4A the examiner Friday Sept 1979 Catherines greatL art collection NEW YORK NEA The only ones to admire all this are the mice and me wrote Catherine the Great to French friend in 1778 She was referring to the art collection she had begun to assemble in 1762 when the new Winter Palace in St Petersburg now Leningrad was completed that also was the year she came to the throne If the Empress of all the Russia was lonesome in the glit tering royal residence that Rastrelli had designed and built she had only herself to blame Even today in what we like to think is more enlightened time there are collectors who hide their treasures from other eyes although generally fine art is more accessible than ever before TYPICAL ATTITUDE But two centuries ago Catherines doginthemanger at titude was fairly typical It never occurred to her to let the people look at her wonders which numbered 3926 paintings at the time of her death in 1796 along with thousands of drawings and works in other art media By that time the royal residence had been enlarged with the addition of The Small Hermitage 1769 The Big Her mitage 1784 and the Hermitage Theatre The fifth building of what is today known as the Hermitage Museum in Len ingrad is called The New Hermitage and was completed in 1851 All together it consists of 1300 rooms and 300 halls of exhibitions and in order to see everything youd have to walk seven miles Its well worth doing Not until 1852 did the Hermitage go public and even then tickets could be obtained only through the court office which meant that none but the nobility and others with some sort of pull could get in Only following the 1917 Russian Revolution did the collection become accessible to the Soviet citizens and tourists have had access to it in recent decades Now 400 of its 28 million art objects are scheduled to tour the United States starting in the spring of 1980 and continu ing through 1982 this will be the first such major Her mitage exhibition even to leave the Soviet Union 40000 YEARS OF ART The Hermitage of Leningrad Doorway to World Art will encompass 40000 years of art history including prehistoric Assyrian ancient Greek Roman Chinese Japanese Indian Islamic Russian and Wesern European art Among the last of these categories will be major works of Rembrandt Rubens Van Dyck Delacroix Giambologna Tintoretto Veronese Tiepolo angDumr Typical of the Hermitages treasures Flora is by Francesco Melzi close associate Of Leonardo do Vinci sundav tv Tours Open Hermitage to The world Two yars ago Control Data Minneapolisbased corpora was brought up Subsequently Soviet museum to go ahead with the project Minneapolis Institute of Arts in organizing the show Art in Washington The Fine Arts Museums of San Fran and exhibition will visit for their American computer system Coincidentally or perhaps shrewdly Harry Abrams Inc has just published Western Paintings in The Her mitage with an introduction by director Piotrovsky 303 Caravaggio Leonardo Rembrandt Poussin Monet Cezanne Matisse and Picasso among others not seen or reproduced outside the Soviet Union The book was prepared in Leningrad York from Aug 21 through Sept 30 It offers 11 masterpieces from the Italian High Renaissance including paintings by Also from the Soviets are Treasures from the Kremlin winding up its Metropolitan Museum showing on Sept and The Art of Russia 18001850 at the Renwick Gallery in Washington through Nov 12 Abrams has published the catalogue of the Kremlin show publisher has just released Art of the October Revolution covering 191722 The Minneapolis corporation asked and got the help of the Other cooperation has come from the National Gallery of cisco the Brooklyn Museum with the Henry Street Settle ment and the Detroit Institute of Arts all thse are in cities Costs of the tour are estimated at $5 million which pro bably will be raised through combination of admission charges souvenir sales and foundation and government grants With the money or some of it the Soviets will pay pages 251 illustrations with 173 in full color $40 lavish book it includes superb works by El Greco Rubens tion was negotiating with Boris Piotrovsky director of The Hermiage the purchase of one of their computer systems to catalogue the museums tremendous collection Problem was money to pay for it and the idea of an exhibition to send abroad something The Hermiage had not done before the success of the 395 Tutankhamun and Dresden exhibitions from Egypt and Germany respectively encouraged Control Data and the Another exhibition of works from The Hermitage though much smaller in number is at the Knoedler Gallery in New Leonardo Titian and Raphael From Leonardo to Titian was arranged by the American collector Dr Armand Ham mer at $25 and the same MORNING REX HUMBARD CANADA doCumentarylooksatthe Decathlonthegrea TIONAL BALLET or CANADA 900 558 in HISPANOVISION ITALIAN COOKING TZifaiil°Mi Festivitiesandbehindtheacenesexcitement 60 MINUTES ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW Fumes 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FRENCH Cursme SWISS HOSplIallfy GRAVENHURST Muskoka Ontam Cast Iron Stoves Tues Wed Sat 106 11wrs Fri 109 north or Georgian Mall