the examlner Tuesday April 24 1979 You Can lease 1979 Dotson for Only plus 0m $99 Lic No NTL487 has ont I0000 km month buyback lease on 36 per month Barrie DriVeuCar 43 Essa Rd Barrie 7266474 Flashing their teeth These three youngsters were among the 32 con testants in Saturdays Smileathon at Hayfield Mall at Barrie They smiled for two con secuiive hours before finalists competed in onehour smile off Up per teeth had to be ex posed at all times Win ners were Joanne Lepschi l3 first Bren da Lynch l3 second and Bill Bette l4 third Judges for the contest sponsored by Simcoe County district health unit and local dental and dental assistants associations were Dr Roman Orenchuk Dr Kevin Cool and Dr Richard Denney Ex aminer Photo George Donnelly of Barrie was returned for second term as president of the Brereton annual meeting April in BARRIE ONTARIO THE FINEST IN TAB RUFFLEI CURTAINS CALL 728 093 The RC Party believes the farmer has right to fair profit Ron Stewart cares Other members of the SE LTN GURTAINJ FOR FREE SIIOPATIIOME SERVICE Wayne Patterson I3 New officers for naturalists Field Naturalists lub at the ecutive are David Newberry vicerpresident Alice Dietrich recording secretary lCdna West corresponding secretary Joan McLean treasurer and iiieinbersip secretary loaiiiie Spence program convener llelen tohnstonc and Wynian Jacques publicity Anne Hughes field trips Lillian Sittttitts social convencr tlracc Leigh newsletter editor and Ron Mills conservation tftdlt man The llrcreton Iubs biggest project for the year is sport sorsliip of Savet inr Streams Davie llawke former junior member of the club and now first year student at Sir Sandtord Fleming tollege in Lindsay where he studies fish and wildlife technology was guest speaker IMII Lets get Canada working again BARBIE SPEEDWAY 1979 CAR SHOW APRIL 23 TO 28 BEST IOOKING CAR AWARD roux CLASSES WAYNE FORGET AND VARIETY BAND SATURDAY APRIL 281h 300 PM TO 500 PM AT BAYFIELD MALL FRIDAY APRIL 27 800 PM Editor Claudia Krause+7266537 Kelly Gray l3 aring for roses was the topic of recent meeting of the tiro Horticultural Society held at Urn Township Hall Reta aldwelL director of the anadian Rose Society showed slides of roses and outlined the baSIcs needed to produce good blooms She listed names of good varities along with strong pointsof each panel consisting of Lawrence Leigh Mrs George aldwell Linda Kiausewiti moderated by Mrs James aldwelt offered pointers on planting pruning fertililiiig diseases and control of insects Panel members described how to prepare good specimens for exhibition and answered questions from the audience 90 OFF DAYII See Wed Examiner C53 gemgrlan if Lith Caring for roses topic of meeting Miniature rose bushes availableforsale In addition Leigh provided information about starting seeds Mrs ampbell also chairman of the societys therapeutic gardening pro gram spoke about the project at Edgar Adult Hccupationd tentrc and askul for helpers She can be reached at 72o tiifit formoreinformation lcan Sampson the societys bulletin editor announces the spring plant sale May it llttltt to at tiro Township Hall Mrs illiam Baker at fHi is lliectimcnci bus tour to the National Rose Show at Hamilton Gardens is planned for June 2i ltit more iltittl call lts George lurnhaiii at no or Mrs Kraiisewnat tit min It people places Indians oftltuiada Indians of audit program from the ltoyal ttntario Museum Will be held at Harrie Public Library it it in today The program intended for adiilt iiitlliiilisclimil students will depict all the major cultural group of Indians in anada ioodlands Iroquois West toat and llains Aspects such as the culture lifestyle Itlltlttllls beliefs and economy of thew four groups of Indians will be covered laieiit who wish to bring older children to this program are in ited to do so but children are asked not to conie unac conipanied Arthui Iamieson guest speaker ill use lttlt showing artifacts at the film and will have number of artifacts oti handtoillnstratehistalk Euchre party loodfellow lntci isted Parents are sponsoring spring euchre party today at io in it itxitlftlltiw School Tickets at St in arc aailablc at the door lries will be awarded and refreshments be served ioodfellow School is located at lnnistil Township Linc it and Saltroad 13 Trustees meeting The board of trustees of liar rie and District unjth Way meet today at 30 in ttie tturd ttoor conference room of leoigian ollegcs theatre and administration budding in Barrie Iot more information con tact Lloyd Armstrong Barrie and District United Way ad niinisfrator Two meetings La Lechc League oi Barrie holds its next meeting on Thursday at tiltit at the home of Linda Greenfield 121 trove St and on May to at to am at the home of tieri Willson ttt Virgilwotxl Mothers wishingI advice or assistance 21 hours day may call 7269974 71570191 73a imi 424 film til 72 77M Photography seminar Well known photographer lludd Watson of Midland will present seminar at Georgian ollegc theatre Barrie on thiturday The course is called Develop ing an Individual Approach to Pictorial Photography lost is $15 For more tIl forinatoii call 72 tom ext 317 an Lgnders Direct approach best Dear Ann Landers Since you deal with every imaginable kind of problem this will not shock you hope How does one man tell another that his Zipperlis open Its not difficult to tell woman her sli is showing or that she has run in her stocking but the well thats another story Yesterday two young men in their 205 were shopping in department store noticed one of these fellows had his lip per wide open They were strangers to me but felt should say something They both looked at me as if was nuts Is there polite way to inform person about this embar rassing situation Please advise Grateful If Someone Tipped Me on Dear Grateful The direct approach is best Mistcryour zipper is open If you get looked at funny its because of embarrassment and surprise No matter what the reaction Im sure such information is always appreciated Dear Ann am in my early 40s attractive youngish with lots of vitality My husband is interested in nothing beyond our living room or perhaps its dying room because our marriage is dying there have tried every trick in the book to get him otit of this rut but nothing works We dont have any close friends because that would mean an invasion of his privacy and disruption of his routine Id love to go to movie ballgamc dance or even goatroping but he cant be bothered The boredom in my life is deadly Ive resolved that if he wont let me pull him out of this rut hes not going to pull me in with him need something beyond these four walls and will find it on my own If you print this please omit the city and perhaps few thousand husbands who see themselves will think it was written by their wives Maybe that will get them offtheirteadlined bottoms Alive Andlooking Dear and usually advise energetic women who are married to stickinthemuds to tilt their days with satisfy ing activities so they will be less resentful of staying home nights If this doesnt do it and you meet livelier friends with whom you can share some mutual activities your husband has no grounds to complain After all IIE was your first choice Dear Ann Landtrs YUI female chauvmist would not have believed it But recent letter gave you away When someone asked Who was it that said You can always tell Harvard man but you cant tell him much You replied Probably Yale man Dont you know that both Yale and Harvard now have great many women among the student body Please Ann move into the current century Your Vintage is showing The New Breed Dear Breed Right you are Approximately 36 per cent of Yales student body last year were females Harvards percentage was higher nearly it per cent So well have to rephrase the old joke to fit the times You can always tell tlarvard person but you cant tell em much llowzat Somehow it loses little in the translation liked it better the other ay Forwhat its mrth Disco different It IttlAIIIIf WORTH The sounds of disco music echo jxrsistently through the room The thump thump thump of the bass vibrates under my feet The thin nasal tones of sortie nameless Singer cry ing in anguish fora lost love echo through my head Above me the lights are dim mixture of red blue and yellow cat ching at the black and silver wall at my back and all around me dancers dressed almost uniformly in blue jeans gyrate and move to the insistant rhythm watch with growing interest This is the now genera tion dancing anywhere in age from to to fit Here are the children raised to the jungle beat of The Village People The generation who cannot imagine time before there was teley ision or freee dried coffin or world into which the Beatles hadnt yet been born For these kids rolling stones will never gather any moss just court injunctions They are the children of the flower people who were to be raised in world of peace and tranqudity winch never quite happened People who ill always know the double entendre of words like grass and pot who can accept moon flights and instant world comminncation without sense of wonder but who stare wide eyed with tIIldtttttlt watching the miracle of fleece being spirit into wool look at faces mostly set in defernnned lines of concert tration Hands and arms jerk rhythmically with the beat feet move It set pattern of repetition Serious business this Faces stay dead pan Smiling isnt cool at least until soiiietmdy goofs tticr= they all break up instant sunshine lighting up the gloom In the centre of the group is one man taller than the rest very quiet but very much in control Ills moyenients are totally fluid Surely nothing as rigid as bones in his body The kids watch intently adding new movements to match his acknowledging with apprecitition his greater skill The beat qunkens the pace changes they are doing one of the new dances Si mehow it looks familiar watch for while then realic that they are all into good old rock and roll just like we did in the tifties Dont tell them though Let them ILttttt lheyrehavingtun Uh and if youre wondering what am doing at the local liStttlIltqut Im not its just an afternoon dance workshop in the library follys Pointers Baking soda cleans steel Ill ltll would ippit iatt am suiitcs Ilttll lItI Itllltllt tllt ituilk flfllll flit Itllllll wltillttjitittlIH liitttt ll lilll IHAR MI ItIII Perhaps the following letter ftom Lynn will be helpful ltlll INCA IIII lo ItItltt stains from stainless steel sinks and latiiiiiatitt pl flt ountti tops with no riiarrinii drilling or sci ttttftlitt use lialiii and instead of leansers lo kccp ice tubes from stir king in the tray spray the tray lltllllh Ill If tiicttililc cookmi spray the cuties will pop out for easy storing when lot of ice is needed for party Tn tlucatl yaiii through the eye of needle when doing crcwcl Work or needlepoint use small folded piece of papei Im the yai ii in the fold and slip the paper through the cyc of tlic Illltllt To remove rust stains from ciothing dampen the spots and apply equal portions of cream of tartar and baking soda Ilace in the sun until drv Sometimes this has to he repeated time or two but the stain will come out and there is no ring LYNN DICAH ltill When you have perfume cologne or toilet water with smell that you do not particularly likc do not throw it away but add few drops to the water each time you launder your lingerie You will be surprised at the pleasant aroma your utidcrthnigs will have when dry MAItIl lIAIt Pill While was away on trip for Itl days left my house plants as follows An old towel was put in the bottom of the bathtub and then covered Will thick wet pad of newspapers The well watered plants were set on this pad have three hanging plants so stucll household funnel into each of them after cramming the ends with cotton and filling With water Ilic water filtered through slowly and the plants were still damp and fine when returned It ILI