12 the édopiiom 32 gets to rent 16 gm wanted to rent 18 articie for sale 40 articles to rent 43 articles wanted 42 auction sales 79 auto accessories 36 35 auto service and repairs olfproperty tor sale examiner flay Oct 29 1010 CLASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share 26 boots motors business opportunities camping equipment card of thanks carstorsale cars wantbd coming events commercial sale or rent construction machinery litproperty for sale MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WESTBARRIE 7261881TORONTO 3647941 REAL BUY Here is an excellent lot 95 162 partially cleared and ready for you to start building your dream home Full price only $10500 Call on this one today INTERESTED IN SMALL TOWN LIVING Here is lovely bedroom home on large fenced lot double garage family room with wood stoves to save on the heating costs This home is in good condition and is only years old Make an offer it could be yours before Xmas Asking $56500 BEDROOM SPLIT ENTRY Finished family room dining room fireplaces double garage oil and wood heating mortgage $39000 at 12 carries for $412 principal and interest close to Orillia EXECUTIVE BRICK HOME In prestige area of higher priced homes This home features large living room very private dining room breakfast nook custom kitchen utility and mudroom den large tamin room with stone fireplace walkout to heated inground pool beautiful round foyer with circular $158900 See this beautiful home at 50 Royal Oak Drive Tollendal Woods today WHITE CAP DR INNISFIL Solid brick bedroom rancher master with ensuite bath main floor family room with stone fireplace walkout to deck separate dining room double garage quiet area close to Lake Simcae Reduced to $71500 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME On acre well treed lot close to Barrie Home features living room with good fireplace dining room den kitchen bedrooms with builtin dressing tables basement is completely finished would make good apartment inground pool garage barn fountains very quiet area Priced at $85900 at 224 Harvie Street off South 27 Highway ATTENTION This home is ideal for young couple starting out Features bedrooms living room eatin kitchen large garden lot with fruit trees located 10 minutes from Barrie Asking only $32900 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ken Miller 4873365 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Bouchard 4365541 Dean Arbuthnot 7374720 Lois Nesbitt 7373466 Esther Kennedy 4245471 BARRY COLE 7287631 AL BEACOCKno toll 4873090 JOHN KUIPERS 7287703 ED WISMER 7261120 JOHN COLE 7288017 JACK WALL 7289850 MARIA EVANS 7261740 DICK RICHARDS 7285478 ELSIE WALL 7289850 BERNIE ROTH 7373664 REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS stairway to bedrooms games room and studio Priced at 252 YONGE ST BARBIE must DOLE 56 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 AGENTS FOR PANCOL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ALLISTON MONTREAL TRUST RELOCATION SERVICES LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PINEVIEW ESTATES OF MIDHURST JUST LISTED bedroom home within walking distance of downtown Needs handyman as renovations are needed Only $38900 Call AL BEACOCK O29 Louise Laforce 4365266 Ross Burwell 4589248 Ross Miller 7370313 Larry Wood 4873148 Marg Wood 4873148 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Al Calhoun 8352742 LTD REALTOR O29 ART MAW 7281346 RICK HAMILTON DAN HENDERSON 7286065 STEVE VANDRICK 4364413 LARRY ARSENEAU 7265751 ED BOWMAN 7267000 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 CHARLES TONNA 4563483 MURRAY STOVELL 4362306 BERNIE BLUM 4875540 HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEIN 5980AB PANNINGEN HOLLAND TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS FOR STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION LTD MIDNURST ESTATES WILLOW LANDING MIDNURST REID IUILDING LTD KUNCE LTD QUALITY NOMES PRATT CONST LTD go now DEVELOPMENTS LTD MULTI LINGUAL SERVICE MAM 7263897 THCEns 7280653 Lnbert 7288001 737l597 Larry Ireaer 7289745 She Decibel 7373795 lryDerde 7283253 itiuett 15332725 He lieItal 46173001 Peter Insoleta 7263916 REALTOR RIMII Irust NQ SIGN NA SELLS 357 Bayfield SI Iitirrii 7288800 Corby Adams 7286829 Peter Gebbele 7282425 III Evens no tel 3221575 MCIth 7286334 John Cofeell FRl 7267726 DenAIItt 7372020 Deegleler 7283274 lobe Stntl 7263555 Herb 7371586 JINerris 7267173 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Toronto Line 8811171 Fast in homes Fust in service Royalï¬ustflixir first name in real estate utLallIon li Aromas 7288698 41 07 56 86 32 33 88 09 55 12 cottages to rent 27 cottages lor sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 Icrms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 olWproperty tor sale 7289933 MLS 3313 8957 No 1918 Harold Davis 7287543 Bob Henderson 7285112 Bob March 7288444 Jack MacLaren 7284950 Ian Caunce 4362072 Norm McMillan 7268957 ï¬mil 0000 in selected market areas Jim Quinlan 7260873 Carl Emms 7285124 Judi Bean 7266114 Sondra Corner 4563419 Bud Law 4873375 llieo Achtzehnter 7371768 IiInw BARRIE MONEY DOESNT eeow STEVENSON McCLUSKEY REAL ESTATE LTD 113ADUNLOPST 7263333 REAL ESTATE 5R INSURANCE O29H HOUSESWAPm Three bedroom fully broodloomed large eatin kitchen some with garage rm to CONDOMINIUM oe TOWNIIOUSE Cd Nenry Vieoo mm 7371211 7370931 site N5 180 DUNLOP ST 7259933 ASK US ABOUT MGM Relocation Services LIL WILKINSON 7289326 VICKI KENT 4365593 RON JONES 7268997 WLLSOII 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL pm BEDROOM BUNGALOW Minutes walking distance to shopping This brick home has new broadloom and cushion floor rec room deep lot paved drive and extra large garage Call Harold Davis 7261938 or 7287543 No 1912 PRESTIGE HOME Large formal dining room kitchen overlooking family room featuring marble fireplace and walkout to beautifully landscaped lot 23 ft deep This owner designed home has baths bedrooms double garage and many extras Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or $32000 Semidetached storey home on Cindy Lane Angus Newly decorated bedrooms large kitchen full dry basement cushion floor and new broadloom on main floor Immediate possession Coll Norm McMillan 7261938 Or 726 ACRE LOT Ridge Road miles from Barrie Well on property now small barn and ready for permits Asking $3050001 Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 MLS 3527 Tm mun THUV CDBDOBAtDN neauan 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 TWO WEEKS IN HAWAII Watch the travel quiz show GOINGPLACES on GLOBAL TV and play the familgltiitIIusi HOME VIEWER GAME Last weeks winning numbers Famlly TIUSI FPVDIBSGITTBTIVES are OISTTIIMILITIQ game CEIICIS Total Realty Seice VVorrall 124 DUNLOP ST farm machInery larm machinery wanted feed seed grain financial II Ilorists IruIts vegetables garages garden supplies help wanted home Improvements 01property lgrï¬lefl REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7R lI rillIii 029 Mary Morrison 7289933 Ian Rouse 7265407 Rita Scandrett 7284865 June Young 7284717 Myrtle Coleman 7372853 1600 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Rita Brewer 7286257 Irene Little 7374266 Patricia Lee 7371418 Jack Middel 7286799 IllIIIIX IAII 7373200 REALTY ANGUS PLAZA BUILDER CLEARANCE NEW LOWELL MODEL HOMES Make an offer These homes MUST be sold now No reasonable offer will be refused Cdl 4246205 to View at any time 030 10V2 MORTGAGES Low down payment Three bedroom fully broadloomed eatin kitchen Fully fenced back yard Patio walkout from basement Cd Henry VIRGO REALTY 7371211 or 73709318ite N5 In INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MW lTF MlDHURST LUXURY $60000 11 per mm Open Iirst mortgage 3000 square Ieet IIVIng space tour bedrooms three washrooms lamin room lireplace dou ble uarago and much more Frank Pall 737 1711 Virgo Realty Ltd 5900 MOVES YOU IN new three nooroom baths garage lridge and stove Asking $318 900 Frank Pall 737 1711 Virgo Realty Ltd BY OWNER SprIngdale Drive 1560 square leet split level three bedrooms attachcd garage double driveway ten cd yard 557500 large assumable 10i°n mortgage 737 4533 SIX UNIT apartment bUIlding In ex cellentcondiiIon Showingagood return Telephoncl 4161 775 2877 CUNDLES AND ST VINCENT area starey bedroom semi Finished rLcroatIon room large lenced lot Telephone 728 6057 alterb DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY CANCELLATIONS housesto rent houses wanted to rent in memoriams 19 87 69 10 53 Instructions insurance landscaping 77 57 58 legal livestock for sale livestock wanted 01property for sale PRIVATE Owner translerred Tall Trees side split 12 bathrooms three bedrooms den lamin room with tire place linishcd laundry room $52000 lirm 726 3728 SACRIFICE Owner has Ielt the coun try and would like to see an otter on this tour level side split Just reduced to $49900 lrom $51900 Home leatures dou ble garage tamin room with lireplace acre lot 10 per cent lirst mortgage Immediate possession For tull details call LOU KELLY Real Estate 436 5111 THREE BEDROOM side split on Marshall Street close to schools public transportation tireplace garage sliding glass doors to patio $63500 Telephone 737 1493 o4Iotstor sale MIDIIURSTHz and acre lots $5000 Toronto 961 2745nights 07business opportunities CHIMNEY SWEEP BUSINESS lor sale Well established clientele listing equip merit etc Excellent opportunity lull or part time Good return on small invest ment Owner has other interests Reply Box BBS The Examiner Barrie MR CORN BEEF ORILLIA LLBO Licenced last lood restaurant 84 seats plus 60 seat approved patio area adiacent to McDonalds and Ponderosa on Highway 11 Orillia now grossing $3500 weekly ideal lor lamily operation $69500 lull price 15 year lease 100 car parking Call Barrie 7051 728 9636 Orillia 3256662 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY POTENTIAL GUARANTEED BUSINESS ULTRAMODERN EQUIPMENT TO DISPENSE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WRIGLEYS GUM TIC TAC MINTS Nationally Advertised S700 WEEK FULLTIME $160 WEEK PARTTIME to our investors Applicants must be permanent resident ready to start work as soon as possible COM professionally locations equipment is selected finest dispensing and wholesale outlets for all supplies APPLICANT must furnish good character references and have sincere desire to operate their own business Applicant must have adequate working capital No investment required Company capital available tor expansion purposes In vestments available if desired Not affiliated with Wm Wrigley Jr Inc CALL MR ADAMS Sun Mon Tues Only 705 7286191 VEND RAY INC Suite 140 2020 University St Montreal Quebec NSA 2A5 030 The ExaminerOffices lost loUnd lots lor sale 04 market basket 66 marriages 34 mobile homes trailers money to loan mortgages motorcycles nursing homes oIlIce stores Ior rent 09com merciaIindustrial IIIIIBIIIISIII Industrial Commercial for eale or lease 7263422 TF PRIME DOWNTOWN space live oints 2300 plus square lcet $780 per square tool net net call Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Ltd 728 4067 6000 FEET space tar rent Zoned in commercial duslrial Victoria St 4161 0108 Barrie Bargain 14imobile homestrailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 mJt 16apartments for rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St suites available SpOCIous Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF lETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose1 location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 TF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF TWO BEDROOM luxury apartment In triplex with lridge stove laundry tacilities and parking available November non smoking elderly COUpIt prelerred No pets Roso Street area 726 9088 TWO BEDROOM apartment lor rent immediate possession Albert Terrace Apartments Albert Street Tclcphone 728 5463 ONE BEDROOM apartment Mulcaster Street All appliances and utIlIlIes in cluded Available immediately $700 monthly Phone 728 9609 TWO BEDROOM largo kitchen lIvIng room and IIICDIBCP lull basement Blake Street eastend $275 includrr heat Available November 737 7070 07business opportunities FOR LEASE bay garage No gas hoists High traffic area Assistance given on hydro business tax lot clearance 91 rirrIiI sr 12mortgawgesr COMPETITIVE RATES Guy Harris FLEXIBLE TERMS °E$ COMMERCIAL FAST Boriss VACAT10N COMMITMENTS 2min PROPERTIES the municipal savings loan corporation 70 COLLIER ST 3RD FLOOR 7267200 Contact SEARS 7267301 RESIDENTIAL Dan Halliday IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes and commercial properties Wed love to help you Townsolidaie debts low monthly paymems Home Improvements any wont teaser To pay all ensung 07 maiunng nongage Construction Iunds lree adwce lly Is We have ready cash 10 Dutchasr mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Guaranteed Investment Certificates 129 DUNLOP ST Highest 347 BAY ST BARRIE Interest TORONTO 7260981 Paid 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Rea The Exdmï¬inerTo Buy 01315I720222429 cottages larms vacation 1F are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for MNldOY 48 hours prior to publication Accepted up until am pasture Ior sale 61 posture to rent 62 posture wanted 63 personals 68 christrnas trees 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property Ior sale 01 opportunity for men women 74 16apartments lor rent propertylor sale or rent property management property wanted public notices resorts room and board rooms to let rooms wanted soles help agents sewice and repairs terminals 191 rent CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST VVF 1L8 bkaNEFF SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 toB weekdays 11 to weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON ST BACHELOR APARTMENT $180 month plus hydro 194 Dunlop St For nished large room with separate kit chen and bathroom Private entrance Telephone 726 8420 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duplex adult building Duckworth Street Pay own hydro Stove lridge laundry tacilities included 5310 men thly7281873attcr11am NEWLY DECORATED bedroom near bus park Stove lridgc laundry oarkingheatwater S781 737 3416 TWO BEDROOM central Barrie $760 monthly includes heat hydro Phone 776 6271 alter 430p rn MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments lor rent col ored appliances sauna laundry lacil ities parking Close to shopping and bus route Available November and Janu aryl Telephone 737 0003 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM apart ment centrally located $750 monthly Very clean Telephone 728 88139venings 726 8190 days ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for single perSOn stove lridgo and parking no pets $175 monthly plus heat and hydro Available immediately 776 7143 alterbp TWO BEDROOM apartments lridgo stove heat and parking includcd available November call 737 189 TWO BACHELOR apartments air onditioned $700 per month tenant pays awn heat and hydro lridge and stove in luded Telephone 776 3515 between and FURNISHED BACHELORETTE cen tral Barrie S42 weekly Phone 726 6771 altor4 30p BACHELOR APARTMENT available November 151 1979 Privalc entrance and drive All utilities paid plus cable TV Phoncanytimo 726 7040 PLEASANT bedroom apartment tor rent downtown location Call Andrea at 737 3633 to 778 4951 evenings and weekends ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT on bus route available November laundry lacilitios Phone778 8481 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER two bedroom apartment $761 monthly In ludos lridqc stove heat and parkIng tow laundry room bus stop location No 0015 please Call 778 58165ltor6 30p ONE BEDROOM apartment large kit hon downtown no pets Iirst and last $187 monthly plus hydro Telephone 737 37580vcninqs or 436 1701 days BACHELOR APARTMENT available November 131 Excellent location Park Ing Private elranco kitchen piece oath Georgian Mall area $175 monthly Includes all UIIIIIICS 7371414726 4940 OUI SKIRTS OF CITY New home new ly decorated bedrooms living and din mo room all broadloomed kitchen With altlttl area bath laundry room Separate driveway $775 monthly plus Itilittos First and last months 726 6100 IIE BEDROOM APARTMENT S190 twitth plus hydro no children or pets wt and last Phone 7767777 days 7110 or 726 79330vonlngs ARGE BRIGHT bedroom apartment Laipeted parking stove relrigcrator all utilIlIes included $786 monthly 46 Pinetang Street available December Telephone 776 9815 alter 17houses to rent IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation call Mrs Boyce 728 5107 24 Hour Service THREE BEDROOM townhouses tor VlII Garage and basement FOUr ap pIIanres Closo tO school shOppinq and bus route 726 4338 HOUSE FOR RENT Ranch style bungalow three bedrooms linished Iamtly room with bar fireplaces lully broadloomod Double car garage paVPO Ircular drive large lot FIVC years Old Home Outskirts available immediately 416 895 6311 HOUSE TO RENT for Winter months available November 35u1tbusinesscou Dlt 728 8466 ANGUS small one bedroom country rIrv suitable tor couplri Capabln Ol own maintenance relcrence availablr November $180 monthly 474 0306 FOUR BEDROOM house close to school and hospItal Call 726 7141 30 10 Ir BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE garage Imamcl bosomml baths ap TllilVtb Close to schools and shopping SIJU Inonlh Telephone 726 9180 ANGUS three bedroom duplex large eat in kitchen utility room large yard 17 miles to Barrie $250 monthly rIlLrrncrsmtilities extra 424 6473 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE lull base mrnl MrGeoroe SUDUIVISIOT between Barrie and Angus $754 monthly llltDIVJIIE 728 45170r 479 2392 THREE BEDROOM lamily room at nrrl garage AvaIlable November Mtn or December lst $375 monthly Tunphone 737 4533 TWO BEDROOM townhornes available In the peacelul setting at TAMARACK WOODS Included are such leatures as wall to wall broadloom relrIgrrator and love To LOIS and tennis court $305 and $345 monthly TO View call 737 3907 NEW THREE BEDROOM house 141 ona beach double garage rec room baths 5375 plus UIIIIIIes available Der embcrl Call days 778 9134 evenings 416 548 TNO BEDROOM house close to Well moron Plaza lTldgf and store garage larui lol lIrsI and last relerenres 776 8915 Pvtnan REET BARRIE Mwsr Eapts wanted to rent or BEDROOM apt wanted in the Oakley Park School area Occupancy for December Reasonable rent Call alter 9771 728 9385 20rooms to let ROOM FOR RENT downtown Barrie Apply in person alter pm at 76 Worsley Street FURNISHED ROOMS clean bright modern Downtown location Parking available Telephone 737 3370 LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room suit single person Available im mediately $150 monthly heat and hydroincluded 728 0755 FURNISHED BEDROOM central use at kitchen 737 3106 COMFORTABLE ROOMS tor rent downtian location Call Andrea at 7373633 19 to 778 4951 evenings and weekends FURNISHED ROOM lor rent linens supplied and changed centrally located Telephone 726 8358 or 778 8484 CLEAN FURNISHED room lor rent beside hospital Share kitchen and washroom with one other lemale 535 weekly Days 776 4730 evenings 7266635 CLEAN BRIGHT lurnishert bedroom WIIh sink Linen changed weekly Kit hen lacilities lree parking Quiet gentleman 577 weekly 778 2471 23ollices stores for rent RENTANOFEICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR DISPLAY AREAS OFFICE RENTALS Fully Staffed Equipped Furnished Iiurro srouor sncr 7260988 N15 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple StAvailablo anytimn 7281743tilt 7p 728 6899altrr7p MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 776 3400 Angeloll 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned otlice space tor rent with parking spots available immediater Telephone 726 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parktng 1100 so It Bell Farm Rd by Girorgian College Duckworth Cloverleat 726 0731 APPROXIMATELY 600 so It oi oi liceshowroom space available lar lease immediately on the mezzanine lloor ol the Downtown Centre Approx imately 5350 per month For details call 726 9642 RETAlL STORE Handy plaza lnnislIl Beach Rd Alcona 1000 so It 5375 per month Three year lease 436 21855 even inqs OFFICE SHOWROOMspace70005q lt Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklored Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 776 0661 24space for rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM 91c 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross lease everything included 5475 mon thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ll lully sprinklercd transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 It 18 It clear part ol large tax panoingindustrialmall 776 7130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space lor lease truck entrance 178 TillIn St Telephone 776 3400 Mr Angelo 9000 SQ FT industrial space tor lease Ground level steel building hIghway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 leet clear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario I705 776 7681 FOR LEASE 0R SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 776 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE 2400 sq It Lorena Good parking Overhead door Thomas 776 0661 Brock at Sprinklored Stew Emms or Bud 76accommodations to share SINGLE STRAIGHT Abstainer male has three bedroom house to share AvailableDecemberlCall737 4180 BEDROOM apartment to share Call 726 5571 alter 30 FURNISHED BEDROOM complete use Of house and lacilities Near Georgian College Females only need apply Telephone 7711 0735 GIRL prelerably non smoker to share bedroom apartment $175 monthly Modern clean htthlS 108 Edgehill Call Brantlord 519 753 7700 OWN ROOM in congenial country home live miles lrorn Barrie 5100 monthly plus utilities Phone 737 4143 alter snowmobiles 30 space Ior rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties Ior sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 32cars tor sal 19805 Are Here ON LY s4198 KITCHEN MOTORS Essa Rd at Itwy 400 7282287 NEED TIRES Snows or Replacements Specializing in import sizes CHECK OUR PRICES before you buy DUNLOP TIRES with road hazard coverage from Iarrie Itonda 7266401 N27 1976 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORT 318 good condition Callralterspm726v71716 1977 ooecAt 35018 miles Britomatic radio cerlilied $3195 or nearest oller Telephong 776 7650 AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Cell John Nelson Insurance 728 95719am 9pm I976 CORDOBA loaded power steering brakes seats windows trunk air con ditioning cruise control rear window delogger Excellent condition Cerlilied Telephone 474 5475 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom automatic power steering power brakes 64000 miles No rust $2750 cer tilied 776 8877 1971 DATSUN 2402 good body interior motor new radials brakes and lront end Needs clutch and some other work Sacrilice as is $1000 or trade tor larger car ALSO hardtop lor MGB $85 737 3234 1973 TOYOTA 1600 COUPE automatic new paint $1175 certilied 436 5058 1975 PINTO automatic 52000 miles new paint Excellent condition $1875 cer tilied 436 5058 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY III ps and pb automatic AMFM radio vinyl top tour door New rubber Clean in terior Original paint and body 50000 miles Asking $1700 certilied 3269872 1974 FORD in very good condition Power steering power brakes Snows on rims Will certily Exceptional rock bot tom price $1275 Phone alter pm 726 5273 1978 HONDA CIVIC speed excellent condition $3775 certilied 436 5058 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX cylinder power steering power brakes like new Certilied $4500 Telephone 4741637 alter5pm 1970 VOLKSWAGEN brand new tires good engine needs body work As is Telephone 487 31227 RARE Torino GT good condition 351 Cleveland bucket seats console gauges 650 Hawley barrel and more Call Lvarry 424 9753 1977 GRAN PRIX power steering power brakes rear window delogger sport rally rims 46000 miles certilled $4500 or best after 487 2678 78 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE convertible White 38000 kms excellent condition Willcertily $4900 Telephone 778 1548 or 726 2060 1972 FORD LTD Country Squire station wagon Excellent condition 1974 DODGE DART SPORT cylinder automatic Telephone 474 5220 1978 CORVETTE loadéd showroom condition low mileage Telephone 322 Im alter 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUTITEO For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 JUNK CARS WANTED Humep paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 776 8711 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 TRACY WANTS cars and trUcks lor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 776 8487 NANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales l7Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freeimmediate pick upany time 4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED lor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6327 days 474 5949 evenings s50 PAID tor any complete lull sizercar Immediate pick up Call 377 1115 34trucks and trailers 1956 DODGE POWER wagon complete Iy rebuilt including motor equipped wllh snow plow and winch 53500 7784105 1969 CHEV truck model C40 with tool insulated box Best oller can be seen at Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud Telephone 436 1811 1974 JEEP CJ5 with Meyer snowplow Port McNicoIl 534 7066 1977 FORD F100 rzton truckhsix cylinder 300 standard Only 15000 mIles Best otter Must sell 7781125 1975 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 34000 miles speed standard tree wheeling hubs bestoller Telephone 835 3206 alter bp 1965 LAND ROVER WD good condi tion Needs minor work tocertily Sell as is 5850 or bestolter 737 3734 1972 DATSUN PICK UP Radio price $695 snows certilied 4speed Telephone 778 7267 1977 CHEVY VAN custom lront end Visor llares root spoiler Cragar mags L60 tires root vent sport wheel log lights continental spare insulated and lined plus many more extras Must sell no reasonable oller relused or trade lor cattle 728 4421 1975 TON as IS Sll00 Telephone 778 7421 73 JEEP CJ solt lop Excellent condi lion Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone 728 4627 1969 KENWORTH tractor good condi tion licensed Dec 79 50000 k9 Call 424 0446 1974 Fine FORD 307 original miles 52000 Asking $2500 Telephone 726 5584 MUST SELL I978 Chev 34 ton van tour captains chairs bench seatbed AMFM stereo many more extras $10500 or best oller 458 4577 36auto accessories FOUR 10xISLT Firestone all terrain tires on new 15 chrome spoke rims 100 miles on tires Flt lord ton 5450 360419 Ziasnowmooilgs I969 OLYMPIC Ski doo I969 NORDIC reasonable 474 0446 PAIR 1971 Ski ooos Elan and olym pic as new tracks excellent condltlon s750tor pair Call 778 2863 anytime 1972 SKI Doo TNT 294 Excellent carat lion use 1971 Ski Doc 15 Good condi Iiori 5150 phone 726 8619 anytime 77 YAMAHA SW 433 speedo electrlc start low neutral high gear shill 000 miles Like new 5795 Telephone alter 835 74l3