the examiner Friday sag 1919 13 televisio guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 80 NEws HOLLYWOOD sOUAREs DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nec NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEws ONE 101 A30 NEws NEws PARTY GAME MATH FATROL 645 GET IT TOGETHER 655 BARBAPAPA 658 Hews 700 CISCO KID EIGHT Is ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH PATSY GALLANT sHow l0laaon Shazarn Repeal NEWLYINED GAME YOUTH UNDER THE INFLUENCE GONG SHOW FEEL LIKE DANCIN 130 DANCEFEVER NEYYLYINED GAME AUTHORS HOLLYWOOD SGUAREs PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON quiet withdrawn llttle boy learna tram magic dragonhowtolacathe many problema olgrowi WHAT IS TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS Great Expecta Final lrt BOD NEWHART SHOW Bobleheld hoataaa In hie ottIce wandly bank robber GARY COLEMANs SATUR DAY MORNING PREVIEW the Thing Meeta Casper And The Shrnoo Gary Coleman alar at Dltlrent Slrokea Ie joined by cohoata Fred FIIntalone and Barney Rubble inthia sneak prawlewolthree OINBCanew Saturday morning WALL IN THE FAMILY mun lightmolnallnctearearouaedwhan Stephanies derelict lather returna and aeee blackmail to try hie de tar back at INC DIILE LKDavideaiv nerdlecoveraadoctorpertormlngaaerationeta gain control at patienla minda which putt him out on the doctora operating acnedule II°°MUII FANTASY ISLAND STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS Milt la aecretly taklng earnha Ieeaona trorn Suaan to aurpriee nla wile the Innocent meeti Fgive rlae to aoaaio OLYMPIC PR ILES VOIIeyball MARY AND MICHAEL Michael dia Oovare the email at finchhiking then neigh Dourly relatlone are atralned when Georgea owing laaulothand WMOYIEMusICALCOMEDY Vi Goadflrgag leer THE FACTs OF LIFE FRONT PAGE HALLENGE HELLOLARRYLarryIneetahiamatch when hla daughtera enllat the aid at delighttul oulapoken lady whom they name to be ï¬ning woman Repeat FAMOUS NOBEL PRIZE WIN NERS Dennle Gabor Gabor received it in 1911 tor hla Invention and development tor II WWHAT wILL THEY THINK OF NEXT Science magazine which looks at hearing Iaat tor newbarn lnlanta an automatic peoplemover that tranaporla peopla high above repular trattic new method at helping dairy covIa produce milk by using acupuncture 900 THE ROCKFORD FILEs Anael lnadverlently Involves Jim Rocktord in his acam at paelng aa highpriced hit man who coIIeCta haIItheIeeUptronIthen ekipaoulonlullillinolhe th contract Repeat 00 mlne MOVIE Blind Arnhition Pm IV 1919 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD The bank DIHauardierobbed andDaleykidnapped andBo Luke and Uncle Jaeeehave tobreek out II to rescue her Repeat eo mine JOHN ALLAN CAMERON Guest Turnbull ABC SPECIAL PRESENTA TION Breaking Up Is Hard To DO 1979 Stars ryalal Ton Mueante MOVIE DRAMA Mournlng It MOVIE Stars Saundra Sharp Dick Anth ony beautilul bIacII woman who has worked hervvayuplramtheghettointotholaehlonwarld lelorn betweenthe aecurelita she ialaading and wet love In her old nel hborhaod hra DAYS OF H0 1926 The General Strikn THE LOVE GOAT 930 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE the masters at the colleaeMr Jervlehaabeen trying to pereuade Danielle to have dinner with him 1000 EDDIE CAPRA MYSTERIES Jamee Coco oueet atara ea LaaVeoaa tourlet who to drain Into the blurre murder at hated er champ Repeat eo mine DALLAS Sue Ellene mm problem tiedeveloped tathe OalnlvmereJocII and Ellie leellhey mIIat eay aamethinotoJR Repeateo BEST OF TAKE 30 Hana Gartnar Done to St Auguatina Seminary In Toronto to Interview Jean Vaniar aon ol Canadae late Governor General and launder ot LArche Communltlee lor the mentally handicapped peat NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 IN CONCERT Futilan Nana Mona Irourt who elnaa 8carharauahFalr AndlLove You Brldoe Over Troubled Water Plalalr damour Amazlng Gracse do mine ll JOYCE DAVIDOSOON suow 11 BID NEws cas NEws cec NEws CTv NEws MOVIE DRAMA Montreal Main 101 1120 NEws OUTREACH ONTARIO 1125 NEws 1127 News 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny CaraonGueetaErmaBombeckPeleFountaln gills OPEN UPDATE MOVIE SUSPENSE ouee 01 Cards mo STREETTALKIaItrInhtlortheaaYern or any other body to canaon EDUCATION OF MIKE MC MANUS 1145 cas LATE MOVIE we sum FIGHT 1060 Muhammad All tacea Rocky Mar ciano In the rlna tor the Computerized alltime heavyweloht chamolanahlo title Repeat historically speaking barries story Sept7l9til Members of city councils general government and finance committee heard revised cost estimate for the construction of 1100 seat auditorium at Barrie District Central Collegiate Revisions to plans for the building had canadas story Prairie Pioneers Had Rough Lives September 1883 was black day on the Prairies The temperature dropped sharply in an Arctic wind and crops were ruined by frost The entire continent was suffering from an economic depression at the time and conditions on the Prairies were so bad that Montreal milling company offered to buy all the wheat for 40 cents bushel and oats for 15 cents This situation was one of the factors that led to Saskatch ewan Metis sending delegation to Louis Riel in Montana asking him to return to Canada to be their leader Farmers also met in Winipeg in December and formed the Manitoba and Northwest Farmers Union They drew up bill of rights which among other things protested the CPR monopoly The CPR tracks were being laid across the Prairies at that time In those days Prairie settlers lived in primitive condi tions Singlefurrow ploughs were drawn by horses or oxen and the first sod turned over was used for building shacks in which to live Space was left for window or two but there was not glass Canvas or animal skins were used instead Heat was usually provided by sheetmetal stove One of the greatest dangers was prairie grass fires After enough sod had been obtaine for buildings the next task was to plough trench around the homestead as fire guard Settlers who were caught in fires could only escape by lighting backfires on the leeward side and move onto the burned area Their food was chiefly potatoes and occasionally turnips peas and carrots Staples were flour for bannock bread or flapjacks oatmeal for porridge corn syrup dried apples or prunes salt pork tea and coffee OTHER EVENTS 0N SEPTEMBER 1535 Cartier reached Island of Orleans below Quebec on second voyage 1619 Jens Munck of Denmark probably discovered Churchill River Hudson Bay 1763 King George 111 issued proclamation urging sub jects to settle in Canada 1786 Scottish immigrants landed at Quebec 1816 Frontenac was first steamer launched on Lake Ontario 1850 Lake Superior treaty with Indians was signed at Sault Ste Marie 1864 Charlottetown Conference adjourned 1927 Prince of Wales and Prince George ended visit to Canada 1959 Death of Maurice Duplessis who had been pre mier of Quebec for 18 years Proud parent of newlyweds decreased the estimated cost to $345050 Land costs for the site were estimated at $54000 Sufficient new signs were to be erected in the area of the Barrie Shopping Plaza to dispel the confusion experienced by some motorists attempting to reach Highway 400 which passes nearby Directional signs were also to be placed at other strategic locations in the city showing through routes The University Womens Club of Barrie presented their annual scholarships to two outstanding Barrie Collegiate students at the home of Mrs Morris on Toronto Street Susan Taylor of Central and Elspeth Cameron of North were the recipients of the scholars ships Barries high schools were fast reaching the saturation point beyond which there would be too many students and not enough classrooms Principal Hamilton said have big school this year Present enrolment is 1105 and this will be about 1150 by the end of September We must have more rooms or we will be in jam The federal health depart ment announced that the Royal Victoria Hospital was to receive $402000 grant The grant was to be used in the con struction Of 92bed addition to the present hospital and 32 bed addition to the nurses residence Ray Atkinson civil defence coordinator for Simcoe Coun ty announced that radiation protection survey would be con ducted in the county where evacuees could be housed ion the event of nuclear fallout after an attack Torgis Automotives entered the Barrie and District Softball League finals by nipping Stewarts Lunch 30 at Queens Park Entertainer Pat Boone right beams with joy as he escorts newlyweds Deb by Boone and Gabriel Ferrer from the Hollywood Saturday after the two were Hollywood Presbyterian Church in married Debby is the daughter of Shirley and Pat Boone and Gabriel is the son of Rosemarry Clooney and Jose Ferrer Miss Clooney sang the song Ill Never Say Goodbye during the ceremony attended by more than 500 people AP Photo The Doctor Says Nose not sign of alcoholic By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue Over the gist several years my hus nds nose has become red and he has started looking like the comedian WC Fields It also drips almost constantly during the day His doctor diagnosed the condition as acne rosacea He claims it cannot be cured but can be controlled with medicine He has been using antibiotics for six months with little improvement Do you have any suggestions Mrs CBM The late comedians nose lives on as the symbol of problem that plagues many There is swelling and often lo calized areas of infection The condition is known medically as rhinophyma Networks of tiny blood vessels may be seen in the skin It is most common in men Alcohol is not the cause but overindulgence in this bever age as well as in tea coffee and highlyseasoned foods can certainly aggravate the condi tion which they may or may not have for Mr Fields Other factors can be involved as gland problems or vitamin def ciencies The WC Fields nose is certainly not universal sign of an alcoholic People with the problem should avoid extremes of tem perature hot or cold also the substances mentioned above Antibiotics tetracycline are used to real any infection present and hydrocortisone may control the skin symp toms Dilated blood vessels can be treated with electrolysis Others have resorted to der mabrasion sanding or electrosurgery to remove excess tissue The dripping you mention is not related to the rhinophyma Could mean an allergy though Dear Dr Donohue In December Of 1977 was hospitalized for kidney stone passed the stone so didnt need the surgery After the doctor analyzed the stone he told me to cut down on dairy roducts and put me on ydrochlorathiazide took this diuretic for nine months then cut it out because felt its disadvantages outweighed its advantages Now my doctor cYour Birthday Sept 1979 Beneï¬ts are likely to be dIrected toward you this comIng year In situations where others hate already laid the groundwork Youll earn your share through contributing what they cant VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Unless you are on guard today you could be drawn Into sulua rim with another where you could end up picking up the tab for his or her mIstakes LIBRA Sept 23Oct To paCIly associates today you may be tempted to make commIlments that do not serve yoUr best Inter esls Be cooperative but also be sensible SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Caution should take precedence over haste today Il you are work ing wIIh unlamIlIar tools or mate rials Better sale than sorry SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Dont gamble today on people or things that you kn0w little about Calculated rsks should be taken only after all the lacls are weighed CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Have the courage of your conVIc tIons today where you are posr others may lean on you to alter your views AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb t9 Finding lault Is Surelire formu la lor having others point out your own shortcomings Say nice things and the reverse will be true PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your sales resistance Isnt gone up to par today It you are not careful crafty peddler could sell you something you have little need tor ARIES March 21April 19 You may not be able to tunctIon as Independently as you would like today owing to pressures tram outside sources Try to be coop erative TAURUS April 20May 20 Be AShOGra Bernice Bede Osol today It can create problems that could otherwise be avoided Reconnoiter situatIons beIOre plunging in GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Make it point to live withIn your means today rather than cater to extravagance Havmg good time could carry too expenswe price tag CANCER June 21July 22 Even though youll be delInIte In what you hope to achieve today you mighl use teams or methods that are selldefeating Plan wisely LE0JUIy 23Aug 22 Judge events and others on their merits today rather than on something that happened In the past Let bygones be bygones live you are rIghl even though wary ol Impulswe behavior NEVER DOES IT mLILONT KNOW WHATTOEAYE mTES Is PLAY5O HIGHLY ES lt WLHEIYINAWEOFWLF insists that begin using the Andy Capp diuretic again prefer not to take drugs unnecessarily Why is diuretic given for treat ment of kidney stones am 23 LG Hydrochlorathiazide is standard medicine for pre vention of certain calcium stones Dairy products espe cially milk because of its vita min content may contribute to the calcium problem hence the restriction The diuretic water pill helps the body get rid of excess calcium in the urine You should follow your doctors instructions with re gard to diet and medicine Both are necessary You are lucky to have this problem diagnosed and treated at such young age Dear Dr Donahue Im frisbie freak and fly for hours every day in the summer Is it possible to get tendonitis from this ND Certainly You can call this frisbie elbow The treatment is the same as with any tendons itis rest of the joint heat antiinflammation medicine or Fire inflammation is great cor Isone ilijéctllm Resinand heal usually do the job Happy flying Try the other arm while resting your dogInagt side gt noub Do BIT LESS TALKIN To YSEL PERCY HAVE one FROM DOROTHY er BE THE Titles PAEKEK 0N YOIEFSUBJECT 10 Baal BETTE NITIOW mammary mtg AND paler ©mu rnIInlm In andï¬ WOULD YOU To xtuoTHrE DEEAD Div EACE QNPLFEED 77 TO THE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag STAMP our Correct broken suit play Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South 16 Pass 10 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacohy and Alan Sontag Thcrc is wellknown prin lplC of suit play whcn you haVc broken trump sun and brokcn sidc suit lhIs princi pie is to play the hrokcn sidc suit first to rcIaIn trump control South took thc dIamond lead in dummy and In accor SCURVY FUNDf dance with that principlc led club toward his queen East rose with his king and led second diamond to dummys king Now South was ready to attack trumps Hc camc to his hand with spade and led heart toward dummys quccn East took the queen with his king and led back the jack This left East with the high trump and South with two small trumps in each hand South led secondhigh spade from his hand He thcn ruflcd the jack of spades wnh one of dummys trumps cashed dummys acc and ms queen of clubs and rufch Ills last club with dummys lust trump 01 course llusl could havc rulch iii any limc hc IIshcd to do so but South was still sure 01 ms 10 trIlks Ask the EXIMIIS You hold HE FUDD5yI RETURle This JUNK BORROWEP FROM YA VURIN TH 6UMMEE AMAZINGI fr You UUALLV DONT IM GETTIN NEW CAIZ AN THEY TOOK UP TOO II7li Canadian reader asks it we considcr opening one notrump with this hand Yes we considcr Il but do not bid It Ninclccn highcard points make the hand too strong for notrump Opening Wc opcn one club Frank and Ernest daily crossword ACROSS 42 Her MIIIESI Answm Io PftvlUUS Puulc shlo labor By law D1 44 Contrary Current Ululale 46 Impressive Pall 49 iron lGe WM 903 53 Small quantity MegSUle 54 CIOII ridge an 55 31 $3535 OF ATE LESSONS Chee 57 Invenmr 15 Zfrkm me Whitney l7 Exploit 203 Uneven 60 DC jug VlTlflWEDs l9 Cornered as 21 Hamlet Communists 10 Actress 33 UnIl of mallsr 23 Noun sulllx 62 Demoum LanCheSmr pl 24 Scouting or lahbl ll Caribou 35 Escape ganIzaIIon 16 BflllSll king 40 Leaned THE IltNG IF yoHU CnélngIVES labbrl DOWN 20 Custom 43 seedsman APPROACHES IN 27 Smoke 22 Ta 45 Cede 23 English Iver git CH 24 Orthodontist 46 IHCSLT and lacnal epoch concern 34 523 AS 25 Read 32 123 ny if 35 Sensed With Law 20 In arm MW 50 Wild plum tongue Gasoline 28 Wm 99 5i Biblical Ian 37 Turns outward Wins 52 One bllllnlll 38 Wllhln pref Small 30 DlEClO prefIx 39 New York City songbird Premww 55 Graduate of stadium Shell anllltlll Annapolis 41 Spot Public roar abode lahbr TII IS NEW HARD SELL TECHNIQUE wonKe ID RATHER TELDOLI WIIACI YOULL GET Ir= IF JOIN THE FRIENDSHIP WV In Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service NRTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860