Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1979, p. 15

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Totenders TBtrinders the examiner Tuesday Nov 27 1979 15 alliston by Jean Hand 4355328 Lloyd and Marie Miller recently visited with friends in Ottawa Reg and Jessie Bleay have returned from twoweek bus tourof Florida Donald and Edith Kerr en joyed sixteenday holiday ili Ontario Government der IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on these lease Vehicles ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited lor the installation at new ventilation system at the Mental Retardation Centre Pine Ridge Aurora Ontario This work involves elecmcol mechanical and general trades Tender documents may be obtained lrom Ministry at Government Services Regional Ollice I919 PONTIAC Parisienne dr tone blue executive company car buckets console Iic OXTISO I930 CITATION Coupe carmine outo PS PB lic 24 James Street East Orillio Ontario L3V 6K7 Telephone 705 3257403 Ministry at Government Services Public Tenders Ollice Spain recently Mr and Mrs Jim Hand and family of Mississauga had to vacate their home due to the recent train disaster They were guests of their aunt ORH42S ORH897 I980 CAPRI Hatchback console lic PBDIAS silver buckets 190 CITATION Coupe brown auto PS PB lic auto RoomMiASA cd Id at Mabelflandinlown Queens Park TO0TIO°OHIOICO M7A 1N3 It was award night In St ItcdgxtfgltggbaCk bue AT P5 P8 rerephoneylb 9654152 Pauls School Auditorium Tuesday November 13 for the I00 Perlormance Bond may be reqwred AIIiston and Everett Brownies Sealed tenders will be received until 00 pm Thursday Guides pathhnders and December l3 I979 at which time they will be opened in Leaders Mrs Helen Irwin of public Tenders WIII be opened in Toronto Everett district commis NOTE For further inlormatian please contact Mrs Sidney sionerl made the presenta Public Tenders Ollice Toronto ar the Regional Ollice above tions Beatrice Gray received Attend summit meeting 43 Essa Rdv Barrie Pleose quote ProtectNo CM 36906 BhaISYfear serllcek Pinh Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere right loin leaders at the Frontline States bordering ThelowesloranytenderWIlnotneceSSOlily be accepted E03125 her or welcomes President Samora Machel of Mozam Rhodesia in summit meeting to discuss the to 289 MrsrHelen Jackson wife of bique after Machels arrival at Dar es Salaam current situation in Zimbabwe Nyerere is the Rev Fred Jackson was guest airport Saturday Machel is in Dar es Salaam to chairman and host of the summit meeting AP MINISTRl 0F speaker at the Chit and Chat phom GOVERNMENT Mm gall hwtdtfgrl momlng In II I85 Ontario Parlor Helen displayed umberolcrallb UTILITY GRADE EVISCERATED SLICED LAYER PAK RINDLESS SIDE Mississauga spent last week sogpumc names with their uncle and aunt ih Lawrence and Helen Lindsay 5pm do every endeavor WI Ther ode to Iorward re lies to box an am 00 as 5A 47 P9 closed Barbara Kittmer numbers vertiser as sisterimlaw Spent couple l3 as possible we accept no days in the Lindsay home liability in respect oI loss Vor Gebwe wishes go out to d°m°99 Plledgfd °° the sick folk in our communi No throrgh 99 Ill deOY ty Mr AP TurnbuII is pa EDS CE in 0mm irEl WC levies tient in St Josephs Hospital RATEPAYERS however otherwise TF Toronto Mr Turnbu suffered l8 ll TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 TFm hip fracture due to fall in Public Meeting will be held on Friday November 30 I979 report lrom Simcoe County Board ol Education by member at Ward 300 pm in 00 Betty Stewart are in Stevenson 05 suunsr FANCY TOvlnship Hall or wind 00 Memorial Hospital Alliston Council preshentbthe 00 Deadline Ior CIBSSIIIEd gigitafigetgegarggyallilictigig ivi les owns Ip usmess during the year 1979 Also WOIU ads Hospltal Barne also Truman LD NEUFELD day pIEVIOUS lCiaclillaugher henterEained thfc Clerk oi 0223 27 noon Saturday égiifiiiifig RSS3 Iiagh mm Gm IONELESS FRESH MINCED mum POTATOES srrwmc GROUND lllm ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES 3pm Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births $600 In Memoriam no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents $343 per column inch Coming Events litbirths GORDON Diana and Peter are pleas ed to announce the birth at their daughter Laura Mary November Itst Sister tor Nicholas Many thanks to Doctors Johns Pattisori Narvrali Henry and all the nurses Mondays Child islair at lace Tuesdays Child is lull ol grace WednesdaysChild islullol woe Thursdays Child haslar to go Fridays Child is toying and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its living And child that is born on the San bath Day Is lair and Wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation tor your childs luture printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Famin Albums The rate tor an EIRITIITIOT Birth Noticcl is only $6 00 PHONE 778 21 GOOD NEWS STORV When you an CARLSON Robert John Al Wellesley itsdeaths ELLIOTT Leonora Edna At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day November 25 1979 Leonora Edna Lord in her 89th year loving mother at Elizabeth Betty predeceased by her husband Joseph Elliott son Donald and sister Mary Elizabeth ord and Emily Mrs Oscar McKay daughter at the late Harriet Elizabeth Terry Lord and Hugh Lord holder at Queen Victoria Medal Fenian Raids tabla Dear lriend at Mr and Mrs Garth Coulson Mrs Alice Spring Mr and Mrs Hicks aunt at Mrs Hilda Keel oi Belleville Anne and Lu Koppel at Detroit Arthur and Wallace Lord at Toronto and Ruth Bice Saunders ol Cambridge Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Monday Service In the chapel on Wednesday November 28 at 1030 am Interment Barrie Union Cemetery LAENGNER Jacqueline June Jackie At Barrie Ontario on Saturday November 74 I979 Jackie Rowan beloved wile at Michael Laengner loved daughter at Jack and Ora Rowan dear sister at Kenneth dear daughter in law oi Hans and Hermie Laengner The tami Karyn and Brian Pendale of his Allislon home Walter Dungey Tim Marshman and Asaph was taken to Barrie hospital last Monday Thursday evening Ruth number from the Alliston Golden Age Club attended the euchre tournament at Brad ford Friday altemoon Ethel McDowell and Alice Sutcliffe will represent the Alliston Club on Decmeber at the finals in the Museum Midhurst St Davids Anglican Church Women of Everett had sac cessful bazaar tea and bake sale in the Alliston Library recently The 36th annual awards ban quet for the 500Bushel Potato Club was held Saturday night in the Legion Hall Alliston Dick Goodin of Oakville was guest speaker by Jean Jannett 4240238 Christ Church ACW are holding their Annual Christmas Bazaar in the Church Hall on Wed Nov 28 at oclock Crafts baking etc will be there and lunch served The hunters arrived home last week and captured two deer CELERY 24 SIZE CANADA FANCY GOLDEN AND RED DELICIOUS APPLES II3 SIZE CANADA No CELLO SPINACH I001 PKG 69 ONTARIO GROWN No OR 25 EA 44 USA CANADA No GRADE USA FANCY ANJOU JUMBO SIlE PEARS 22 49t FRESH YOUNG TAILLEFER SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER I13 SIZE LIMIT PER FAMILY PORK 1008 ll drr mm mt Lag I5 KG CHUCK ROAST NATURE VALLEY GRANOLA BARS I201 CHRISTIES 400 GRAM SODA BISCUITS 99¢ 39 200 GRAM POTATO CHIPS 48 OZ FRUIT DRINK 48 01 RECON APPLE JUICE IIHSVIEEIEHED 48 OZ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 OZ ORANGE JUICE LITRE POWDERED DETERGENT 56° 86° 83° CRACKERS SCHWARTI PEANUT BUTTER 299 KAL KAN CAT room 3in 99 USA FANCY GRAPES 69f PKG SUNSPRUH 31 Ol KEG FAIR LADY COOKIES 79 ABC LITRE DETERGENT 239 KETCHUP 991 I00 VEGETABLE OIL PARCHMEHT MARGARINE 59 mm me prm your mm In Iy will receive lriends at the Humphrey MI and Mrs Jack HIIOIIS l8 232733iEFSSSSISéOSEfiZiItif iii Home was and giiis Scarborough iiii mm mm 128 01 BEACH 79 no mo sucm Rummy and man you Mews and Dovsville Avenuel Toronto erm 46 relatives in those tar awaypliIces Plgce 2291 pfldlgggslaagmggnlpfi 22er WEE WEELSSJH MEMRATED 2Iiilrsgllilggiliczvgs3 ca 243er mermem Elgin Mills visitors with Mrs Ilene Hirons dew 3135 Yiioééiiéimii$iiii22351355 Jane and Michael Wilson JUICE PACK 10 TISSUES 266 Hospital Taronlo on Sunday November 18 I979 Robert John Carlson in his 29th your beloved husband at Marilyn De lhrr lMar and John OS ginArthSrr slid lsolCaCarlson Brother my and law Fred Murray Fuends Weddln bells were Im In AID oz 01 50 may call at the Sleckley Funeral Home 0t Bert Kathy Ken ltd 099 N0 30 Worsley Street Barrie aIIeT in Iv for Susan WI lns Bar IBTANT BEEF REG I39 EA public VISIIBIIDV Cremation to tollaw Wednesday 59 me per on Memorial WW Wt be 95 Thursday November 79 at Inter and Edd Paupn Ivyho grandma Funerrlk 202 MN WorrYSéit mentThornloriunion Cemetery were marred In Tnmly Fl 0V flows WV mm VEENEMA Steve Al the Royal Vic Anglican ChurCh Barrie memorial donations to the charity at film lgospzliaknflasrrle Von Saturdgy Saturday Nov 24th at pm 800 be gt ovem er EVE eenema In I5 your Chocewoud appreua 57th year Beloved husband at Rinske Recepnon as at HorseShoe EA caces Horace John Pasl Dlslrlcl Siesling dear lather oi FredotOttawa Valley Resort DAILY LOW ENTREE DINNER Deputy Grand Master at the Oddtellow Grace Mrs Moores at Ottawa Lodge No Barrie so year member November 27 1979 William Murray in his 94th year belvoed husband at Cora Hurst Deer lather ot Barry Stuart and Gayle Dear son at Mrs Elizabeth Mur Frank at Toronto and Henry at Van returned home Sunday after very enjoyable 10 day visit in Florida Several showers have been 399¢ BY THE CASE 19 EA I2 PACK TOILET TISSUES 299 mi 55 year member at Kerr Lodge No 230 couver Grandlalher ol Mchael Andrew held for Susan COIIQEII Barrie NR Zensganers globe and Toronto Survived also by his mother Shewen Judy Wilson Sharon FRESH Honoriry Ll am er arm mmelll Veenema Holland seven Curling Clubt At the Royal Victoria blothers nd two sistels Our Father in MVC Ste held Hospital Barrie ConI Sunday Sgoyéember Heaven called him home and he may see miscellaneous shower at OI OT 25 1979 Horace oes in is year the Glo ot the Lord Frends me call Beloved husbgnd olhfdlttlt Colfsgt 86 at thcrYSteckley Funerbl Homey 30 rie lovlna to or rs 890 Worsley Street Barrie alter ol Barrie Mrs Barbara Turner at Bar Morlday until Wednesday noon Funeral Barrie put on by old me and Mrs Beth Scullino at Richmond serVIce at First Christian Retarmed EVERY my 34 LB PKG SAUSAGES Hill Dear orandtother at grand Church 156 St Vincent Street Barrie neighbours and one In Bauer row FM children Dear brocther oi Acilrs EdlyAlhe on Wednesday November 28th at by Cathy Sabourne several ss onne oles rs Un Milagros Fralilk and Mk Elliott Cotes Iiljbrltelrdwerzrlrigmorigfl dohgliohgymary from here attended UP and predeceased by George Ernest and Bertha Resting at the Jennett Funeral be made to Christian Retormed World Reliei Committee First Christian Keith and Loran McVanel Barrie Minie Arnold and Jean cmzimiisiiiigimmgigav If $215 Rewmwcnurh 8mm Jennett VISIted friends at Slm CTU FROM CANADA GRADE IA RESHLV MNCED Lice ii it haocl orl Morgan 87in memoriams coe Manor on Sunday NATURALLY AGED BEEF in erlllel rrie valgo CESITIOILIV xALodge service under CRAWFORD In loving memory at Sympath exmnded the auspices at Oddtcllows Lodge No 61 Barrie WtII be held Tuesday eyening at 30 lollowed by Kerr Lodac Ser vice No 230 Some at rn In lieu ol llawers donations to the Royal Victoria Hosptal Remembrance Fund would be appreciated CORMIER Residential Counsellor Adult Occupa Anthony iTanyl tional Centre Edaarl AI Soldiers Manon Howl 0mm on Monday Sadly missed by mother dad and Bates spent Viednesda at November is 1939 Tony Coimier belov mom am 5595 Royal ork HOIOI TOTOIIIO ed husband at Phyllis Blevins ot Shanty WATSON In loving memory ol dear with the 4H Bay his Alst real Foster lather at husband lather and grandlather Jim Bill Laundr at Torontt dear son at whooassedawameembern t97l RMrl and Mrs Gordon out and the late Joseph Cormier ct Thereisagittlile 1an buy usse anmn on sm bun Maniton t1 brother at Georgi Rita Thalls very rare anatrue daV wim End Cleve iMrs Edmond Coiiiiieri Doris iMrs ltsthcoiltotwandertul memories amid when all at Moncton Eleanor SLIlttheofieS we nayeolyou Patton and Melanie both predeceased The late adly mlssed by his wile Lillian sons Mr tony coririier is resting at the Jim and Bob and theirlamities soc evenmg 35 held la Mundell Funeral Home West Street WONCH myovmgmemo MW dear III PresbyterianChurch last brother Ernie who passed away week and Sylvia ochrane who LU Wednesday November re at pm interimrust JamesCemetery OFIIIIR HILTZ Ray Alton Al the Royal Vic term Hospital Barrie an SaturdIiy November ION Ray Alton Hill in his 66th year beloved husband at Janet Thompson dear lather at Anita grand lather at Joe Terry and Michele brother or Gertrude iMrs James Dis om Norms iMrs Lorne Blowetl Stanley and Ross all at Barrie Margaret iMrs Ross Tatuml ol utopia Verdun at Haaasville and Allan at ned re this money mwsaxgixb 5931i and what it did Mr 85 Mills FRIDAY9oml0pm Md Bmlfi 85 BRANDS SUNDAYBHOLIDAYSH am7 pm Mme 32mins guaisoioiii pm Interment arrie Hoses Aiiniii smeiici At inc Heather Lawson returned moss 6795 an BSA RD Siliiii¥°rinf2$°$f iiiiTiiiS Whllv overt mdoovor will be Fdmd 0m DAILY9am6pm rim Hobbs innis 7th year romard mph b0 ellesley Hospital Toronto ed husband at Edna Link our lather at dear son and brother Robert Stanley who passed away November 21 WT In quiet country graveyard Where the gentle breezes blow Lies one we loved sodearly Analosti years ago We do not need special day Tobringhimtoour minds For days we do not think or him Are very hard to Mid November Gone lrom us but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories thatwill otwayslinger While upon this earth we stay Sadly missed by brothers and sisters LETCHER In loving memory at dear husband tether and granatatner Henry Robert Bob who passed away Nevember 24 Ws Sadly missed by tamily anonends numbers at the advertiser as Mrs Freida Gauley Angus in the death of her husband Elwood this week Jim McDermolt Jr spent this week on business trip to USA Diane Smith and Nancy has just returned from mis sion trip from Honduras show ed slides and gave very in teresting talk on her ex perienceslhere Thanksoltering Service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Rev Rooney had map and ex and is improving daily She BLADE SHORT RIB AND YOUR AliM GROCERY TAPES ARE CHICKEN PLUS IOOS OF FEATURE iSEIUI HOME 10096 GUARANTEE EVERY SOLD IOOS OF FEATURE ITEMS EVERY on low sum IIIY CIGARETTES SPECIAL EFFECTIVE NOV 28th DEC 4th INCLUSIVE SUPER MARTS GROUND BEEF STORE HOURS ANGUS WEI COUNTRY ROAD I0 AND HWY 90 DAILY9am pm THURS FRI am9 om mm would like lo thank all her wollrli 2° TOWARDS YOUR WWWW Bay Shirley and eruce gimme UFJM soon as possible we accept no tm°23 2m 31 lowly in mm ol loss or 332 gliifLii pit9 porous AT summon FLORIST rfimmm Ill W0 and one brother in England Friends damage alledged to arise HIMill MAY CLOSED may call at Stem Funeral Name St Will Shewell Is patient in AID GIFT SHOP ACROSS FROM THE through either Iailure or delay TUB IEO IIa Own Se the Barrie His mam maximiwairNonli$°fii in forwarding such replies friend Wm hm Speedv MM AT ANGUS WE MORE masinmn9 gaudy UM however otherwise TF nxrmign um II

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