Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1979, p. 6

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the examiner Thursday AIM so 1010 showman St Francis Church in Kit chener was the setting for the July 14 wedding of Mary Shortand KenSchilling The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Short of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Stuart Schilling of Kitchener Maid of honor Ada Dawson of Toronto led bridesmaids Patricia Short of Toronto the brides sister Cindy Kressler of Kitchener Ruth Sproule of Fergus and Roslyn Juvenile offenders tested 86 per cent had brain impairments tests showed abnormalities in biochemical abnormalities or nate strategies to deal with aftItolfgpgguégmfivgimgg the from of the brain which genetic factors he said An their environment strategies controls motivation impulsive other less popular inter which may not be socially ac ighqglgngi hthtfiafggaicgild behavior foresight and hind pretation Is that the brain or ceptabie Dear Ann Lenders lam 51 My husband is 68 Weve been married 30 years Ive never sle with anyone else Sex was always very nice Everything our marriage was very nice We have two boys who never gave us any trouble We put them through colle and they took over the family busi ness Everything abou our lives was too good to be true sight and inhibitions ganization is shaped by life ex Correct identification of TWO years ago my husbandhad heart attack then sec Godtrey Barrie economic factors are the only Brain malfunction likely periehces delinquents with brain impair 0nd one It almost cost him IllSIlIe He was adVIsed to have Best man was John cause of delmquency suited from brain damage Other stitches had shown that mehts wouid enhtmce tieah openheart surgery which he did Twoweeks aftertheoper Brodrecht of Kitchener sand The unpubllShel Stuin ll impairments are often con ment and for some appropriate ation he suffered stroke and was In alcoina for several the usherS were Bob Short of nanced by the provmce showed hected with medical coin medication couid be part of that days When he woke up he couldn talk didn tknow me and Barrie the brides cousin 85 Per cem the 101 Juve Adverfis plications such as head in treatemeht acted like an animal He had to be in the hospital for over Liter Reinhardt 0l Kit 18 qffenqers Obserfed had juries Discovering the exact cause Year chener Dennis GebertofKit brain Impalmlems 531d Lorne One implication of the study of the brain abnormalities He much better now but not normal love on more chener and Ray St Croix of YCUdaII nOW re eCTS is that these kids are more vul would involve another ex than anything In this world but his illnesses have turned Baden Along with control group of nerable to adverse environ tensive study Rimhinlté anfold man He obsessed lpith sex afnd 10ml keep Edmonton high SChOOISlUdenlSi ts 0t data su ests thev Assst is an of me It ma es me sic cant ee way HfiirIZCFpllnol Vi 101 teenaged delinquents from Changlng glint coperas well asgigither indi were lDelilege Fibrrzilhilnchflvzggy abo him again UlOIIOWn EUQSIS attended the Youth Detentlpn centre female viduals so they develop alter Davies and Dr Russ Fedora My Sister says it my duty to go to bed With him He has to from Barrie Brantford An Edmonton were given series have constant care and cant drive so its im ible for caster London Simcoe Ken of tests to measure sensory TORONTO him to get away from me and find someone se for that motor and perceptual func Purpose iiiilliiifirilo NY and Ham tions memory and abstract creasmg amount of advertismg Ithank God hes alive and love caring for him But Ann 3b ht thought for cars liquor and travel is dont think any woman should have to be used for mt rip ggwmo Similar Studies have been showmg upin pages of women something she doesnt feel Its like being prostitute Ive ccrirfibiiitjdS mds done in the United States said magazmes as advertisers try to told him DONT want him sexually but he still runs after me all the time Ive had counselling and some sessions made me even more upset and confused Nothing will change my mind Please tell me Ann do have to let this man use me just because am married to him Hellish Predicament Yeudall but his is the first to get hold of growmg amount of link the impairments to specific disposable income in the hands parts ofthe brain of women ialstudy by Ham Yeudall of the Alberta Hospi m0 advertlsmgagencvshows tal in Edmonton said in tele Frank ROSE VlCCPFESldent of phone interview Monday that 311558 Kelley CO Ltd said that at the same time advertis ing directed at women is being adapted to reflect the changing The couple now live in Kitchener SchillingShort Dear llP Why did you write to me You have made it clear that you dont want advice and that nothing will change your mind Your uestion Dolhavet nd tr sary ica es emen ous am Iebrate its 10th AlliV méewgrkvigggil Ill 500190 and bivalence which is understandable You say youve had 390 mam Flea markets Grove Street East Barrie Of course there is still quite counselling Good Now hope you will fine another coun Ilous bit of the traditional advertis hhe marve sellor As in every field some people are more competent than others Lets hope the next counsellor is better than the last Good luck Dear Ann Landers Our 19yearold son has informed us that he is moving out of our house and will be living with 50yearold man It started few years ago when John ran errands for the man and began to receive lot more money than the er rands were worth Next came expensive gifts and clothes Grace United Church will Open house ing the kind that shows hold flea markets during four Open house will beheld at the woman hysterically impressed Saturdays in September Sept Sheba Shrine Hall 142 John St by cleaning product These 15 22 and 29 from am toz game on Sept 16 from to are turned out according to Pm pm for the 60th wedding an some formtIla that used to work Anyone interested in renting hiversary of Mabel and John well space to sell vegetables baked Bemmse He said when the liberated goods or garage sale items No gifts please Come versus the traditional com should call 7264505 or 7260942 celebrate and reminisce on our mercials were tested it was lehn isloff leggl agehand has told us that he is going to toreserve that the liberated adver we ls own ea wes cum keep omom 60 ears of wedded bliss says oun The Church IS located at the Mrys Bemrose tising approachestare at least lliiliiziissgifilgi tiifigtiliszith aogilnr 333 YES itll there Is corner c°°k Street and fqufl to find P32551ny m0 reputation around town fitrgbeigg nice to libygnirhs Quilt rug fair tfggizijpfolgcl more younger men isiwell known What can we say to our son to HQMEMAKEKS Simcoe Chum Arts and He said howéver it is as un put him on the right track Parents ln Mourning It You wont temporary oilice work and Crafts ASSOCIation annual wise to lump wémen into Dear Parents There is Othing you can do to notopermunenl job all and rug fair year WIII category as careeroriented person Who dOES not Want to be helped SO suggest you get Hamel ASSOCIATES heid from Sept 21 t0 23 at achievers as it used to be to help for yourselves Theres national organization for spechlrm for Ptuflypim slmcoe County Museum from lump them all together as parents of gays These people help one another to accept 10 am to4pm each day housewives 7283309 their children as they are The address of Parents of Gays and Lesbian Women is Duane Methodist Church 201 West 13th St at 7th Ave New York NY 10011 Please write to them for free literature You will be glad you did MIDI aminer ValeDods Erma Bombeck George and Barbara Vale of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Kimberley Kingston to Robert William Dods son of Robert FULLY AIR €515th and Nora Dods of North Bay The wedding is to CONDITIONED FREE PARKING SERVE You call take place in Emmanuel United Church North IIIl I9 Dunlap $1 Bay on Sept 22 This announcement appeared incorrectly in the Aug 2i edition of The Ex You cant turn this mob over to the cops °° By ERMA BOMRECK August The season when every mother dedicates her life to sending her children back to school in new underwear time for settling fittingroom tantrums and tears of wont wear it time to reflect on whether what you bought will stay in style until you reach the car or will still fit when school opens in two weeks For years mothers of children in public education have expressed open envy of mothers whose children are in private and parochial schools and wear uniforms Well dont know what youve heard but believe me dont do anything drastic until youve walked in the shoes of ITS MORE THAN POCKET CAMERA ahisiiiEmptinesshis ii lTS POCKET SLR SYSTEM hassle of decision in the morning of what to wear is The Pentax System 10 is the worlds first 110 SLR system to myth Each pleated skirt or jumper may look like all the others but each has personality of it own One hangs long combine the convenience of pocket camera with the sophistication of 35mm SLR system in the front one has zipper that sticks one has per manent stain in it and the other onemakes her look fat Simply load the 110 cartridge and the film speed is set automatically Secondly schoolchildren who dress alike never wear the same sweater twice They may go in on the first day of Both aperture setting and shutter speed are automatically programmed by the camera school in the uniform green sweater but from there on in its With the Single Lens Reflex system you can proview the picture They musical sweaters the pickupandwearwhateverisleft Third mothers who iron 15 white shirts week become terminally strange They get white spots in front of their eyes watching TV twitch whenever they see pen bleeding through pocket and wake up in the middle of the night you will get viewfinder warning lights tell you automatically if from ringaroundthecollar dream enough light is available or tripod or flash should be used 7118 Ullirms 38 aygreategugllzer they Igave thtfiir This whole system is designed to provide flawless exposures dis wigs lgokeéneargii 1253 Litagfltw gcgimigs automatically with minimum of effort And it all fits in the palm of nafiéeated your hand What reminded me of the subject was niece of mine who 725994 Eventually youll want all the System 10 has to offer is police officer in large city She pulled in woman the such as interchangeable lenses flash unit power wind other week on charges of soliciting Whenthe woman took off her coat she was wearing the same plaid skirt my niece and host of accessories had womat st Helens Get the Pentax stem 10 with its 24mm f28 lens and no hic sh All my niece could think of was As If she doesn have you re grtd lt enough problems her mother made her wear that crummy 9I5 COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents RASTARMORT ENGELBERG Production DOM SUZANNE JERRY DeLUISE PLESHETTE REED HOT srurr com 0551 DAVIS Mm by PATRICK WILLIAMS Executive Producer Whilen by and uniform on Saturday PENTAX SYSTEM l0 Polly5 Pointers name by MORT ENGELBERG in by DOM DeLUISE Mo re ce mmuo Production Service by EASTER FILMS INC mi Iniuumui FM immunoassay in soft lemon $2393 More Entertamm By Polly Yramer Than Humanly POSSlble Silggested retail price POLLYS PROBLEM 3R Nationally advertised gi DEAR POLLY It is am and en ti price Actual SLIIlng me an some if rice mav van recipes call for the jurce of one lemon How many tea spoons or tablespoons of mice are there in one lemon upwards or doun wiwv MATINE 30 wards at the discretion DEAR WW That depends on the size at the lemon EVENINGS 0i ihc Deaier When recipe has such indefinite measurements use an averagesize lemon but there is even difference in the amount of juice different people can get out of simi lar lemons The softer the lemon the more juice ofie seems to get POLLY DEAR POLLY PWs Pet Peeve was that prizes are always at the bottom of cereal boxes and children want to get them first thing There is good solution to that Peeve One can require children to eat all the cereal in box BEFORE they get the prize If the children know this when the cereal is bought PW will find she has much less trouble NANCY DEAR POLLY used to have lot of trouble finding the right lids for the various pans and pots in my kitchen Now have saved time and frustration by numbering each pan and its matching lid Nail polish works great since markingpen ink washes or rubs off ETTA Avaliabie at DEAR POLLY Another way to keep thread from tan gling when dorng hand sewing is to use double strand but knot eachstrand separately not together with one knot When lining baking pan place the aluminum foil on the ouLSIde mold it to the shape of the pan then place inside The chance of tearing is lessened After painting room put some paint in clean em nail polish bottle Use the paint later for touching up saing marksonthewallIRENET MOVES TO IKMA TOMORROW SHOW TIMES I30 7I5 930 MITIND LS Ill Elltlltlllll

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