Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1979, p. 16

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to the oggmtner Friday 71e7e 40a rticles for so Ie 4tharticles tor sate ss Imunumim s29 SPECIAL $29900 recoholsters chestertield and chair leOur and Fabric Included up to 15 voids yr guarantee on workmanship For tree inhome 7265721 estimates can STONES UPHOLSTERY Luannimmmiimmiiiimiiiuimiiiiiuimmi ultimatumIssac tlllltlilfl to to thy service litunmmmommWMW MWFTF MONSTER YARD GARAGESALE SAT SUN SEPT lth first km west of CPR Tracks on May 26 New and used hardware and tools guns wood stoves projector and screen tape recorder machine for cutting window shades also misc shades fluorescent tubes all sizes wire brushes and wheels Reasonable prices JIM PIERCE 7261607 57 BlPRIE TENT AWNING CO ollers common repair service on tarps tents IBIIT cnvrxrs awnings etc Also zip purl medium or heavy weights Foam cut to sire mm thickness 34 Baylield St next Clarks Home Fur nIshings downtown RESTAURANT EOUIPMENT tor salt Mvat roolrr upright cokI machine cash register meat slicer ice cream lrcezer cat ring equipment 936 2588 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now S049 Order tonite get free 12 portable Under S7 wkly starting October79 KRAZY KELLYS how next door to Meatrrlan Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF FREEZERS Woods chest and upright lully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one linal trurk load tor thi year Financing availahli CallorvisitSimcneCo Op 259 Innislil 716 65 HONEY pure natural 85¢ pound Whytes mili north of Georgian Mall Telephone 728 8572 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price 52 I90 00 now at our all season sprcial oi 51355 no Pools comr with walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and litter delivery arranged to your coilve nience For best selection and inlorma tioncall toll tree 800 268 5970 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER IO ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor 51 500 IIM 7372932 RECONDITIONED TVs fully quarantied Huge selection and and Color 549 and up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVE RSTOCKE Must close out all 1979 models and sizes Huge savings on abovc grouan and Inground pools oi sleet and aluminium No monthly payments until wail Call toll free 800 268 5970 DE NALT IO radial arm saw with orakc to slow motor plus steit stand Telephone 728 8748 BLACK VINYL Chesterlield 2piecesec tional collee and endlables lamps pic lures other miscellaneous articles 424 9978 SONY STEREO Semationol AMFM receiver custom turntable $343 Get tree speakers Under 55 wkly startlng October79 to KRAZY KELLYS now next door Meotrnan One hour delivery Highway W5 Femdale 7371182 TF STOVE WHITE $175 new dryer S200 and 65 gallon aquarium Telephone 737 1027 tor turther information GRAB IT Above ground pool must be moved immediately as property is sold 20 40 swimming area 53 24 with decking New sandliller Bargain $2500 with terms 424 617 HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS fridges stove 20 cu It lreezer 20 andw TV 24 in air tight wood stove pine dining room set piece living room set washer dryer dressers 100 watt RMS per channel stereo with lriaxial speakers lawnmower 24 chain saw Allworking Muslsell 456 235991 pill BOYS BICYCLE Jspeed like new Suit age to gold color chrome tenders $40 or best otter Telephone 728 2675 WASHER AND DRYER automatic washer and gas dryer both in new condi tion Owner moving Willsellseparately Stroud 4361313 alter 5p IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR IN solid state only $598 Under $6 willy Starting October 79 Order tonite get free 12b1ack and white One hour delivery KRAZV KELLYS now next door to Meatman Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF Set ol WYNWELL Goalie Pads 26 ex cellont condition Pari CCM Goalie Skates siIeJ Telephonc7261430 I977 TOYOTA CORONA MK standard door sedan economical to run needs body Workl I65 SRIJZX Michelin tires mustgowithcar bicycle carrying rack very good heavy lack large medium and sinallanimalor bird cages old TVs RCA partable Philips Ilocr model old Singer sewing machine 70 tecl heavy galvanixed chain 705 424 S620 KIDS POOL TABLE with balls and two cues $30 chandelier $25 cabinet stereo almost new 5275 lirm smoke deteclOr $30 Apply 261 Rose Street unit BEGINNERS LUCKI Electric Yamaha guitar and ampliticr plus luzzy box and cry baby loot pedal Must sell 5350 um 445 2444 GARAGE SALE all day Friday SaIUr day September 7th am 51 Grove Street East Almost nevi chesteriield sudc washer spin dryer dishwasher drapes and miscellaneous eox SPRINGS and mattress queen size legs AskmgSSO Call 737 2553 SIMPLICITY Mini Dryer $125 Archery set 515 22 rille apart S20 and TV needslube SII Muskrat lackel $85 737 2977 atterS 30 GARAGE SALE Saturday September Childs swing set 59w mo machine Chesterfield many more items Corner 01 5th Sidaroad and tom Concession lnnislil BARN WOOD lor sale Telephone 726 5854 TRUCK CAP 42 inches high Insulated and panelled Asking $600 In good condi tion Telephoni 721 5758 alter GARAGE SALE Saturday September 50c per tool am pm 16 Ferris Lane something tor everyone DISC JOCKEY BUSINESS Includes repeatable business name well known in area and the best ol disc lockiy equip ment For more information 519 941053 PIONEER AM FM rtceiver two Cer win Vega speakers One year old Telephone 424 5703 alter 30 nt Ask tor Dave BARN FOR SALE Must be dismantled wood in good condition Telephone 7051 458 9431 COMPLETE GOAL OUTFIT tor midget or higher age orouo goalie Sell items individually or as set Including pads gloves slates etc Call Joe 7260130 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday 303 Pine Drive Painswick PRII lumituri skates barbecues and miscellaMOus itsills Full size table tennis complete new Telephone 737 3549 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 8th pm 266 Coxmill Rd Painswick New 48 box spring GM baby loveseat rugs many more or ticles ORGAN HAMMOND Aurora 8200 series excellent condition New price 57295 Asking 55500 Telephone 7374376 alter6 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday September 10 Lount Street one block east at Baylield ott Grove Samethingloreveryone CARPORT SALE 91 Nelson Street Barrie Saturday September 9a Hardware building supplies tools some household furnishings and pre 1920 items MOVING SALE Two bedroom suites one single bed one double mans leather coal size 42 like new Girls bicycle dolls carriage bell massager exercise bike hooded hair dryer double electric blanket humidifier food blender miscellaneous 728 3612 Used Color TVs Reconditioned and guaranteed color and black and white portables and candles also stereo consoles Must be cleared tor new stack Wetake trades Visit Barrie Tv and Appliances 80 Dunlop Street East 728 4797 GARAGE SALE 245 Edgehill Saturday September 8th Tools and household articles MUST SELL Realistic stereo 51200 value months old asking $575 AMFM receiver cassette recorder and player 275 watt speakers Telephone 424 5l09 evenings TIRES Priced to sell last New and us ed radials and belted Some snows Good selection Various makes and sizes One setall terrain 728 0709 FILTER QUEEN 78 model with at tachments students drawer desk Best oller Telephone 728 4581 NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE Saturday to Valley Drive all Anne Street North Sporting good lawn mowers tires lamps books etc ACCORDIONS two Tltano one white one black good condition Also electric guitar and ampliller like new Please telephone 728 9269 alter like Or to OIL TANK 200 gallons oil burner motortan Besloller 7284324 LAWN SALE All day Saturday September Solid wood double bed and many other items Corner ol Anne and Centre Street Barrie 48 Centre Street GARAGE SALE 20 Thorncrest Road Allandale Heights area Three lamilies numberous items black and white TV Iridge stove books games etc Satur day and Sunday PAIR OF LOVE SEATS upholstered slip covered in rustgold print Ex cellenl condition 5200 or alter 445 8332 collect I974 TOR ROT MOPED excellent condi tion 5185 1974 CTC riding lawn mower hp good condition 5250 hp MON TGOMERY WARD outboard runs good 5130 726 0607 Jonathan Court GENERAL FREEZE white cubic feet three years old excellent condition 5180 Telephone 726 6667 FOUR POSTER BRASS BED queen Size oil paintings chair and ottoman large mirror with gold lrame also many assorted items LAWN SALE 21 St Vincent St Saturday September 8th 10 TAYA bell driven turntable with car tridge excellent condition Also MINOLTA 35mm SRT 101 camera ex Cellenl condition Telephone 728 7066 ANTIQUE DENTAL CHAIR conversa tion piece lull working order 5250 Telephone 728 4343 to Monday to Fri day FDAR RAILS 575 piece Large quantity81engtlls Call7281403 LARGE GARAGE SALE lamilieS September 10th 16th 10 10 daily All household items Corner ol Anne and Cundles SHED SALE dishes books records toys and many other items at 14 Grove Street East Saturday and Sunday tolp BEAUTIFUL FRENCH provincial din ing room suite in blue and white S2 000 velvet solaschairs sewing machine Iridge etc Cemplete house lurnishingS must be sold 726 1542 GARAGE SALE Saturday Sept am and Sunday September 9th Willow Park Motel on Blake Street extenSIOn highway 118 mile south pl 93 GARAGE SALE Village ol Lisle two houses north at restaurant Saturday and Sunday 10 440 Clothing toys ceramics and numerous other items 424 0639 778 7269 LAWN SALE Saturday September 811 to 30 Highway 27 south and 10th concession lnnislil lamilies Furniture knick knacks Small ap pliances clothes toys etc USED CEMENT BLOCKS inch also tongue and groove lumber 10 12 14 loot long inch lumber wide 726 0937 GARAGE SALE Saturday September am TWO FAMILIES 32 Porter Cres Typewriter cordless grass trimmer radios childrens toys clothing etc tlboats and motors $5950 197918 ft PETERBOROUGH boot demonstrator with 140 hp Johnson 05k Bar BUIIIrl tonk Sleeper seats Bait well SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARRIE Shitty Bay Rd 7261001 GULL YACHT BASIN SIMON GULL IOCI MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 61h of Ora Book now for winter storage CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorised Mercury Outboard II Msrcrulser Dealer Irohrege loot for Sale bus 4872122 IOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF CANOES or Painted Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Roytell Canvas AluIninum Kayak Complete stock at eccusones Trades accepted HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orlllie Ontario 705 3255141 197416 FT SILVERLINE 1974115 Mercury and Explorer trailer Converti his top ski tripod paddles bumpers like new condition Telephone 3221111 30 68 CHRIS CRAFT 33 Soft Top Come with win 210 HP motors trim tabs plat torm VHF Radio compass and other extras Excellent condition Call 416 79228481Toronto ilfboats and motors NOTICE Canadian Power Squadron presents safe booting courses for both power and soil boats Registration Eastvlew Grove Street East Barrie0ntario September 11th and 13th 1979 700 pm 900 pm ALSO Advanced Booting Courses Ferere Intonation ed 7165354 or 7287466 513 Secondary School SALE PRICES alohaWI WADhum hhlhflffl bheeellrhrellMeIIo Sport Haven Huh suit Shanty Bay Rd 726 1001 I976 JOHNSON HP outboard motor electric start long shalt $600 Call 726 2174 12 FT ALUMINUM BOAT motor trailer and extras Telephone 726 2793 after 0111 I979 16 FT deep Bowrider 140 hp Merc 10 power tilt and trim every gauge sleeper seats camper top elec tric wiper months left on warranty $5200 or 55500 with trailer 728 0641 1975 CARAVELLE 16 Bowrider 65 hp Merc complete with top windows and water ski equipment Excellent condi tion 726 9621 CYGNUS 20 DAY SAILER Excellent condition Fin keel main iib genoa motor mount cuddy cabin sail cover Telephone 436 4212 SPORTY FAST 11 It boat 1974 20 Merc complete condition 5950 Telephone 726 4305 on weekends 42articles wanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books diaries old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8234 LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building the Logs Ltd 726 1966 evenings 728 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American belore I964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 1663 evenings 726 3162 hp 5800 44dogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping ot all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds pick up and de Iivery726 8798 PetStudio RE OPENED RIPADA KENNELS Boarding 15 Ferndale Drive Barrie Telephone 728 1128 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria I43 Ardagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 REGISTERED BRINDLE BOXER pups for sale weeks old male and lemales shots dewormed Telephone 549 2934 Penetang evenings SHORT HAIRED Pointer Pups for sale Tattooed and vaccinated Excellent breeding Telephone 726 2155 alter COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES CKC registered and shots 5200 each Tamcar Kennels 519 925 3868 Shelburne POMERANIAN PUPPIES twolemales $150 each CKC registered and shots Tamcar Kennelsl 519 925 3868 FREE TO GOOD HOME three year old lemale part toy tax and chihuahua tiny Good Ior breeding or companion ship needs constant allection 728 4794 47home improvements HANDYMAN PLUMBING CARPENTRY Anything Reasonable rates 73711401iili MWFS24 HANDYMAN window cleaning clean up repairs painting Freeestimates No iobtoosmall 737 3178 sogarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726 3926 or 726 1117 55construction machinery 1977 CASE 580 extenda hoe only 1300 hours Will accept any reasonable oller Telephone 705 429 4828 Sbcamping equipment WOODS 12 tent and tent kitchen with protective storage bags Telephone 737 0686 evenings JAYCO HARDTOP Trailer complete with stove triage add room and extra awning Sleeps $1200 Also 12 CRESTLINER Cartop Boat HP JOHNSON 400 Or sell all tor 51500 424 0839 I975 ITASKA MOTOR HOME 22 foot purchased new in 1976 low mileage mint condition air conditioned generator many more extras Telephone 728 1429 21 FT COACHMAN travel trailer sleeps air conditioning awning and many extras Immaculate condition Telephone 726 2934 27 FT AIRSTREAM with rear pc baYY 1973model air conditioning lots at extras Al condition Telephone 436 5413 l96 TRILLIUM 1300 model with three way triage etc excellent condition Telephone 737 0076 ask for bill or alter 728 3895 l7 FT PROWLER late 1973 model with canopy and cabana Storage shed S4 000 or nearest alter Telephone 416 7918285 seen Saturday and Sunday at Dales Marina Oro Station S7livestock for sale PRICED FOR qUick sale Purebred are bian lilly 28 months double registered top blood lines Sells with free 1980 breeding to our champion stallion 416 729 289 To NOVIce Horsemen For lease Palomino gieding 15 HH English or Western pleasure riding basic riding lessons and boarding privileges included in lease price For in lormation call 728 1573 alter 30p POLLED CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale 78th to purebred test station gains to 48 lbs per day $1150 to $1600 Also percentage Charolais heilers Telephone 7051424 1965 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullels Farm lresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 64larm machinery NEW HOLLAND MANURE SPREADER No 327 130 bushel Telephone 835 507I lnetolll FORAGE WAGONS Dion sell right hand delivery re conditioned and workingwell Holden726 8192 66larmers market FRESH HONEY Unposteurized white clover honey ln own honey con tainer 85 1b over 30 lbs 80 lb Containers available Closed Sundays Hillsdale 5356230 MWFSIO FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF 7i399€i° APPLES Apply Koole and Son Can cession Oro Closed Sundays 728 8489 CALL 7280967 or Tresn CORN and POTATOES Reasonable prices 68personals MASTERS DEGREE WHILE YOU WORK The Institute of Open Education Cambridge Mass offers MASTERS DEGREE IN EDUCATION for fulltime working professionals without iob interruption The program is open to both ILA and limited number of specially qualified nonBA applicants The course covers 12month 3semester period This program will be offered in BARRIE ONTARIO October 1979 INFORMATION SESSION 371 Blake St Barrie Ontario SEPTEMBER 1979 430 pm Telephone 7268861 Au3lSI567 BUSINESSLIKE ANSWER To income and pension protection in this inflationary economy Pleased to share details in our home Call 726 0494 after 730 pm most evenings 58 CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today ELECT ROLUX 7283392 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 30 30 pm 7374222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drink thats your business It you wantto quit thats ours Call anytime RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED lar leagues larm ing now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 DANCE OF THE ORIENTS Belly dan cing classes begin again September 17th Phone Trisha 728 6531 alter TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime REFLEXOLOGYIRELAXESTENSION improves circulation promotes nature lunctioning ol the body For ap pointment with Eugene Sienkiewicz certified rellexology please phone 7265661 litinstructions INCOME iilx counse Classes Begin Sept 17 HaiR BLOCK will teach you to prepare income tax re turns in special 13 week tul tion course Courses cover current tax laws Enrollment open to all ages No previous training or experience necessary Job interviews avail able for best students For details and class sched ules please phone HR Canada Ltd 7263822 55 DUNLOP ST BARRIE $17 tiogiiariaiauiia ENGAGEMENT RING single diamond setting in white gold with shoulder diamonds lost in American Hotel park my lot OIlering $300 reward for return 726 4931 COLLIE LOST 11th line lnnislil bet ween II and 20th side road Could be in iured Blonde male year old Answers to Bandit Telephone 436 3124 YELOOW KAYAK lost sunk Saturday September 75 all Johnsons Beach $50 reward Ior recovery Telephone 726 $863 BASEBALL SEATER grey with black printing Barrie Garner Sports number 23 Lost on Anne Street South on Wednes day Reward 726 8444 7lfhelp wanted AUTO BODY Two positions available We require painters helper with minimum at years experience and body person with adequate experience and basic tools Please call 7286612 lor appoint merit SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ANGUS ORO TWP INNISFIL TWP OFLOS TWP PWASAGA BEACH TlNY TWP ne today and find out how sy it is to get started Highest ommission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF FRESH APPLES McIntosh Melba endWellington ArdebIeet BARRIE FARMERS MARKET EVERY SATURDAY MORNING to 1230 JONES WILLOWGROVE ORCHAROS II He CLARKSIIIRG om iIioiio 5195998668 67Ets vegetables Au3031$67H LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DUPLICATING AND nniicsmIcrs st 011le mm 7259819 HAIRDRESSER WITH experience re quired Timing and pertection in all phases at hair styling essential Mall hours good wages Apply in person at Ital Fashion Victor Hair Styling Georgian Mall Barrie VOLKSWAGEN MECHANIC Must be fully experienced with tools Gauranteed weekly wage Hayman Motors Ltd 249 7666 Toronto Closed Mondays CENTENNIAL AUTO Body requires or year experienced body person Telephone 726 0481 WAITERWAITRESS lull or part time Telephone 726 6729 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show our ex citing line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends neighbors relatives No ex perience needed Our big colorlully iI Iustrated catalogue makes it easy and protitable Start now Write today tor tree Christmas catalogue and inlorma tion MONARCH GREETING CARDS 217 Cannon Hamilton L8N 310 or phone 416 5270891 VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELLOR COSMETICS requires counsellors in Barrie and area full or part time on portunity also lor manager position For appointment call 435 7923 AUTO MECHANIC or 4th or 51h year apprentice $7 per hour plus commis sion Apply in person to Lee Fitzpatrick Gull Station Baylield and Cundles CAR WASH SUPERVISOR mature reliable honest person mechanically in clined S200 weekly Apply to Lee Fitz patrick Gull Station Baytield and Cundles SALESPERSON WANTED tor Trans Canada Shoes Bayfield Mall Ex perience prelerred Apply in person to theManager TAXI DRIVERS lor lull time days and evenings Must have good driving record and neat appearance Apply in person only Maple Avenue Barrie EXPERIENCED MECHANIC required by progressive larm equipment dealer ship For appointment lor interview please call Miss Belanger 728 5530 business hours EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM waiterswaitresses required Apply at Lakeview Dining Room 185 Dunlop Street East Barrie BABYSITTER required for lunches and after school close to Allandale Heights School Two children both in school all day Telephone 726 0339 alter pm MANAGER lor last lood restaurant 80 licenced with years last tood experience Salary prolit sharing Also waitresseswaiters required Call 705 325 6662 728 9636 Marlene Knowles Mr Corned Beet in Orillia GROCERY CLERK wanted Must belul ly experienced and able to take charge Good wages to right person Reply Box 848 The Examiner Barrie SALESPERSON REQUIRED prelerably experienced in electrical and plumbing lield Must be sell starter and looking for advancement Telephone 737 1300 Mr Slessor INSURANCE SECRETARY tulltime good typing estential some insurance experience preferred Telephone 7286101between830am 430pm RN tor nursing home Friday Salur day Sunday night every other weekend Telephone 416 775 3351 CLASS licence mechanic to run own business lrom my premises on busy highway Please contact me 717 2066 BABYSITTER required for 15 month old in Painswick area immediately Monday to Friday Telephone 7373685 alterSpm SALESTARVEIEESEN Full time and part time required to represent one at the fastest growing companies in the home security tielcl For more intormation on earning more than just living phone 726 6037 PART TIME NURSERY SCHOOL teacher wanted for Alliston area school days week Must be gra duate For appointment please call 435 6504 DUNLOP QUEEN ST Route NAME ADDRESS PARLNTS SIGNATURE TIThelp wanted 71help wanted UMCBOIIOIUS Um TIME ON YOUR HANDS WHEN THE KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL McDonalds Restaurant Dayfield Street has openings for PARTTIME DAY STAFF Sbmwsbltfldeyspereeek 0No experience required Cornplete training ORegulor pay reviews Unlforms supplied Food discount Candidates should apply in person at McDONALDS RESTAURANT Ieyflell Street Ierrie Au3031$467 SALES SERVICE SUPERVISION rapidly growing industrial uniform and rental service supplier servicing central Ontario areas is presently accepting ap plicotions for the positions of sales and service representative and group supervision These are challenging positions which require aggressive mature and goaloriented persons who can handle responsibility and work successfully with people We offer the successful candidates excellent salary and com pany benefits along with fulltime use of company car 7thelp wanted AUTO BODY APPRENTICE 24 years experience required by busy shop good wages steady employment Call 291 FULLTIME PERSON wanted must have electronic cash and sales ex perlence Apply In person at Thrlttys Georgian Mall Barrie DENTAL HYGIENIST urpently re quired for preventive practice In Mldland Apply In writing to Midland Prottessionel Management Consultants Ltrglgid Po Box 577 Midland Ontario L4 OFFICE SUPPLIES SALESPERSON needed tor Barrie and area to cell on all businesses Car allowance Supplled All replies strlct confidence Write Box 851 The Examiner Berrle SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS perttime Morning and atternoon runs Telephone Valley Bus Lines 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 RESTAURANT HELP wanted must be able to work evenings and weekends Experience not necessary Apply in per son only at the New Penny Restaurant King street North Cookstown 7775319 helpaliens MONEY SIDELINE Are you presently calling on stores restaurants motels hotels churches schools hospitals Industries factories Are you looking for quality sldeIlne that Is worth at least SM per week to you We offer wide range of guaranteed longer Ilfe lighting products supported by our more than 34 years of successful business In Canada Highest commissions paid every Tuesday on automatic yearround repeat business Choice protected territory of Dorrie and District must be filled im mediately Phone 14165203582 or write Daytron Box 420 Hamllton Ontario 72sales helpagents SALESPERSON or parttime Ex neat and well dressed Male or female Late model car van or station wagon World wide manufacturing sales Full organization Many products for manager repeat business No Investment No deadbeats Earning range 3121 $0000 plus For return call please leave your name address and phone number at 7371368 57 10 14 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa TEXAS OIL COMPANY urgently needs Individual over 40 for protected in dustrial sales territory No relocation AAAI lirm established since 1933 Liveral commissions and bonus on portunity lor advancement For per sonal interview write Teel Southwestern Petroleum Corporation Box 789 Fort Worth Tx 76101 73teachers wanted GEOGRAPHY AND PHYS ED teacher needed to begin duties immediately Contact lnnislree Valley College Phone 7266539 TORONTO BRADFORD ST AREA $ANFORD VICTORIA AREA To apply please address your resume detailing qualifications and employment history to Box 849 The Examiner Barrie Ontario Preference will be given to persons with experience in the rental service or associated industries Ilili IIIII FULL PA 511 BURGER KING REQUIRES RTTIME HELP Monday to Friday No experience necessary Training provided Apply in person between the hours of 35 pm 320 Bayfield St PERSONNEL MANAGER We require an experienced hands on peopleoriented per sonnel manager to administer and develop complete per sonnel function including wage and salary administration benefits employment personnel records communications OTC This is challenging and busy position in fast growing manufacturing company Apply in writing stating salary requirements to DANCHUK KOOLATRON INDUSTRIES LTD 230 hyvlew Dr Barrie Ontario LAN 4Y8 STAFF REQUIRED FOR YEARROUND RESORT HOTEL WRITERS WAITRESSES BARTENDERS RECEPTION DESK CLERKS Experience preferable but will train Essential that you enioy working with people and rural living Congenial staff to work with Opportunity for skiing golf tennis etc included 85 miles north of Toronto Call 15195992520 for appointment FULLTIME SELF SERVE cashier re quired Morning shilt Experience preferred Texaco sell serve 118 Little Avenue Telephone 726 9231 PART TIME DRIVER required for deliver at Chinese Iood To start at4p Apply in person CK Chinese Food 405 Baytield St HAIRDRESSER required for establish ed salon in Barrie Salary based on com mission Call 726 3733 any time WAITRESSESWAITERS for River Gardens RestaurantTavern Full and parttime needed Telephone 726 100910r interview FULLTIME CASHIER Apply in person by September It with printed or written resumes only to Sam the Record Man 10 Dunlop Street East Barrie COLLIER ALB PEEL ST SALESHELP REQUIRED tor ski specialty shop Fulltime andor part time Experience preferred Apply in person Collier St Barrie CASHIER TYPIST Part time To tilt in tor vacation week at September 1722 Hourly rate Car re quired For return call please leave your name address and telephone number 7371368 FULLrTIME SALESCLERK Knowledge ol drapery and dress labric essential For interview contact Mrs Martel 726 2556 between 10 and 12 am or2to430pm PEARSON REQUIRED full orpiiri time to do odd iabs Telephone 726 3381 am 105pm YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS ERT ST AREA ARDAGH 8i PATTERSON RD MULCASTER ST AREA CUMBERLAND TlFFlN ST TORONTO ST SOPHIA WORSLEY 8i OWEN ST AREA ST CLAPPERTON ST AREA JAYFIELD MARY STS BURTON GOWAN AREA PNON Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier AGE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie 4M 4T6 737f1382Yl1973YYEW Au18S7 75trade schools 757 Mos CAREER OPPORTUNITY GEORGIAN COLLEGE REAL ESTATE COURSES new series of the three mandatory INTRODUCT ION TO REAL ESTATE courses will be starting in Barrie at am Monday September 17 1979 For Information call 705 7281951 S78lO11I4 77Iegal NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of MURRAY WILFRED LEE late of the City of Regina in the Province of Saskatchewan who died on or about April 23rd 1979 are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before September 28 1979 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims IRONIHG Picked up and Delycred Duly Call anytime ASS9618 MWF08 DAY CARE available in my home Large yard other chlldren mature responsible mother Phone 4246446 PAINSWICK Lady will babysit in my home Monday Friday Large yard Luncehs provided Telephone 726 1693 BABYSITTING in my home by ex perienced mother of tour lovely of which they shall then have children Telephone 728 I668 notice BABYSITTING WANTED 11 watch children in her home Agonbarlto DATED 29m dY °f AUQUSII Friday Hot lunches tenced yard Two 979 £63339 over AIIBndae weakly Frederick William Lee Executor PROFESSIONAL TYPIST with ex byhis solicitors peience in medical general ollice and WILSON BURNS MENZIES manuscript work willing to work in at lice or out at own home Telephone CARROLL 77 5576 PALMER BUMSTEAD 118 Collier Street WANT ADS BARRIE ONTARIO PHONE 7282414 57 70tenders 787Ienders Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Repairs in Garage at the Skeleton Lake Fish Hatchery RR UTTERSON Ont NR66994 PAVING CONTRACTORS Pave Roadway at the Ontario Student Leadership Centre LONGFORD MILLS Ont ED369l7 CONCRETELANDSCAPING CONTRACTORS Repairs to Sidewalks and Courtyard at the Ontario Government Building 114 Worsley Street BARRIE Ont 6566909 Repairs to Boulevards at the Ontario Government Building 114 Worsley Street BARRIE Ont 6567031 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 207 pm local time on Wednesday September 26 1979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Mall Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Ontario Services Ontario Government Tender PAVING CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for the resurfacing of the visitors parking area and the reconstruction of an entrance way at the HurOnia Historical Park Midland Ontario Tender documents may be obtained from Ministry of Government Services Regional Office 24 James Street East Orillio Ontario L3V 6K7 Telephone 705 3257403 Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M143A Macdonold Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario M7A N3 Telephone 416 9651 152 lmV Performance Bond may be required Sealed tenders will be received until 300 pm Thursday September 27 1979 at which time they will be opened in public Tenders will be opened in Toronto NOTE For further Information please contact Mrs Sidney Public Tenders Office Toronto or the Regional Office above Please quote Project No CL36915 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted To 178 MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES Ontario Read The Examiner To Buy Buy The Examiner To Read

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