Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1979, p. 17

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71help Wanted PARTTIME COOK for Italian fast food restaurant Pick your own hours Must be well versed in the preparation of Italian food Telephone 778 9151 am toepm LOOKING FOR SOME do it yourself iob security in these uncertain times Local AMWAY distributor will show you how to get it with income producing part time business of your own Phone 7269574 Eliisfiréit néddiiéa Mitdré person needed for babysitting and light housekeeping starting September 15 to 130 pm Tall Trees area Phone meta exeeméuceo HAIREFéssiriqassis tant wanted Apply in person at James Moray Hair Design 15 Maple Avenue Barrie OPPORTUNITY FOR ambitious people Dignified interesting good earning potential For informative appointment call 737 0188 Monday Tuesday or Wedhesday between 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa 76employment wanted LADY smart appearance 12 years managerial experience years cosmeti clan would like position in Barrie area Anything considered Telephone after 610 pm Monday to Friday anytime wgekendrzdn d990 WE DO ALL ODD JOBS Ground maintenance painting exterior and in terior fences etc Reasonable rates 1elephon9835$650notolttrom Barrie RELIABLE MOTHER will give day care in home Telephone Linda 436 2733 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Ganflied advartisomants and notices for than pages must be ruculvod by pm day preceding publication with tho axcaption of Ooslfiad Display advertisements which mun be In by two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words cts par word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 5600 Addi tional words 11 cts par word MEMORIAM NOTICES No varsn $600 With vorsa pot count lino 73V cants per line COMING EVENTS $343 par column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cosh Discount Ratas apply if paid within days One or two insertions 10c par word insartion Thraa cansacutrva in urtions cents par word insartion total 3634 Six conncutiva insertions 9c per word par insertion total $1296 Multiple inser tions may be ordorad sublact lo cancellation wttan satisfactory rasulfs obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation sat of numbers otc count as uparato words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phana insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classiliod Advertising Department ra guiros odvartisars to kindly check their odvartisamant immadiataly altar first inser tion in order that any error or omission may barported bafara am in order that same may ba ractifiad for the following day publication Tho Examiner is rasponsible for only one incorrectly printod insertion of any odvortisamanf and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lassan the value of tho odyartisamant are not aligibla for correc tions by makl goods The Examiner reserves tharight to classify revise or raiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 7282414 7Stenders 79auction sales ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF NOUSE PROPERTY SALE L03473 Far removal or demolition one storey brick house with attached carport Township of Orillio Northern Division Lot RP 1453 on the southerly side of the 8th Concession Road Ardtreo School Road westerly from Highway 11 Former Hotherly property The house will be open for inspection on Adam 14 1979 from 400 pm to 700 pm and one hour prior to soletime Solo will take place on the site at 100 pm Local Tina on Wednesday August 15th 1979 Terms Cash or certified cheque at time of sale Cheque to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario and must be certified immediately upon conclusion of the sale plus $100000 cash or certified cheque to guarantee that the work will be completed in accordance with MTC regulations The building must be removed or demolished prior to September 17 1979 permit is required to move building along across or over Provincial Highway andor Municipal Road or Street Persons who may be interested in purchasing the building for the purpose of moving it intact or in sections to another location must obtain in formation regarding permits from the District Office Owen Sound PRIOR TO THE SALE No employee of the Govern ment of Ontario is allowed to participate in this auction unless the employee produces written approval of his or her Deputy Minister or the equivalent prior to the auction Further information may be obtained from TheAuctioneer Archer Colwill 406Codrington Street Barrie Ontario Phone 7057268904 or Ministry of Transportation and Communications Property Section PO Box 5338 London Ontario Phone 5196811441 Ext 160 Au4ll Communications NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm doy previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 7Btenders STROUD CURLING CLUB wishes to tender its kitchen facilities for the season Nov 279 to March 30 1980 Interested parties may lease kitchen facilities and equipment and must be willing to operate Snack Bar Monday through Saturday as well as cater full meals for special occasions Interested parties may contact MRS SHIRLEY McNAB 4361995 for further details about hours etc Written tenders to be submitted by Aug 25 1979 to ROGER RIX RR Stroud Ont L0l 2M0 STROUD CURLING CLUB wishes to tender the custodial services for the season Oct 2279 to March 30 1980 plus special occasions out of curling season This tender is to include labor supplies and materials Written tenders to be submitted by Aug 25th to Roger Rix 4361535 In Strand cm Wt 2M0 Ontario Government Tender WINTER MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 197980 SEASON The following equipment is required TRUCKSfiwith minimum GVW 13600 kg suitable for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations Truck Swan Lake Crane River Clovering Elsinore Walkerton Meoford Kincordine Trucks Durham Flesherton Stoyner TRUCKS with minimum 20400 kg Tandem axle suitable for mounting power sander units are required at the following locations Truck Clovering Elsinore Kincordine Wolkerton Durham Chatsworth Meoford Stayner LOADERS Wheel Drive with standard bucket SAE rated minimum one cubic metre capacity of the following locations without operators Loaders to be equipped with cab and lights Loader Swan Lake Crane River Clavering Elsinore Kin cardine Walkerton Durham Flesherton Chatsworth Meoford Woodford Stoyner Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until 130 PM Local Time Wednesday September 5th 1979 Specifications tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office in Owen Sound When requesting tenders please specify location and type of equipment Bidder must have appropriate Class PCV licence and Dump Truck Inspection Sticker to be acceptable The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Carney District Engineer Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1450 7th Avenue East Box 520 OWEN SOUND Ontario NAK 5R1 Telephone No 5193767350 AuII Ministry of Transportation and Communications GOVERNMENT AUCTION of Trannsgzrtation and Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES minimum 40 words additional words 11 comes per word Births $600 $600 In Memorial no verse Verse per count line extra 23 Va cents Coming Events 81 births Mondays Child is fair of face TuesdaysChiltisfullofgrace Wednesdays Childisfullofwoe Thursdays Child hasfartogo FridaysChildisloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its livingr And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Islair and Wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 728 2414 Bilengagements GUTHRIE BOWMAN Mr and Mrs Robert Guthrie of Kingston wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Nancy to Bill Bowman son of Mr and Mrs Oscar Bowman of Thorn ton The marriage will take place on August 25th in Kingston GUTHRIE PYE Mr and Mrs James Guthrie are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Janet Louise to Ronald Pye of Orillia The wedding to take place at Guthrie United Church Saturday September 81111979 TIMMONS ASTRIDGE Mr and Mrs Lloyd Timmons of Barrie are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Gait Elizabeth to Mr Perry Astridge son of Mr and Mrs Doug Astridge also of Barrie Wedding to take place Saturday August 18th 1979 at Cert tral United Church figdeaths PARKER LOCkie Emmeline At Sunset Manor Collingwood on Thurs day August 9th 1979 Lockie Emmeline Walker beloved wife of the late Charles Parker Dear mother of Elton of Bar rie and Altha Kennedy predeceased Loving grandmother 01 Elaine Graves Hunter Kennedy Jon Parker Brian Parker James Parker and Noni Cherry and nine great grandchildren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Friday Complete service in the chapel on Sun day August 12th at pm Interment later at Barrie Union Cemetery Rebekah Lodge service Friday at 30 pm Memorial donations to Canadian Cancer Society or to HELP care of Corinthian Lodge would be appreciated JONES Marjorie At North York General Hospital on Friday August 10th 1979 beloved wile of the late Frank Jones Dear mother of Catherine Mrs Blackmore and Shirley Moore both of Toronto Friends may call at the Trull Funeral Home 2704 Yonge Street south of Lawrence on Saturday and Sunday and Serwce in the chapel Monday afternoon at oclock interment Ebenezer Cemetery at 30 lork WOOD Gwendolvne At her residence Stroud on Friday August 10th 1979 Gwendolyne MacDonald beloved Wile of John Wood Dear mother of Victor and Christina Daughter of John and Isabel MacDonald No public visita tion Cremation to follow Memorial ser vice will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steele St Bar rie on Sunday August 12th at 230 If so deSired Memorial donations to Multi ple Sclerosis Society or Westminster church Elders Fund would be ap preciated JAMES Casey Beniamin Suddenly as result of an accident on Friday August 10th 1979 Benny Casey in his 16th year beloved son of Joyce James of RR Stroud Dear brother of Sherry Walters of Toronto Kelly and Toni both at home Clifford of Toronto and Tom at home Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visita tion from Sunday at pm Service in the chapel on Monday August 13th at 130 rn Interment Barrie Union Cemetery HUBBERT Sarah Janet At the General and Marine Hospital Col lingwood on Friday August 10th 1979 Janet Bogardis beloved wife of Edwin Hubbert formerly of Barrie Friends may call at The Chatterson Long Funeral Home Collingwood after Sunday Complete funeral service on Monday afternoon at oclock Crema tion 86ca rd of thanks AMON Special thanks to all the friends and relatives that helped so much during my late wifes illness Your very presence has been comfort to us all Words cannot express how much the family appreciated your help and your comfort Thanks again to those who sent food and drink to the house Bless you the sunshine and song 777777 McARTHUR would like to thank my family friends neighbours Argyle the Mitchell Square and the Depart ment of Highways for the lovely cards flowers and get well wishes sent to me during my stay in Special thanks to Drs Curtis and Laurie and the nurs ing staff of the 6th floor Effie McArthur WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Itopublic notices MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND PREMISES Under and by virtue of the POWER OF SALE contained in certain mortgage which is now in default there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by Mr Bill Rusland Auctioneer the sale to take place on the premises at the hour of 1200 oclock noon on Thursday the 16th day of August 1979 the lands and premises known as 39 Christie Crescent in the City of Barrie more particularly described in the mortgage registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe Land Titles No 51 as Instrument No 10585 The property will be offered for sale subiect to reserve bid The Purchaser shall pay down to the Vendors agent at the time of the sale by way of deposit $200000 by cash or certified cheque and shall pay the balance by cash or certified cheque on or before the 17th day of September 1979 Ad iustments are to be made as of the date of closing The Pur chaser shall search title at his own expense On the premises is said to be erected semidetached two storey house with brick and aluminum siding and containing Obedrooms Inspection of the property may be had from 1100 oclock in the forenoon on the day of solo Further particulars and con ditions of sale may be had from Mr Bill Ruslond 705 7454115 or from Walker Strothy Archibald and Seagrom Barristers and Solicitors Box 438 Commerce Court Toronto Ontario M5L1J3 DATED at Toronto this 18th day of July 1979 Jy28Au411 53 par column inch itscoming events OPEN HOUSE The family of ROBERT CLARA ORROCK sf IARRIE Ont are pleased to welcome friends and neighbors to on OPEN HOUSE SAT AUG 18 1979 Ho pm to tut at the home of RON JEAN CNANTLER RR No TNORNTON on the occasion of Bob and Claras 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Best Wishes only Please AuI 15 ORO LIONS 7th ANNUAL OROEEST Saturday Aug 18 Ora Community Arena Hwy at Guthrie Continuous music by STEAMER with Bill Chambers formerly of lisls and TRINITY pm run $400 per person Refreshments Food Spot Dances Age of malarity card must lie present Tickets available from ADANAC LOCK ft SAFETY CO LTD 34 Mary St Barrie OBRIENS SPORTS MARINE Ridge Rd Dro RIDGE RD TEXACO it DAIRY BAR Ridge Rd at 5th Line illWAY MOTOR Hwy 11 at Isl Line Oro or any LIONS Member Au481115 BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 STF éxetrrtinér patterns Swifty Printed Pattern BE THERE qutcit as trunk in this zipandgo shirtdiess wrth the new comfortable raglan shoulder and flare sleeves No waist seamsash soltly Printed Pattern 4941 Misses Sizes IO 12 It 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 takes US yards 60inch fabric $150 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 35 each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Print plainly Size Ster Number your flame Ad dress Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Tits heather 109 Ouckford In Mr Ontario MIRSM Clothing costs are gaing up up up Save 355 update your wardrobe with our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Over 100 styles plus free $150 pattern coupon Catalog SI 127Afgltsns Dailies 3150 12th iifs $150 lZDQuickEssy nrtsfers$l50 l30$vmtsts$im 30565150 fillAdd Block Quilts 3150 oddities in news CHIPPEWA FALLS Wis AP This western Wisconsin town is claiming record for the worlds largest milk shake The 1050gallon shake was put in threemetrelong tank usually used for milk storage and the chamber of commerce handed out free samples Thurs day as part of the states cele bration of June as dairy month Leonard Peck an area dairy farmer got on float and boasted to the crowd that Chip pewa County has 50100 cows that produce 576 million pounds of milk year SAN DIEGO API Os triches at the San Diego Zoo recently lost their chance for stardom after 200 officials blocked what they considered another featherbrained idea from Hollywood The film crew from the movie Scavenger Hunt showed up outside the ostrich pen earlier this month asking to build an elevator inside the enclosure zoo publicist Jeff Jouettsays The moviemakers planned to hide the birds inside the eleva tor during disappearing os trich scene Jouett said But the officials decided such stunt could have been dan gerous to the birds and said no It wasnt the first time the 700 turned down lucrative of fer One time we had guy who wanted to rent an elephant for commercial advertising plasticabowl Jouett saidHe wanted the elephant to stand on it to prove how strong the plas tic was He changed his mind when we told him the elephant weighed four tons and charged $1000aday MIAMI API An army 0f79 white mice was released this week in the lunchroom of the Coral Park high school parting gift from the graduating seniors We had girls standing on ta bles we had mice ducking into rooms said principal Daniel Wagner But even he had to ad mit that as an exinfantry ser geant thought it was wellco ordinated attack While most of the mice had little 79 tags taped to their tails two carried 80 banners apparently having been dis patched by juniors But the principal had the last word on the matter At the commencement ex ercises Thursday six seniors found notes in the envelopes that should have contained their diplomas They were directed to see Wagner for little grounds work before they could receive their sheepskins briefs MINE TO CLOSE LUNEBURG Germany CPI Germanys oldest industry the salt mine of Luneburg will close in 1981 mine spokesman announced recently The mine opened 1000 years ago used to be profitable industry but its voracious appetite for oil to heat its boiling vats has made it uneconomical he said HEART STILI PUMPING TOKYO CPI goal that was given an artificial heart Jan is still alive and now breaking all similar ex periment records in Japan says Professor Kazuhiko Atusmi of the University of Tokyo Atsumi says that the heart made of two motor driven Ushaped pumps that send blood through the goats body is part of research to de velop compact artificial heart for human heart patients NILE CUT SHORT JOHANNESBURG CPI bundle of 84 dusty old maps found in sloreroom trunk recently offer rare insight into changing geography says their owner Stan Young of Blairgowrie South Africa Printed in 1850 they show Eu rope with nations that no longer exist and depict Africa as barren boundaryless con tinent with the Nile River drawn thousands of kilometres short SERUM DISCOVERED JOHANNESBURG CPI new snake venom and serum against it were discovered by researchers here recently But the serum wont be produced or marketed says Dr BJ Price of the South African Institute for Medical Research Its too expensive and scientists arent worried because the snake in question the horned puffader never bites anybody anyway TO SHOW ANTIQUES MALTON Ont CPI More than 20 Canadian antique deal ers and 125 US exhibitors will display antiques worth up wards of $20 million at an inter national show here July 58 While large part of the show will be devoted to furniture dated prior to 1860 other fea tures will be selections front the Orient treasures of Imperial RUSSld and gun once owned by Napoleon Tho weapon itself is valued at 8150000 ANNE PLSIIEIS APPEAL TORONTO CPl Singer Anne Murray is asking Canti dians to help save child dur ing the International Year of the Child Miss Murray honor ary chairman of Save the Chil dren activities luring 1979 will be featured on now com con tainers being distributed by the organization in stores rosiau rants and other locations throughout Canada Money col lected from the containers ands Children in more than 30 coun tries the examiner Saturday August 197917 DONT BE CflUGHI SITTEN 47home improvements FEATURING ALUMINUM THERMAL THE THERMAL WINDDW SPECIALISTS VYNAGUARD THERMALTILT WINDOWS T1LT IN FOR EASY CLEANING DOUBLE GLAZING curs HEAT LOSS NO PAINTING OR MAINTENANCE ALSO AVAILABLE IN TRIPLE GLAZING FULLY LICENSED BONDED INSURED SIDINGS 47home improvements AVAILABLE IN VARIETY OF SIZES AND STYLES Showroom at Bradford St 883 FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Without your copy of the examiner Be sure and keep posted on all the latest happenings in your area Its all in he examiner TO START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION JUST CALL 7266539 ASK FOR CIRCULATION We Wont Keep You Waitin 47home improvements 47homeimprovements COLONIAL MULLIONS WITH AIRCONDITIONER INSERT We Will Not Be Undersold SPECIALIZING IN THERMAL BOW WINDOWS PATIO DOOR KNOCKOUTS THROUGH BRICK OR FRAME ASK ABOUT OUR CHIP lNSULATION PROGRAM beside the Clifton Hotel SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGHING AWNINGS SNI2

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