Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1979, p. 12

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12 the examiner Tuooday Nov 311979 televiSion guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 mm TIC TAc DOUGH CAROL DURNETT AND PRIENos POLKA DOT DOOR 620 NEW 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS ADC NEws NEws RHODA FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST 656 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAIIERA LITTLE HousE ON THE PRAIRIE Pu MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYs TIC TAC DOUGH OUT OF THE BLUE sTREET TALK in PEOPLE AND PETs FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 HOCKEY Buffan Sabraa Ya Washing Capitan NEWLYWED GAME CONLONs ONTARIO JOKERs WILD STARS ON ICE Moot Alex rim Ouoota amoor Loma Luff akatora David mllof Melanie our and Roland Robert LIVELY COUNTRY MAGIC SHADOWS Druina Along Mohawk Part II 808 NEWHART SHOW MAsH 800 HAPPY DAYs BUGS BUNNYS LOONY CHRISTMAS TALEs ANGIE THE MIsADVENTURES or SHERIFF LOBO smim Lobo and hio doputtaa ara plagued by bandita and hIlIbIIlioa la they try to Ioarh whole the youngoot member of tho wIld and wacky Beauregard clan hao hlddan Ihouoanda of dollara In atolon oy 00 nIina LIVE FROM THE MET To and Fall of the City of Mahagonny Thla la the promiaro of new production of Bortold Brocht and Kurt Wolllo muolcll drama Jamoo LovIno mm0th WHAT wILL THEY THINK or NEXT IIOVIE WESTERNADVENTURE VI White Buffaloa 3311 THE RAEs cm welcome apoCIal ouaato Rooort John and Toucha with roguloro Jackaon Davioo Jolt ihotop Tho Jamoa IIbbald Duncan and tho Bonita Orchoatra FAT ALBERT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Eu Arson and tho Cooby Mathiadvmmaaaapoctolmwhonthoy roocuo family in dialrooa and woloomo now IMO the world ANGIE QUINCY MCCLOUO McCloud name the Idontltyofacowboyhoroindoatorhotdorto brook Into an intomational heroin ring 00 Inlna 900 THREEs COMPANY TUESDAY NIGHT NOVIE Hion Midnight 1070 Stara Mlka Connorl David TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE OVIES Boggorrnan Thiof 1979 Slate Joan Simmono THE FIFTH EsTATE wmi Advlonno Clarkaon Enc Malling and Ian Wt TAXI Tho cabbioa throw wild goodbyo boon for Latka whon lopIdea revolution broaka out in hio country and he Ioolo it to hlo duty to return home 1000 HART TO HART GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 STARSKY AND HUTCH lady ballbondarnan and urban marconary compoto with police In ooarch for on altogod killer who haa aacoped prison Stanly and Hutch try to catch tho aulpoct but ha neatly aYOIdo leaving cluoa bohlnd 10 15 TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Bopgorman Thiof 1979 Stara Joan Simona Glenn Ford 1030 MAN ALIVE This to tho aocond optaoda In throopart ourioa which deal with dlfforont typaa of intimacy Writer Madololna LEngla oharoo the intimacy 01 death with woman oho dooa not know and tho lovo batwoon middloaood couple 1100 CBC NEWS ID 22 NEws CW NEWS ID OUTREACH ONTARIO fit MOVIE SUSPENSE Faroon My Lovoly 1120 NEWS 1125 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 cos LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES ThoanI OI Fou Anna Froncio ovoot ofora no former mom queen trying to moko cornoback but whooo offorta are being thwarted by campaign of form Ropoat TlE BABY MAKER 1970 Stars Barbara mahoy 3am Groom MOVIE DRAMA Bram ntaan Ion cable TUESDAY NOV 27 200 pm Employment Barrie 230 Footsteps of Livingstone 300 Active Faith 400 Lake Erie 430 Parliamentary Debates 600 Healthy Living for Seniors 630 Plants are Fun 700 Performance 730 Family and Childrens Services 800 Parents Rights WEDNESDAY NOV 28 200 pm Group of Seven 230 Parents Rights 300 Dry Tortugas 330 Parliamentary Debates 500 Barrie Central Debate 700 Rotary Auction THURSDAY NOV 29 230pm Performance 300 Plants are Fun 330 Group of Seven 400 Healthy Living Seniors 430 Footsteps of Livingstone 500 Parlimentary Debates 6301ts Your Business 700 Labours View 800 Active Faith for historically speaking digonent today in history Nov 27 I979 Alger HiSS was released from prison in the US 25 years ago today In 1954 after serving 44 months of fiveyear term for perjury He had been de nounced as Communist agent during the 1930s by Whittaker Chambers before the Congres sionnl Committee on Un American Activities charge which he denied Then 15und at the peak of his diplomatic career iss could not be charg ed with espionage because of the statute of limitations The perjury trial repeated after the jury first disagreed was ex tremely controversial 11129 The final section of the Welland canal linking Lake Erie and Lake Ontario was opened 1868 General Custer massacred the war party of Chief Black Kettle at Washita Okla 1953 Playwright Eugene ONeilldied 1959 Indians in the Nor thwest Territories were granted full liquor rights 1970 Pope Paul VI escaped unharmed from knife wielding assailant in Manila barries story Nov 28 I962 Mail carriers in Barrie were already beginning to feel the weight of Christmas in their bags Ewart Johnston Post Officer in charge of mail delivery said the mail was getting heavier but it ws most ly due to Christmas advertis ing The Barrie Kinsmen Club voted to contribute $200 canadas story Autos Drove On Left In Parts Of Canada How many people can remember when automobiles were driven on left side of the roads in some arts of Canada That was the law in the Maritimes an British Columbia until 1922 It was on November 30 1922 that new Brunswick passed legislation changing to driving to the right side rugged character in Rothesay brother of Wallace Turnbul the inventor refused to comply with the new law and continued to drive on the left He was menace to other drivers and they protested Turnbull eventually com romised by driving in the middle of the roads but wou not give an inch more The custom of driving on the left came from Britain where it is still in effect It is said that it came from the olden days when knights on horseback traveled through the country They wore their swords on the left so rode on the left side of the roads to be in better position to draw their swords quickly with the right hand The writer remembers an automobile trip from Ottawa to Weymouth NS robably in 1921 when it was neces sary to switch to left side of the road when new Brunswick was entered And another time the automobile being stalled for two days at Oxford NS because the red dirt road was too slippery for driving after heavy rain The route was close to the presentday TransCanada highway that goes through the Wentworth Valley Interprovincial automobile trips were adventures in those days OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER 30 1624 King James proclaimed creation of Baronets of Nova Scotia 1629 Kirke brothers captured Charles LaTour and sent him to England 1696 Iberville captured St Johns Newfoundland 1782 Delegates agreed on peace terms to end American Revolutionary war 1824 Ground was broken for Welland Canal 1829 Welland Canal was opened 1833 Robert Campbell began 3000 mile trip on snow shoes from Fort Simpson 1872 First issue of Manitoba free Press now Winnipeg Free Press 1915 Canadian casualties in World War were 13556 killed and missing gilford by Mrs Sawyer 7753666 number of people in the community have visited the Slst Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this past week Mr and Mrs DT Shaw Jennifer and Kevin of Oakville were weekend visitors at the Sawyers home Mr arkiMrsSam Neilly Mrs Paul Russell and Mrs Bell attended the funeral ser vice for Allan John Neilly in Kitchener on Nov 15 Allan John was the son of Mrs Lorne Neilly and the late Lome Neilly They lived on the 3rd line of Innisfil for many ears Later Mrs Neil ly Allan John lived In Gilford then moved to Kit chencr Gilford United Church Women are entertained at the home of Mrs Bell on Nov with 15 present The president Mrs Whaliey opened the meeting and conducted the business There were good reports from the convenors The White Gift Service for the Sunday School is Dec 16 and the Sunday School entertain ment is Dec in the church The rollcall was answered by What Worship Means to Me Next meting all officers are to give reports and it will be the election of offices The Social Function Committee will supply the program in December and the rollcall is to be answered by Bible verse on Christmas The November program was done by the Citizership and Social Action Committee The theme being The Child and the towards the Christmas Hamper program sponsored by the Salvation Army The hampers were delivered by various service clubs to needy families Mercury vapour lights were in the process of being install ed at intersections from Highway 400 into the City as part of its effort to keep Bar rie well illuminated campaign to equip all Barrie cars with seat belts and educate the public to use them was launched by the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce Industries in the area were contacted and provided with special notices to their employees for use on bulletin boards The Jaycees were of fering low price for an ap proved seat belt and had made arrangements with local garage to have them installed for $1 per belt Prisoners in Simcoe County Jail may have had troubles but they gave the appearance of being content and happy ac cording to report released by the Grand Jury following its tour of the jail They found the jail to be clean and in good repair Painswick school won the safety flag for their Innisfil schools competition and were presented with the Safety Flag by the donors Innisfil Fire Department Chief James Owen made the presentation Pupils of the fourroamed school house were lined up for the ceremony Dick Forbes was the big scorer at Barrie Arena scor ing five goals to lead Bertram and sons to 92 win over Universal Cooler in the first game Of Mercantile In dustrial Hockey League doubleheader In the second game Sextons Sheet Metal defeated the 41XGril 32 Media Several hymns were sung during the program At the close of the meeting lunch was served and social time enjoyed Churchill Hall was the set ting for the 4H Homemaking Club program on Nov 15 with five clubs taking part Course was Accessories the Final Touch Gilford Club showed an exhibit of hats from the 30s to the 70s Pictures of groups of people were shown with the women wearing hats and few older pictures of people were displayed with hats The leaders for this club were Mrs Lock and Mrs Gordon Hughes The commentators for the exhibit were Diana Lock and Paula Neilly There was good attendance of visitors at this program Another highlight for Gilford was Denise Hughes received County Honours isix proiectst The Doctor Says Monitors watch heart rhythm By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dr DoooIIIIe Recently my first hart attack My doetorsentrnetoaheartcare unit in our burial was im mediately enacted to moni to that recorded constantly for five days also had ECG tap ings done each day Would you explain just what these record ings were telling my doctor and the attending nurses AB Patients are attached to monitors in cardiac care units to observe the rhythm of the heart After an attack the heart muscle is very irritable and may develop peculiar beats When these irregularities become pronounced the heart cannot pump blood efficiently Before there were cardiac care units heart rhythm dis iturbance was the major cause of death after heart attacks Now the abnormal beats are detected and promptly treated there and then The ECG machine is much like the monitor but it is at tached to the chest with electric leads in various positions This way it is possible to detect spe cific areas of heart damage from the attack Observing from many viewpoints at once doctors can pinpoint areas of trouble The ECG only detects irre gularities for the brief time it is turned on The monitor since it is always on can detect abnor mal rhythm patterns day or night You use the term first at tack rather glibly There need not be second one if you follow your doctors advice about post infraction care Your letter is not unusual am continually impressed with the number of readers inter BRIDGE ested not so much in their ill ness as in the hardware used during treatment it Dear DrDonohue Approxi mately how long does it take for breast biopsy and does it fiqsuire hospitalization Mrs The actual biopsy takes but little time but preparation of the bit of tissue and examination Of it takes longer In many places the biopsy is done in outpatient surgical suites where the patient is dis charged the same day Processi ing of the specimen may take day or two In some instances immediate analysis is needed as during actual surgery in such cases socalled frozen section of tissue can be pre pared and some idea obtained within minutes Dear Dr Donohue WOuld you please tell me if it is safe to use pottery or porcelain dishes for hot food and drink after they have become badly cracked Mrs Badly cracked dishes are difficult to clean Bacteria can live and multiply in these cracks where they are safe from ordinary cleansing agents These bacteria can get into food Those are the medical facts guess you might wonder why half the population isnt ill with food poisoning of one form or another dont know why Neither do know why people who go through life jaywalking without ending up in orthopedic wards of hospitals Perhaps some housewife will get herself brand new set of dishes from all of this Cracked dishes if theyre old enough and have the right markings on them are great for garage sales NORTH 0A10865 K97 0J5 QJG3 EAST AQ542 99863 +AIO82 ll27 WESI 0K943 63 91074 K754 SOUTH 4QJ72 VJIOB OAKQZ 409 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East 40 South NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag David Berah of Caracas is an old friend We saw him in New York recently and asked him for hand Here it is in his own words The game was rubber bridge and opened fifteen point notrump My partner used Stayman showed my spades and he took me to Oswalngacoby and AIanSontag face cures win game West led the tour or clubs East took his ace of clubs and returned the deuce West won and decided that East had held just two clubs so he led third Club would have let dummys jack win but ruffed my own trick had noted look of dis gust on Easts face when the club was led back and decided that East was sitting with both the ace and queen of hearts wanted two discards of hearts and planned to take them on dummys long trumps led my queen of spades and let it ride after West ducked He then covered my jack of trumps with his king and had to play diamond to my queen to get back to my hand to finesse against Wests nine Then cashed dummys last two trumps East had to discard diamond on the last trump to hold the ace and queen of hearts had seven tricks in and made the last three with aceking and deuce of diamonds beautiful play indeed He could not have made the hand if he had simply discarded on the jack of clubs of course three notrum was wrap up but North an South had found the 54 spade fit and cant be blamed for playing in that suit daIIy crossword ACROSS Vicepresident Answer to Piewous Puzzle Norseman 47 Over prefix Purple flower 50 Actor Romero I3 Light inventor 52 Narcotic 14 Put into 55 Refer cipher 56 Lifting 15 Lady Sp machines 16 Optical 57 Overshae membrane dowed I7 Mao 58 Truthful BEE lung 18 Whisk DOWN ms 20 Actor Mineo 21 Element Sleeveless 24 Is excesswely garment fond of Roman date 23 Moor 42 Historic 27 Afterthought Cows 24 Ten cents period Iabbr Same prefix 25 Unns 43 sound 28 Brilliance Conjunction 26 Pawng 32 Idiotic Munches ma smssa 33 Gene Tierney Against nee HEN role Awkward 29 Ancem composer 34 Come Month Iabbr smilged 45 Sham bark together to Supermans Slfumenl 35 Furbearing girl 30 SectIOn Rauonal animal Authmess 31 Aromam American 36 Weather Ferbei Gunmen Indians bureau abbr 12 Duck 33 Amoum 49 relax 37 Old Dominion g9 Scamp camed 51 Em state abbr Ti er coimty 39 Leading 22 wands of un 37 Tumed 53 In or 01 40 Ogled derstandmg 38 mm 43 Subtle was 4t QUlDble Fleming 3a Wilda1m You will find yourself involved this coming your with persons whowillbeinyourcornerallthe way Several excellent friend ships will be established because of your outgoing attitude SAGITTARIUS Nov zitDoc 21 It isnt what you have that impresses others today so dont try to be anything youre not Its your friendliness and warmth that draw people to you CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 You may not think anybody WOULD YOU UK 10 HEAR WHAT lIIE sarcasm WATCH IT MICHFIEL IF you MOVE THERE ILL UUMPyoOSO For Better or Worse cares about you but youre In for big surprise when someone to whom youve been kind comes through in big way AQUARIUS Jan Mob Daydreaming is for Children Your hopes when based on real ity will manifest themselves quickly the minute you set to work on thorn PISCES Fob Web 20 Ignore superficml persons who place Importance only on appearances Those with real depth are the ones with whom youll find lasting happiness ARIES March 21April 19 ll wont be simply because youre nice guy that youll get what you want today The main reason Is that you make heck of lot of sense thereby convincmg TALENTLESS $53526 NCE WASA DULL IRIIE OLD Hl COST ME WA EBYTH ONLY Baalrt SPOT IN THE DISMAI AFFAIR WAS THE WELLDESIGNED mounts Iv tu Hug AIS hi HFIH an Jumeyou HOW COME WAéNT INVITED TU KENNY5 Ninthrop EVER MAKE UPI Nizard of Id BIRTHDAY hOLI WERE THERE others TAURUS ApriI 20May 20 You can benefit now through 50m thing of secretive nature Take care howevu that you dont betray confideer with which youre entrusted DENIM lay 214nm 20 If youre Involved in something where another appears to be too greedy dont waste time fretting over it Youll come out far ahead in the long run CANCER Juno 21July 22 Hold your tongue when others are asking everybody to choose up sides In an issue defying solu tion Youll be the one held in high esteem for wisely waiting LEO July 23Aug 22 Taking little flak and turning the other cheek pays off In the long run wmlHEN ITIIINK ILL 11031 JUMP 900R HHN AstraGraphsmamo Youll win on the first ballot when start voting on who they like VIRGO Aug nSopt 22 An outside influence might at first create dilemma as to where your loyalties lie Once you got your notions in order youll knowwhichflogto fly LBRA Sopt 23Oct 23 Allow reasoning to overrule hurt foet lngs and youll quickly discover there is no cause for discomfort The motive behind the action will justify the behavior SCORPIO Oct Nov 22 Instead of blaming other for financial problems even If youre right concentrate your efforts on ways to add to your resowcos SOTMIIII good OCCU no ca DID NW $PIRITAT LEA5T PIECE OF CAKE IN 5Fth WLEG TREKEB NO Feeurle HUNTER Eosmis PQOGBAMMED LET ME ADJUST To CAPrues EAIZIH RABBIT THOSE RABBIT EARS Doc Bugs Bunny Frank and Ernest Born Loser IN MY LE6 THEY CHANéE mEVANT TO THE nlClbvNEA an us In on Title ONE iM ADI éolNér T0 eweN YOUR SKULL WITH COULD IIATE THAT QABBIT IF FELT GTETA HAVE AN ENTIRE STAFF THE PEER GBOUP PREJSURE AROUND BIT EARLYD JUDGE YET THINK YOURE MISTER JIN TOUKE ARENTTHERE ANY TEEDTALLERS IN THIS TOWN HERE REALLY GEITLNLG 10 THINK IVE FOUIJD Hl6 HICHE H55 PAPEKWEIUHT

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