the examiner Thursday Nov 22 197977 drin Canadian Club The United States lnto its third century of democratic life country of achievement and spirit land created by people who enjoy lifes ï¬ner things In each of the 50 states Americans enjoy the ï¬ne taste of Canadian Club Its nice to know the world can get together about something Around the world when people think of the ï¬nest lightest smoothest whisky they think of Canadian Club The finest of fine Canadian whiskles is The Best In The House In 87 lands Am Amnlma Argerfrxi Arum AJYJJ Act Exivt Ln her ill an lJv Attacked by eagle Dino Lippi ol Belle River Ont 40 kms kitten Lippi went to the rescue and was subse southeast at Windsor was borbecuin so quently attacked by the bird which gauged spore ribs Tuesday morning when an eagle several large holes out at his arm and bicep swooped down near him and attacked his small CP Photo Paul Sad on says THIS IS FOR REAL THERE ARE NQ GIMMICKS We feel most car buyers are interested with three basic pomts when purchasmg their new car or truck SERVICE 2PURCHASE PRICE FINANCING SERVICE Everyone who has dealt at Paul Sadlon Motors knows serV1ce IS somethlng you can depend on PURCHASE PRICE Purchase prlce is of prime concern ili Canadian Club is distilled and bottled in Walkerville by Hiram Walker Sons Limited FINANCING We want your business Therefore TO HECK WITH INTEREST RATES Paul Sadlon IS offering TRUE interest rates at FOR EXAMPLE 6000 financed at $1961 over 48 months Amount $600000 Life lnsurance $6056 Finance Charges $157576 Monthl Paymerits $15909 on the purchase of any new 19791980 stock units limited time November qualified credit PAUL SADLON MOTORS 233 Bradford St Barrie YOUR CHEV OLDS CADELLAC DEALER