accommodations to sharo adoptions 82 opts to rant 16 births BI boots motors 41 business opportunities 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 article for sale 40 card of thanks 86 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wantad 42 cars wanted 33 auction solos 79 carping events 88 09 auto accessorias 36 commercial sale or rant auto service and ropairs 35 construction machinery 55 01property Ior sale 01property10rsale 13 NELSON SQUARE EAST Close to the water and parks perfect retiremerit home three bedroom bungalow with new imr mg and insulation Asking lust $39400 EAST END Quiet area treed lot three bedroom brick bungalow With panelled rec room and workshop area in the baserrierit close to schools backs onto city owned greenbell area Asking lust $46 900 ROSE STREET BEAUTY Look what you get for iust $53200 three bedraoiris two iHIIh walk in closets huge family kitchen outside entrance to rec room double heated goragr can rate patio some indirect lighting slate floor in foyer OftI iriorc inrluding large first mortgage at Ilna Peter Gubbels 7282425 loliri Struik 7263555 Bill Sakeris 7371586 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119DUNLOPST 7261938 TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTILBpm iiiuni VENDOR WILL HOLD MORTGAGE on this immaculate family 5110 home wrth bedrooms large family room with fireplace games room double car garage and pool size lot on quiet street Please call Bob Henderson 7261938 or 7285112 MLS 3679 COUNTRY LIVINGOnIy minutes from Barrie Stately maple trees sliadc this converted brick schoolhouse very large rooms baths modern kitchen Call Ian Caunce 7261938 Or 436 2072 MLS 2993 ONE GLANCE IS WORTH THOUSAND WORDS Let me show you this bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage On large lot lull wall fireplace with wet bar sauna and dressing room Asking $54500 Mortgage due 1984 Call Rita Scaltdlett 726 l9380r 7284865 MLS 3021 INNISFIL Glenwood Beach area landscaped building lot on quiet safe street miles from Barrie approved for septic Buy now with $3500 down for spring building Balance at 11 °o Call Ian Counce 7261938 or 4362072 MLS 2214 109 BAYFIELD ST 7289201 YOUR HOME SELLING YOUR HOME PICTURE ls wormr 111000 wonos For picture presentation on your home call Audrey Gallant 4361179 T1 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Hannah Pelltland 7288028 Ross Burwell 4589248 heanllel 4873365 Ross Miller 7370313 Harvey Weber 4363815 Larry Wood 4873148 JiiiiBouchard 436 5541 Marg Wood 4873148 Dean Arbuthltot 7374720 Gerald Neill 7267733 Lals Nesbitt 7373466 AI Calhoun 8352742 Esther hennedy 4245471 Louise Laforce 4873124 MikeLysablld 7266054 REALTOR APPRAISALS llio HEADOFFICE oBETAVFIELDST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35ESSA RD BARRIE 137 2880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEINS SQSOAB PANNINCEN HOLLAND TORONTOI416889 9187 OPENV DAYSAIVEEh WEEKDAYS UNTIL9P AGENTS FOR sroun CONSTRUCTION LTD monummms mm 0041111 iloms NAOMI DEVELOPMENTS LTD MULTI LINGUAL SERVICE rut Arbour 7263897 cortiy Adaiii 7286829 Your Cairns 728 0653 Rotor 005601 7282425 Chuck Lambert 7288001 III Ivansnotol 3221575 hCanciIfa 737159 lort Cuff 7286334 Larry Iraaor CRA 28 9745 John Cofnl 7267726 Mary Magil 7263864 Dori Alon 7372020 Short Iookltuiun 737 3795 Doug Dakar 7283274 Lry Do Wido 7283253 Johnstrvi 7263555 Ho Hamilton 4873001 881 Satori 7371586 Rotor Inuknto 7263916 1i Norris 7267173 OIWoodtard 436 1524 Frod Reynolds 7285333 WILLOW LANDING MIDNURST REID BUILDING LTD PRATT ONST LTD cottagos to rent cottages for sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pots 44 employment wanted 76 engagements exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms lar sale 05 Orlfpropertyfm sale GOEDEMONDT RE LTD 7372880 35 Essa Road Barrie Ontario LARGE HOME ON LARGE LOT Just south of town asking $42900 for this good starter home Four bedrooms rec room four piece and three piece baths 12 car garage This home Is under power of sale Terms available STORE OR OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Excellent exposure busy Allandale location $275 and $300 per month in cludes all plenty of parking Call for details $39900 Henry Street totally maintenance free on the exterior beautiful lot with large garden area quiet location close to shopping mortgage at 111 is Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Don Allan 7372020 farm machinery farm machinery wanted food seed grain financial florists fruits vegetables 83231882 garages garden supplies help wanted 71 home improvements 47 IIIproperty for sale and transportation Good N22 um indr CMBOBAVIDa nnAcvu 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 JUST REDUCED Brick and alum storey semi bedrooms living room dining room eatin kitchen Close to shopping and schools Asking $37500 Call Carl Emms IDEAL STARTER HOME DUPLEX Outskirts of Barrie Live in one apartment and let rent from second pay mortgage Large lot REDUCEDH Asking $37000 For more info call Carl Emms IMMACULATE STOREY ANTEN MILLS bedrooms baths walkout to deck doublesided fireplace finished rec room Large lot with mature trees Asking $66000 Call Carl Emms HANDYMAN SPECIAL OFF HWY 90 bedrooms living room dining room eatin kitchen on large lot 243 100 detached garage Asking $23500 Call Carl OPEN HOUSE Saturday Nov 24fh10 am pm 256 LAKEVIEW DR GILFORD Hwy 11 to Gilford Rd east to lakeview to signs Corner of Vernor Emms Lakeview Jim Quinlan 7260873 CarlEmms 7285124 Judi Bean 7266114 Sandra Corner 4563419 Theo Achlzehnter 7371768 252 YONGE ST BARBIE 7282291 cal 55 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 JUST REDUCED This bedroom bungalow with fully dry walled and insulated basement barely years old has been reduced $100000 below market value Excellent mortgaging must be seen Call Dick Richards PM67 728547B Looking for small acreage with excellent mortgaging Call Dick Richards on this 12 acres PM26 7285478 N22 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Rita Brewer 7286257 Irene Little 7374266 Patricia Lee 7371418 Jack Middel 7286799 LTD REALTOR N22 ATTENTION INDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS An existing independent real estate brokers group new opera iitg in Metro Toronto trading under the name REALTY CAN CARGI is interested in expanding throughout On tario with reputable independent brokers to promote the fallowmg Uniform image signs advertising Promote goodwill and sales Referral system Basic Aim Independent real estate brokers working together sharing ideas referrals education and promotion REALTY CANADA CARGI is not franchise operation We would like to hear from possible interested brokers as soon as For further information please call REALTY CANADA CARGI Members BONVANIE LIMITED muon Willowdale Ontario or 2262222 VIC MacLEOD ml ESTATE no Agincourt Ontario 291 2I46 REALTY CANADA CAIGI Eco mm ttca is Imtly WNW Sacrifice Beat Inflation Debra Cresert Atanaae Pcrcrase pmeAp 194 58500 Selincorce Agents we come per ss on 3016 ACRE woesauarefeettwo SIOfEV all br ck garage cementdrive sunken living room ingroUnd pool builders own home way below replacement value 5105300 Owner will hold mor gaoe at per cent Ante Mlls 7260356 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY CANCELLATIONS housas to rent houses wanted to rent 19 in memoriams 87 instructions 69 insurance landscaping 53 loosing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 01property for sale The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication Accepted up until am lostB faund 70 lotslor sole market basket 66 marriages 84 mobile homothrailers 14 money to loan 13 mortgages 12 motorcycles 37 nursing homes 15 othceG storesfor rent 23 Olfproperty for sale Royal Trust Riiinl lrusl HE ON rl SES First in homes Res 7281762 G9332M RoyaITrusLYOur ï¬rst name in ma estate PANORAMIC VIEW of Barries waterfront across from Centennial Park Site for prestige RESTAURANT TAVERN and banquet halls Acres Brokers protected LEXTON DEVELOPMENTS 416 8510108 TThSN27 PRIVATE SALE $1500 down KEMPENFELT BAY to one new mortgage of $37600 Four bedroom back split semi one car garage 7267015 N24 50 ACRES for hardwood bush in oro township Reply in writing Box 897 The Examiner Barrie PRIVATE SALE Beautiful four bedroom house for sale Allandale Heights low down payment first mar tqage $79500 at 10 per cent will keep second at per cent with $10000 down Phone 737 3681 JUST LISTED $29900 edge of Barrie bedroom bungalow on large lot Owner will take back first mortgage at 11 with small down payment Most fur niture negotiable Call Vernon Ayers Rep Lou Kelly 4361922ar 436 5111 PRIVATE owner transferred Tall Trees side split bathrooms three bedrooms den family room with fire place finished laundry room $52000 firm 7263728 THREE BEDROOM backsplit semi With finished rec room Large backyard With trees close to school and transpor tation Asking $42900 Call 737 0160 $39000 buys three bedroom detached homein Midland Commuteand buy new car with saving First mortgages per cent 11 per cent 11 per cent Down payments from $1950 Ports of Huron Real Estate Ltd Midland 526 7881 ORILLIA EXECUTIVE home located prime residential area Large brick col onial home with double garage Five bedrooms and three bathrooms Huge recreation room with beams and stone fireplace Appraised value $127000 Ex tremely good buy at $97500 Telephone 325 7334 WILL TRADE boat trailer car or what have you for bedroom 12 baths attached garage and finished rec room with wet bar quality townhouse across from park in Alliston Phone 435 9410 SIX UNIT apartment building Barrie area excellent condition five two bedroom one one bedroom Phone ownerat416 7752877 FRONTAGE 0N HWY 400 ten miles north of Barrie Three acres treed smallstream across property Fullprice 512500 cash 819 333 5694 Penn Cal ombourg Quebec J02 1T0 02property wanted WANTED IN BARRIE small house or larger one where rooms can be rented Must be in good condition and reasonable Reply giving address price and terms to Box C7 The Examiner Barrie Ont FARM LAND WANTED have buyers for 200 to 300 acres of productive agricultural land Preferably in Innist Township Cal Vernon Ayers Rep Lou kelly 436 1927 436 5111 04lots for sale BUILDING LOTS for sale in village of Edgar Phone 728 8067 WELL TREED LOT on Anne Street North Asking price 16 00C Oakriage Homes 7286210 05farms for sale FARM 10 acres house barn good productive soil $20000 down with attractive ven dors terms Call AUDREY GALLANT representing National Trust 728 9201 or 436 1179 07business opportunities NOT TUBS OPPORTUNITY dealerships Some still available for Canadas leading manufacturer For details please call tollfree 18002652186 N22 NvESTOR WISHNG to purchase ex sting business also II provide capial tor partnershp in ex sting busmegg pals Oni Telephone 28 6646 09commerciaIindustrial 3500 FEET large ciaer nrrre in in austrial area suit trucks manufacur ng sales Irving accommozatcns vc tcria St Barrie Barga Call Taroire 416 8513108 357 Bayfield St Itiiriii 72888011 SOUTH OF GRAVENHURST HWY 11 COMMERCIAL 432 ha 10 acres excellent location 7housekeeping cottages fully equipped plus sep living quarters Room to expand ex cellent investment for $120000 Martin Altseimer 7288800 HWY No 11 ORO $39900 bedroom bungalow garage large 36 ha acre lot Good garden soil Near Guthrie school Goad mortgage Try $5000 down Martin Altseimer 7288800 Res 7281762 09406M Iririittlii Line 8811le First in service N22 33 ahead peat Industrfal Commercial for sale or loan 7263422 TF 09commerciaIindustrial CHOICE COMMERCIAL LOCATION overlooking Kempenfelt Bay in Allan dale excellent opportunity for restaurant retail or office use with ex ceptional traffic exposure Asking 364900 Call Bill Sakeris 7372880 LOU Goedemondl l4mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up 1015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 728 9866 TF MOBILE HOME for sale bedrooms Excellent condition 436 7821 I6apartments torrent Four Phone THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 2S9 Dunlop St suites available convenient Spacious Utilities included location 726 5771 TF LARGE BRIGHT bedroom apartment carpeted parking stove refrigerator all utilities included $286 monthly 46 Penetang Street available Decernber Telephone 726 9815 after TWO BEDROOM Apartment by bus and park Stove fridge parking heat water 5781 73773416 3190 MONTHLY one bedroom furnish ed overlooking lake 194 Dunlop Street East iust past Lakeview Dairy one year lease required first and last man ths required no pets or children 726 8420 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartment for rent col ored appliances sauna laundry facil ities parking Close to shopping and bus route Available Decemberl Telephone 737 0003 ONES BEDROOM apartment available immediater Recently redecorated Married couple only Telephone 728 6929 ONE BEDROOM apartment available December $200 monthly heat and hydratncluded 7371346atter 5p TWO BACHELOR apartments air con ditioned $700 per month tenant Days own heat and hydro fridge and stove in cluded Telephone 778 0674 between 30 and4 30 BRIGHT NEW bachelor downtown parking and appliances included in rent heat and hydro ar not $195 monthly Available Dec Ist Lease required Call Toronto 416 4850697 or 416 249 0241 alter 50 TWO BEDROOM modern self cantainod apartment in town Newly decorated broadloom throughout 3750 per month Owner pays heat and utilities Call 728 7733 APARTMENTS FOR RENT in the Baytiela Wellington area Freshly decorated and broadloorned $175 $225 Avalable December Ist Telephone 726 6633 TWO BEDROOM apartmen for rert Heat hydro refrgorarir and store in cluded 5705 per month Available December Ist No children or pets William St 7286384 AVAILABLE DECEMBER three one bedroorn apartments braadloom Throughout achts only 778 4016 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartmerts availabo December 15 52495275 cluaestr age stave heatparkmg cable Tv anc carpeting Pay CM hydro Tefeahone 726 8733 SMALL FURNSHED basement apar meat irt lovely subdivision in Stroud Tet minute or ye to Barrie plata near by Available December 1st 5140 men tnli Call after on 436 4332 LARGE ONE BEDROOM turnSDQO aparmer Sultabe for 15 or young maricccciupvc Nccr Idret or pets 5575 es EMS opportunity for men women 74 pasture for sale 61 posture to rent 62 pasture wantod 63 personals 68 chrrstmo trees 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry arjd chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale of 16apartments for rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7267153 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 776 17988 weekdays I7houses to rent litr Central Mortgage and Hausrng Corporation examiner Thursday Nov 22 1979 17 property for san or rent property management property wanted public notices resorts room and board rooms to lot rooms wanted sales help agents 72 service and repairs 54 16a pa rtments for rent MODERN lUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duplex adult building Duckwortti Street Pay own hydro Stove fridge laundry facilities included 5310 mm thly 778 1823 after 11 17houses to rent Socrété centrale dhypotheques et de logement FOR RENT TOWNHOUSES IN BARRIE 3BEDROOMS BEDROOMS $29100 31800to $34500 CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR OR TELEPHONE 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM MONDAY THREE BEDROOM townhouses for rent Garage and basement Four ap pliances Close to school shopping and bus route 726 4338 THREE BEDROOM detached house at tached garage Allandale Heights available immediately $350 monthly Call 726 7959 ANGUS small one bedroom country home suitable for couple Capable of own maintenance reference available November $180 monthly 424 0306 TWO BEDROOM townhomes available in the peaceful setting of TAMARACK WOODS Included are such features as wall to wall braadloom refrigerator and stove Tot Lots and tennis court $305 and $345 monthly To view call 737 3992 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mrs Boyce 728 5102 24 Hour Service 3900 MOVES YOU IN new three bedroom baths garage fridge and stove Asking $38900 Frank Pall 7371211 Virgo Realty Ltd ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom home option to buy very reasonable For details call 737 3681 THREE BEDROOM House for rent miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 $300 monthly heat and hydro included 3222961 BEDROOM HOUSE in Hillsdale at tached garage large lot available im mediately $220 per month plus utilities 416 7275331atter5pm LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY IN PAINSWICK Attractive bedroom bungalow with garage Large complete Iy fenced lot with garden and patio Low rent offered tor December 79 Rea sonable terms and financing for pur chasers if the option to purchase is desired References must 737 0451 AVAILABLE DECEMBER Four bedroom semi detached $325 per month plus utilities Call Sue Drennan representing National Trust 728 9201 or 487 3090 THREE BEDROOM townhouse well designed and spacious immaculate con dition eat in kitchen with stove and tridge12 baths garage enclosed patio available December Phone 778 9387 or 7283875 TWO BEDROOM House centrally located First and last months rent Available immediately Telephone 728 4282 LETITIA HEIGHTS Three bedroom semi Four appliances Fenced yard Availableimmediately 7781030 THREE BEDROOM house for rent Finished rec room plus family room Available December Ist Located near Lake Simcoe Phone 436 4198 afterép FARMHOUSE fully modernized Three bedrooms Iiz washrooms Newly broadloomed Only miles from Barrie Call Henry 737 1211 Virgo Realty Ltd THREE BEDROOM bungalow along paved road five miles from Barrie Also TWO BEDROOM MOBILE on private lot along pavea road near Fudas 436 2996 NEW LOWELL bedroom bungalow braadloom rec room with Franklin stove garage $200 per month plus utilities 424 0979 afterSp BEDROOM winterized cottage in Belle Ewart Middle aged couple or couple with one child $200 monthly 4364895 after 5p THREE BEDROOM House Gowan St $285 month plus utilities First and last months rent No pets Available December 151 Telephone 726 7838 TOWNHOUSE for rent four bedroom 172 baths appliances $375 monthly maintenance fee included Available January 1980 or earlier 726 9245 $265 PER MONTH Downtown Barrie Two bedroom Fridge and stove New broadloom Call Jim 726 2611 days 776 0873 evenings BEDROOM HOUSE With attached garage Close to shopping plala at 103 Donald Street Phone 7051 445 1651 19houses wanted to rent URGENTLY NEEDED House for pen signers Reasonable rent Call424 0096 20rooms 10 let LARGE ROOMS suitable for two peo 016 Also single rooms and shared kit chen Telephone726 6392 ROOM FOR RENT In Alcona Beach area Abstainers only Share house with other people Board optional Tole phone 436 2825 CLEAN FURNISHED room new home sunmalestudent S25 weekly Telephone 728 77267 ROOMS TO RENT 728 2422 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD tor vaung lady in private East and home On bus route Home privIeges Telephone 726 0061 ROOM AND BOARD tor gentleman Lunches packed light laundry done Telephone 778 6187 Purnshed Call 23offices stores for rent NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 so it Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College DuckwortnCloverIeat 726 0731 APPROXIMATELY am sq ft tinshowroom space available for lease immediately on the mezzanine floor of the Downtown Centre Approx imately $350 per month For details call 726 9642 OFFICE SHOWROOM space 7000sa It Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinkleed Stew Emm5 or Bud Thcnas 726 0661 PRIME RETAIL Commercial space 1600 so it Penetang St Vincent Wyn doctor ott ces and 0719511 726 5471 days SMALL OFFICE on 130an St Second floor Approximatey 350 so It $125 monthly includes neat Cal Simon Betkm 19 Rep Lou Seedernond Ltd 728 4067 ofot FRIDAY TThSF5H 23eoffices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 72817431ill 77pm 728 6899 after 7p MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy shart or long term 726 3400 Angeloff 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned oftice space for rent With parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 2459699 torrent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included $475 mon thly Apply StewartWholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 1190qu ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ft 181tclearparlof targeex panding industrial mall 726 7130 1500573 FT STORAGE space for lease truck entrance 178 Tiffin St Telephone 726 3400 Mr Angelaff 9000 SQ FT M1 industrial space for lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change Isteetcleardrive in door550v available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 7051 726 2681 FOR LEASE 0R SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelotf WAREHOUSE 2400 sq ft Lorena Good parking Overhead door Thomas 726 0661 750750 FT OFFICE Storage Space alsoSOOqut storage CornorlnnisfiISt and Jacobs Terrace Available im Brock at Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud mediately Telephone 7371606 or 4241070 1800 SQUARE FT commercial in dustrial space Tiffin St Barrie Available immediately $220 monthly Rent or lease available 7371771 or 728 11369venings INDOOR AND OUTDOOR cold storage for cars and boats Ono HEATED BUILDING approximately 1000 sq ft suitable for meetings recreational use or dry storage One mile from city IimitsCaIl737 4629 26accom modation to share GIRL preferably non smoker to share bedroom apartment $125 monthly Modern clean highrise 108 Edgehill Call Brantfard 519 753 7780 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bed room house toshare Call737 4180 GENTLEMAN has furnished house to share Arena area Use of facilities Linen supplied Parking available Telephone 737 2756 evenings 32cars for sale NEEDTIRES Snows or Replacements Specializing in import sizes CHECK OUR PRICES before you buy DUNLOP TIRES with road hazard coverage from Barrie Neruda 7266801 N27 1973 350 CHEV ENGINE 40000 miles Phone Mike 726 4096 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME V8 automatic power steering power brakes AMFM radio certified Full price $2995 Phone 424 9820 or 474 5156 1975 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury door ex cellent condition power steering and brakes automatic V8 Please make an offer 728 8906 ECONOMICAL 1970 Ford Maverick cylinder automatic new paint ideal second car As is $650 or best offer 728 0559 after pm 1977 RABBIT black Michelin radials two door manual transmission 25000 miles 34100 728 6557 before 1974 DODGE CHALLENGER 318 motor bucket seats console tinted glass radio and snow tires sharp car which gets good mileage Excellent run ning condition needs very small amount at body work Must sell 51800 or best offer Call 424 164 after my 75 MALIBU 2door hardtop blue Power steeringbrakes 350 V8 automatic Oversized tires factory suspension and handling package Looks great runs well 526000r best offer 7371161 i071 CHEVROLET IMPALA eight cylinder good body many parts Iuit replaced 728 0157 1978 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS STA TION WAGON automatic power steer ing power brakes radio tinted glass rear detogger Cortlied One owner Private 54800 776 6443 1974 BROWN CAMAPO 70000 miles 350 barrel four keystone rims two sum mer radial tires tour BF Goodrich radial tires two winter morals Asking 53000 424 9949 SHOWROOM CONDITION 1979 Chevrolet Impala door 305 power steering and brakes cruise control elec tric rear defogger heatr duty suspen sion dual speakers 18000 miles or titled $6100 726 3570 after LEASEBUY 1979 Black Corvette ex cellent condition sun roof Call 726 5664 after In Or 737 0340 our no business hours 1971 FORD MAVERICK six cylinder automatic 63000 miles dour green with black vinyl roof As is 5500 7760353 T970 OLDSMOBILE Runs well body real good needs minor work Cer tifiablc S300tirm 728 6572 mi PLYMOUTH Funv iii very good condition travelled highway miles sold as is reasonable price pm steer n9 power brakes Phone 726 085 1975 MARQUIS BROUGHAM all power running condition Asxng 173 or bestctter 726 8099 srtowmobilos spec for rant 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tondars 73 trade schools 75 trans and shrubs 51 trucks and ITOIIOYS 34 32cars for sale AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 78 9571 96 9p 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door new paint new tires Certified Asking $1000 Telephone 726 1869 days 720 6010 evenings 73 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE many extras Can be certified Asking $2600 Call 737 3992 1975 CHARGER Daytona for sale in ex cellent condition Private sale Telephone 737 1059 after 7p 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows V8 certified Excellent condition 34700 or best offer Telephone 737 0249 1976 FORD STATION WAGON V8 tlimatif 57000 miles $2700 Call 3971 after 7p Saturday after 12 VIt 75 MONTE CARLO LANDAU bucket seats console radio rally wheels Extra set of new lettered steel belted radials Excellent condiion Certified 32950 728 0539 1976 CAMARO 350 barrel 33700 kilometres only been driven one winter Certitied Telephone 726 0717 after 30 1976 FORD CAPRI GHIA 42000 miles excellent condition new radials $3600 Call Wendy 726 9300 extension 720 weekdays or 728 5897 after and weekends 1970 FIREBIRD wrth 791ransami 305 engine 15000 original miles on engine Immaculate All power Must sell all reasonable offers considered 436 3890 Dean 1974 CHEV MALIBU door V8 power steering power brakes radio rear win dow detog air shocks new radials snows $1500 Willcertify 728 7063 1969 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme for sale in good condition 8350 or best offer Telephone 728 1053 1976 GR EMLIN speed standard good condition New exhaust Goodtiros $900 or nearest offer All highway miles TIophanc 726 9158 for appointment 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows certified Excellent condition Best of for Telephone 737 0249 1966 BUICK LeSABRE door 300 power steering power brakes new paint and tires western car many new parts certified 728 5701 1978 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 blue standard 34000 miles snows new mut fler Excellent condition $3095 cor tilied Telephone 728 9824 Can be seen at 25 Steel Street 1971 BUICK RIVIERA good condition power steering brakes windows seat AM FM eight track cruise control air radials and mags all around 51100 737 3571 1971 FORD GALAXIE 60000 files as is $500 737 2420 I972 CHEVELLE MALIBU door hard top V8 automatic power steering radio Certified Fullpric951195 Phone 424 9820 or 424 5156 1973 DODGE MONACO loaded Owner must sell Best offer Call 737 0790 1967 CAMARO SS 350 equipped with 650 Holley double pump Torkor manifold crane cam headers Turbo hydromatic with 73 post traction Crager mags etc Phone 726 8623 after 1975 DODGE DART SPORTS slant automatic power steering radio cor tified Full price $1995 Phone 424 9870 or424 5156 1977 DODGE MONACO passenger wagon power brakes and steering 47000 kms chrome roof racks ex cellent condition Trailer hitchlights $3950 Certified 728 504 SACRIFICE tor immediate sale 1977 Plymouth Gran Fury excellent condi tion automatic power steering and brakes V8 door $2800 certified 77s 8906 1970 GREMLIN in working Condition SlSOor what have you 726 2048 1976 PONTIAC LEMANS Station Wagon excellent condition Asking $2400 cor tified Phone 424 5087 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS cylinder power steering AMFM tape deck new tires certified Asking $1450 Phone 728 0459 after 4p 1977 CHRYSLER low mileage top shape undercoated Will certify $3950 7286080 1975 DODGE CORONET Sport excellent Condition 1977 FORD LTD 11 excellent condition Low miles CaIer Marshall 726048185 ta7p i974 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL VMARK IV deluxe model 13000 original miles collectors item Call7371418 1977 GRAND FURY wagon passenger woodgrain trim arr full power track stereo 43000 miles $4295 436 5078 or 726 9544 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA Will take very little to certify Automatc transmission Asking $300 7267177 1974 BLUE LEMANS V8 power steer ing excellent condition 52000 Call after 6p 7370829 1973 DODGE DART 318 speed Stan dard excellent condition certified Call Karbelt 737 2340 1971 MG MIDGET in excellent condition New brakes Michelin snows AMFM track 65000 original miles only seen one Ontario winter certified best offer or willing totradefor pick up 436 4771 78 DODGE OMNI SEDAN cylinder automatic radio front wheel drive deluxe Appomtments beautiful condition Lic N50 640 $4095 Nodown payment bank terms $38 73 weekly over 47 months Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 778 2270 33cars wantedto buy TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimmediato pick up any time 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6327 days 474 S949eveninas JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 776 8711 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 34trucks and trailers 71 FORD PICK UP 307 speed ex cellenlbody16000 original miles Muf fler and tires new Certified 87150 or bestofter 728 3546 1976 GMC Siera classic heavy duty ton 1150 engine tinted glass mag wheels standard Excellent condition $4000 Telephone 778 3046 Or 458 4865 to 1975 DODGE 0600 14 foot stake body GVW 22000 speed speed 361 V8 certified Good condition $4500 Can be seen at Machinery 15 Anne St 1974 FORD CABOVER 350 Cummings engine 15 speed direct 17 front and 44 rear end condition with or Without steady year round work Call after Collingwood 445 6744 1952 FORD MERCURY ton Excellent conditron7000 4241934 76 DODGE RAMCHARGER P5 P8 autorriatic roll bar tinted glass New paint $4500 Telephone 72683218 after Sp 1976 CHEVROLET ton 3504 bar rel power steering power brakes speed new tires heavy duty springs and shocks gauges Excellent condition $5100 778 4350atter5 300 1970 LAND CRUISER six cylinder tong wheel base three speed transmission two speed transfer case snows sum 705 S26 7753 DISTRESS SALE Must sell by Nov 24 1975 Dodge Maxi Winduv Van power steering and brakes aulcimatic in sulaed and carpeted Excellent com 10 S2 300 728 8906