Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1979, p. 17

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13 oxaminer Friday Nov to 1979 coarticlreslor sole SPECIAL 7265721 SmnmeruIAMW obliwtdwwlmdflquJmptn ulna Introduceddecal 10 Day Service STONES UPHOLSTERY 46 rticlcs tor sale PTF floors of used ap pliancesandlurnilure CLARKS HOME TURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 Boylicld St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves washers and drycrs wririger washers black and white TVs dishwasher gOSSlp benches baby cribs arbortte top kitchen tables chesterlield sets space saver daven parts bed outllts head boards rollaway bedselc N17 Two automatic NIMIYII III minim lCOllfnl iriurl mi lt11t ttli ill rtirrtlrins at ttil lIIir 0th Mr ptirtrmt nr Miirlm iftl1l1rtrtIl $150 778 iolt linrt It imliiut rliri nry roam il ll IrtprlixIriilIly 6ll yrtrs Ild ask WSW till 761 ATJIUil Siiturithy November inn put 8415710 Mlitrir IIUII Drum FUSDTIJHS lylanklvts SliltISiI11U tinnitus Ii 20 GXIOO m4 and get free 12 RCA XL100 for Ortly 400 willy starting January80 One hour delivery KRAlY KELLYS 461 DUNLOP nut to Hwy 90 Meat Market 7371182 TF WAREHOUSE SALE thI IIVVIIYIIIH mu on rlllrsmY NIVI iiitiii IJ WHERE the back tt7ttJsI at Itii Slim District Co Op vtivtv Sr IttitiinI 25 5511 WHAT limpw triititrs slnvrs washers 11 11 llltti1ll work IIOOIS WOVK Iiittli vs II at AIITIISIIIOIU washer inlttiiizii it LII WHY are hr ltt pro lIYlnOV clearance plus NL II IIur hoses tor this event Hal Itt Itnd donuts snrvtd In the will llutusi BRAND NEW SANYO COMPONENT STEREO SYSTEM floor model complete with AM FM tuner amplifier cassette deck speakers and stand regular price $1399 This week only SIII999 One only No money down free delivery instore flnoncing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 20 Dunlop St 7374774 Closed Manda N17 III IIFLI ARTIFICIAL replace ISI St II III H73 ls tlkLllUttI and tii yLOOIlN LING CABINET dram Jll11IJhllLI 7t to In TILLI and ANT QUE WANG twill by EltIS and II LghLJ must scan asking sys Iliasi ill 36 8684 altar It ltt SONY STEREO SQrKGIIOIYal AM FM receiver custom turntable S343 Get tree Ipaukats undoi $5 will itorttng January 80 KRAZV NELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Eelndole mm dolnely 1182 If IIIQ1RES btltfiwl nl iiis ts ItrVS lot ixI 1w rtt on hey wagon lrbuiIt III Its R00 Cht Tflpphonl 8545 Ittit leOE 0AA DESK aoad VYOIILVII SN IIIIJI 00130 mg Drml Isouom Ittmttel Sys Bird can and IJM II II IIUUL skittvs svrr and 93 each 28 I182 BRAND NEW 4pc living room soitos in assortment of colors in 100 Herculons and 100 nylons Includes sofa stralght chair swivel rocker and ot tomon Only 537999 No mwey down Free delivery in store financmg BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Monday N17 COFFEE TABLE SW Chestilieiaaga Uth Ipr skates sqesl am suits szi Lady on New sumt mt sxr en warIt TN 699 test site tut mm SI Deep trier In opener Toaster Phone 35 396 POQED DANS thou with Iiitoepad newly cw Paid SA Ask an Sfx Telephone LOLBLE SNOWMOBILE TRAILER Mt Iistcm lvl 68 875 als anew saw new ca It $115 TLILEiLVQ 38 3863 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ten 3phose water pole with dual compressor SI 500 CHIN TIT2432 HW 20 INCH COLOR TV by Admiral and Sanyo withJull year warranty are now selling for Special Sale Price at $47999 while supply lasts or rent to own S5 week No money dawn Free delivery In store financing IARRIE NEW AND USED EURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays N17 JSED RESTAURANT Equipment serious ottersnnlr Streexersmre donut hot chocolate hot dog machines char rnal broiler Dilla ovens stainless steel milk coolers shopping carts and booths Lorinnumber 778 8381 GEPRAHDHEINTZMAN studio size Piano ricIilent condition 9000 tor apartment or home recently tuned Call 128 1170 WANTED on UNWANTED GUNS CASH 4362900 MWFDH foRMOR Airtight Slave Insulated chimney 5350 4361696 sHUFFLEBOARDS used PINBALLS reconditioned 737 7533 betweenVa Sp CAP tor sale will In ton truck 0069 Chev or Ford Pertect condition 5125 Telephone 728 4860 17 6122 Phone IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR lm solid state only S598 Under S6 willy Starting January 80 Order Ionite get lie 12 black and while One hour delivery KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdalu One hour delivery 7117 HE LADIES FIGURE SKATES Don Jackson size used one season selling Iilll our prionc71657SSatter 30p iNDEPWOOD TYPEWRITER 14 Irv tur manual Elite type Good can lttlin 28 3181 DESK AND CHAIR Beautiful solid teak desk and chair Will add warmth and elegance to any office or den Only $27999 No money down free delivery in store financing BARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap 7374774 Closed Mon days N24 SE 1x4 2x6 2X8 2xl0 xl2 16 and II lengths Also pressure treated pales approximater 24 long spruce plywood galvanized rootina iIi on Saturday at 226 Lakavicw SivInui Minots Point all 726350810r particulars INDOOR YARD SALE Minesmq village house No Saturday November Wit and Sunday Novernber 18th fit pm Sell all items In lmusp and antiques TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Now S789 Order lonite get Iroe 12 portable Under S7 wkly starting January 80 KRAZV KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Fomdale 737 1182 1F BIKE Raleigh Grand Prix Iospced us ed twice value S235 asking SISIl l2 PIECE GOLF SET With bag and cartus on One season value 3375 asking SISO MENS FISHER CROSS COUNTRY Sklts thh pales silo Vina shoes used alto season Value 5250 asking Sl25 LADIES CROSS COUNTRY SKllS and poles size shoes usod ancc Value SISO asking S75 Phone726 7800 allerSp QUEEN SIZE BED includes box spring and mattress 540 bird cage and stand St antique chair Telephone 737 1938 W75 INGLIS portable washer spin TFVLI avocado green excellent condi tiun 5300 Tllelihonl 487 2619 alter nt GLASS FIREPLACE DOORS In brass linish 26x15 Overall 580 726 8539even mus SWINGOMATIC baby swing GM in tanl carrlcr two walkers one baby reclner excellent condition and very reasonable 726 6634 BRAND NEW PC BEDROOM SUITES including double dresser and mirror door chest bookcase headboard foot board and rails In elegant satin walnut finish only $29999 No money down Free delivery In store financing IARRIE NEW AND USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlap St 7374774 Closed Mondays N17 TVL HEARING AIDS tor saw one as new the other ll good condition Telephone 38 SUJI kENMORE ASHER and dryer two beds all 726 Halatteraa WASHER AND DRYER Inglls colour television 80c lthqOor Suite aestot tir Call 11°C PANASONIC COLOURED TV excellent condition Portable with 20 screen sis il base Under warranty $68 Call atlirop 36 2176 CANOPY DOUBLE BED white metal lr moo wttt brass Complee with box Sprttcl and mattress SIS Telephone 7I1 GOLD CHESTERFIELD Sc tel sale uomcordmon 55 Telephone 13 135 REPRGERATOR Frthaire automatic wTIc large size 5180 whitt slow S60 Gilsan chest tractor xntle 1I SI Allomdcctdron 26 6667 IIboats and motors GULL YACHT BASIN mmmnnx miles north of Barrie on Lake Slmcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Book now for wInter storage WT WILL TRAILER YOUR IOAT WTO 22 FT PROM IARRIE TD OI INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 16 $15016t018 S175 18 our ms WED MECHANIC DUTY Your authorized Mercury Maui Dealer tutelage IeetI for 4872 TF IOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES m4 and magiu TDLLINDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE ona 150 TS and MOTOTS HP viking outboard motor gas tank 2250 Please call 726 6684 otter It toot ALUMINUM son hp Johnson motor Aslllng $500 Cal T222573 42articIes wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINSbetore 1967 American Deidre I964 No collection too large or smell Canadian stamps old watches postcards Iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 1162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1957 American belore 1964 No collection too large or smell Canadian stamps old watches postcards Iewellery 726 3162 LOSE WRIT the better way without special dint foods starving eating fish changing your lifestyle REE Mm MODAT 730 MAID IOIIBONS IeytIell St MAT 730 MENTAL INN THURSDAY 930 ST GEOROES AHOLICAN CHURCH Aladd TIN WEIGHT CONTROL INSTITUTE Inui Need 4584 MWFN30 CASH ran OLDVVFURNITURE books dlshes old pictures clocks adds and ends Pro 1950 items 728 8234 ALL ARTICLES NEEDED Appliances WING minor repairs Call The SALVA TION ARMY 728 3794 TOP PRICEPAID tor good clean used lurnlture appliances Home New and Jsed Furniture 737 4774 OLYMPIC COINS wanted will buy sets or separate $50 per set 737 0923 any tIme 487 Meanings or weekends BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 54 065 TED me Spruceifiemlxk Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday etc with large diameters Building wlm Logs U6 726w evemnqs 100 430pm and Thursday6 JO 30 77 5800 737 4222 726 9300 Ext 236 MLL plcx Up Named abéylances BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and we or ma phone 726 5339 distresed Birthright really cares I66 Baytleld SIICEIIVBBTYIC 737 3550 THE FOLLOWWG ls needed plum ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 658i it super can or similar three point my you drink thats your busmess It you tlai mower hay rake parallel Dari war 505 PENN set at discs tor 950 DB I7 snows on JAMES Psychic Artist Private con eight hole rims re sell propelled wind sultation Dfiychic parties Aura por rower vibra Schank cultivator ar traits 726 9512 Simlav Please call Hamstone mm Nsrriucrianiam arena 47 36 Horses boarded Barrie live minutes COLLECTOR BUYS used undamaged Windy Haugh Farm 726 MW Canadian stamps will pay Accents each Dishinc T0 STEELES Dullerin area tor S2 value delinitives to centseachlor Toronto Monday to Friday hours at prayincial Ilags cent each for com work 303 30p It interested memoratryes no Xmas pleasel Mail to phone 737167Bafer6 Ian Vatri IIGlenwood Barrie L4N IRS Pvfir mew MG MDGET andor DO YOU COMMUTE to Metro to war Please help am part time university 95 377 39 59 student doing research on the Barrie to WOOD BUZZED have approximately Metro commuter lt interested in par seven cords clean dry hardwood to be ticipating please call Mary Lou buzzed in Midhurst area Phone 728 6360 Gaukroger at7261141 to or 322 2JI4 alter and weekends titdogs and pets wMNeiéOfTiTeBS EEsiioriHIririertor MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles sional clipping and grooming Chargex two is Mr Laking 6S Tillin St accepted Phone 726 006l Barrie DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoomg and clipping otallbreeds 264 St Vincent 7lhelp wanted St 726 4744 POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH aestseiection in up Of town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable COMMISSWNERS OF POLICE prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aguaria I4 Ardagh Road 72670O94 $19m FREE To good home Four month old partShepherdIemalepup26117374180 Chief of Poise THE POODLE SALON Clipping all breeds Call now tor your Dog Gone op pointment 726 4l4l Sophia St PUREBRED MINIATURE schnauzers eight weeks old black and silver one male one lemale sloo each Phone 456 2492 alter 60 HOUND PUP tor sale or trade live man ths old blue tick black and tan red bone cross good voice Phone 728 6360 FREE To GOOD HOME yearola toy Pomeranian temale Call 424 1693 MALTESE FEMALE PUPPY 13 weeks wromed and needles very small 326 2600 Sltrees and shrubs NURSERY STOCK TREES Dig your own White Spruce 510 County Road 31 lSVt leltoll Highway27r7 to receive written applications for the position of POLICE CONSTABLE Applicants must have Grade 13 or equivalent of be physically fit Canadian or British subiect and of good moral character Application forms must be obtained in person by ap plicants at the Police Office 65 Vespra Street Barrie CLOSING DATE for accepting applications will be Tuesday November 27 1979 dt400pm 56camplng equrpment N16 I968 GMC SCHOOL BUS converted to camper Includes hot and cold running water shower toilet sleeps com lartably In good running shape Asking $5000 Also I976 Can Am 250 motorcycle less than 200 miles Like new Asking $900 728 5068 EUROPEAN TRAILER tor safe 14 ti with add room $2500 in excellent con ditidn Telephone 728 39267 SIlivestock for sale KIDS IN SCHOOL STOUPFVILLE no MIC0N Sell AVON You set your own Monday November 630 hours on flexible schedule sharp at Stouffville Stockyards Mae Interesmg p90pe Approximamly 50 horses in Phone today and find out how cluding several quiet kids 99 Slaned ponies and horses Special Hgheswmmssmn quantity of new tack 30 winter blankets and Christmas items to be sold at 630 pm each sale New until Christmas Sale dates November 19 December and 17 For information 416640 4198 117289652 rsrr SECRETARY PARTTIME Approximately 15 hours weekly General office duties typing filing telephone Hours flexible National company located downtown Barrie Phone KATHY BARKER 7261913 between and pm THURSDAY or FRIDAY fer eppt N16 HORSES BOARDED large new box stalls feeding daily turnouts stalls cleaned minutes westol Barrie ltth ol Vespra $70 monthly 728 6574 WINDY BRAES FARM Lessons for beginners and advanced riders with qualified Gold Medalist Specializing in supervised care at your horse Large indoor arena 4th line at Oro 487 3333 GELDING year Gelding 5700 or best alter Horses boarded Telephone 487 3284 or 487 2954 iNTERESTED IN HORSES Forget those cold commercial super stores and step back in time tor an old tashioned Christmas at the Tack Barn Enioy cup or cider while browsing through the largest selection at saddles lack winter blankets riding apparel dawn vests beaks and horsey gilt item ever assembled Oh yes theres lucky draws tree gills and snacks tree decora lions music 100s ol bargains and more much more Starts Thursday November 15 Open weekdays til Sloulville mile west at Highway 48 on Stautvllle Road minutes from Metro 640 4198 br ing this ad lor special tree gilt io srocxénéi Angus and Charolais crrossayeragersogpounds each 726 2699 59poultrychicks Mfi DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm trestt eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 one YEAR OLD hens tor sale sloo Each Bring awn containers Leo Dykslras Poultry larm Hwy 27 mile north or Thornton Closed Sundays 58 931 60leedseedgrain 1000 SALES or hay tor sale St per bale phone alter 4p 179574357552 gt WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 436 1811 Stroud GOOD MIXED HAy tor sale $125 per bale or $65 per ton Substantial discount lor orders up to to 000 bales ALSO orders taken now tor cedar lence posts tor spring delivery Please call Hawkestohe 487 2617 WANTED TO BUY High moisture corn Also drying and storage facilities available Telephone 4361535 libfarmers ITIBIHEI N16 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE Experienced and mature couple for 40 suite apartment building in Barrie Good salary and benefits Call 14165970787 TF 771721EIDEJVBTYTEOWWflv 71help wanted svsrms ANALYST GOULD THE COMPANY located in Barrie is an expanding manufac turing division of molar international corporation THE CHALLENGE will be to lead us in developing systems for our immediate requirements on our Honeywell 62 eqifipment and then design and install new systems for an IBM 34 in the near future THE CANDIDATE will have at least years experience as systems analyst will be comfortable with the capabilities of Honeywell 62 system and be experienced in the use of Cabal Knowledge of RPG 11 would be an asset for our future EDP plans Were offering you responsibility recognition for your abilities and an attractive salary and benefits package Please send resume in confidence to anodegesn Controller GOULD IMPERIALEASTMAN 75 Dytnent Rood IARRIE Ont PETROLEUM DEPARTMENT MANAGER The Petroleum Department Manager plays vital role in our efforts to provide users of petroleum products with the finest product support services available in Simcoe County The position is responsible for the successful operation of the Petroleum Department consisting of fleet of petroleum trucks and retail gasoline bar The incumbent hires trains and supervises staff and dispat ches petroleum trucks Maintenance of degree day records is also responsibility of this position The ideal candidate will have an in depth knowledge of the retail petroleum business with emphasis on customer requirements and expectations Strong abilities in public relations and successful administrative experience will be an asset The company offers an excellent salary and cdmplete benefit package Please send your resumé in confidence to BOX B99 THE EXAMINER BARRIE Leading cabinet manufacturer requires mature sales person to call art dealer network in eastern and northern Ontario Must be self starter and have proven record of sales achievement and stability Excellent income potential for person with ability and drive Salary commission company car expenses and group insurance provided Phone for interview 7261834 Room 115 between 59 pm Monday November 19 NI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Sales Representative An interesting and challenging position has become available in our classified department for an ambitious selfstarter Sales experience essential Knowledge of newspaper operations definite asset Successful applicant will be aggressive and self motivated The ability to meet the public and driver5 licence are necessary For an interview appointment please telephone MRS CHAPELL Classified Supervisor 7282414 MEDICAL SECRETARY New physician requires ex perienced Medical Secretary Duties to include answering phone appointments billings typing 60 wpm to be tested and other tasks LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATING AND nnucsrmcts 89 DUNLOP mm 1289819 MWFF13H Applicants must be dedicated and good with people Send application resume to THORHLEY 121 WELLINGTON ST BARRIE ONT l4N 1L2 including N16 GM DEALER it Orililu Requires service salesperson preferably with GM experience We offer excellent remunerations plus bonds company car group insurance plan Apply service manager TOOL DESIGN draltsman male or female with lixture and iig experience needed tor approximately three months Salary negotiable Fleming and Associates 728 3309 LEAD AND BASS players needed for lorming MOR band Telephone 624 6304 LIVE IN Housekeeper Companion re quired lor lady in Midhurst area Relerences 728 6642 PART TIMEHOUSEKVEEPER days and night per week Must be able to lnou cook Central location Telephone 737 739307 3252221 N17 FARM FORPROFIT SHOP SWCOE 0mm YOU CAN EARN EXTRA 323 AND WIN PRIZES T00 FTF STEELJOHNSON Yl bl PPLEzAspDIgole den Son Con cSANFORDJOHN classon Oro Ctosea Sundays 7288489 8RADFORD ST GEORGIAN BAY MACINTOSH AP ST PLES 54 per bushel bring your own 2335$ Mm £UGENlAAMELIA Flown6539 Dalmatians ALD CANNISTER VACUUM TORONTO HIGH ST SHANTY BAYSHOREVIEW Asklor tree home DUNLOP VlCTORlABRADFORD dernomtration todayl ELECTROLUX 7203392 Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS BOWLERS WANTED tor leagues lorm ng now Vlen women singles couples teams Call kempvicw Bowl 728 97617 TEECARE Why light your problem elone Let triertd help Call Telecare 726 N22 pnytlme AUTOS to Florida and all points In Western Canada gas ailowance Town to Driveaway Service 416 4416 Yes would like more information about an Examiner PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 AGE PHONE 7thelp wanted COOK FULLY EXPERIENCED GOOD SALARY POSITION Apply in person Nottdwasago Inn Highway 89 Allistan rm CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires2or year experienced BODY PERSON Tele phone 726 0481 MATURE SALESPERSON wanted tor temporary part time help Retail ex perience an necessity Apply in person Cara Tobacco Shop Georgian Mall BARRIE COMPANY requires ex Defianced clerkvtypist with above average ability In mathematics Duties Include inventory production central ahdpayrolIPlease apptywithresumcto Box 8100 The Examiner Barrie DO YOU RUN OUT ol money betore you rUn out at month Turn the tables WIIIT extra income tram interestlno part time work Local Amway distributor trains you for splendid opportunity Phone 728 4494 PART TIME PERSON lor music store Able to play organ and some piano Some morning hours and evenings Con tact Al Dowber Dunlops Hammond Organ Centre 737 3572 BROWNDALE Ontl Barrie Midland Newmarket regions have opening tar men and women to work and train as child care workers in our small therapeutic lamin model groups BA preterred but not essential 705 726 8861 LIVE IN SUPERINTENDANT wanted to care tor 27 unit apartment building prelerence given to person handy with Small repairs Call 7825816 alter JO REGISTERED NURSE GERIATRICS must have current Ontario Registration to years experience and some super visory experience preterred Phone tor appointment The Villa Nursing Home Midland 526 4238 Mrs Faulkner WAITERWWAITRESS experience preferred full and part time Apply in person at Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Allislon Experienced GENERAL MACHINIST lor expanding iobbing shop Top rate 5881 plus benelits Apply to Barrie Welding and Machine 39 Anne St South Telephone 726 I444 HAIRDRESSING ASSISTANT wanted MUST be experienced in perming and blow drying Starting pay $175 per week Applicant must bring model for Item onstration For interview phone 726 7655 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824t4 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties prlnted labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa FLEXIBLE HOURS Average 5600 3800 per hour showing our beautitul Christmas line to your triends and neighbors For personal interview call 705 322 I704 ask about new phone plan INTERNATIONAL OIL C0 PANY ol lers opportunity for high incOme plus regular cash and travel bonuses abun dant tringe benelits to mature indivlduat in Barrie area Airmail President Dept CG PO Box 70 St Toronto Ontario MAG 316 LOCAL INSULATION Company ambi lion and enthusiasm more important than experience Income limited only by lack at hard work 728 6203 FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY Earn up to S500 weekly and more as our agent explaining government insulation program Management potential MR NORTH 14166361551 N24 modern office Call me for confidential interview 7262611 Helen Hopkins Manager 76employmentrwanted IRONING Picked up and Delvede Duly $250 per basket Call anytime 45896 MWFDI DAY CARE centGrove 726 5623 in my home St Vin Street area Telephone mIIIDTCE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 78tenders Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation OPPORTUNITY rolI CAREER IN REAL ESTATE We have openings in our experienced agents FAMILY TRUST IS GOING PLACES Tmsllllll ruinu roger cocoonnot Dunno 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 79ouction sales 7Huctlon sales ROOSTE SALES mu AND PLEA MARKET Al do conducted Hun at 254 YONOE ST PAINSNICK Phone 7372431 AUCTION SALE Saturday November 17 at pm Contents to include furniture appliances antiques dishes stereo set television new clothing tools hardware and point Misc new furniture Jim NaPier Auctioneer N91416 snowman AND SHOW summon AUCTION Saturday November 24 at 11 DJ To include new and used snowmobiles accessories trailers clothing blowers and whatever winter recreational and work vehicles are available Refreshments available Consignments welcome Sale to be conducted by JIM NAPIER Auctioneer FOR INFORMATION AND TERMS PLEASE CALL 7372431 Terms cash or certified cheque Cash deposit balance payable by Tuesday Nov 27 at pm N14162123 Graham Allenfscist Quin 0t Qliltie under Ellie Big gap 7265055 Barrie Ontario 7372491 SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE THURS EVENING NOV 22nd PM SHARP Fer MRS ETHEL IAIII 76 PENETANG ST femrly of COORITOIII TENT HEATED N151617 RCHER COL WILL Qualified Recognized Authority AU CTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE SKIING SUCCESSFUL SALES SINCE 1957 FARM SALE SATURDAY DECEMBER Ist at pm for HEINZ LOTTERMOSER at Lot Concession Pics Township mile east of Highway 27 Sale of full line farm machinery two diesel tractors tillage hay and harvest equipment mixmill and groin storage bin Terms cash Owner giving up farming Watch for full inventory November 23 268904 SCL No N16 sales helpagents snout one mums wcnou SAL Monday November 19 I979 6pm for MICHAEL KATHLEEN CARSON of Bend Heed SdutobehellhtbeAleneEenn entry Auctlon Centre II No Word lIIOI south front nettlen on Hvry Ne 27 to Newton IuMnsen III out on Concession 10 flu to sale Watch for Dale arrow enHvry 27 and II on day of Dale Sale of home furnishings small appliances antiques old furniture pieces of glass china articles etc Sale includes sets of dining room tables and chairs Ipak dining room table chairs glass front china cabinet chesterfields oc casional chairs buffet beds drawer chest wardrobe odd tables vacuum cleaners hifi apartment washerspin dryer unusual antique hall seat Blue Willow platters etc and the unknown treasures from the storeroom These are only few of the many useful items of interest to the homemaker or the antique enthusiast sale worthy of your attention and attendance Terms cash day of sale Cheques accepted with 10 ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCI No8 7054584589 N16 for new and FDHH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 79auction sales ALIEN HORNER DIRECT PHONE Auction SerVIce 7282414 Ram Classified advertisements and noter tor QFOTITI HOUShOId mdpagn rgiurl record by at day °Antiques OAppralsols Sinai5533°JILJJMSIIITLSI RR No2 BRADFORD bi am we on ca ion ONT IIRTHNOTICESOW Phone 4167753659 or ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAgiiZEAstobéoTICES FT Additional worth ct per word CARD OF THANKS 40 wordi S6 00 Addi horrol words It cti per word MEMORIAM NOTICES No van 5600 yor per count line 23 cent WANT ADS 6332323113 PHONE 7282414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum CODII DIICWHI lam apply if pond within days One or two muniom 10 per word Insertion Three comecutive in union 94 cent per word insertion total $654 SI conmutlye Insarlions 9c per word par Martian total S1296 Multiple unsor tiom may be ordered subtect to cancellation Maori Dalifactory ruultl obtained Mathod counti Iewer than 24 word count at 24 herds Each initial abbreviation Del of 78tenders Societe canadlennei dhypotheques el de Iogemenl TENDER Wu count on parole wordl CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION N6 diuubm FOR SALE All phorw insertion order are accepted mime to the advertsou Thorefore ORILLIA ONTARIO CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 200 pm local time Dec 18 1979 for the purchase of on uncampleted 60 unit apartment building known as Douglas Towers SE Corner of West St and Fittons Road Orillia Ontario Forms of tender required can be obtained by prospective tenderers at the address shown below The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Any and all enquiries regarding the proiect and requests for appointments at to inspect the property are to be addressed to Manager Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Hie Clauttiud MVnlm° Department re wind advertile to kindly chock tholr Wumnt immediately after llrlt Inw hen in Ordor that any error or orntuion may be reported before am in order that some any be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner in rupomtble for only one incorrectly printed martian all any Wicemont and then only to the extent of portion of ad that lovely the micprtnt Er which do not lesson the value of the advertnomnt are not eligible for correlt bom by make goods The hammer rourvee P¢II to clouify IVt or rapct any wont PHONE 7232414 EXAMTN 650 Lawrence Avenue Toronto Ontario M6A 182 WANT ADS 7282414 Nl4IS16I7DlO1112

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