16 the examiner Thursday Nov 22 1979 THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING UPPETS SHOW Giroi min FM THE 600 no TAC DOUGH in Q3 HEws CAROL BURNETT AHD slfgeflfjï¬smo THE 35020 aaeh DOT DOOR nu THE GREAT DEBATE Con1 528 Horsom ROYAL YORK soui ANNIVER NEWS 830 SAY Past and Dreant employee guide 6330 KING OF KENSNGTON aarlihrouohlho hotl scolortulniltory MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW myam NEWS CBS NEWS Inboundsip 1r5iahnftlo erirwusegl 1100 ABC NEWS Mrww no NEWS News 31JflliIiif°°f 9° CBC NEWS RHDDA EYEWITNESS NEWS FABLES or THE GREEN ii inmm CTV NEWS FOREST ID THE REAL STORY 650 THE REAL STORY 1120 WRITE ON ea SOME MOTHERSDOAVEEM news 700 erl Sc IIIISRquKlAm ourin Reta 1125 lisarhs ruin Ira1 CANDID CAMERA ti $93213 NEWS CHIPS am 1127 PM MAGAZINE 9100 NEWS HAPPY DAYS OUNCV 1130 TIC TAC DOUGH LOU GRANT THE TONIGHTSHOWHosi Join BENSON mHAWAiiEIVEo winmm son 9Crning Ras mm nv 1Namiarislarddio CBS LATE MOVIE c0LuMao annuallimit fdu$3¢iiit is Iiirliruirrhiiytï¬qvfl males1y 501 am has bum minmg pram no LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY IE rec aiis ti iurg 08009 and bury 1000 KATE LOVES MYSTERY muons THE ROCKFORD FILES vfw Vthq Murder illiufbralauIODSIFSwlIflOIbe lobfack aARHAaY JONESJR Jim don the guise of funion photographor IO invutiqaic mudoout hiiactiirig any 60 UnderGlusA loodcriticusashispowor mBIIfesIluanISIHBICHEHDGDIIOVW pelfl rain on iv Stein McGuire able review Repeal BANACEK Rock To STREET TAL inur Ms miefiqa ii7i me repufedly ac Oblivion5mig Garygepeppad Lma suns Alviit ii nos peat DR WHO BARNEYMILLERLapiamMuier ï¬MOVIEADVENTUREW PT FAMILY FEUD must 211 If rlawyt ilhreatenslasuathe 91963 MAUDE doctzi Mr st iirne client now PARTY 730 MI MN CE QUESTION PERIOD In tie JOKER JOKER JOKER E3 Iffnj M1 32 ED IN THE INTEREST or NEWLEYWED GAME TWIN1glhprlvphihe mm ONTARIO LITTLE SPECIAL Garnet Linw SPEAKING OUT MOVIE HORROR Night BirJOKERS WILD WiHTARio 323w comers ism1 ggPFAEE jjfj EDWARD AND MRSSIMPSON THE DUTCHESS or DUKE with midi Ineiiini MI Wa incraship with WflIIIS STREETEGWBVUVSBCCeSStODbIngSIheIIEI Simpsiin wanna gyssip and andai lm so to an end Louisa buyslhe Bantinck Hotel per uSI We ieiii him their relationship is causing the EWNVASHVILLE swmc EMAGICSHADOWSr 808 NEWHART snow MASH lIiIl Mrs Sirrps iii flawi SOAP mo and tho iealBurf have miniu tii wmustnlally devaledla and asks her to marry him Morris andihrowslrotterciutwhen herrealesamoun Iain oldebf Repeal 60 ruins 1200 GMOVIEICOMEDYr TheSta 1971 QMOVIE VanishedPartl an MERVGRIFFIN Guests AnnMurray Norman Mailer Pete Hamill Pele Maris Jack 1215 shzwJ on oi slysi wiper aria Connne 800 corilr icsrw lather Cresiti aboutnis seeing 89 BUCK ROGERSIHTHE 25th whom CENTURY nlv wt tii SOAP Anderson nupri Ill gl il ilLtï¬f mCOLUMBOAbrilliarsiirgeonmurdels If ii 11 wb ISIIJSPWI stisiii moistno5iiinginiiiiims MO ioivslsa IIIIV mommy Ar mins iii lairow heart expert 90 and VIE DRAMA Buster Me 1974 historically speaking barries story thltlIHl32 lllltt Mayor Wilson dynamic canadas story National Hockey League Began With Four Teams This is the anniversary of the formation of the National Hockey League in 1917 The teams were Ottawa Senators Montrcal Canadiens Montreal Wanderers and Toronto Arenas The game was greatly different iii those days There was no artificial ice except on the Pacific coast where there was another league and the NHL teams often played on ice covered with water Most of the players were 60minute men and there were few substitutions There was no forward passing treat rhangs were made after 1921 when the betami international with the addition of Boston fol lowed by New York Chicago and Detroit The introduction of hockey to New York was humorous Few people there understood the game and great promoter from Ottawa Tommy iorman was largely responsible for its success He had some of the players change their names so they appeared to be Polish or Italian to attract those segments ofthe CS population It was sometimes embarrassing when they met Polish and Italian fans and couldnt speak their language Another Canadian player was given the name Chief Rainy Dritikwater and he was supposed to be an Indian chief who had skated dowrt from the frozen north There is great deal of argument about the origin of hockey It is claimed that it began iti Kingston and Halifax military garrisons Their soldiers enjoyed skating and began hitting ball along the ice using sticks like golf clubs It might be more accurate to credit McGill lniversity with originating the game along presentday lines In 1117 students there introduced puck instead of ball and drew tip framework of rules The first organized games may have been between Royal Military College and Queens in Kingston in 11185 OTHER EVENTS ON NOVEMBER 22 1612 Louis XIII of France granted Marchioness dc luerchcville territory from St Lawrence river to Florida for Jesuit mission 1752 Miciiiacs signed peace treaty with government at Halifax 1784 larrtown Saint John became Brunswick 1832 Submarine cable was laid between Carleton league capital of New mayor of iananoque spoke to llartics Kiwanis Club on the subject of how he popularized the town which had previously been virtually unheard of in both Canada and the US Boys and girls from the public and separate schools of Barrie were take to Toronto to see Gene Autry movie star and the Wild West Rodeo at the Coliseum It was the first time that many of the youngsters had the opportunity to vistt Toronto let alone see rodeo About 100 boys and girls assembled at Prince of Wales School and lineup of buses and cars proceeded to the Toronto Exhibition grounds The trip home was not so plea sant as it had to be negotiated in blinding snowstorm More than the usual amount of fireworks were expectedat the annual nomination meeting in the public library hall For mal nominations were filed by the town clerk Ross Cowan whose father Alex had been Mayor for many years was possible candidate for the Mayors chair He had plat form containing several ag gressive planks including an airport cleaning up the head of the bay municipal garbage col lection tourist camp ground new industries etc He stated that he was anxious that the Tm inside vessels PAN ri nosoiiLE Dear Dr Donahue Why do we get circulation problems in the legs started having this two months ago and just be coming aware of the many oth ers who have it Can you help us by writing special article about it Mrs MAR The greatest problem involves the elderly whose blood vessels may become narrowed by atherosclerosis ifat depositSi The deposits form inside the vessels or in their walls so blood does not get down to the legs in suf ficient quantity Pain develops in leg muscles as they are used tclaudicationl The toenails be come dry and brittle and hair on the feet disappears Legs and feet are colder Sound fa miliar to you older readers If one is fortunate enough to have vessel block in limited area surgery can remove it and the blocked section can be replaced with graft If the blockage is more generalized surgery cannot help but other steps may Exercise in moderation by walking until pain occursi is urged Another useful exercise is to rise on the toes and rock back on the heels Exercises need to be done daily Smoking must be stopped because nico tine further cotlstricts blood vessels Weight reduction if needed helps and great atten tion must be given to feet which obviously are not being nounshed as efficiently as other parts of the body Shoes Should be wellfitted and small sores must get prompt at tention Nails should be cut carefully Drugs to dilate expand vessels have been tried but their usefulness is questioned Your doctor can best advise you on this In short sensible exercise weight reduction careful foot care and quitting cigarettes should be on the mind of the person with legcirculation problems Have helped Dear Dr Donahue Is it true that person who gets Sinus infections should not swim or dive in pool 1rs PR Pool or ocean swimming and diving can be troublesome for anyone with sinus problems Lsually experience is the teacher here Dear Dr Donohue need some information on home enemas Ive been told should not use soapy water because it causes the intestines to dry up What can usc7 Ive heard of salt water How much salt should be used Or what do you suggest JJI Unless youve been given some medical reason for it Id prefer that you not use enemas on regular basis They intcr fere with the normal bowel re flexes They are used only as temporary measure saline isalt water enema is made by dissolving two tea spoons of salt in quart of wami water soapsuds enema is made with enough mild soap in quart of warm water to make the water slightly sudsy perhaps tablespoon II de pends on the soap and your good judgment Soapsuds enemas will not cause your intestines to dry up but they can be Siightly irritat ing Id like to know why you feel you need regular enemas of any kind You keep me in the dark about that Dear Dr Donohiic Should be concerned about my 12 yearold daughter who con sumes about three cups of sunflower seeds each day She likes the salty kind QA You probably should be concerned because of the amount of salt Otherwise the seeds are source of some essential not made by the body fatty acids protein fibre and some vitamins But this is too much of good thing BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag NORTH OAK10954 62 OQ9 A52 EAST 0173 V973 0J6 KJ974 1122 WEST QQ82 V84 0K1087I32 SOUTH Q6 VAKQJIOS 0A5 Q1086 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North 14 East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Dbl Pass Pass Opening lead growing town of Barrie Should By Oswald Jacoby keep pace with progress and and Alan Sontag that it Should prepare not only for the period of the warhbut for the period of reconstruction The towns finances for 1940 were reviewed at the statutory meeting of Barrie Town Coun cil prepatory to the holding of 1941 nominations It was eVi deiit that only two committees would exceed their estimated expenditures for the year Board of Words and Police The former was about $3000 over Norths fourclub call was cue bid East recognized it as Old book play gains slam such and doubled to tell his partner what to lead against the anticipated contract of some number of hearts West might well have led his singleton club in any event but the double made it easy for him South looked at dummy unhappily It looked as if the lead had left him up salt creek without paddle Eventually he said Part ner this contract is almost hopeless but there is chance to make it if risk set of several tricks Dont get mad if do just that South had found an old book play He won the club lead with dummys ace drew trumps and cashed dummys two high spades 0n the sec ond high spade he jettisoned his ace of diamonds then he ruffed spade Both oppo nents followed and dummys last three Spades were good One more hurdle he remarked West has to hold the king of diamonds Then he led his five of dia monds and West could do no better than to take his king and give up daily crossword ACROSS 36 Sooner than Answer to PreVious Puzzle 37 Inmsion 16 Roman 39 Animal of the Additional cat family Deep mud 40 Attending 12 Family 41 Coop member 42 African nation 13 Love Lat 45 More slender AstraGraph November 23 1979 Several major material problems you may have been faced with can be successfully dealt with this coming year You wont have to seek out the answers theyll come to you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Although you may look to others as if you are playing the waiting game in fact you are making some instant seeret calculations today thatll prove highly advan tageous $335 Page MORE SWISthNG For Better or Worse Winthroo mm NU Bugs Bunny Oil EOK ITé THANKeaiiilel BC iiii iimm 101 NONE OF YOU Short Ribs Wizard of Id lF we RECE NED HE KS MOTHERHOOD MOULD BE YOUR FORTUNE you HAVE PCORSENï¬EOFTlMING iii 49 us hi IENDISil DEVICES WILL WORK PROFESSOR FuONu CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 You might experience some bril liant flashes of inspiration today Whats more you have the knowledge and knOwhow to put them to good use AQUARIUS Jan 20$ Being the person behind lhf scenes and helping another with his or her Situation holds some unique benefits for y0u Coopcir ate Willingly PISCES Fob 20March 20 major contribution can be made by you today in areas where you are dealing with groups or cliques VOice your ideas no matter how farfetched the appear to you ARIES March 21April 19 rOu continue to be favored in areas to your Dertaining work Dr TRERDHILL PINNE UNENDING HOUSEme RUNNING RFTER KIDS ITS sAuraao AfliID BEANS career for excellent reSults cooperate with anyone who has bright ideas to offer TAURUS April 20May 20 New information whicn could come from an uneiipecled source today on have strong influ once on you thinking 89 sure to get all the facts GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youll discover new tile today in 50m8 ttiiriri yeti been considering disgrsiriq of when it makes viii iitii contribution to fulfilling your iiieds CANCER Juno 21July 22 An unexpected invitation which you Could lee obligated to accept may have more Significance than you first Indughf It Should prove intecsliiiq LEO July 23Aug 22 Things DONTFUNDERSTFIND V00 EUJJ HRTE lT So MUCHIRTIIIE SITTER GET gooRSELr 308 NOT SQMASKED BLUNDEP OLD CHINESE SAVINGIflOT EVEN SUPER HERO CAN THE HIGH POINTCF VOLIR LIFE WILL BE INVENTING THE COTTON GIN Bernice Bede Osol w0n be exactly routine around your house today but the little diverSions will surpriSingty turn Out to have fasting meaning and worth VIRGO Aug 23Sopt 22 Listen carefully to what youre totd by others today Some inIOrmatiOn corning your way can be put to use in areas Wflh longterm func lions LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Draw up0n y0ur instincts which in reality are based upon paSI experience and youll be able to gain Sharply today in any of your commerCIal dealings SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 from first ideas are y0ur best today so dont fret if onthespot deer Si0ns are called for even when dealing with longrange plan ning nND Miss OUT on Eveagntiito SAID WKit THE BIRDIENOT EAT iT STAND ï¬lNGE NA ON BLACKBOAQD oohaw and the latter about $1000 over 14 Indefinite per 49 Make 11 Head IEl and Cape Tornicntin NB the estimates sons wds 1369 Prime Minister Macdonald asked that transfer of community programme of Soninlaw of 51 Park for wild Hudsons Bay Company territory to Canada be study and action was launched Mohammed animals POSIIOMd iii twentyfive rural com Massï¬lhua 52 md °lr 1885 Mass meeting at Montreal protested hanging of munities as rapidly as time and 18 Elis foauLd 53 5236 36 Louis Riel resources permitted by the of Slay 54 Conclude 1922 royal Winter Fair said to be largest indoor fair in Siincoe Federation of 20 Biologlcaldm 55 Booty Superlative 29 Greeniiiiie AND ppoSE Yd NA the world was opened at Toronto Agrlcuhure sum 56 Fate me suitix coioi 21AM ciub to Cam Arabian 31 wiid paiiies JQHN SMrfH 1b 22 Old Testament 57 Compass coffee 33 Covered With book point Dark ceramics 24 Words Fr to Film Spool 38 Sheet 26 GrOup of DOWN Is Sol 40 Remove as three l7 Disturbance moisture IO 27 Communica Shtrgsdtas 19 Savor 41 Games ons 39 23 Nothing 42 Speeds lam Mead 24 Nothing but 43 Again to 30 Magazine mouse OHICIal Copying 25 Geman My 44 Though 32 Recently ObseSSion 26 Negome 56mg 34 Esteem Arabian 27 Makes female Ages 35 Russian territory 28 We Queen 45 Well by Car Tniwu iIn peninsula Forest warden for short 50 Greek lette we DEVOTE SalEb DAYS To uATiooAL new WEEK AM ONE DAY TO x1 THAnKécoNiillc Born Loser SEE YOUR HUSBAND IS OFF AGAI tF EWUGH MIGHTSEE REASON Smiles all around Its smiles all around from Britains three Princes Charles and Edward during stroll in the recently The three princes were of the castle to offend on official phofo session to celebrate the 32nd wedding anniversary of their parents Bri fain Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phlp on November 30 AP Photo from left Andrew grounds of Bolmorol Castle Andy Capp miawn ENYIEDHltF ASSN