Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1979, p. 6

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the examiner Friday Nov 16 1979 Barrie Tanning among industry closures lt Itilil tilil Of he liiiiiiiri ri lamina All timoinc trill tl ii lone lts til en iiitiv ii 3to itoi and lIhri iiitliii when It ilows its lilrl tiiliitiiliitiiifift il io no lo litflllllf ic haliloaifliit iimda iiiliii my ii iiii in It thii no ii otal oi more than 1H tot on irt Itll2 tofut itfrc oi the tanning iiiillisltL slltl iib lllil itniiil at its market iistiis on the tiiiitiiit aiiiiii rinsing not availihli iiiri lim ll hot iiiaioihoturcis in the oiiiity have ilti Ill lit Lik Hi linillnil ltiiitiiimi hilt lttl tit tli tlil Io illt liiiiii Iiiplo id topcoptc ln liTl Evangeline slioi Ltd in iiI do training llicitipliiiisout of work llllif4il tiiiploxidclosctthmJJirkets With mime optration also toldcd lt li ihi ll1llflllltlitl lilliind ii etiiplovt of too 1l llllllllvlill1Mll in lt llllit Hitllitiill loved lt tiiii inn itllllllt ti illfiltlllltIIIiIiletil Hist lilt ll lim hi llo it in ltlill ltil listiawii plant closed ltl Lili in vsoiiit fliitli iiiioiigotliii reason eliminating iTo ioh lupin oiln tt picuteri of oiieol llll laterJ tauntt iioup 11 iiiiotd sa hi iiiiltitiisipiriciiiiiii1iislowdown llLli ithoiititi hi iloi ff it is piriiianent situation iii live import lllil ii tist fillilllllllt til lth tlll llitlllt ill lull oi br piotiliiii tutiii Hillitllilll iii ilisltlitil of flitShoe laiiiitacttirers ot ltlilll iiiltliis itiiiioii tliillltliL siiiiiflitfederal LliHlll Employees of Barrie Tanning Ltd the l43year old firm that will close its doors during the next few months work at the finishing table applying Another look TV shows often propaganda Ry litiltil GREENWOOD men lttltlittl the quota ot imports by Jo pir cciit in litcciiibcr lltTT llc predicts the iiizirkct will improvi tllislitliltwll the end of Milo iithianadia shoes flttlillllitllliLH per cell ixilici than impoits which liil held that postioi tor thi pst stilil yeat Part of the problem forlaiidiaii tnzintilaciircrs is llt sly lt of anadian shocs as opposed to ltahan shoes an example Hobillard said iiiiadian shots hin beioini more sti listi til the pat two years he noted Bert took president of Harrie Tanning Ltd says style is iioi maior factor in the lack of popularity of tanadian shoes ili say its the competition troni Third World countries that dont use tremendous amount of machinery iii their factories and can lltlillltliHltHt pair of shoes very llttxltlfl iltilll till llORlI ilertiian llcrbicek plant manager at ltobson Lang lti liarxie which tiipliiyees lit people agrees that the industry has had to fight against chiuipimports anada seems to think theres free world trade but there is not tie said The industry requires more protection lle noted that many evporting countries subsidic the price of leather making it even martdifficult tortanada to compete ollin is optimistic the shoe and leather industry ill improvi over thi next few years He points out the quota has brought im poits back to the HTS level the quality of anadian shoes and leather is high the discount of the fanadian dollar tnakes the industry competitive and more and more businesses are lltltltlt active on the export itiatkct colored pigment to treated pieces of leather Examiner Photo Bid to buy airline planned MONTREAL il BASED IN lOIRE lr Eastern Provincial Airways of Nordair based iii Montreal An aerial view of Letitia Heights shows some of the features of the large Barrie subdivision Four tennis courts hardball and iversar softball diamond are shown in the foreground along with Letitia Heights Public School Letitia Heights plans growth By DENNIS LANTHIER if The aiiiiner There have been three years of growth in Letitia Heights The still fledgling development celebrates its third anniversary Nov 20 says Jeff Madden vice president of Letitia Heights Development Ltd The 22 acre development will have passed the Too family mark after next week with the target goal set at Lilo families Madden told The Ex aminer this week its been steady progression since the property was first purchased in 1972 Madden said Development did not come easy at first when the land was first studied in 1968 Madden said The area in Letitia Heights had good soil condilt tioiis at the time nd was in convenient location SLOW APPROVAL But approval of the district plan for the land lid not come quickly because the subdivision fell under the same district plan as the Surrey Place development he said That development kept on changing ownership making it difficult to get the final approval he said Madden said the decision was made to build single family homes on 40 foot lots and street townhouses It would enable more persons to buy homes and it was formula of affordable home which pro ved successful Madden said The first few days model homes were con structed they produced madhouse scenes at the development with hundreds and hundreds of initial development Street and then began to move westward he said STRONG RATlIPAYERSiROlP Letitia Heights ratepayers group was formed group which is probably the strongest in the en tire city Madden said Letitia Heights is basically very young fami ly area with about 73 per cent of the community Barrie and district people he said started towards Anne There is wide range of housing with differing prices of SERUM Stiletto and liotiics being con structed now ill the STtHiiili range he said Most of Letitia Heights is served by Portage View Public and incsing entral School There is another public school under construction near the corner of Letitia and Leacock streets people turning up said Madden The subdivision has more land set aside for mm to hook up services Madden said So many people that wer in rental accommoda parks and open space then any other community in Recently taiiaditui Press story reported that the British Broadcasting totboratioii was under fire for presenting teley isioii doctiiiicntary about the Irish Republican Army that had been deliberately staged lll lieland to fit prcconccivcd at titudcs Attltdttlllly the HM had cooperated with the Hltt filming tin lltA ccrcisc ill the village of tarrickmorc in County Ty ronc In effect this is propaganda for the IRA Previously the ltltl had been accused in parliament of treason by an irate member because of an interview with man ho tlillllttl to be an llt member and had been involved with the assassination of Mr Ncavc an MP friend of Prime Munster Margaret lhatchcr More recently still the HHt hail iircd show supposed to show how sinttil life was in nighttime Soho shady lanc area of central London With all the skill ot casting otticc thc litit had filmed scenes lit massage parlor showing male customer being worked over by two girls hat the liltt didnt mention iii its show was that all three ot the participants had becti provided by the Hlit crew no doubt ctl selected for their appearance Just to make sure they would look cy ll enough No doubt they got minimum Etnii ty ritcs Slil Stl Further charges are that tiltii crews in Rhodesia pttt money iiito garbage pails to get some good tiliii footage of youngsters apparently scawngmg tor food And that football violence you guessed it much of it prov ided by paying soccer tans to act out scene tor documentary on soccer violence And while were at it scent to remember press wirc ser vice lbhlllllg picturc round the world from Spam think it was or was tl linchurii tiny thats showing my ige in hicli naked child is cry mg its heart out amongst the rubble ot bombed lllltliitl station ptattorm Later much later the photographer who took that picture admitted that he merely put the child there himself to get good picture Yott can easily imagine him slapping its backside just to make sure it would bc ciynig The iiiiidiin Broadcasting iorporatioii is of course notorious from promoting the late unlemcnted ipohticatly Trudeau it any time ot the day and night as tanadas patron saint to tindiiig kind words to say about any tommiiiiist who happened to stray into ilinadti 0r come to that the tHi would dash oil it the drop ot hit to mtcry iew all sorts of tomiiiunist leaders iny here in the world in glowing terms And in the all three TV networks are guilty of the most horrendous and continuing barrage oi slanted lib lett docutnen tarics ln isliiiigtoti thcics outfit called Accuracy in Media started by tleisl lrvinc to make sure that media disscmmatml propaganda and thats what it is doesnt go on tlldlltliytyl He has exposed an unending series of so called dtxumcntarics that how been shown to have been pure and simple biased reporting lt The Politics of Torture tor eiiit ple in NW dtxumctitary thilc South flttd South Korea and other right wing nations all came out appearing like tlheiighis Khan reruns with oiin the torture scenes let in hcrcas nary word wtis spoken about communist atrocities NI lNlTRlTllW 13F in Hunger iii tltllltt its presentation baby was said to have died of malnutrition tpon investigation by livine it was revealul that this was blatant he but men tough the iticts were brought out the CBS iieer attempted to correct their talsetiiul There are doxcns ind dorcns similar ciniplcs Onc top TY comtncntator tieraldo Rivera ictually dilttltlttl that hts supposedly balancul documentary on linimi wis delilwratcly slain by him to make it appear favorable To Panama dictator totiiititinist of course need you isk One producer lartiii tiiT who has produced to all thrii networks recently iitiiittul hit he iitst made Lip iis ll about how he tell ibott on then did his bcs iiki surc viewers would uxi hc shoe twiy ittcr his show ill chance hed make the ticti oi Cambodia appear like liridsc And ice eisa it Dr tiocbbcls ot Hitler tlcrmany the intomous propagan dist were iliy be wouldri hic any trouble getting lob in to day lilis media thd annotiiiced Wednesday it has entered the fray to take over Montreal based Nordair with backing front partners in Ontario and Quebec EPA president Harry Steele said that about Siio million has been stibniitted oii behalf of EPA the Algoma entral Rail way of Sault Ste Marie Ont and group of unidentified Quebec businessmen ted by Claude Hebert ot Montreal Each would be an equal part ncr Steele said EPA which doesnt operate scheduled flights wcst ot Montreal is an ions to get into the Toronto market Air Canada has been ordered by the federal goveniment to sell the liti per cent ot ordair shares it owns EPA with its head office iii lander iiid its mam operating base in Hiliti operates sched tilcd tlights within the Atlantic tiiIw nices and to Montreal The lllitytttlll of shares are field by directorsot thecomiiany Paul Thanasse chairman of Georgian munity Services Bet Ca fund to John Henderson Chi Way in Barrie flies to northern Quebec the eastern Arctic Ottawa south ern Ontario northwestern tn tario Ymnipcg and Pittsburgh ompeting bids have bcen submitted by llaccmciits Lixotte Ltec tormtd by Nordair president Andre Lizotte and other Nordair employees and by the Federation des iisses dEntraide Etotlittilitlttt credit union federation based tll Alma Que and ownerot it per cetit of ordair stock Other partners are the Makiv vik Corp of Kuuiiuak Que which adiiiimsters liitiit money from the James Hay sctr tlemiiit and Tl Industries Ltd ltitlittlly Wattttitk Hersey ot Ottawa conglomerate with diversified holdings There have been several other bids including Iillt troiii treat Lakes Airways oi Lon don int Steele said tcitit lllrXiIi dair operation would have ma Jtil bases ttt lltilitay lootve and loronto United Way edge nada present an of anun OWv In addition Madden said he was attracted by the high land and the view tion thought theyd never find home he said That was step forward in itself If electric power production increased l0 mines may locate in Yukon Up to HITEHUHSE ltPi The Yukon could be home for as many as to new mines if cleclt tric power production is in creased and trilllsptitlitllOll fa cilities are improved says lo cal mining industry spokesman The territorys mining lil dtistry is on the brink of big things says am Ogilvy manager of the Yukon thambcr of Mines The trouble is its the same brink as been on for the last lllltt or lottf years Hut iigitvy says how that metal prices have improved the totir Dltitllttlfltl mines that ict Employees Fund for Com 52 000 pledge on behalf of the board of trustees for United produce minerals worth total of $200 million in the Yukons largest industry could have company with some help from the government Lead and zinc prices are healthy gold and silver is fan tastic copper is improving and molybdenum and tungsten are solid he says remaining hurdle is short age of electric power because the current territorial output of 86 megawatts is entirely spoken for About onethird is coir sumed by the Yukons largest mine the yprus Anvil mine at Faro north of Whitehorse SEVERAL MINE GOLI In addition to Cyprus Anvil which also is the Yukons larg est private employer tnited Keno Hill produces silver lead and zinc at Elsa Whitehorse Copper produces copper gold and silver just south of White Heights horse and laiitalus Hutte pro dUces coal near Tarmacks There also are several small placer gold operations the largest being ogasa Mining Iorp on the Sivty Mile River near Dawson Two or three years ago about six properties were on the verge of production says Ogilvy Now there could be as many as to He estimates that if six new Central Ontario says release from Lctitia mines went into production 38 to it megawatts more power would be needed As for the transportation the territory produces 550th tons of metal concentrates year and all of it is shipped out over the debt ridden White Pass and Yukon railway from hiltwater at Whitehorse to Skagway Alaska Dollars and Sense if By RALPH ALEX liER liearSir Yoti recently wrote mpressing the opinion that interest rates will soon begin to fall How soon do you cpcct that to happeii DcarA When you my interest rates it is necessary to sptttl which interest rates as they do not all necessarily move together in the same direction at the same time Some of the various interest rates involved are anadtan Hank of fanarla Rate faiiadian lharttied Hanks Prime Rate fanarlian Treasury till rates iiuaranteed investment eriiticatis Mortgage interest rates Bond yields Discount ltai of the Federal Reserve Hanks Prime Rate ot Maior lntllitrfldl lltl Treasur Hills Government Bond feltrat Funds Rate the rate at hich commercial banks lend money to each other on an overnight basis Different factors are involved with each of these interest rate and therefore they not all peat at the same time and will not all tend todropa tiiisanie1me TRY lR IV TESl For example in ii 941lilstfiutil and the Bank of anatla llai afl ln both the and ianai cerral bankers are atemp ting to drive up ll liiitisl iiitlaion and protect the value of thezi ilttlil lnercfore the administerth rates will not drop inital iry treils or the currency markets Inflltlilt ii is ul lile to do so Alternatively some con rete in arts it that serious reces sion is developing ld lend the Federal Reserve to ease lift The Bank of alt could then follow ial not irliiiimstertd rates Different factors involved with fall of interest rates Prime rates of interest also tend to iiiop sotiiiwliat after other money market rates This is bernuse for political reasons particularly in the the banks allow their margins to diminish flUttltL pIt toils of tight money For ex ample flit11 tank of New York JUll normally havi in creased its prune to lb per cen based or the rate of interest it is paying on rlepoi Hutunor flit to ttiiIatiitint noises made by Henry lteu of the Is Senate Banking foiiimit tee it increased its ptittil to only li pct Hiit lt iticreas edit per cent from 17 per fftl in order to demonstrate its indetwndetmi When diii the supply and demand of deposits rliposi ratiw begin to drop the banks Jtll rcr establish or Increase ltiezr normal profit margins before decreasing tin2r loan rates lETlthlllrl li Tl interest rates on government bonds treasury bitb mor tgages ctr are for the inost par determined based upon the supply and demand tor money the current level of in terisi rates the demand for money will rapidly diminish particularly as the economies slow down in the other hand many consumers ill start to save money rather than spend it to protect themselves againt possible unemployment These savings increase the supply of bank deposits which can be invested in bonds and motgages in Canada the seasonal influx of Registered Retirement Sayings Plan dollars also increase the supply of toanable funds Already due to these factors we have seen two trust companies decrease their interest rate and one trust company lower its mortgage rates in conclusion believe that the prime interest rates in both Canada and the have reached their peak and should start low in early January The highest yields in Treasury bills and government bonds probably occurred two ceks ago

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