1O thoexnmtnor Tuosdny Nov 33 1979 Dancers bleak times look promising again don Know where will go but this discovery has brought me such range of emotions such excitement From there comes whatever am Four years ago Just before the birth of her second child she returned to Montreal and founded lotntepienu her company and school As the name indicates the company specnilizes in both toe dancmg and modern barefoot movement Since then the company has given at least one concert year and the school has grown to tiillfledgxl institution with teachers But this year marks the first time that Miss Laireillc has had company of performers who dance full time itliout having to support themselves by other means After 60 years 90yearold got girl he wanted TORONTO itfi Clark Secor finally married the girl next door at the age of so and after 60 ear friendship Lark has known me since was 12 his Toyeanold bride Christina said ielnesday We didnt tell anyone about the wedding until afterwards When we phoned larks children they were very pleas ed tlark popped the question on Sunday and the couple were wed the following Tuesday Oct TU might be able to persuade him to go on trip she said HEALTH INSURANCE while outside of Canada httiNTRiJAT Louise tatreille tied large satin rag doll to her body by the neck wrists and ankles and began to dance sadly until the two figures were entwined like long llltk rope The dance entitled orde dAssault Attack Rope expresses the rough time Iiss Latrille was going through last spring The dance company she had formed three years earlier had dissolv ed She felt alone and unwanted She expressed her feelings in the best way she knew choreographzng the rope dance and then performing it at Dance in anada conference in Waterloo tint last summer Now things are looking up again Miss Latreille has her own full time dance troupe with four members on salary the troupe now is on tour of France and Belgium as ell as school offering ballet modern and jazz dance and theatre rhythm and voice classes native Moiitrealer she spent three years studying with T£ltlfl Deiarts fudra SLTTOOT in Belgium before touring Africa with his Ballet ot the 20th Century It was on this trip that Miss Latreille reached turning pomt in her dancing NIFYTNU FORCE She realized that the solar plexus the region of the body ncar the pit of the stomach is the centre of both rhythm and move ment Betore that didnt have centre was just dancer with arms and legs she explains Now its my base Its where issued and confirmed by our office representatives Tor MUTUAL OF OMAHA LLOYDS OF lONDON °C0OP HEALTH SERVICES ONTARIO BLUE CROSS HAYS mvri mmo Wednesday Nov 14th at 700 MISS United States Carter Wilson from Harrisonburg Va left and Miss United Kingdom Carolyn Seaward link arms for photographers during photo session in London for the Miss World contestants The girls will take part in the contest on Thursday at Londons Royal Albert Hall fAP Fhotol entertainment Royals leading dancer in first role with us ltilttlti ltli It has been lji years siiicc TItiglish ballet star Anthony Howell created the llilt of lbeion iii Sir lrcilirick shtoiis one act ballet The iieam Now hes in Toronto to show Mia frightene Actress Mio co starring in Broadway play Romantic Comedy became frightened by photographers during an opening night party iii New York Thursday Farrow the us lineup why Ashton chose him for the role The Royal Ballets leading male dancer makes his first guest aptwarance with the Na tional Ballet of aiiada this week in two roles created especially for him The other role is the lead in Hans van Manens abstract piece Four Schumann Pieces Dowcll 56 had been with The ltoyal Ttallct tor only two years in 19M when Ashton chose him to create the leading role of tibcron And it was in The Dream that Dowcll first danced with Antoinette Sibley with whom he formed long and successful ballet partnership How does he feel about the role now Its pretty daunting pro spect nowadays he said in an interview When sommne reminded inc the other day that its now 11 years since it was first done it was horrifying shock to me because think all dancers have blockingout mechanism about the years passing as we face such short carecr BALLET Tiltlilitllfl As for Four Schumann licccs Dowell said it is more difficult ballet to put across not oiin because of the tremen dous stamina it requires Its mood piece Always the more abstract ballets are the hardest to do because youre relying really just on your physical image not much character to put across except 0di Princess Grace turns 50 it is 25 years Since Grace Kelly of Philadelphia won an Academy Award for Best Actress Princess Grace of Monaco Now she turned 50 Mon day Her storspangled American Dream is still coming true AP Photol ORilliA THEATRES QENEVA iowssrsi 32¢o33t Rocomoidod Cl ADUKT INTIITAINMINT New Yort Times romantic suspense thriller Original and engrossing Cnailes Champiin Las Angela Times NIMTMOUI WMATIOPI yourself had an especially as the romantic hero with his hand want to grow from lts earthy TREENFTEIT lll IAfi The hogs are downwind the tractors have quit and the barnyards lit up like diamond in the rough Anyone for night at the opera Its little different says Kaye Shanahan but had this idea that Id like to take grand opera out to the earth out here So out here she has come out to the flat black earth of western lllinois to the family farm she and husband icorge bought in 1936 if all the world is stage she figured then why not Die Fledermaus down on the farm it has been to years since they assembled the company of singers min farmer cotiplc of lawyers some housewives dance instruc from Jerseyville and fielded their first opera They performed it right in the barn with the audience out front in lawn chairs and The Londoiiliolti locll has outstanding career classical This opera has twist but it shouldnt be Opera is for everybody Before it could be perform ed for anybody they had to fix the barn which sagged and tilted from 100 years of prairie harvests wooden post was erected in the mid dlc of the stage minor in convenience during per torniaiices bitt necessary to keep the 110yearold building from collapsing Three cow stalls were tum ed into dressing rooms the dirt floor was covered with concrete and bedsheets were dyed theatrical purple and hung from the back wall The pit where the director sits is hole in the grojnd which must be weeded each spring before opening night At 72 Mrs Slianahati is the grande dame of the Midland Repertory Players woman with an unbounded en thusiasm and conviction that if only folks could see that opera neednt be so snoo ty theyd all love it And opera in barn is anything Tuesday Saturday 10 om pm Wednesday Thursday Friday 12 noon pm PHOTOGRAPHS with Santa will be available beginning Thursday Nov 15 ot the Georgian Moll Watch For The Vespro Twp ï¬retruck Santa Will Be Riding Dont Miss lt Boys and Girls at Candy Canes SANTAS HOURS HWY 2627 Boyfield St North of Cundles MALI HOURS 930 om 530 pm Mon Tues Sat some features style Im going to stay in front of the tootlights he says He wants to do that either on stage or on the screen Id stop dancing yesterday it good film offer came in think 309W As jocks they were jokes the twelve nuttsiest gootiest spootiest slnginest dancinest characters toever call themselves ateam and elegant ATTIVPM out AT SAVED PITTSBURGH gtVé Ajax vaNAJ IfttOE UlftVABDUL TABSA ritny VlRGUE till 7269944 MON TO THURS 0N SNOW ACH NIGHT PM ONLY iiiiiiiis they havent missed sum hm snTOlN mcr season since tll UNIX FOR RICH We are spreading the gospel that opera is earthy not Just for people with minks and diamonds says Mrs Slianahan Lotsof pea plc try to make it hoitytoitv He hears the silence He sees the 7259944 darkness ti GAIN MINUS WVCR EMMET WALSH ta isUtUMSUiS SSNinmum Jennifer ONeill VCJS United Artists PRESENTS 71 Er illi LNYEF lid Force of One siaw iRon ONeal Clu Gulager as starting James Whitmore Jr wtti Eric Laneuville and intioaocnig Bill Wallace FRAECJS FORD 0PPOLA 930 om 930 pm Wed Thurs Fri Hes the only one who can stop the killing Unequivocally the most terrifying movie To ever seen IITER ARK Margaim EVERY BABYSTTTERS NIGHTMARE BECOMES REAL lMPERMl ï¬nancial STRANGER CALLS luvaunts oi ltfll rii iiiiu Titian with HIN siww PRODUCTIONS pmis Mu Iltll only must PRODUCTION CHARLES DURNTNG CAROL KANE COLLEEN DEWHURST lKOMMTNDTD AS ADUlT NTIRTAINMTNT Chuck Norris Strut SHOUT 1T FROM THE incomes The screens most magniï¬cent entertainment rctumsf1fled with joy laughter Tove and life WI CST Sow Tones 730 Only THE MlRlSCll PRUDUCTTUN CUTTlPltNY ANUHMAN JEWSDN fllM llDleR 0N Tilt ROOT TDPUT NORMA CRANE EDNARD THEY MflllY PICON PAUTMANN vNTHMAN JEWISth lllePH STETNLsZ iiiiiii BUCK Stl£tDth iiiiiiiiicif HAtitltDPfllthf iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiis Jltll WlltlAMS TOM ABBOTT ISAAC STERN PANAVTSIDNEUUTH