Ody 400 willy starting August79 One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS Next door to Moetrnen HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371182 Ty GARAGE CLEAN UP three families Radial arm saw auto mechanics equip ment tools work bench tool cabinets sofa bed Chesterfield set stainless bar tub brass plaques silverware fireplace glass doors numerous other items 728 9329 2CUFT RICHARDS prupanefrrdgelor trarler Telephone 728 3788 SOLID PINE BOOKCASE Mahogany back walnut finish 42 in high 24 In wide Call 737 4370 after 5p YARD SALE 214 Yonge St Painswick Old pine cupboards chairs tables rock ing chairs childrens bicycles lumber cement blocks miscellaneous antIgUES No previews Saturday June 2nd 10 to4 GREAT GARAGE SALE Dr Saturday June 2nd GIGANTIC LAWN SALE June 2nd at The Old Dalston school house Hwy 93 Tools air compressor pipe threader spray gun tirQS garden tractor anti ques household baby clothes Scales carriage training chair iolly iumper books tent electric organ bi fold doors assorted hardwood lumber bazzoo TV 71 Much more FOUR SEATER chesterlield in good condition dark brown Telephone 726 6332 24 ADMIRAL CLEAN MATIC stove 5150 baby walker and high Chair 35 each Drown rug 12 S35 avocado we 15 10 S25 wine wool rug $15 shower curtain sets green and mauve $5 each blue Prissila sheers 68 53 54 34 matching door curtain 30 51 complete white sheer drapes 64 83 $20 greengold brocade lined drapes 94 83 S30 apartment SIZEd leChen set 325 cabinet stereo AM FM radio s50 two 19 black and hte TVs 20 each 7267409 GARAGE SALE JUheIahdS 10a ManY items stereo tires camper HO electric trains clothing handcralts coral iewellry Ardagh Road First house right west of Essa Road Ia Glen Echo GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Ore Dry slips available summer and year round CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer Ju2 as 9711 RES 1260032 BOAT RENTALS on Kempenfelt Boy FISHING BOATS SAILING DINGHIES COULTONS MARINA lhvy 11 South to Coxrnl Rd left folio For roservetions 7265343 Jul 2789 CANOES or Pointed Stem Kevlar Fibreglass Royalex Canves Aluminum Keyeks Complete stock of accessories Tredoseccepted HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 530 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and tingle TOLLENDAL MARINA BARRIE Jy7H 7264950 NORTH STAR 600 Hughes 26 sailboat inboard Volvo diesel with saildrive sails steel cradle Inventory on request Like new Lying Barrie $19500 705 7288715 1976 PETERBOROUGH OLYMPIAN 19 1975 hp lO OMC like new Call after6 pm 7265697 16 KENNEDY SKI BOAT good struc tural condition Will accept 150 hp motor Metal flecked gold Tach speedometer 7264191 after 5pm 22FT CHRIS CRUISER mahogany in board outboard completely equipped head galley fresh water tank preservers camper back Excellent con dition Trailer available extra Telephone72881700r7373118 20 ODAY MARINER sailboat three sails 10 hp motor custom built trailer head and more $3000 bargain Telephone 7263961 after pm 1977TBLVUEFIN 14 It aluminum fishing boat with 1977 10 hp Mercury motor trailer included Telephone 7373377 16 FIBREGLASS BOAT 65 hp Mercury trailer sleeper seats pews bench seat builtin tank skis and iackets included $2900 or best offer 7373857 Sailing Supplies Rope hardware rigging Pringles Marine Ltd 438 West St north Orillia 325 1713 co OWN ERSH offeredfor 22 sailboat moored at Hawkestone 4872481 SPORTSPAL CANOE 12 It hp Evinrude motor 35 hp Chrysler motor Telephone 737 0456 19 GREW BOAT 165 hp motor 2v years old Telephone 4364220 MUST SELL Sailboat 13 Enterprise mahogany aluminum mast auto bailers all chrome hardware complete with trailer excellent condition ready to sail $650 16 glass boat 65 Merc con trols cabin hot tub camper back search navigation anchor lights tandem trailer with hydraulic brakes ideal for family skiing fishing or cruis ing Ready to sail $3700 726 1421 after pm 18 foot 1978 FREELANCER IDonzI hull cost 58800 plus options 65 MPH plus 250 HP Mercruiser Power trim and steering Asking $6950 Phone 4562927 16 1976 PETERBOROUGH 120 Mer cury inboardoutboard all options and accessories law running time excellent condition $5000 4362612 17 f1 BAYLINER mutiny 1975 75 hp Johnson stinger 1976 less than 20 hours show room condition $5000 firm 48720800r 7261616 ITSTARCRAFT with 86 hp Meteor motor and trailer plus accessories Telephone 726 8638 42articles wanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 WILL BUYVhouse contents or any useful items or will trade Telephone 72871311 ACCORDION second handny condi 1L0IeePEfl€léYLPPSJOA HEAVY DUTY construction grade wheel barrow with pneumatic tire stur dyexercise rowing machine 72876506 44dogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson 0n laria Telephone 705 8355223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 if 77 POODLE TTRIMM NG professional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pupsféir cellent breeding CKC registered Telephone 1416775 3043 Bradford TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726 0094 SlAlITESE KITTENS blue point unseks old Telephonel 416 729 2357 FREE TO good home preferably in the country one year old male dog Good with children Telephone 7289332 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG born 0c tober 1977 Spayed female ClltC registered Bester offer owners moving Telephone 728 6745 MAIs POODLE PARLOR fProIes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 7260061 WANTED Home for part German ShepherdLabrador Retriever two years old friendly and good with people Must have access to house needs area to run 728 1441 COCKER SPANIEL Pups for sale blondes black and tans reasonable prices to good homes Boskma Kennels 728 3634 BEAUTIFUL GERMAN SHEPHERD pups black tan and silver champion sire shots wormed registered born April 15 52001 325 3084 sogaréen supplies GARDEN CENTRE HWY 93 CROWN HILL Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants 75 Phone 7284296 Jy4 CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day deIIvery Phone 726 3928 or 7261117 sitservice and repair TELEVISION REPAIRSaIsorepairsto stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius of Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 9457 777 SIScamping equipment TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabin models by week or longer Scutts Gulf Service Centre Victoria St Alliston705 43546414341 I973 LIONEL HARDTOP camper sleeps burner gas stove Ice box excellent condition $1500 or best offer Telephone 726 9814 or 737 3382 LIONEL HARDTOP camper sleeps propane stove and tank ice fridge privaC Curtains spare wheel and cover water tank sink reversible cushions very good condition 51700 7260394 alterop 1976 PROWLER Complete self contained unit air conditioning 21 ft awning Reese hitch full carpeting twin beds brand new tires LOTS OF EXTRAS This trailer is immaculate PRICE NEGOTIABLE Telephone 4365140 Jul 1975 GLENDALE TRAILER tandem axle 17 sleeps six equipped excellent condition 436 2714 Asking $3600 Telephone WOODS HARTOP camper sleeps or spare tire 10 12 canopy $950 Telephone 424 1219 Mon to Fri 1971 TAG ALONG Hardtop Camper sleeps six fold up table new catalytic heater and lantern good condition Telephone 728 2950 after pm TENT TRAILER sleeps 1964 Chev ca mper completelelephone 737704756 23 DELUXE MINIVSV and Mrotor H0T98°n£ 9599M 46 i751 24 CITATION 1969 excellent condition must sell complete with reefe head and egualizgrrbars $3650 456 322767 1976 GLENELLE Trailer tandem axle sleeps fully equipped Reese hitch ex cellent condition Phone after 530 436 1174 FORTRENTTNEW IP79 Vantasticflmrotor home cruise control sleeps four Newmarket 416 8951437 197416TRAILERsIeepSfour3 burner stove ice box $1350 Telephone 424 9870 after pm WANTED TO RENT trailer with fridge and stove Stationary location for weeks starting 22 Jun Call Evening after 7370996 LIONEL HARDTOF CAMPER sleeps propane stove ice box excellent condi tion Asking $1500 Telephone 7285718 TENT TRAILER for sale sleeps six ex cellent condition S450 Telephone 7287022 1371 BODOEErnbiess 2117f mini motor home fully equipped For further in formationTelephï¬oner73771523 57Iivestock for sale HORSES BOARDED Excellent care Track trails daily turn outs Just out side Barrie 436 56247 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successfully at CHSA approved shows good mover bold lumper7261581 HOLSTEIN HEIFERflfor sale duerMay 18 from listed herdTelephone728 1297 RABBITS NZW and Californians breeding stock Several mature does plus 22 young girls Some bred and some open also buy meat rabbits Orillia 7053250427 PONIES FOR SALE very quiet one brown and white mare with month old colt $135 for pair one black mare $100 Telephone 436 4895 WANTED DEADV Crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705 3269243 Simcoe Recycling DAEOTEBSHAVINOS Io sale $150 per bag delivered Telephone 14167757259 58Iivestock wanted WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Serving You The Farmer 3269243 Call collect TF iijesILtUchicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultryfarrtts 436 181177 60foedseed7g ra in HAY STANDING approximately 50 acres alfalfa and timothy mixture three fields lot 20 concession Vespra Iownship7261120 OOAODEAEEDHAY and straw rorEéié IEEPWSUF 326 CHOICE BALED HAY crimped in large bales Apply Campbell Guthrie 62pisture to rent GOOD PASTURE available for horses Oro Station area Call 487 2481 PASTURE AVAILABLE Goodtencés 12th line of Innisfil Telephone 436 4220 HORSEMPASTURE 506d watermaind shade mares preferred $15 per head per month Telephone124 6933 any time 64farm machinery NEW HOLLAND BALER model 67 telephone3222135 MCCORMACK FARMALL TRACTOR model in good running condition Snow bucket and chains included Call 436 1830 WEEVDNSPRAYER pint hitch in good condition Phone after pm156 5030 66 market basket FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF 68 personals CANADIAN DIABETIC ASSOCIATION The winners of the 1979 Sweepstakes were 520000 dollars 148767 MorshToronto $1000 295001 William MocKenzie Scarborough $1CXO 432277 Laura Kelly Nobleton $1CX0 125011 Legard Weston $1X0 434148 Mrs Sutton Midhurst $1000 382216 Frank Riley Brights Grove George iul HOUSE PLANT CARE AVAILABLE WHILE YOU ARE AWAY Reliable insured person with references Jim Driver 7284193 after pm MWFM 3O CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 MONECA psychic and card readlng counselling Days and evenings Monday through FTIOBY Phone 728 8868 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open MOnday and Tuesday 00 30 pm and Thursday 30 tn 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581ii you drink thats your business If you want toquitthats Ours Callanytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 JAMES Psychic Reader Privatecon sultalion DSyCltIC parties aura por traits Call Evenings Mon Thurs 737 4300 10 the examiner Friday June 192 68porueï¬ RELAXATION THERAPY FUN Mr Hot Tubs from Northern White Pine PAULS HOT TUBS Oro 4873612 CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them Call Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 7264537 and tell her whatyouthinkof them CHAIN LETTERS How do you feel when you get them can Lori Cohen Ex aminer reporter at 726 6537 and tell her what you think of them TELECARE Why fight yoJr proï¬t alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime SENIOR CITIZEN LADY would like to meet refined retired gentleman for companion Reply to Bax A48 The Ex aminer Barrie CROSS or IRON opponents wanted Call Ed 723 2624 69 hstructlons RIDING INSTRUCTION All levels of dressage jumping Quality lessons at reasonable rates Horses boarded HEATHER HEIGHTS STABLE TELEPHONE 4873375 My26Ju1815 70flost aITdrforund BLACK PLASTIC FOLDER 15x10 containing papers re Whispering Pines Sebring Florida mobile home Valuable to owner only Lost on roadway Sandy Cove Acres StroUd area Finder call Orillia 325 0998 collect 71 help wanted SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ORO TWP INNISFIL TWP FLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH TINY TWP Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF HIRING SUMMER OR PERMANENT JOB STUDENTS AND OTHERS $110 per week parttime $240 per week fulltime Car is must Call immediately 728 3482 Ju4 FULL TIME qualified dental assistant Send resume to Box A50 The Examiner Barrie $300 AN HOUR interesting telephone work to be done from our office in the evening Call Monday morning June after 10 am 7260241 REGISTERED NURSES AND GRADUATING NURSING STUDENTS FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATHIG AND mum some DUNLoP IARRI 7289819 ATTENTION REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED Maui2M Consider company that is small personal and friendly An active broker meant that he understands your problems and is in close touch with the market Add to this well rounded ongoing training program and you have good basis for success For personal interview coll Ron at 7269933 Ron Jones Realty Ltd 180 Dunlap St Ju29 DRIVING INSTRUCTORS For Barrie area male or female Will train if required Parttime to start with good chance of fulltime Some evening or weekend work will be required Reply Box A49 The Examiner Barrie Ju2 FARM BUILDING REPAIRS REQUIRED CONTRACTOR or HANDY PERSON required to paint barn and roof concrete floor install stalls and replace beams 7288828 after pm Ju2 TEACHERS Business and marketing background Parttime 7269574 BABYSITTER REQUIRED in Tall Trees area to care for one child Monday to Friday am 105 pm References re quired Reply to Box A43 The Ex aminer WANTED young woman to look after elderly gentleman and child age in Gravenhurst Someone needing home Write to Skinner Sr RR No Minesing WAITERVWAITRESS experienééd lDr licenced dining lounge Phone Mr Biffis 4589595 TAXI DRIVERS full time Must have good driving record and neat ap pearance Apply in person only United Taxi 8Maple Avenue Barrie AMBITIOUS PERSONS looking for ex tra income to take on some Manage ment Responsibilities of small business Could become full time income for right person Call 737 3814 NEED MONEY Fuller Brush Campany provides flexible hours field support tap commission Cameron Bower 726 9725 HOUSEKEEPER to live in and care for elderly gentleman Telephone 7284258 JUB DALLAS TEXAS is one of the top Cities in the na tion and Baylor University Medical Centre ranks among the top ten hospitals in the nation There are so many reasons why you should consider Baylor as the first step in your career path We of fer individualized comprehensive orientation pro grams that allow you to utilize your education and develop important nursing skills You will be welcomed to Dallas with relocation assistance and Baylor will file your HI working visa We will be conducting local interviews June 7th 8th 9th Call us collect to arrange an appointment on or before June Ist at 214 8202453 If you are unable to interview call us and we will mail all information to you about the opportunities at Baylor Dallas is dynamic City with all the ex tras that are essential to your career and your leisure time We offer you excellent benefits salaries Shift differential and tuition reimburse ment program Call us today to arrange an appointI ment etc assemblies This is new position and RA7CGA course completion BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTRE 3500 GASTON DALLAS TEXAS 75246 Equal opportunity employer MF PARTTIME JOB AT BARRIE RACEWAY Mutuel cashiers and sellers Prefer mature individuals with experience handling money and working with the public ie banking accounting sales clerks Must be available every Wednesday and Saturday night Apply in person BARRIE RACEWAY TUESDAY T0 SATURDAY am to 12 noon 130 to pm COST ACCOUNTANT For an expanding manufacturer of metal stamping and requires person near Send resume to TECHONIC INDUSTRIES LTD INDUSTRIAL ROAD TOTTENHAM ONTARIO LOG 1W0 AULi NIoToR RoUTE ow AVAILAIILE The Toronto Star requires an adult for delivery of newspapers to subscribers homes in Thornton Baxter area Must be available MondayFriday afternoons and Saturday Sunday mornings Generous allowance plus route profit If you are interested in this parttime endeavor please phone The Toronto Star 728 7031 Ju2