FOX HUIND TACK SHOP °Saddlos OBridlos Riding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE puma St 7282431 PW Ilatrucks and trailers I975 FORD pickup double cab F100 60000 original miles Call 456 3337 I974 FORD VAN uncerlilied S700 Call 773 9698 SNOW PLOW tolit Brnncoor Jeep Com plate$300 718 6463 was LAND ROVER 4x4 $1000 or best at ter 728 6463 1974 LAND ROVER excellent shape Warren eler tric winch with extra cable 43000 miles New exhaust tires block healer ready tar winter $3600 Ask lor Ron 737 3267 or 737 4551 I975 DODGE VAN cylinder automatic 43000 original miles linished inside $4000 or best otter 726 8831 1972 FORD RANGER XLT ton V8 automatic P5 P8 new tires certitied or as is Asking $1295 See at Sunoco Anne and John Street Call 737 0340 evenings 835 $591 1978 GMC pickup truck hton automatic power steering power brakes 350 cu in motor 22000 kilometres Asking 35000 Cap avail able Telephone 726 4948 WI FORD TON pick up automatic Lerlitied 728 6878 W77 FORD F100 Pickup cylinder standard heavy duty suspension cap radial summer and wrnter tires Cer tilled Collinpwoad 705445 $84I alter pm I971 FORD PICK UP suspensmn New tires shield mrrrors Call 776 6295 1976 DODGE MAXI Window van GUTUnIflIIL power steering power brakes recent tune up brakes mutller and snow tires Excellent body Mechanically certilied H550 lirm Phone 728 RISb WI JEEP PICKUP JYMO 4x4 SOD miles runs well $2700 as is 4245066 W75 CHEV tour door automatic best trade or alter Phoneanytime 72B 1627 78 CJ7 JEEP II cyl AMFM radio radials under coated tree wheeling hubs plus much more As new Lic NMY 034 Only III0l miles $0995 No down payment Bank terms S49 19 weekly over 48 months Bay City Motors 45 Bradtord SI 77B 7720 Wu FORD ECONOLINE 200 van V6 power steering power brakes au tornalii transmissmn windows all around good condition 526 4078 Midland Jibauto accessories CRAIG POWER PLAY cassette deck M06 x9 speakers new cost over $500 itll tor S325 726 I29 or 728 3723 alter 350 OL DSMOBILE motor low mileage excelleitI condition SISO 150 CHEV engine tour barrel carburetor noon can limit SILK INS 37mOTOICYCI85 Heavy duty brakes wind alter W70 BMIA MOTORCVCLE 600 cr low mileage SL600 or alter as is 4th 3186 1978 V2 135 VAMAHA motocross aluminum swing arm must sell best at tel No SolI WANTED used motouyCIes Town Cy cle 1m Tittvn SI Us 9544 nsnowmobi I85 ol dopondabto son Your headquarters tor Kawasaki 05 Sonic Pam NiWAT MOTORS II No lay PM 7105603 D22 MM mm we ARCTIC ur snownomis I0 Mathias Buy early and save Free trnancrng until Jan no SPORT HAVEN MARINE aminoION 1171 Kcore 6711197714715 JaspadpooM out yo aon 1101 WO IIIN 5°13 SUVIDOOOM iNIdIlVOD smï¬ pogonpuoq Auow ml II no 09 EM SIVO 66 NidO ISDIIM SIN IIV NI 5310 ONIIDONII SI IIXJIdOOOM 3H1 uploads sow suip TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE NOAHS ARK PET SHOP Professionaly All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 680 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7267332 PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots DEvening Shoes Hand Bags Gilt Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 it Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jenn Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from Loblows 737432 SIBsnowmobiles I975 OLYMPIC SKI DDO tor sale Ex cellent condition $700 or nearest alter Telephone 726 2730 HIS HERS Skiroule snowmobiles one RTX 300 and one RTX 447 Ex cellent condition Well cared tor First $15000rcall7286981anytime 40articles for sale SENSATIONAL NEW STORE SALE 20 GXIOD $1493 mootIncl RCAXLIOOZtorl Ody 400 wlrly starting January80 One hour delivery KRAZT KELLYS ii DUNLOP nut to thy 90 Moot MIR 7371102 TF RECONDITIONED TVs tully uuar anteed Huge selection and and col Dr Wand up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at ters complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to sile Sinch thickness 34 Baylield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown DESK AND CNAIR Beautilul solid teak desk and chair Will add warmth and elegance to any ollice or den Only $27999 No money down tree delivery in store lindncing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop 7374774 Closed Mon daySI N24 REMINGTON I2 gauge pump shot gun Stevens 22 semi automatic rltle Win Chester 243 calibre bolt action rille also Winchester commemowtive rilles Telephone 723 6494 TRIPLE DRESSER and chest at drawers ladies I0 speed bike $50 Iur coal srxe7 Sloo 72o Iaalterop in Six PIECE walnut diningraam set in good cohortan Asking $500 Telehone 4164595 BRAND NEW Spanish guitar value willselltorSIm 77 1°34 COLEMAN all space heater largesixeus 32 lIIS LADIES GRAY LEATNER coa with tip in pile lining tur collar $75 Ladies length CAMEL coal S25 Sizes Io Ia Both excellent condition Irriitation Christmastireplace $10 323 3034 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER IO ton 3phau wator coolo S250 With tan with dual compFOISOr SI 500 In 7372431 JGsnowmobiles Come and See SCOTTY For Personal Service and the Best Deal Anywhere pc Kitchen Ste KROENLER SWIVEL ROCKER 539 ELECTRIC RANGE opt SIlO only 20 COLOR TV full factory warranty 20 OLOR 3459 he ital Ior to Instrhon 4pc LIVING ROOM STE includes love seat $399 39 TWIN BED couplete with mattress 388 loony down ii Hutmdoivory BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE LTD 202 DUNLOP hbe the white lieu 7374774 CLOSED nonorirs N19 22H Store ilI March Anyones Price Even It We Have To Raise Ours 30inch Deluxe RANGE Timer Factory Service GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR lolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gilt subscriptions at The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar to the pleasure given Eac gilt will be announced in your name with beautilul card in lull rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 year compressor warranty twin crisp er adjustable shelves 389 40articlestor sale WASHER DRYER 697 tor pair Can be purchased separately NINE PIECE Solid Teak dining room suite leak couch and chair Cal7261080 between HP SNOWBLOWER 26 deluxe speed lorward and reverse amp alter nator headlights and chains 600 tires complete $82950 I0 HP SNOW BLOWER 32 deluxe speed lorwara and reverse amp alternator head lights and tire chains 750 tires $895 50 complete 72¢ 1114 26 ELECTROHOME color televismn pc LIVING ROOM SUITE Briar wood POOL TABLE years old Best at tors Call737 0290 IENITN 20 PORTABLE COLOR lw solid state only $598 Under $6 wily Starting January 80 Order lonte getalwe block and white One hour delivery KRAZV KELLVS now nextdoor to lhe Highway 90 Meat Market at Fetndale One hour delivery 7371182 TF MAMIYA C330 21 Camera excellent condition used very little 80 mm lens F2 skylight tillers Good Ior portrait or wedding photographer $450 728 5043 HAMMOND AURORA ORGAN 8700 series Excellent condition Call 737 4376 altero POLY FOAM cut to sue Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stock at poly loam Ii to thickness Pro mpt servrce reasonable prices 34 Baylield Street downtown STEREO CONSOL AM FM Track BSR turntable Introduces MAGNAVOX TVs Myrazit Euan rrsm 20 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Ior sale Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat slicer ice cream lreeler caterina eompment 936 2588 TWO TRAYNOR speakers wrtt horns IVSC 051 PV head 200 wall two SHORE mikes Phone Gary 72o 9098 CARMOR Airtight Stove Insulated chrmney $350 436 l696 SHUFFLEBOARDS used I2x6x27 EINBALLS reconditioned Phone 737 2533 between va 5p DICTATION MACHINE Philips model LFH 0096 in new condition Only used ap proximately weeks also POCKET MEMO SDIFoal model LFH 0095 recent iy overhauled good condvion 737 IOSI business hours ianséEeegrgphonic Full Manutacturers Warm ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES Electrohome 26 televrsian automatic color control electric brightener III solid state solid wood color ALSO AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF LIVING ROOM SUITES EX PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITES STARTING AT ONLY$3 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 544 IATFIELD ST DA 7262900 cabinet Only $69999 Come early Ior best selection We servrce all makes at TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 7284297 N22 24 WHITE INGLIS econoTcal Gas Dryer 52000 Phone 72a 8575 ARGE MOFFAT trostree retrigeator and stove harvest gold years old ALSO complete set at barbells 77 7035 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES plus many antiques tisn not etc Apply Ross stree DISC JOCkEV SEY technics turntables mixer Mo pane speakers amp lier mike and records $2 00C Jr 395 after 29 9543 alter So In SUSPENDED lunae 150°C BTU usec goo tend to SIOC 2o IE5 be weenï¬ COMBINATION neat and cool window up RN BTU new $156 726 last be weeci two SUSPENDED turnaces 102 In EL use good conditon 85 7261359 betwevnï¬i WASHER and Good canalior inCIUOPS aua Oarticles for sale SONTSTEREO SQMYIDRO AM FM runner into umrabie 3343 Pro Speakers vxar SS tin Starting January 9AI KELLS no neI 600 to Normal 9C Mea Mutie torridob Ssea 7182 HOSTTN LING CABiNET 17 nc casine rs x39 303 EITRIC STOVE and FROST F5 GERATOR oor in al Usec OIy months Ex tic SL000 Ior both will Telephoneflo 34w BAkE SALE November lltCP Steet Nortf 17¢ Drapes bedspreads SOYIfturnlUTP etc 200 Corne 09 Cook Satur EADED TIRE and tube LC stove complete truck tC Dodoe Telephone DRLW SET including bass curve tom tom snare drum ot cymbal and hi not throw and music sand All Onci 720 1733 tor sale brand new Must lt Tripie drawedresser SID tesse SI 728 3833 TITANIC TOSHIBA rJible 50 month 53 warranty Now IDnito 92 tree Uide wkly starting SC KRAIY KELLVS now nnxt the Highway 90 Meat Marke ot he 37 18 Qcte an iIIr TF UNUSUAL ANTIQUE hir tool tall heavy oak pink recently reupholstered in Approximately 100 yIilrsola conatnr SE IN Must be sm Jc ï¬le ANDOR Srcr it 10 SWiIir 16 7374 RAGE SALE Vilas Single bed 001 desk allicechair ISsnowtires Imus Tupperware miscellaneous Sat many November 24 20 VOIIIISIEO excellent llelrniirt overtur iL QUC mom tollee table Ontaro llaa ytlr tinime baby walker baby All anon ondilion 737 3384 MUSLRAT lur coat size I820 winter cent by Niccolini brown corduroy trim below knee irnur WOlOOPWITTIOI $65 2pc boys provr luzzi snow sun Size 24 $10 Baby Buntina pads lwhite pink lblue each TTlgITllIIIIy evening down pink Wlli llowrri print size 1714 S70 1210534 RTE SAL onsrstmg ol OITIOOYS ol birtoorli house Saturday Nb wr will noon to 63 Ferris nu iin BS rlbusn alsotor sale llAboats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF 42articles wanted LINADiiN SIL VER COINS belore l967 can Delore 1961 No collection too or small Canadian stamps old lies uosltards iewellery 726 lob3 vwnilqs 726 3th SINAIDIAN SILVER COINsbelore I967 own an helure I961 No collection too II 0r small Canadian stamps old nil hes DOSILitdSWDIICTy 72¢ 3162 nill EOR OLD FURNITURE books IBIIEE old pictures clocks odds and midr DUI ISISO items 728 8234 VMPIC COINS wanted Will buy sets separate $5 per set 737 0923 any Nil 48 3IDiievenings or weekends 1763VwINTED Pine Spruce Hemlock With large diameters Building yutl Loris Ltd 7261966 eveninqs Km SST PICK UP unwanted appliances ol cliarui pilllnt 725 5339 alter rt l7iANO WANTED 111 jlbi LaNTED TO BUY used Patz stable IIHTIIIIIQ chair Telepltonel 32 3572 44 logs and pets DAEFON KENNELS Specraliliria in LIDIIVUIIH tor Big Dads Coulson On iir IO Telepnone 705 838 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoorng and clipping at all breeds 264 St Vincent 77¢ 471 in Good condition POODLE TRIMMING prolessronal UIIOITTIHQ all breeds pick up and de mien 77587911 PelStudio PCIPICAL FISH Best selection in nwv Aquariums all Sizes at unbeatable vaiinqs and weekends Edge unia l4 Ardaqh Road 726 0094 TO dood home Four month old ii Shepherd lenialo pup Call 737 4I80 POODLE SALON Clipping all Call now tor your Dog Gone ap tmrjntl 776 4141 Sophia St POODLE PARLOR Proles Iippiriu and grooming Chargex Illil Philni 726 006i NFRCO AMERICAN cocker DIIDS Exceptionally lovable Flatit weeks old Telephone wrr niilg ri mil iiili SPANIEL pups Ior sale For IIIiitT riiil up call 72R 3634 SSVCOTISTTUCIIOTI machinery aw in or D7 or TDIs Bulldozer Juli blade Must be in running or wrinnnlv condition 487 6041 between ln11rn socamping equipment PEIN or TANDEM 24 trailer Vylll rear balli light wood in nev awning excellent condition leave $0000 PhoneGravenhursl nr ii 57wlivestock tor sale DP IIOAPOED large new box 11 Iltlnlg daily turnouts stalls Wynnawe at Barrie llth at up 37IC Im 728 6574 REL FARM Lessons lb tc advanced riders With ft Gold Midalist iiiiwvi5rd arc at your ndonr id Il arena ith line at HOAPDED leeding uni1 Reasnwarilr 424 574r YEulv Old Bay Thoroughbred ham Dule reasonable HORSES BOARDED WIN 487 29 iwpoultry chicks stalls flt READY lay auIIes Farm ay tubes lnr sale Craig Farms IQII VEAP 00 nen lav sale 00 gr wri oitainnrs Leo it ill tiirrr HWy lftlllt Thor IJ Closer Sundays tressirz rIIIJ rleaned rm €5lt pir lri Fret rir rut 33 IilS rill teed seedrgrain at 07 Cal ram Jd 43¢ turn 22 Ddttbr apprrixflnateir 20 ondlio 487601 Dr TOV Ur Ver err in 27 67 irmls vegetables gt35 know and 59 Co Tidal5 Sundays 8499 BLV MACINTOSN AP 5mm BR you ow Fui Market obpersonals gtltagtlt Are yo pregnant and Bigr really cares 166 Barr 73 355 iHJNVMOU 28 058 II ms or DJSIVPS 33 Call am Who ndao arena ba Minutes were NED ror leagues tor wrmt spaes couples Bow 76 we rlt Dulle area viesrvn 40 9233 Mor glui up It you UPFIIGHT VACUUM Aok tor Ina homo domination today 51me 7203302 TELECARE Why light your problem alone7 Let mend help Call Telecare 720 m2 anytime AUTOS to Florida 536 aiiooinrs In Western Canada gas allowance Town to Driveaway Service 416 220 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION so Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 00 mom andTnursoayo 30 30 737 4221 726 VI Ext 236 FERSON FROM ALLANDALE needs ride to and lrom Georgian Mall during Christmas season willing to contribute rogasexpenses Phone 726 0444 ELDERLY MAN desires lady or gentleman companion tor winter either my home or yours 436 3190 RIDE WANTED to and lrom Toronto daily Leaving Vicinin at St Johns Rd and 7th Line mornings and returning alter pm Please call 436 4370 alter Ila at weekends INTERESTED IN Photography Gain experience doing team photos will train you Good 35 mm Single rellex camera electronic llash and car necessary Itust be available about 20 Minutes each morning and alternoon and about hour each evening lor one week Call collecl 416 690 0832 7Ihelp wanted TRAVELWAYS PART TIME work available drivmg school bus Must be 2i years or age and hold valid drivers licence We will train you here Call 728 5941 or visit3l Penelano St Barrie BABYSITTER requued in Miners Paint area Tuesday evenings 737 I351 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE Experienced and mature couple for 40 suite apartment building in Barrie salary and benelits Coll I4I65970787 TF Good Experienced Babysitter required for month old baby and to supervise school age children days weekly in my home Ferris Lane area Please phone 726703 alter pm N22 23 24 DISTRICT SALES MANAGER maior cosmetic company is looking for career oriented person to ioin the exciting world at direct selling in the Barrie area We require sell starter who enioys recruiting training and developing parttime group of in dependent sales dealers The ideal candidate will have some knowledge of beauty products direct selling ex perience and the necessary skills to recruit and train sales force We otler an excellent starting salary car and lull training to the right candidate Quolilied applicants requested to send plicalions to IOX C5 TNE EXAMINER IARRIE ONTARIO are up COST LOT Eun extra money AVON Meet selling interesting people set your own hours beyour own boss Pharie today and Iind out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 WThTF CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires2or year experienced BODY PERSON Tole phone 720 0481 Experienced GENERAL MACHINIST for expanding loopino Shop Top rate 9381 plus benetits Apply to Barrie Welding and Machine 39Anne St South Telephone 726 I444 HAIRDRESSING ASSISTANT wanted MUST be experienced in perminp and blow drying Starting pay $175 per week Applicant must bring model lor dem onstration For interview phone 126 7655 MANAGEMENT POSITION available tor competent harrslylrs in Barrie It you are looking tor challenge and want to grow in our busmess please call 725 2023 to arrange an interview DRIVER WAREHOUSE PERSON re quired by Industrial Distributar Grade I2educalion or related experience anon oood drivrnu record are requisite tor employment Apply to Box C3 The aminer Barrie Ontario DAY CARE NEEDED in my home lorJ month old baby girl starting December Horn 30 rn to Telephone 720 4553 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSWAITER wanted part time must be legal age Contact Cosy Comer 436 3623 ask tor Herdi RESTAURANT help tor part time and lull timewantea 487 2M3 MAKE EXTRA cash this wekk in your spare time No selling or telephone solicninq Call Peter Cooper 725 3818 BABYSITTER REQUIRED Maple Grove Oakley Park area One child one year old Please call 726 4391 LICENCED MECHANIC Class tor heavy truck garage Own tools preterable Diesel experience an assel Send replies to Box C4 The Examiner Barrie Technical Representative We are looking tor an experienced elec tronic service representative who Will be required to prayide direct tactory ser vrce tocustomers andor dealers on ALL BRANDS at electronic products Ap plicants should be graduates at year electronic program including color TVS or equivalent related experience The ability to work independently to relate well to people and to use tact and good iudgmenl in all contacts are essential re quirements tor this position Please app ly la SERVICE ELECTROHOME 49 Morrow Rd Unit Barrie Ont L4N 3V7 705 726 5982 LOCAL FIRM requires bilingual general oltice clerk Must be lluenl in French verbal and written Able to work can lidently with ligures handle phones reception and typing pleasant per sonalitv is must tor this diversitied position Oualilied interested persons may apply in wrilting to Tandy Leather Co Box 13000 Barrie L4M 4W4 SECRETARIAL POSITION available with localgeneraiinsuranceagency Ex periencc pretcrred but not essential For appomtmentcall 726 6086 JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN Consulting Engineering and Planning Company requires person to train as iunior drattsman Minimum at grade 12 required Salary will be commensurate with experience and ability although ex perience not essential The lirm carries good health salary insurance and pen sion plan lringe benelils Applications should be sent to AINLEY AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 52 Morrow Road Barrie Ontario L4N 3V8 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Canadas best tabloid community newspaper requires an energetic creative duplay representative Dynamic individual with previous media experience and lrack record preferred Salary commissron car allowance plus excellent Iringe bunolils Good growth potential Automobile necessin Please call FAT TAYLOR Alb8234000 or send resume to MISSISSAIIGA TIMES Attn Foy Taylor 1300 South Shoridon Way Mississauga Ont L51 2M4 the municipal SdVIIIEi ll Nil LlJlliJUliJIII II We require an experienced porttime teller for Friday Saturday morning at our downtown branch 64 Dunlop East For an interview call NEWBERY 72693 PeOPLeS+JeweLleRs The Diamond People MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Excellent opportunity for an intelligent personable and am bitious person It you enjoy selling line merchandise and are prepared to work hard for an unlimited future we would like to hear trom you Comprehensive training program provided Send resume to Mr Norris 320 Boyï¬old St Dorrie Ont COST ANALYST An opportunity presently exists in our cost ac counting department tor Grade I2 graduate to begin or advance his or her career in the cost accounting field Previous mandatory however some exposure to experience is not the preparation of various cost reports and statistics in manufacturing environment would be an asset For Iurther information regarding this opportunity please apply to lab3mm Connor Manor Employee lolltnnc FANREMET LIMITED flmIed on N2I 22