Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1979, p. 14

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Looms llZOBZl and flirting wear ROBINSON HARDWARE ouuior st 7282431 PET SHOP 35 Professional All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 688 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7267332 Mont1 litearc KAIElms taxoadpooM pg autoH WO IIIH M013 SUVDOOOM JNIdIIVO suits pauoiopuoq Auow mi Ii° N0 02 iSDllId SIH IIV NI SITOH ONIHDONN SI HIHJJdOOOM 3H1 Mopeds sowisiJLD TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE SAW 66 NidO PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes °Hond Bogs gelrltificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jeon Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from Lobluws 7374322 lU articles for sale IIu tll iN 40articles for sale giii VtLlilJl ii POLY FOAM cut to size Barrie Tent iii mil iiiii insgiiriiiz altlf Awning Company has great stock Siii thv ii Elit iiiiiriii iirtiiivii of Joly IniYITT ii to thickness Pro riipt SLTVILI reasonable prices 34 My My WM pmpam Baytiilrlstriirildowntown liliYtt Il liitiii Hobart REiTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale ii Vtf lt mm vim ti ic Meat cooler upright coke machine cash wont ill iiiiiiiiili Il pixtu writer ll Iifi Jfl FFUISYPY meat slicer ice Cream freezer caterinrieqmpinent 916 2588 4oarticles for sale ALLIS CHALMERS 712 12 garden tractor with mower tiller snowblower blade etc years old $2750 Allis Chalmers 3112 12 hp garden tractor with mower $l95 Three piece white bathroom set complete with taps etc 3100 piece pink bathroom set com plete with taps $100 New radial tire and rimtofit ToyotaS2S 7261294 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR lolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift subscriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar to the pleasure given Eac gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 toarticles for sale LADYS BETTER QUALITY winter coat 22 24 like new Dresses 202222 Handmade leather purse almost new Mans new Carson suit case ideal gift 726 5000 WHEEL AND SNOW TIRE HR7815 radial Table tennis set good condition 728 9790 Business Directoru 4gtRiNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed areexperts in their field and will assure you of thefinest iob possible 7282414 ERALICK ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF FUEL Oltlsl your star iii DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF DISC JOCREY BEAU DISCO Mum lOI all occasions weddings bouquets of Book now foi ChllKltvtak Call Joan 424 6648 WIITLTOVVS 110 FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY OUR LOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Th SVTF Dist Jinkity MERRY CHRISTMAS Book Now Call fctu at 726 0614 at 7b 7623 DISC JOCREY MusiL for all occasions Book earlyl Telephone 28 2524 CUSTOM BRAVES made win your soleSod irvottiial lOyeas AIDSIKELI 38 115 DRESSES ill made by JOSIE AOUINO Spuialq iii your uils gowns aiiif alteia lions 47 Eugenia Phone 726 6000 EPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS specializing in VINYL CO Offll lon IO 0k 726 4641 siiliiiii D26 POLAR thilifieis lolimg wciiieiis iluthiiig rivaleiiiily aiit aigo sins Retixniioble 005cm Sidiiig Solfit foscia seamless iaioslougllillg SUPERIOR EAHSTROUGHWG SPECIALISTS ymdx Dow voting amt col iig ipria Show metal wail M1 9i Nu lo ell rm ISTlMATES 414mg Th ELEClRIxAv BRILLl ar be aid Flo nun A1 nui nxsmsu PETER HtivSRA 35 Cusoi bui walnuts iac home lcnls stone khf pa fig ae ilC YASON so outs and masonry F0i 80 nl feces iiialesphane 38 159° natm Low glfi99i vscst our in mu ai Llvx nmrooo i0 DRY HARD EN lILt Otlxtc Bil ci Ws RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 Professional scH iu REASONABLE RATES senator no on mi to sale INSURED Rik Lu tw Telephone 28 Wild Bin III2073 iwu motsi toi on Ca BARRIE mu ii 25 ssss Saxdav In 4371072 REC NARDtScOLS sale Cheaper bi he aid Sci dry wood dfilvtod okrky SEASCNEE NARDiSLOD S35 pg loco GNRAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions etc 737 1588 after mm FALLCLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed Lawtt shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned Trash junk removed Small moving iobs Leaves raked PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 no JOB ioo SMALL all iepaii mi done lie Estimale all John 7281996 Call and Home and Factory Heating and Air Conditioning and service 7264255 ask for Rob or Doug 737 2637 CONSTRUCTION House raising laun dalions renovations additions Phone 062055 after PLUMBING complete bathrooms some Larperilry drywall and yard work Coll Chario at 728 7594 or 26 NORTHERN CAPENTRY Specializing in in work Re rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 726 9002 HOME REPAIRS PAINTING CARPENTRY OROOF REPAIRS ETC 7269214 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and Vane wail chimney fpat Fireplaces specialty Freeeslirote 7051245156 MINIC IBTRUCTIONS GUTAR LESSONS Classical and Popular ibrcol Potvin tha Studio 726 8° ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial Iflllfu moat loaned Io borne practice Canadian kodorny of Music I2erayfiold 29 PRGESSIONA GUITARIST classcal populai and ock SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by profISStOrtal drummer Exp instudoiecordirg at Al styles any ago Ion King 26 2°03 gillng ISSWS Call Gory BARRIE SCHOOLOF BRASS Professional slwiae rurnpet trombone FInch horn Sponal attention to beginners Arthur BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es toblished 30yeors 7762225 7269002 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING iiierioi exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfactionguaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 778341 BARKEV PAINTING iriteiio and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 737 1087 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing ol all types We stock many sizes Phone 728 3270 PORTRAIT PAINTING CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS of you for your loved ones or of your loved ones for you OI 7263607 BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal with this ad until Dec 1579 ACE REFINISHERS 7282811 TThSN24 SHARPENING SERVICE hand or blades Re Albert St Dower saws lawn mower teething and setting done Hillsdcile 615 23 DQJOS SNOWPLOWING Resideno and Calumet at Snow removal soi radio dispatched trucks 728 8460 MBN SNOWPLOWING Commercial and Readenio Reasonable iaos Cal Larry Ioisw COMMERCIAL large or small Also Homage Co and AUCTIONEERS Pia Ol sar ma 0879 omvrwns And ion plgwed Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 372l REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and whit TV stereos etc Allmqkes oodmodlls 0408 WATER HAUIAGE SIMCOE WATER SERVKES Pools walls till ad 70 gal capacity Dorio and area Rtcflgfe sie Mom 26 1084 mm 14 the ex 40articles for sale Two floors of used appliances andfurniture QARRS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 Bayfield St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers wringer washers black and white TVs dish washer stereo Appliances guaranteed for 30 days Good choice of chesterfield sets space savers daven ports lave seats recliners chests of drawers wardrobes kitchen tables chairs rollaway beds bed outfits headboards DI RECONDITIONED TVs fully guar anteed Huge selection and and color 49 and up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING C0 of ters complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medum or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Bayfield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custorn tumtoble S343 Got tree speakers Under SS wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndole Onehourdelivery 7371182 TF TWO TRAYNOR speakers with horns YSC 9s PV head 200 watt two SHURAEV mikes Phone Gary 9033 SHUFFLEBOARDS used 12x6x22 PINBALLS reconditioned Phone 737 2533 between 726 2370 from to om COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER IO ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Col IIM 7372432 BIRD CAGE $5 carpet sweeper S7 iudo suits size 12 $5 each girls white skates $5 mens skates size it and 1255 pair girls winter coats size 12 good condition and $5 kitchen chairs brown vinyl Sis tire rims is yellow single bed spread 54 Phone 726 6365 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible SOrnonth warranty Now $789 Order portable tonite get free 12 Under $7 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdale 7371182 TF MENS GOALIE EQUIPMENT new pad and gloves for $175 or best offer Call all 9mi7él1433 9M1 ask lessor 35 MM CAMERA OUTFIT including wide angle and telephoto lens Call after aimJ 9932655195 Bob MODERN piece living room suite and ZENITH component stereo with built in 319959fd95 1029 ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR Im solid state only $598 Under So wkly Starting January 80 Order tanite gelafree 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdole One hourdelivery 737 I182 WOODS 12 cubic foot Freezer S200 SIMPLICITY washerspinner $115 Call 93317671 3136501 we GUITAR FOR SALE Fender Mustang Best otter 7281923 after ask for 99 iteratecarers BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3162 CASHNFOR duo FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre l950items 72B 8234 LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building With Logs Ltd 7261966 evenings 728 5800 WILL PICK UP unwanted appliances traeik oi charge Phone 726 5339 after HT WaNTED TO BUY used Patz stable clenning chain Telephonel 33726 3572 DINING ROOM suite wanted in antique style with light chairs matching china cabinet and buffet Must be good condi tion and reasonable 458 970 SMALL TRAILER wanted any type or Condition 424 9690 LARGE DOG HOUSE Call afteropm OLYMPIC COINS wanted thl buy sets 0r separate $50 per set 737 0923 anytime 487 3090evenings or weekends GRAPE PRESS wanted 1015 gallon capacitygoochndilion 726 9466 disdogs andpets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 52 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping ofallbreeds 264 St Vincent St 725 1744 PDODLE TRIMMING professional ramrig all breeds pick up and de very 726 879 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hiIIAouaria lAJArdagh Road 726 0094 we eoooLE SALON Clipping all breeds Call now for your Dog Gone ap pc ntrrertll 726 4l41 Sophia St MAY POODLE PARLOR Profes signal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 REGISTERED Old English Sheepdog puppies Championship stock 439 3125 Stroud NINE RABBIYS with pens and some teed Bestotter 723 4638 FREE too good home Lovable two year old male Collie Call 456 3008 after 57livestock for sale WINDY BRAES FARM Lessons for nrers and advanced riders with QCBlIYCG Gold Medalist Specialipng in suDerv sad care of your harse Large indmr arera 4th line or Ore 48 3333 Foot YEAR Old Bar Thoroughbred are 143 hands guie reasonab to lore HORSES BOARDED Teephcnets 3284 or 48 295 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 322 2448 aminer Nov 27 197D S9pouttryVctiicks DEKALB READY to lay bullets Farm 29 eggs Lavina cages for sole Craig Hunter Poultry Forms 436 Iltl ONE YEAR OLD hens for sale 81m each Bring own containers Leo Dykstras Paultryfisrrn Hwy 27mile north of Thornton Closed Sundays 45le bitWilssiiféssiisralo WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry fiarm Ltd 436 toll Strde 67ffruit vegetables APPLES Apply K001 and Son Con cession Oro Closed Sundays 72 I489 oEonoiAN 731W MAC NTOstTAF PLES S4 99 per bushel Bring your own containers Concilla Fruit Market 17 63personals TELECARE Why fight your problem islone Let mend help Call Tetecare 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron to Driveawoy Service 416 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday Lw thorn and Thursday so 737 4222 726 93w Ext 216 BIRTHRIGHT Are you WNnant and distresed airthright really cares 166 baytield Street Dorrie 7373550 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 651 it you drink thats your busrness If you want toquit thatsours Call any time RiomrRmmffii Horses boarded Barrie five Minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTEDfor teaoTes form ing now Men wetnen singles couples teams Call Kempvietw Bowl 726 9761 71he grip wanted ztfhetp wanted W¢ the municipal snfi savmgs as It 71 iiirijomtiiii 9MIND We require an experienced parttime teller for Friday Saturday morning at our downtown branch 64 Dunlap East For an interview call NEWBERY 7269311 poerton St 6apersonals RIDE WANTED to nirvanaTIRE December 22 or 23 Phonon 9151 IMPROVEMENT Live soft life with Sears Automatic Water Conditioner now in sizes to suit your needs Demonstration Nov 29 30 to 930 Nov 30 30 to 930 Dec 930to 530 Bring sample of untreated tap water to the Home Improvement Department Sears Georgian Mall Barrie INNERACTION PSYCHIC CONSULTANTS PlIVAT CONSULTATION CIAIVOYANCE utoi AIIAS riutism PSYCNOMETRY PAST ltVB mum inserts AND cuss use onion PARTIES mst om catiricms By Appointment Only In Barrio contact New Age Centre 705 7374300 or 705 4539912 In Toronto Contact 416 2516527 L1hmz ziieiiwaniéaj AVOH WANT CHRISTMAS BONUS Earn extra money selling Avon Be your own boss and set your own hours Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highestcommission Call 7289652 MTTF IS IN BARRIE Ask about WOMENS OPPORTUNITY rm Emu SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE 7283392 LONELY MALE mid 40s separated would like to meet young mother struggling to raise her family with no male support would like to help morally as well as financially Not looking to live in but miss the family 5°l°TY °d Penalls life If interested and sincere please write Box c9 The Examiner Barrie 14165970737 with phone number TF TTF Experienced and mature couple for 40 suite apartment building in Barrie Good SINGLE Loniri 30s seeks gentleman companion between 3555 Please serious replies only Box C10 The Ex aminer Barrie TRAVELWAYS PART TIME work available driving school bus Must be 2t years of age and hold valid drivers licence We will train you here Call 7285941 or visit31 Penetang St Barrie 7rhePW9e¢ IiIzi Iurliiiiro Spaghetti Housi Requires fulltime and parttime waiterwaitresses experienced preferred Apply at front counter 31 Bayrieid St Barrie Ontario MAINTENANCE MECHANICAL Required immediately The successful applicant must possess Provincial Certificate of qualification as COMPRESSOR OPERATOR and have GAS FITTER certificate They will be required to operate and maintain equipment in our boilerfoom and be able to maintain gas operating equipmentThree to five years experience Other duties will be to maintainrearrange and install equipment of mechanical nature Apply to EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC BO BRADFORD STREET BARRIE ONTARIO LAM 487 N27 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE AGE AND WIN PRIZES T00 8ELMONTWATTIE RD MIDHURST IN THESE AREAS DONAIDHENRY OAKLEY PARK SQUARE Phone SANFORDJOHN 8RADFORD ST COLLIERDUNLOP TFFN ST NO 2005 PEEL ST EUGENIADUNDONALD Yes would like more information about an Examiner LPH0NE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 ACCOUNTANT required for an office in OriIlia Preference given to person with experience in data processing accounting systems and payroll Must be qualified to complete monthly financial statements Excellent starting for an interview please call KEN BAYLISS salary and benefits To arrange Vice President Travolways School Transit Ltd 7264545 or l3267376 CYTOTECHNOLOGIST MDS LABORATORIES BARRIE has an immediate requirement for Registered Cytotochnologist with post RT experience If interested and qualified please call Mrs McPherson 7281 108 CLASS Two licensed AUTO MECHANICS for Muskokas leading GM dealership Top wages and bonus plan Five day week Modern straight time shop Reply to Box 370 HUNTSVILLE Ontario POA N27 Technical Representative We are lookinng an experienced elec tronic service representative who will be required to provide direct factory ser vice to customers andor dealers on ALL BRANDS of electronic products Ap plicants should be graduates of year electronic program including color TVs or equivalent related experience The ability to work independently to relate well to people and to use tact and good iudgment in all contacts are essential re quirements for this position Please app ty to SERVICE ELECTROHOME 49 Morrow Rd Unit Barrie Ont LAN 3V7 70572615982 COMMISSION sifesfirsEn Barrie areacall collect 326 0761 Rigsales helpagents N28 CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires 2or year experienced 800V PERSON Tete phone726 om Company Expansion Electrical appliance company expan Sign torccs us to train new personnel Must be neat and willing to learn Above average earnings depending on quality ing positions Catlin 7400 DISTRIBUTOR MANAGEMENT spare time from your home Earn S800 to $1200 monthly No investment For in terview telephone 705 429 5596 alter WaitressesWaiters Experienced for dining room Apply in Person at Port of Barrie Restaurant and Tavern 16 Dunlop Street West 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average S6 00 S8 00 per hour showing our beautiful Christmas line to your friends and neighbors For personal interwew call 705 322 I704 ask about new phone plan Mlior Ontario food brolior requires SALES REPRESENTATIVE for BarrieOriIlia area Previous food experience definite 0556 Salary commensurate with experience Company benefits in clude drug and life insurance Car provided plus company ex penses Please reply to BOX CB THE EXAMINER BARRIE 74opportunity men women Maintenance items please contact 76employment wanted DAY CARE in my home St Vin centGrove Street area Telephone 7393121 WINDOW PAINTING home or business Yultide scenes angels Santa etc For Christmas and New Years Phone Brenda 4329 EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER any Christmas cleaning to be done or weekly work Own transportation Call Mary 72B 92 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 MONEY CAREER OPPORTUNITY ARE tou LOOKING roii JOB 0R CAREER We have position available in the selling field in the Barrie and surrounding area For careerminded person We are major distributor of Industrial Fleet Automotive and Marine Experience preferred but is not essential The applicant must be selfstarter and aggressive For further information MR GORDON Box 448 Elora Ont N08 150 iiiopportunity men women CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for thou popes must be rullvod by at day preceding publication with the lCIpltofl of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication DfRYH NOTICE ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40wotds 00 Additional words ct per word CARD OE THANKS 40 words 3600 Addi tlonol words It cts per word WMORIAM NOTICES No verse 00 Wifit verso par count line 235 cont par lino COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cash Discount Rules apply if paid within days Ono or hard Insertions 10¢ per word insertion Three consecutive In sertions 9i cents per word insertion total Bl Six consecutive insertions 9c pot word per insertion total S1296 Multiple Inm tions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory rasults obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation at of nunbors etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Thoufora the Closstfiod Advertising Department ro quiras advertisers to kindly check their advertisement immediately after first inur tlon in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is ruponsblo for orin one incorroctly printed insertion of any WIIOMCHY and than only to the extent of portion of ad that InYOVI tho misprint Et rors which do not lesson the value of tho advortisamonl are not eligible for corroc tions by make goods The hammer reserves thought to classify raw or rooltt any want ads PHONE 728 2414 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414

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