Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1979, p. 11

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as lt Egan Psx VWW arm 43454 $42 rrcmmZ SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 000 FOR THE TOP CDC NEWS AMAIINO WORLD OF imam TURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORT CITY 30 INQUIRY CASH FOR LIFE LOTTERY CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS siren lMAL womb OF THE LAUREL AND HARDY 700 HEE HAW 0ueataJohnConlee8ueIe 000 J0 J0 00 BLACK BEAUTY COMEBACK WORKING STIFFS HERE AND NOW DJ AND THE BEAR truck caravan driven by eight beautiful women ie avertedbytheorooltengtWlieywhoWlth hie partnere In crime are luetlng alter the truck cargoueed currency Concluaion 00 LIVE AT THE FORUM DONT JUST SIT THEREI SPORTS PROBE CITY LIGHTS 730 SHA NA NA THE ROPERS EYE 0N BUFFALO DR WHO 800 NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYOFFS If fourth game Ie not played In the NatIonal Pleyoll aerlea We will alre CROSSBAR An Olympic Bronze Medal winner in the high lump competition to crippled in tragic farm accident Encouraged by the lrIendehlp and coaching of hla glrtlrlend he muet team how to high lump all again 00 mine WORKIN STIFFS Nikkla huebend Ralph Ilnally retume from California ell hla egnent Wile goodbye for good TII ROPERS When Helen yearne IorachldolherownheighborAm8rookea out adIBtlon ACA EMY PERFORMANCE Gray Lady Down Stare Charlton Heeton Bid Cerradlne CHIPe Furloua motoriete fruatreted gee elation ounere and laatmovlng thieves givetheCIParouwweekaethoueendeot galleria of etolen geeollne so Inine Note We may be ed by ot the Saaeball Playolla TMOVIE in Which We Sm 1042 SHULMAN FILE 830 BAD NEWS BEARS Morrle Buttermelter renewa aogualntencee with old Ilerne Alice Wurlitzer Amandae mother and windeupaaklhghertomarryhim Pt Lola rt eEleode TECTIVE SCHOOL Nick Hannlgan and hie atudent eleuthe Wheel Into action by lnllttretlng tough motorcycle gang when Hannlgana nleocegeappeara II III BIG SHAMUS LITTLE SHAMUS Houee detective Arnie Setter and the daughter of one of the worlda weetthleel men are kidnapped while he la chauilerlng her al 00 mine TH LOVE BOAT Three vignettee The Audit Couple Stare Phyllle Dlller The Scoop Stare Joyce DeWItt Rey Buktenlca MY Boylriende Back Stare Jennller Salt Richard Kline do mine 030 ADVENTURES IN HIS RV Bravery In The Field SOUNDS GOOD 1000 NEBECCA Part IV Rebeccaa body to dlecovered In Manderlay Bay eith ough Maxim had identified body ae here one earlier PARIS When hie mother Ie mugged and eerloueiy lnlured by particularly vIclOue gang operating III the ghetto Police Academy atudent Thomea Sima lrlea to take the law into own handa HART TO HART The Harte are confronted with unplanned parenthood and kidnapping caee when little boy le left on their dooratep with note taleely proclaiming he le Jonathana eon 60 mine STARLOST MAN CALLED SLOANE Note Man Called Sloane may be preempted by were of the Baseball Playolfe CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST TIME TENTATIVE FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1030 MOVIE The Malta Story 1053 11m NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO it NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1105 PETER APPLEYARO MOVIE BIOGRAPHICALI eeee Prldg ol the Yankeea 1842 1115 NEWS 1120 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE MUSICAL aweet Cheri 1000 MOVIE AMA From Terrace Ioao SOUNDS GOOD 33 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 200 MOVIE ADVENTURE Moonahlne County Express MOVIE DRAMA The Wild Slick 1010 ONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA Rock All Night 1051 15 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 100 ROCK CONCERT MOVIE ADVENTURE Naked Prey113s6 CHALLENGE 155 MOVIE mm rumm 200 ABC NEWS MOVIE SUSPENSE Dele Dog ngzig Of Hell MOVIE SUSPENSEI The Vatican Affair 1000 SUNDAY MORNING VIEWING 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS CROSSROADS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY UNCLE BOBBY SHOW NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH INVITATION 730 DAV OF DISCOVERY JIMMY SWAGGART DIRECTIONS ROGER RAMJET CIRCLE SOUARE 800 JIMMY SWAGGART II BISHOP HEAD MOVIE ROMANCEDRAMA WI Roman Holida 1053 COMMANDER TO MIGHTY MOUSE FATHER MEEHAN MULTlCZECH 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR DAY OF DISCOVERY GOOD REPORT CARD TKE FUNNY COMPANY ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MULTIBULCARIAN 000 OLD TIM GOSPEL HOUR ROBERT CHULLER DEPUTY DAWG IT IS WRITTEN JEREMY MULTIMIDEAST REVUE 915 HATTYTOWN TALES 930 ORAL ROBERTS REx HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH MORMON CONFERENCE WATER MARGIN KIDSWORLD WORLD ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW MULTlHUNGARIAN 1030 KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY BARBAPAPA PORTUGUESE SHOW MULTlYUGOSLAV 1040 FISH TALES 1050 GET IT TOGETHER 1100 OPEN RAP REX HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH KIDSWORLD MULTlPORTUGUESE 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS ANIMALS ANIMALS DD 800090 GOODS ANIMALS PEOPLE AND PETS 1145 FESTIVAL ITALIANO SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 MEET THE PRESS FRANK WALDON PRESENTS ll TALES OF THE EXPECTED MEETING PLACE MOVIE BIOGRAPHY aha WInnln Teem1osz ALBUM ITALIAN PANORAMA CONTINUES LE TEMPS DES INCERTITUDES ASIAN MOVIE 1230 CHUCK KNox SHOW HERALD OF TRUTH NFL TODAY NEWS 245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAM PIONSHIP PLAYOFFS If fifth game Ia not played In the National League Playoff eerlee regularly acheduied programming will brace COUNTRY CANADA eeriea continqu to profile the people facing the tenelone and cheilengee ol aurvlving III Canadae moat Important end demanding With FOOTBALL Detroit Llone va ltd PIMOID ALIAN COOKING GRAPE FESTIVAL PARADE LE MONDE DES PEINTRES NAIFs 130 II HYMN SING FLINTSTONES 200 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO PROGRAMMING ID VILLAGES ET VISAGES UNANNOUNCED BUILDING DECENT FUTURE EH SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICI TERRY WINTER SHOW 230 THE HARVEST MIND OVER MYTH MOVIE C0MEDY cllaloe Nav 1064 DR JOHN ESLEY WHITE 300 TODAYS WOMAN III HEE HAW LES GRANDS CHEFS DORCHESTRE GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MULTlSPANISH 330 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD Dean Jonee etera an aclence reeearch proleaaor who envlalone hlmeell rich men when he dlecovera that hle pet duck la capable of laying egge with aolld gold yolka fineluelon do mine SUNDAY SURPRISE GOOD NEWS 400 NFL FOOTBALL Pittaburgh Iera va Cleveland Browne MOVIE ADVENTURE Sh0rt Walk to Daylight 1072 MOVIE MYSTERY urdar Once Removed 1011 EDUCATED GUESS TINY TALENT TIME GEORGE r19 NFL FOOTBALL Dallae Cowboya ve Minnesota Viking 30 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO CFL FOOTBALL om Rough Rldare ve Saskatchewan Roughrldera hre Gama will be blacked out III katchawen SPORTS HOT SEAT In WILD KINGDOM LATELIER PISSENLITS KIDSWORLD DES 500 SMITH AND SMITH OUESTION PERIOD ID COMEDY SHOP ID COLARGOL WORLD OF SURVIVAL 515 OUM LE DAUPHIN 530 THE ROPERS ml Helen yearna for child of her own neighbor Anne Brookee geeta adoption Ill NEXT STEP BEYOND AVENTURES DE BABAR 535 SATURNIN LES PETIT CANARD 550 ID TIP ET TAP SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 800 NEWS REPORT ON BUSINESS WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD PASSEPARTOUT GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 CONVERSATION WITH FAMILY FEUD NEWS NEW FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD The s1oooooo Duck Stare Dean Jonee Sandy Duncan reeaerch ecientlat up to hie eara In debt becomea rich men after he acquiree pet duck that producea egge with aolld gold yoika Conclu QWS MINUTES OUT OF THE BLUE Random lacee dllernma beceuee the klda look to him for healing miracle after Chrla lrIuree hie knee and play football OUT OF THE BLUE MIRACLES TROUSSEMITOUFLE WILDLIFE CINEMA 710 BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE 730 MORK AND MINDY NEW KIND OF FAMILY KII Flennegen and Abby Stone take their daputa with the power company to the alrwavea when computercaueed overcharge dlarupte MyTmilE WALTONS GOLDEN HITS OF THE MONKEES SHOW ON AURA TOUT VUl EASY COUNTRY 800 AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAM °IONSHIP PLAYOFFS II fifth Dame nnotplayedlntheAmerlcanLeeguePIawll erIee thealgEvent Movie 0ray Lady DM DU SUPERSPECIALmeu DCenedymenhoetaaeeoueltotheorlginal Gndynian ahaI explorhg the roots and Nuance of goepel muelc with caet of and dancers ARéIllEBUNKERS PLACE DairieeepennerekchleanOWPIydeewee Nehettodoebwtafrlehdyladywhoeeot he bualneae of her ow MORK AND MINDY Mont piaya doctor to an ailing robot named Chuck who la headed for the lunk pile and the two new buddlea proceed to drive everyone around In crazy with their entice AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAM PIONSHIP PLAYOFFS II fifth aging Ie not played in the American League Playoff eerlee regularly acheduied programming will broadcaat TOUTE VITESSE OUIz KIDS SHOW CITY LIGHTS 830 ONE DAY AT TIME Brad to putting the preaeure on Barbara to conaum mete their relatlonehlp forcing Barbara into one of the moat important declelona of her It as THE ASSOCIATES LAPIERRE ONE DAY AT TIME 000 GIFT T0 LAST October 1902Paaeage of tlrne and the new boot lactory have Indeed brought changee to Tamarack Jamee Ia no longer In command ol the family buelneee John Ia becoming more confident though hie marriage le aullerlng probiame Chapter XII do mine leCE Mel gete carried away and glvee hle girl Merle an engagement ring DIILIDOII the grlta hit the fan when Floe boyfriend auggeata that Mel and Marie ahould elgn ement maritel SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE Vamplre 1979 Stare Jeeon Miller EC eheil VEGAS Claaalc car mechanic Walla Tate Ie found dead Dan Tenne Inveatlgelea but cornea up agalnet an agent for the Drug Enforcement Agency of the government Together they unwind the Intricate atory of Talee Involvement In heroin ealea echerne involved with the Beta of olaeeic care 80 SOCIETE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ALICE at THE EDITORS 030 II THE JEFFERSONS mm decldee tO lrnperaonate Loulae end the recoil throwing clrcue THE JEFFERSONS INCREDIBLE WORLD OF ADVENTURE 1000 MARKETPLACE With Joan and Bill Paul 33 TRAPPER JOHN MD Gonzo le alone apparently deeerted by Trapper and by hla eweetheert when he leela morally compglledt9riek hie pgeilifl gt San Francle co Memorial by blowing the whletle on lear power plant do mine W5 Henry Champ teila how on and CMHC have poured bllllone ol dollare downthe drain In eubeldlzed houelng progreme Helen Hutchlneon Iinda how lorrner Jockey Ron Turcotte la rebulldlng hla Ille alter racetrack eplll that left him peraiyxed Jim Reed glvea Canadiane very different look at the Middle so mine PARLONS CINEMA THE SWEENEY SHULMAN FILE 1030 0MBUDSMAN With Kathleen CINEMA 1100 CBC NEWS NEWS CTV NEWS GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 1115 NATIONS BUSINESS Scheduled epeakar repreeentetlve Of the PC Party 20 NEWS 1122 NEWS NEWS MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE COMEDYMYSTERY Lon Goodb e197 WHA IS TRUTH LIVELY SPECIALS 1140 MOVIE C0MEDY leee and Lovere 100 1200 SECOND CITY 1130 MOVIE DRAMA Glaee no erle 1050 JAK LAPIERRE MOVIE DRAMA Sundown 1001 1215 MOVIE WESTERN ShootOut 101 1230 FBI The Doctor says Alcohol abuse hits organs ByPAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donahue What is the cure from the common ail ment known as the hangover Does one suffer any loss of vita mins from the long and ex cessive use of alcohol What diseases stem from it An Alcoholic Sounds like youve been there few times The only surefire cure for hangover no mutter how many gs you use is two aspirins and lots and lots of rest followed by abstention from alcohol The latter is preventive medicine Abuse of alcohol causes serious problems in many or gans Most people are aware of liver damage that occurs in al coholism scarred Iiier cant carry out its normal functions The heartmuscle can be af fected condition called alco holic cardiomyopathy diffi cult problem to treat The pan creas can become inflamed and the stomach awfully irritated from chronic alcohol abuse The brain is not exempt from either binge or chronic use Brain cells are destroyed and memory impaired If certain brain arcas are involved cerebellum coordination is affected have not touched on all the effects and have not mentioned the vitamin deficiencies that are part and parcel of alcohol ism Your thoughts should not centre on the hangover but your real problem the alcohol and what it isdoing to your body You took good step in your letter in the way you signed it There are agencies to help AA being one of them Thats on the first page of the telephone directory so you can find it even through an alcoholic haze Most people who get really bad hangovers are amateur al coholics and most find them to be the surest cure for future hangovers Dear Dr Donohue Is there salve or cream that can be rubbed on the body to help prevent angina pectoris at tacks It seems to me read it in this column long while back Is it prescription item What is your opinion of it am interested in this because member of my family is subject to these attacks usually at night MR There is an effective cream that is applied to the chest for those who suffer from angina It is made of the same substance that you place under the tongue It can be obtained only through doctors prescription The cream preparation is especially helpful for those who suffer nighttime attacks Dear Dr Donahue Will you please define sebaceous cyst and can they be removed Will one become malignant through constant irritation as when comb my hair My age is 69 if that hasany bearing on matters Mrs MAC When the ducts of one of the oil sebum glands of the skin get plugged the oily material accumulates forming cyst If cyst becomes in fected it must be drained Surgical removal is the surest treatment and if the entire cyst wall and all is removed it will not recur No it will not become malignant BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Precipitate play perilous NORTH QA32 VK64 684 0109642 IMA QKQ9732 85 OKJHIS VA72 0A6 OAJ Vulnerable EastWest Dealer West West North Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass South East Pass Pass Pass Opening lead vQ By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Oswald After over 60 years of bridge keep getting more and more im ressed by the importance planning our whole play of the dummy hefore committing yourself Alan Here is good exam ple South won the heart lead with his ace and before you I7 News article 48 Petition ACROSS Water Fr 50 Take meal Burmese 52 Cleopatras currency bane pl Cremation fire 56 Baby carriage Miscalculate 58 Glove 13 Villain in 61 Sums Othello 62 Otherwise 14 Acts 63 Eon 15 Grid position 64 Two singers l7 Resign 65 Group of two 18 lmpudence 66 Spider trap 19 Greek letter 21 Compass DOWN point 22 Western Skinny fish shrub Melody 25 Lap robe Pots 27 Pierce Greek letter 30 Sadfaced pl hound Edible tuber 33 Corn spike Openmouthed 28 Infrequent 29 Citrus drink could say Jack Robinson he had led trum to dummys ace The rest the play was slow and unsuccessful Oswald little thought would have told him that he needed to keep that ace of trumps in dummy as possi ble club entry After that thought he would have cashed his trump king and played ace and jack of clubs Alan West would win and lead second heart to dummys king Then South would lead the ten of clubs from dummy and discard his last heart West would win and lead third heart South would ruff enter dummy with that carefully preserved ace of rum discard his six of diamon on the club nine and score his game Ask Ind EXDCIIS You hold 1088 Maryland reader asks if we open the bidding with this hand No we dont This is one of the very few 13 highcard point hands we pass daily crossword Answer to Previous Puzzle l3 Emil mm III In DEE ERIE BEE IIEEI EDIE 23 Deed 45 Loves Lat 24 Grave robber 47 Alpine 26 Eliploit country 27 3dd9 48 WW plane 49 Hindi dialect wds 51 Advanced in 34 Barometric Krogeny 30 Hench cm years Unll once 31 To be Fr 53 Killed 36 figrd 32 Setup golf 54 French cleric ball 55 37 Freeiplce attachment Fe 39 Animal waste 11 Family of 35 57 Time zone chemical medieval abbl abbr 41 Before this Ferrari 38 S°mh 93 59 National 42 Pack of 16 Weather antelope mm mm hounds bureau abbr 40 Chimpanzee 44 Saved 20 One of the 43 Compass 6° c°°° 46 Rifle Gershwin point Sparks III III HER III fill IIR WI HI III fill lawIII AShOGra Bernice BedeOsoI October 1979 There will be decided turn for the better this coming year in conditions affecting yOur materi al affairs and sense of well being Projects in which you are involved with Others also stand to profit LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Turna bout is fair play If you dont want anyone to abuse your generosity dont ask for trouble by trying to take advantage of theirs SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You may learn hard and bitter les son today il you dont make eve ry effort to cooperate Be supportive not aloof SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Thinking you have all the answers and refusing to listen to the suggestions of others when working on project today could result in wasted energy CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Its not fair to place all the obli gations on associates to fulfill your personal gratifications today Find the ways and the means to do it yourself AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Partnership relations could be little testy today because they get off on the wrong foot Make Wizard of Id 39 cruellymu Shbrt Ribs Bugs Bunny Frank and Ernest Born Loser fearless IIIB Ulle certain you are nor responsible PISCES Feb 20March 20 You are too irritable and impatient today to tackle any major prai ects Shelve anything possible until another time when youre in better frame of mind ARIES March 21April 19 Get ting angry about things you cant have will solve nothing The only result you can expect is good case of making yourself misera ble TAURUS April 20May 20 Thinking you have the right to demand that everyone do things your way is surefire formula for domestic turm0il Make this day of peace not pressure GEMINI May 21June 20 Bottledup emotions could explode on you today Kick shoe or pound some nails In board rather than sound off at innocent persons CANCER June 21July 22 Doing whatever you want to do with whomever you wish to do it without regard for the conse quences may turn out to be more expensive than you can handle LEO July 23Aug 22 From your vantage point you may think your aggressive behavror today appears admirable Others however may see quite another picture VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be wary of what you tell and to whom you tell it today Someone who is not your friend Will use your words in an attempt to dis credit you cYour Birthday October 1979 Before starting new prolects this coming year dont be too quick to write all others in which youve already invested funds and time The yield due you is on its way LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Avoid taking foolish risks today in areas which could cost you money Leave the long shots to someone else and stick to sure things SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Even allies you regard as being very dependable should not be relied upon too heaVIly today Changing conditions could deny you their support SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Unless there is unity of purpose goals you hope to aChlEVE collectively today may not be attained Be sure all con cerned are aiming at the same target CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Give yourself ample time to attend to pr0llly matter requir lng your allenllnn today Compl cations could arise if ll is left to the last minute AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 This can be rewarding day provided you dont lose your resolve or let your selldiscipline become lax Re staunch when firm stance Is needed WHAT WAS Damion YoUEVEKLliED xlll WELL DID YOU HAVE THAT MAMTOMAM TALK WITH WILBERFORCEZ CHALKIES TALKIN ABOUT LEAVIN ME FLo RECKONS WE DONT AJE ONE SINGLE THING 7373860 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St T0 SPEAK UR File HARD4 HEAEIN iN AlrérlTNiNr ITVI FIFIEEN YEARS A00 ii WAS BIG FxEoullVE HTHEN ONE MORNING LOST MY Ll5l 0F THING5 To Do Js gi THATTTLTEEAETKT TiEEEME TWO wears r0 CLlVIES 0dr CF iiiN ALL DUNEi CAPTAN BLAH Ttl 32qu Ml xcrlg flvi ALMYIS Your Wedding Miraions nnouncemcn ts headquarters We provide annual service we W755 SN WILL WE is THE A8iLlTY1b SEE isruminants Raul PISCES Fab 20March 20 Have the courage of your convic tions today Do nothing which is not in accord with your highest standards just to placate some one else ARIES March 21April 19 That which you plan to achieve through earnest effort today will work out to your liking Bank too heavily on luck and things may turn against you TAURUS April 20May 20 Be careful not to let your prudent practical nature desert you in manual matters today Extrava gance or carelessness could prove costly GEMINI May 21June 20 You can handle yourself well in sticky situations today but it wont become you to enlarge upon your accomplishments by telling others about the wonders you performed CANCER June 21July 22 Serious matters should not be treated loo lightly today Dont become depressed OVEr difficult lssues but do view them realisti cally LEO July 23Aug 22 Financial conditions are likely to be mide bag today because you wont apply the same techniques to all circumstances You could be both wise and wasteful VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Tim ing is very important today when implementing plans or programs Starling below you have firm foundation could work to your disadvantage TE gtlivl ngKNEESMTHE Ni GPEAK UP TO ANYONE FCSAUKU5 FCUWNT NOW WE WONT MAKE ANY more NAVIGATIONXL ERRORS TING YJLIK NAILG ANDTELL ME in you thNK new To Plies ily CEWE Tear gtv qu Eill THAT err 8721822 ii DID You mow iNG WfYVE AD lN COMVON Eu

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