the examiner Friday Sept 1979 sports wheel Talented Indians By ED HARPER Chat The baseball season is winding down and the Cleve nd Indians are one team who can be certain that they wont be participating in any postseason games There is an interesting story behind the nameof the club When the Cleveland iders changed their name to the Cleveland Indians they id so in honour of Louis Sockalexis who was the first fullblooded Indian to play major league baseball Sockalexis Penobscot from Old Town Maine was not by any means the first Indian to play baseball Alex ander Cartwright on his journey to California had taught the elements of the game to Indians on the plains In St Louis in the 1890s fullblooded Indian named Tom Oran was third baseman and catcher for the Empire club one of the fastest amateur clubs in town Before Sockalexis none had made it to the real majors BIG AND TOUGH As an athlete young Sockalexis could have excelled in an sport he chose to play He was big enough and tough enou for football and he could run hundred yards with his baseball shoes on in 10 seconds But in the 1890s baseball was the game that every boy wanted to play Whilst he was laying in the Knox County League he was seen by scout or the College of the Holy Cross and was offered scholar ship to attend the college Sockalexis became famous at college in his first year for his hittingfor his arm and for his speed on the bases His batting average in his first year at Holy Cross was 444 When his college team went on tour Sockalexis would give throwing exhibitions before the games From deep in centre field he would fire the ball in on line to the catcher right through the strike zone However his successful first year at Holy Cross was the only year he spent at the college and there were stories cir culating at the time that he was expelled for drinking to ex cess forerunner of what was to come in the future He next turned up briefly as member of the University of Notre Dame ball tam in the spring of 1896 preseason game was arranged with the New York Giants to give the famous Indian chance to face the fastest pitcher in the league Amos Rusie the Indiana Thunderbolt who was reported to throw fastball twice as fast as most other pit chers delivered The game received great deal of publicity in the New York papers and the fans greeted Sockalexis with war whoops greeting that was to become standard wherever he played In his first turn at bat Sockalexis was relaxed and selfassured He took the first two pitchers steaming fastball and whipsnapping curveball and then with swift level swing drove the next curve far out toward the distance clubhouse Before the Giants could make play on him he had sped all the way around the bases for an inside thepark home run 81500 SALARY The fame he gained brought him to the attenton of Cleveland and he reported there in the Spring of 1897 for salary of $1500 which was raised to $2400 before the season opened In his second game Sox as he was called by his team matesi banged out two long hits and from that time until midseason he hardy played game without an extrabase hit By July he was batting well over 400 and he drew the crowds and the attention wherever he went The trouble was that he drew too much attenton and too many invitations and by midseason he was showing the ef fects of nights spent in reckless celebration The manager scolded him benched him fined him and threatened him with dismissal but to no avail He pledged himself to sobrie ty when he was offered salary of $6000 but that lasted no longer than few days when in July the Fourth celebration he jumped out of window and broke his foot The team bought him ticket and sent him back to Old Town For two more seasons the Indians gave him the chance to play again but he could rarely manage to stay sober and so ended his playing dayf with minor league clubs drifting lower and lower each time Ultimately he became tramp and died of heart failure when he was only 42 years old Toronto Blue Jays Tim Johnson leaps to avoid the slide of Baltimore Orioles Gary Roenicke The Orioles won the game 50 AP Photo Heroes bomb Partridge I73 Robson advances to the final In Barrie and District SIOW Partridge Farms 173 and Peter Pitch League semifinal playoff Robson Ca Wednesday Howards Heroes overwhelmed action rpet Mart defeated night BP Oilers 32 in extra innings The Heroes victory over Par baseba AMERICAN LEAGUE East LPct 081 Baltimore 91 46 664 NATIONAL LEAGllI Milwaukee 83 57 593 92 East Boston 79 57581 11 WlPctBl New York 76 61 555 15 Pittsburgh 83 56 597 Detroit 74 67 52519 Montreal 79 54 594 Cleveland 71 69 507 21 St Louis 75 62 547 Toronto 44 95 317 48 Chicago 71 66 518 ll Philadelphia 70 69 504 13 New York €554 83 394 28 we Houston 80 60 57 California 77 64546 Kansas City 73 66 525 CinCinnati 80 61 567 Minnesota 72 66 522 Los Angeles 66 74 471 I4 Texas 68 72 486 San FranCisco 61 80 433 I91 Chicago 60 79 432 16 San Diego 58 88 411 22 Auanh 55 84 396 24 Seattle 59 82 418 18 Oakland 47 93 336 29 tridge evens that best of five series at two games Carpet Marts win gives them that series three games to one Paul French had field day for the Heroes as the slugger banged out two homeruns and for good measure added cou ple of tripes Roger French and Ralph Gillespie had round tripper each for the Heroes The only bright spot for Par tridge was threerun shot by Ken Saunders The fifth and deciding game in the series will be tonight with pm start Carpet Mart won their game in the tenth inning Guy Roy had big night for the winners going four for four Neil Hick ing went three for four and Paul Vynal was two for four and knocked in the winning run His single scored John McFadden with the deciding run ANAF WINS Storie shuts out Ivy hitters Trying to predict winner in the Barrie and District Ladies gue division between Softball Lea championship final ANAF and Ivy would be sages nightmare Last night INAF dumped Ivy 50 to jump ahead in the series Day of Champions for Barrie golfers Championship golf is the feature this Saturday at Barrie Country Club when the annual Day of Champions will be held including champions over this past season in mens ladies and junir categories Jim Small and Paul Coffey Ivy for the mens club cham pionship over 36 holes Bob Hamilton and Bill Dyment compete for the Mens lst flight championship In the CKBB Twoball championship the tam of Paul Osachuk and Thiffbalt takes on partners Reg Bornor and Mac McDonald In the Mens handicap cham pionship Steve Moth plays against Joe Battaglia who recently won the second flight of the Barrie Invitational Rob Weiss competes against Steve Chappel in the Junior Cham pionship Vern Dixon and Bill Lemon compete in the mens 2nd flight championship In ladies events Vera Wise and Grace Ough play against each other for the Ladies Club Championship Helen Morden and Gloria Graham play for the lst flight title while Betty Clyne plays Norma Cohan for the 2nd flight and Wilma Ander son vies with Binky Stewart in the 3rd flight June Hardy lays against Bonnie Holouchu for the Ladies Handicap champion ship Jean Harris and Paul Coffey team up against Penny Sturrup and Ken Sharpe in the General Junior Cs trying out The Oro Junior Cs of the Georgian Bay League will begin tryouts for this years squad at Barrie Arena The practice will begin at 930 and end at 11 The team has 12 players returning from last years team which went to the final against Penetang before being eliminated Players interested in trying out for the team are asked to contact manager Charley Hastings at 4873044 or coach Howard Forbes at 7289622 Approximately 35 players are expected to be vying for spots on the team The second prac tice will be Sunday night star ting at745 Other mai or banks can of fer you aily intere st Tire Championship Muriel Hiller and Chuck Cohan play against Jean Robillard and Paul Meger in the General Tire Consolation Play goes on all day and prizes are awarded at about 630pm at the Club TharmalSocka Jpn $444 DOOR DUSTER Ladiaa Top Quality Rbrallll Jackets Reg 75 4100 $2929 only Fischer Flair Rog 5185 373 only Fischer Cl Turbo sums 47 only Rouignol Apache Reg5130 ALPINE BOOTS Dvnatit Slalom Reg $13 Dynatit World Cup Reg $255 Reg $150 $8989 SanMarco Aspen ALPINE CLOTHING Ladies Mens Top Quality Suits Reg $120$200 Ladies Mens Down PolyDown Jackets Reg SSS$130 Sionovans DUSTER DOOR BUSTER Rev Leather Boots Reg $5996 Karhu Training Skis Rag $100 5535 two game to one INAF had won the series first game 71 but Ivy came back to draw even by taking the second game 81 Last night the big gun for ANAF was Anna Storie who pit ched the shutout and went the full seven innings The game remained scoreless until the top of the third With one out Lynn Handy got things going for ANAF by singling Ivy starter Shirley Howie then walked Linda Watson Handy and Watson both came around to score on fielders choice and single by Brenda Posie The game remained 20 until the top of the seventh when ANAF put three more runs on the board Sconn were Bonnie Scott Storie and Laurie Mac Fayden Ivy who had looked invmm ble the evening before had scoring rtunities against Storie In our of the seven inn ings Storie mowed down in straight order Only in one in ning the second Ivy have more than one runner on the basepaths Cathy Sabourin and Jane Wilson both reached base that inning but they were stranded at second and first bases respectively No Ivy run ners reached third base Although Storie pitched such an excellent game she recorded just two shutouts STAMP OUT SUMMER SALE Includes Karliu Touring Ski Leather Boot Binding Polo SAVE $68 Saturday September 8th 900 AM SHARP CROSS COUNTRY PACKAGE $889 CROSS COUNTRY BOOTS Munari Helsinki Reg $2995 $1919 Munari Aspen Reg $6295 $3737 Munari Elegance Lady Rag 45 $2929 some limited sizes CROSS COUNTRY CLOTHING CROSS COUNTRY $2222 $4949 ALPINE DOOR BUSTERS Sanmarco Cvilllllo Boots Reg 569 95 $3939 Salomon 555 Binding Reg $120 $5555 $4923 Alpine Boots Reg 539 95 XAC Skis SPORIcha North Barrie Plaza Bayfield St 7373123 Your Toronto Ski Shop in Barrie Reg $29 95 Ladies Mens Cord Knickers Rog $1 Ladies Mens Suits $4949 by BrunoReg01w Knickers Socks Reg $9 Reg $24$299s $14 Open Sat 96 Next Week 9am 9pm JUNIOR DOOR DUSTER $2727 $17