Dancmg with cone for prop isnt limited to vaudevillians in straw MacDonald shows above Actually says Col the Orient dance school it began as early Tut himself is often depicted holding cane boaters as Colleen Trisha leen of the Barrie Dance as the time of Tut in Egypt or crook Examiner Photo by Mary Delaney Dance of Orient Tribute to Tut in classical style Tut mania has liil Harrie Jewellry and Tshirts are available in shops and Egyptianstyle cosmetics are the latest rage With more attention to ultural accuracy and less enir phasis on making buck Dance of the Urniii Harrie dance school is presenting Tribute to lut on Friday November 30 at the llurton Avenue tinted Church starting at it in olleeii MacDonald known to some as lrishaf is the director of the school and the woman who has coordinated the even ing and chortographed the numbers that will be perform ed She calls the style of latices she teaches laiice of the orieiit because it goes beyond the most familiar form belly dancing She and the women in her With sound onloan fmmthe classwill perform both the Gallerv Of Oman classical and traditional style of Egyptian dance The poses and choreography of the dance will emphasize profiles and side views such as those seen in the art forms of ancient Egypt PROFESSIONAL The dance portion of the pro gram will commence with Pharoah processional The women will wear traditional style costumes ornate head dresscs and flowing robesvsuch as the women of the temple would have worn They will perform the dance of the goddesses and the dance of sorrow for the loss of the king Pharoah Tutankhamun rag Prince East Barrie STORYTIME FOR TOTS Thursday November 22nd l302pm2 303 pm ALL WELCOME Telephone 737200l Fine toys books records art supplies stationery DEC310M DECISIONS Who should call to clean my carpets this Holiday Season NM mm wading mobile Steam Cleaning System Hotter Water cleaner quicker drying time Efficient deeper more true cleaning Quiet mobile plant outSIde you can work in the same room Economical savings passed on to you If RIG DECISION CALL 7265579 7262002 As well as the dancmg tnere Wlll be Show of color slides The school has sponsored King Tut art contest in local public schools The results will be on display during the even ing and winner will be chosen Tickets for Tribute to Tut are $350 each and can be ob tained by calling 7286531 after pm graduates Dalston United Church was the setting for the October wedding of Carolyn Dunsmore daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Dunsmore at RRl Midhurst and Fred Brown son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Brown of RRi2 Walkerton The newlyweds are residing on Brown Eden Farms of Walkerton Photo by Favero Carolyn Brown Adrianna Fraser student at the Dance otthe Orient school strikes the prayer pose with her instructor Colleen MacDonald below poster at the boyking Tutanhkamun This is just sample at the show the group will put on Friday St Andrews Anglican Church Alliston was the setting for the October wedding at Ann Christine Hazel daughter of Mr and Mrs Douglas Hazel at Egbert and Timothy Roy Bridge son of Mr and Mrs Carolyn Joy Brown nee Dunsmore daughter at Mr and Mrs Leon ard Dunsmore of Midhurst received her diploma in nursing from Georgian College by Mary Delaney and her registered TmOthy Chrlsuan nurses of Ontario cer Timothy Chgï¬tia SChm nsorm ris mas cra more carclyn sgie on SEturday November 24 graduate of Barrie at the Hayfield Mall Crafts North She has ac knitted goods Christmas cepted position decorations childrens Parkview Manor Ches be featured ley Sears Were so proud of our WASH WEAR PERMS at OUR HAIR BEAUTY SALON We want all you GALS GUYS to Know About it Regular prices range from $25 to $50cuts included off Nov 21 to Dec Come in for Complimentary Consultation 7264451 ext 221 227 SimpsonsSears Ltd 509 Baytield St Barrie Reg Was refers to SimpsonsSears Ltd Prices and apply as indicated clothing and quilt action will November 30 Tribute to Tut Examiner Photo Rummage Sale rummage sale organized by the Catholic Womens League will be held Friday November 23 from 6308 pm at St Marys Church 65 Amelia St Hard Times Dance The SnoVoyageurs Cub of Barrie is having Hard Times Dance Saturday November 24 from 91 am at the Stroud Community Centre Tickets are $10 per couple and include buffet spot dances and door prizes Call Alice Hickling 7283830 or buy tickets at the door Performance House Greg Laing will be the featured performer at Friday November 23s Performance House at the Farmers Market Mulcaster Street starting 830 pm Frogs and Toads Introduction to the frogs and tods of Simcoe County will be the theme of the November Roy Bridge at Big Bay Point The couple is residing in Downsview Photo by Favero meeting of the Brereton Field Naturalists starting at 730 pm Friday November 23 at the Forest Home Church Hall Highway 11B Orillia WE Cattley will be the guest speaer His show will feature slides and sound recordings Shanty Bay St Thomas Anglican Church in Shanty Bay is having Christmas bazaar on Saturday November 24 from 101 pm There will be baked goods tea room Christmas decora tions childrens corner and attic treasures Ys Menettes bazaar and bake sale son sored by the Barrie Ys Monet tes will be held on Saturday November 24 from 10 am to noon at the YMYWCA draw for childs rocking chair knitted afghan crib quilt and an oil painting will be made at noon All proceeds to the q5RON20 peOpIe and places St John Vianney St John Vianney Church will hold its annual bazaar and tea Saturday November 24 from noon to pm There will be baked goods and crafts on sale and draw for quilt Utopia St Georges Anglican Church in Utopia will hold its Christmas bazaar and tea on Saturday November 24 from 15 pm at the Utopia Community Centre Admission is $1 Goodfellow The Goodfellow Interested Parents Association is holding its annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday November 24 from 10 am to pm There will be bake tables craft tables and white elephant table as well as tea room Local crafts people will be setting up booths and the guides and scouts will be running fun fair for the children Individuals or groups wishing to rent tables should contact Maureen Watson 4361802 Proceeds from the bazaar will go to the local guide and scout packs as well as towards purchase of remedial reading material for Goodfellow School Ratepayers meeting The guest speaker at the next public meeting of the Associa tion of Barrie Citizens will be Art Bradford retired irillia teacher Bradford is actively involved with the Orillia Conccrned Citizens citywide ratepayers group He will explain the func tions and effectiveness of citizens cooperating and organizing to improve their community Everyone is welcome especially those concerned about the upcoming OMB hear ing of the seeder Project It INCH Dl ul iIC PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES 126 Collier St Barrie 766030 Ann Landers Time for hohday Dearuin Landers heard you speak in Las Vegas in August and you said you have written seven columns week for 24 9le with never day off You also said when you take vacation the columns are written before you leave Today lm going to see that you get real rest am sen ding clipping of column that appeared several years ago on Thanksgiving Day Please run it again Ann and put your feet up today Admirer Dear diiiirer accept Here it is Ily feet are up and Im enjoyingcvcry minute of it iliear Ann want to thank you for openly discussing all human problems homosexuality masturbation abortion infidelity kinky sev sadism shoplifting teenage pregnnn cics yencral disease alcoholism medical problems drug addiction witcrswapping child abuse funny uncles every conceivable aspect of life Please dont ever lose sight of the fact that you are the principal source of information for millions of people who are too timid too nniinaginativc or too unmolivated to seek help elscw hcrc whole generation of young people has grown up learning about life from reading your column lt would be impossi hie to calculate the impact you have had on millions of peo pie not only teenagers but individuals in every age group You have patched up family fights caused people to win and lose flicts made commumcution between children and parents easier sent people to physicians dentists counselors and service organizations they would never have known about if it hadnt been for you Thank you Ann Landers for your terrific sense of humor There have been days when your column was my laugh for the day You have way of being funny without being flip insulting or hurtful have split my sides at some of the things youve written You have also made me and thousands of others feel that arent stupid just because we have to ask someone for mixice Thank you for having the nerve to call on the busiest and bestinformcd authorities in niCdlClltt psychiatry and religion to get answers for your readers Very few of us could reach these people and we certainly couldnt afford to pay them Thank you for the encouragement and guidance youve given the alcoholic the mentally ill the depressed and the handicapped Your column has been tremendously sup portivc to people who secretly worry about themselves thinking they are the only ones in the world with such crazy problems Its wonderful toknow we arent alone Thank you for admitting when you are wrong it takes big person to do that Thank you for the many miles you travel to talk to all kinds of audiences and for going on TV and discussing open ly and honestly some very sensitive issues This must take great deal of energy but it makes your newspaper column so much more meaningful when peoplc can see the woman herself sincere warm and outgoing You are for real lfyou werent you never would have lasted so long Have happy lhanksgiving Ann You deserve it One Who Loves You Dear Friend good friend once told me that praise like perfume should be inhaled and not swallowed So Im in haling your extremely generous letter and do thank you Erma Bombeck Whats that white stuff is Tifiiifu Bounnck When dresses went above my knees my slips were too long When dresses dropped below my thighs my slips were tooshort This year was one of those phenomenal years that occur once in persons lifetime The length of the dress and the slip was compatible you have any idea what the odds are of having dress and slip that come out even The same odds as having your car washed on sunny day 10000 to one Then one night my husband said Whats that white lump oozing out of the slits in your dress Its my slip said It looks terrible The simple truth is every skirt and every dress on the racks this year have slits in varying lengths from the knee to the thigh to My Heavens dont back into room To date have not found way to solve the problem have tried doing the Bette Midler Shuffle where you take steps so small your feet never leave the floor This eliminates drafts and movement but takes you 30 minutes to walk across small room lve tried the Handbag Toverup where you conveniently place your handbag in front of every opening that is ex posed making you as nervous as woman with chocolate breath at Weight Watchers meeting The Sixinch Slip has been invaluable to me it starts at the waist and ends up just above the hips However there are two hazards you must consider if the dress is sheer you can never appear in room where there is light and if the dress is silk the static from your pantyhose will make you look like newlypa pered powder room There are some people who are naive enough to think you can sew the slits together and eliminate the problem This nonsense usually comes from women whose pantyhose bag at the knee walked into room the other night and my husband whispered Whats that lump around your waist Its my slip rolled up Then whats that white lump oozing out of the slits of your dress its my leg lie was going to ask another question but thought better of it Pollys Pointers Pillows need frr washing out DEAR PULLY have some old pillows and the feathers are all stultk together wonder if there is way to lean Hr wash them DEAR NRA presume these are bed pillows Be sure there are no holes or slits in the ticking covers and then put them in the washer with lukewarm water and detergent Run the machine about five minutes Rinse let spin and then put in the dryer not too hot They should be clean but may not be fluffy so hang them outside on line and leave them in the sun and air for two or three days This should fluff them up unless they are at the point of no return The leathers must be thoroughly dry before the pil lows are put away or used or there will be an odor problem OLLY lilIAH FULLY When plastic bags are washed for reuse it is usually such chore to get them dry inside lslip such freshly washed bag over roll of paper towels As the outside is being dried the paper towels dry the inSidc They are soon ready to put away When have small bags put them over BERNAIHNE smaller roll of tissue DRAPERIES CARPET llMlTED For sh0p at home call 19 St 728199 mm