Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1979, p. 5

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He industries find home New officer to sell county Simcoe Countys industrial and commercial promotion program gained added momentum last week when mun II gave its stamp of approval to the hiring of an industrial promotion officer to sell the county to potential customers The proposal came in the form of joint report with recommendation from the planning and tourist and in dustrial committees which had been several months in prcpa ration Approval of the new position is step in the rigiit direction says Stayner Reeve Eldon Bell chairman of the tourist and industrial committee because while the tourist section of the promotional program has flourished the industrial side has lagged behind Actual development of industrial sites has always been the responsibility of the individual municipalities but the committee policy has been to help promote available resources to potential clients The committee however does not have the expertise to prepare and administer the program contact industries and handle essential advertising Thats why profes sional is needed says the report To be effective the report says the promotion program must provide potential industry with information such the location and amount of land now zoned industrial commercial in local official plans and an inventory of the land immediately available Sl IIIJES INFORMATION It must be able to supply descriptions of accessibility to industrialcommercial sites whether by rail air provin cial highways or county roads and list of available resources such as hydro power water agriculture ex isting manufacturers and processors list of available services to employees such as schools churches arenas recreational facilities and service clubs must also be supplied single coordinator with all this information readily at hand is essential to the success of the pro ram savs Reeve Bell That person may cllectivcly stll county and save interested companies from running around to swells in By BRIAN BAKER EDENVALE We began our tour of the Nottawasaga River just north of rangcville where it flows under Highway lit24 as not much more than ditch rising in the height of the land just to the west where water flows in three directions down the Noltawasaga to Georgian Bay down the irand River to Lake Erie and down the Credit River to Lake Ontario As we looked at the fledgling river we found it hard to believe that this could become the queen of rivers in Simcoe County pushing its watershed into twelve of the eighteen townships We considered the fact too that by coming this way the water would have to travel some six hundred miles further to reach the same point in Lake Ontario as would water flowing down the Credit We followed the little river down the lovely Hockley Valley Road Here it is sparkling clear stream that comes tumbl ing bubbling and gurgling its way down off the Niagara Escarpment between steep scenic treecovered hills under little bridges over little rapids OLORFILSHALE At one place we stopped to admire most unusual shale formation hundreds of yards long and tip to fifty feet high com used of deep red and green ban of horizontal shale erod ed into the contours of forma tion you would expect to find only in the Western Badlands At the old Site of Thompson ville iii Tecutiisetli we walked back to the pretty where the Nottawasaga River is join ed by the combined waters of the Bailey Beeton Ienvillc and lnnisfil Creeks Dramatically at this point the river takes on its adult status At Nicolston on Highway 89 East of Alliston we visited the threestorcy brick grist mill last operated and still owned by nearby campground operator Hank Nicol who showed its map of old Nicolston named after his grandfather John Nicol who built the first mill at this site in the 1850s The mill is still fully opera tional said Mr Nicol The penstock the water turbine the cmwn gears power shafts pulleys and belts elevators and even the milling machines are still in order to run All you would have to do is open the gates and let the water in and the mill would be in business again There was no power like water power Turning north from the mill and the Ministry of Natural Resources trout tagging station and fish ladder we continued up the 5th Line of Essa and crossed the river over on one at the first of about four overhead truss iron bridges that cross the river including me at Angus one north of Angus and one iii the Klondike Park area IULLFLEIXIED RIVER Just west of Elmgmve where the river is deeply entrenchai into rich silt and is heavily forested and where it is cross ed by two bridges one on the 5th Sidcroad and one on the 6th line just amund the corner the river becomes full fledged river snaking back and forth creating whirlpools and dangerous curnnts and deep holes We smiled when we thought each small municipality finding out what they have to of fer According to the joint report federal and pmvincial pro grams have successfully attracted industry to Canada and Ontario and wellorganized program here will help en tice them to locate in Simcoe County The promotion officer must not only provide direct liason with local municipalities to promote development but also act as coordinator between industries the county and all levels of govemment The planning committee also intends to make use of the promotion officer through the inventory gathering process says committee chairman Marjorie Dyer Most of that in formation is of planning nature HELPS PLANNING Sharing the new staff member as planning presence will help the committee compile local official plans for consideration in formulating countywide plan Mrs Dyer says and should provide insight into future planning design General information from each of the municipalities will enable the county to determine what type of industry should be encouraged to specific area and whether available services are adequate Such information will also allow the planning committee to determine what sort of county road pattern is needed to service industry complete library of maps will il lustrate whether some industrial sites are poorly located in the light of possible boundary disputes Mrs Dyer says The planning committee chairman says she was elated by the support of council over the report and recommen dation because she knew some members had qualms about the costs of additional planning staff and programs Some of the municipalities have been stung with terri ble consultants fees she says But with an intended budget of about 339000 $19000 for the promotion officer the program will save the cost of further consultants fees adds Mrs Dyer The promotion of the county for industrialcommercial Nottawasaga starts small Tranquil is the word for the Nottawasaga River at Edenvale where it exits from ecologically rich Minesing Swamp Shirley Young enjoys few of the two men last winter who set out to inspect piece of bush little to the south but sudden ly abandoned the idea and headed back for their car when they spotted real live black bear between them and their in tended goal Below the lhorntoanaxter bridge we walked along the path beside the river to find coiicrctions curious flat stones fused together to form all sorts of fanciful objects formed by seeping water depositing lime around foreign objects in adja cent sand deposits At Essa Centennial park west of lvy we saw remains of the concrete dam and milltoun dations the site of an early mill and millpond where older lvy 3E is 73 so area residents can recall pull ing fish in by the bag full At Highway 90 bridge we talked to fisherman who cau tioned us not to fall in for the river at the centre of the bridge would he said cover two storey house Almost flood level waters hindered fishing It reminded us that this river the Nottawasaga has the notorious reputation of claim ing human live on the average of one year To the Huron In dians it was the Mohawk River one of the routes by which their enemy the Mohawk Iroquois made their unwelcome ap proach into Huronia CONSERVATION AREA At Edenvale we stopped at Edcnvale Conservation Park ¢v If 533$ £z North of Nicolston and Highway 89 between Cookstown and Alliston this picturesque overhead truss and frame bridge carries the 5th Line of Essa over the Nottowosogo River moments of fishing from the river from which sportspersons may pull trout pike and sturgeon Examiner Photo operated by the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority to be retained for all time for the enjoyment of people and the conservation of nature An attractive stone cairn and roadside plaque notes this as the site at the Glengarry Lan ding Here flotilla of flat bottomed boats were built fill ed with supplies from Fort Willow and were rowed or sail ed up river across icechoked Georgian Bay to Fort Michilimackinac threatened by the Americans during the War of 1812 Already we had seen the power of the muscleflexing river in the sight of whole hillsides cut away and full grown trees uprooted roots and all and floated downstream to be washed up onto the banks or packed into log jams North of the Klondike Park crossing below marlbottomed Jacks lake we came to the mature Nottawasaga River where it flows wide deep and serenely under the new Schoonertown Bridge which destroyed two historic sites in its construction On the west side it destroyed the SR of rare Saugeen In dian fishing site dating back two thousand years and on the east side it destroyed the site of Schoonertown That British supply post was built up river after the destruction of the Nancy Island blockhouse set afire by American gunboats fir ing from adjacent Nottaw asaga Bay development is longterm expensive program says the joint report and results might not be visible until the next three to five years But the tourist and industrial committee is pretty ex cited about it says Reeve Bell and we hope it will create some action The committee is aiming at Jan 1980 as the start of the program Reeve Bell says but is not sure things will happen that fast Ship building booms locally Collingwoods economy will receive shot in the arm next year when the shipyards there begin construction of 73Hoot vessel ordered last week by Canada Steamship Lines lCSLl Ltd The prototype self unloading bulkcarrier with oceangoing capability will cost about $34 million and the project will provide an estimated $15 million in wages and services for the town over oneyear period The keel of the vessel will be laid at the Collingwood Shipyards in October 1980 with ii Closed for the season Nancy Island the Museum of the Up per Great Lakes and the sailingship architecture of the modernistic theatre looked most attractive in the middle of the river which in fact built the island by piling sand around the sunken hull of the sunken schooner Nancy SEPARATES RIVER AND BAY Just north of the Highway 92 bridge we turned left and drove along the final spit of land that separates the river from the bay by few hundred feet of land for some five miles Here we passed the site of the Van Vlack lumber mills dating to 1840 Tens of millions of feet of lumber were produced for many years there until the Nor thern Railroad to Collingwood made the site obsolete Walking the last few hundred feet we stood at last on the ex treme point of sand where we could put one foot on Not tawasaga Bay the other on the edge of the river Some three hundred feet wide the River shouldered its way majestically into the waters of Georgian Bay creating battleground of treacherous cmss waves and undercurrents Could this awesome river really be the same Not tawasaga River we had seen earlier in the day tumbling as an innocent sparkling creek down through the Hockley Valley west of Beeton Simcoe update Now IS good time for farmers to take swing at infla tion and order fertilizers say Officials with the Ontario agriculturel ministrys office in Alliston Although no one knows new much prices go up of fiCials say everyone agrees they Ill go up and taking delivery of fertilizers now could save farmers con siderable amount of money next spring Time as well as money can be saved howver as phosphate and potash can be applied to fields now delivery scheduled for October 1981 Maximum seaway size the ship will be designed for navigation in iceinfested waters during late season operation in the Great Lakes and the Gulf of St Lawrence It will be the first self unloader with deep sea capability to join the com panys 34 vessel fleet The Collingwood Shipyards constructed the first loopbelt type selfunloader in the world and continues to be leader in this type of ship design said James Elder president of Canadian Shipbuilding and engineering and general manager of the Collingwood Shipyards With orders such as this he said the company will greatly contribute to the Canadian economy The shipyards employ about 910 persons in the local opera tion and another company spokesman said this figure is relatively stable through to the late portion of 1981 The company is currently working on vessel scheduled to be launched Dec 18 this year and will start construe tion in March on another 730 foot ship ordered last spring by the Algoma Central Railway Marine Division at cost of about $30 million Next month the company will begin construction of tug boat ordered by Eastern Canada Towing scheduled to be finished in April next year The towns economic climate will definitely benefit from this continued construc tion activity Elder said After some 10 years with the Huronia Tourist Associa tion Boyd Robertson will step down from his position as general manager at the end of November And after spending all that time devising ways to entice vacationers to spend their leisure time in Simcoe County the 66yearold Robertson says the first thing he will do is enjoy some leisure time of his own He and wife Lois are go ing south for three or four months to get away from the winter he says and they plan to spend more time on their small farm near Dalston Weve never had the time to do this before he says former district manager for General Motors in Bar rie about 15 years before joining the association from its beginning Robertson looks back on his term as general manager as Ex citing and fruitful and period in which he made many friends It has been the best 10 years of my life have wat ched the association grow and its growth has been great Starting with nothing it now boasts about 450 members he says The job has been mainly one of selling and promo ttsepxanainer Tuesday Nov 271979 HTA manager retires after decade tion Robertson says but that is easy when you have Worthy end product to sell and Simcoe County is that There is no question that the county is one of the greatest places to live in and visit in Ontario It has all the naturally at tractive resources he says and it is simply matter of developing them and pm moting them With its highly rated resorts and exceptional historical attractions Sim coe County is the envy of other tourist oriented couri ties says Robertson who adds that his counterparts there have told him so often promoting BOYD ROBERTSON They say youve got leadpipe cinch because youve got Simcoe County to promot he says As far as allround attrac tions go the county is hard to beat he says with about 00 per cent of the best skiing in all Ontario within its general area And with the increasing poptilarity of snowmobiling and cross couiitry skiing winter is fast becoming as important season here as the sum mer encouraging many resorts to become year round operations One thing he would like to see however is the develop ment of sortie true tourist attractions in Barrie Bruce Trail included in new l6park system COLLINGWOOD Ont tCP The Bruce Trail is to be an essential component of an 110 park system the Niagara Escarpment Commission pro posed Thursday in its plan for an 1923 squarekilometre escarpment area Commission chairman lvor McMullin said in statement the report covers landuse politicies and designations for an area that extends 725 kilometres through 46 municipalities from Qucciiston on the Niagara River to Tober mory on The Bruce Peninsula The commission recom mends the province allocate money over five years to buy the parklands The Bruce Trail is no longer continuous as it was before some landowners refused the trail passage through their lands so the land acquisition program will in clude additions to the trail The commission says the pro vince should negotiate county wide Indian corps CHRISTIAN ISLAND The first all Indian corps in Canada if not in North America was recently formed on Christian Island Sponsored by the Beausoleil Island band council the corps is affiliated with the school of military intelligence at Base Borden The corps has been invited to participate in the 1980 Bar rie Winter Carnival Plan OKd TECUMSETH long wait for Tecumseth township Coun cil ended recently when the ministry of housing approved the townships officialplan The ministry made minor changes to the plan and ap proved it except for section dealing with Bond Head know vour etilizer no Orderf it Weve been waiting quite some time for this over two years said Reeve Roy Gar dhouse Appointed ALLISTON Elaine Mc Cague wife of George Mc Cague MPP DufferinSimcoe was pppointed Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides of Canada Mrs McCague was recently elected by the national counlt cil As deputy chief commis sioner she will travel throughout Canada attending Girl Guide social functions and committee meetings The position is threeyear term but Mrs McCague could be reappointed for an addi tional two years at the end of her term Her first duty is to arrange ministry Mrs Dale Plater of Box 407 in Collingwood cor rectly identified last weeks Know Your County contest picture as the Pioneer Cemetery on Highway 26 just outside Stayner For correctly identifying the picture she wins two free steaks courtesy of and 25 acki Super Discount Store in 43 711 rgxxgggiy trip to Canada for Lady Price of Australia the world committee chairman New president Alexander Jarlette owner of The Villa Nursing Home Midland was recently elected president of the Ontario Nurs ing Home Association tONHAt Our aim for the eighties is to maintain our position as leaders in long term care in Canada to provide better way of life for nursing home residents he said We will continue to give leadership in setting and supplying high quality care at the lowest possible cost to the public purse Jarlettes nursing home which he operates with his wife Roberta has 99 beds mung Barrie Angus and Alliston this weeks photo send your answer along with your name address and phone number to Know Your County Contest The Examiner Box Barrie L4M 4T6 Winners are notified by 370 mail agreements in which the Bruce lrail Commission would manage the trail including pro visions for litter cleanup trail wardens landowner relations public information and trail developtnent The trail will link parks and natural features on the escarp merit OIIIER HIGHLIGHTS Other highlights of the plan released Thursay in this com munity 45 kilometres west of Barrie include ADevelopment control in stead of zoning to implement the plans environment oriented landuse policies Three major landuse designations escarpment natural areas escarpment pro tection aras and escarpment rural areas with accompany ingpolicies ProviSion for government purchase of existing vacant lots upon request of owners who might otherwise have been able to develop the lots The commission further recommended series of amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act which would Allow cities to issue development permits in the escarpment area Appoint the Ontario Municipal Board to deal with appeals on development pcr mits Allow appeals by anyone requesting notification of development decision it you can identify

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