Americans support seizure of embassy Three Americans living in Iran appear at press conference in Tehran Iran Monday to announce their support of the seizure of the United States embassy and the holding of hostages From left Molly McComb of Los Angeles Mariam Kazemi of New York and Margaret Hunter of Atlanta told newsmen they felt hostages would be good way to what roles the embassy personnel the shahs regime AP Photo Tanker car in derailment carrying material for TNT Titlttixlti iPi The tanker car believed responsible for the ltail train derail ment in nearby Mississauga was carrying the industrial sol vent toluene raw material for TNT says member of the nadian transport commission Commissioner March head of committee dealing with the movement of dan germs conimtxtities said in an interview Monday that he was surprised to learn that car carrying toluene would have or dinary friction bearings which are susceptible to hot boes term used by rail otlicials to describe wheel bearings that overheat Hail officials have said thedcrailmcnt occurred when car lost its wheels after wheel bearing overheated However the type otcar and its contents were not divulged Roller bearings considered the answer to the hot box prob lem are installed on all new freight cars March said com mission regulations also require them on all cars carrying liquid propane and they are found on 40 to 30 per cent of all anadian rail cars The commissioner said no changes haw been made in regulations on movement ot dangerous commrxliiies Hut dont think for mo rnent that wc havent consid ered some measures He said his committee has re jccted two proposals aimed at reducing the likelihood of similaraccitlent March would not say what the rejected proposals called for but said They didnt seem to offer enough certainty of improvement He said the commission is un likely to take further action un til the precise cause ot the de railment is determined The derailment siihscqticnt 11 explosion and the danger of leaking chlorine from another derailed car Nov 10 resulted in the evacuation of about 220000 residents the largest in Tana dian history Meanwhile writ on behalf of about 150 individuals and coriwrations has been issued against anadian Pacific Ltd as result of the derailment Lawrence Mandel partner in the Toronto law firm of Thomson Rogers said his firm filed the writ Monday in On tario Supreme Court The individuals are seeking minimisation for the suffer ing aggravation and inconven ieiicc lll being evacuated from their own homes Mandel said in an interview People had to wear the same underwear for four or five days and sleep on hardwood floors because of the negligence and nuisance caused by CR Mandel said Norma Rae on speaking tour here The woman on which the film ty national convention CP Photo spoke briefly at the New Democratic Parr the stablish played during that trials WTVA iCPi til de signed to make more money available for loans to small businesses received rapid ap proval in principle in the Com mons Monday night after the Opposition took few potshots at the government The bill would increase the loan ceiling of the Federal Busi ness Development Bank allow ing it to continue providing ven ture capital for small busi nesses that have difficulty ob taming money from banks The bill drew such little dis cussion that MP5 ran out of things to say 30 minutes before it was time to adjourn Rather than set the Commons off on another topic Small Business Minister Ron Hunt ington used the time to give lecture on the opportunities for Exambassador dies OTTAWA CP Funeral services will be held Wed nesday for Dr MacKay former Canadian ambassador to the United Nations who died in Ottawa Sunday at the age of 85 MacKay was member of the royal commission into federal provincial relations in 1937 and helped to guide the merger be tween Newfoundland and Can ada in 1949 He joined the external affairs department during the Second World War became ambassa dor to the United Nations in 1955 and three years later was named ambassador to Norway and Iceland The author of several books on Canadian foreign policy he also taught at several univer sities including Dalhousie in Halifax and Carleton in Ot tawa He is survived by three daughters and son Canadians in small business company president who said he has started four small businesses in his lifetime Hunt ington said it is great ex citinglife He said there is great oppor tunity for people who have stay ing power who work hard put money in the bank and preserve their working capital Meanwhile New Democrats continued their battle against the governments high interest rate policy COSTS INCREASING Jim Fulton NDPSkeenai said typical small business loan of $50000 costs thousands of dollars year more to payoff now than it did two years ago Continued high interest rates would make it more difficult for businesses to expand and would drive more of them into bankruptcy he said Huntington replied that it is better for the government to al low interest rates to increase instead of restricting the supply in of money available for loam He said he hopes the economy will improve and interest rates will start to come down soon The bill would increase the loan ceiling of the bank to roughly $26 billion from $222 billion it would also permit the federal cabinet to authorize an increase to $33 billion without reference to Parliament if proven necessary before gov ernment review of the bank is completed Huntington said the average loan made by the bank is about $50000 at current interest rates 016t0162 per cent About 1500 businesses obtain loans from the bank each month and the increase in the loan ceiling is needed to main tain that Volume Without the change the number of new businesses receiving money would likely drop to about 500 month Huntington said Facing high interest rates businesses tend to borrow greater individual amounts to retai help cover the added cost APPROVED QUICKLY MP5 spent less than two hours debating the bill In contrast the govemments mortgage interest and property tax credit plan remained stalled in debate on second reading CharlesArthur Gauthier tSCRobervali indicated he was prepared to continuing sup porting the minority Con servative government in return for changes in the plan Gauthier did not specify ex actly what changes he wants but he suggested that the por tion of the tax credit linked to property taxes should be higher and some tax relief should be provided to renters as well as homeowners The government needs the support of the fivemember So cial Credit caucus to out number the combined strength of the Liberals and New Democrats Ti All styles may not be available in all colors sizes Personal shopping only Womens Dress Department Prices in effect until Sat December 1979 while quantities last Reg $299 fiiet ot Sole Rea $5 79 MM LfidCLit RibEye MatadoaIEPondorosas hoanyoxtrowt ribeye steakdinner upopular ï¬lotofsotedinnerforunder its Ponderosas Under $3 Meal Deal So come on in pick your favourite and dig in Both extracut ribeye and ï¬let of sale dinners come complete with steaming baked potato oven fresh Guarantee SmpsonsSears Ltd SsgggyaggGeorgian Mall Barrie It Toni and ouraflyoucaneat salad 33 Reg and Was refer to hours Enjgy it nowAUse yngur Satgséaggplgingred What deal smpsonsseas Ltd We Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm pose COO mo Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm wwwavv¢nylt