semen mn 13 the examiner Tuesday April 24 1979 television guide TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 In El NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHow CBS NEws ABC NEws NEws PARTY GAME IE JEREMY 645 IE HATTYTOWN TALES 655 IE WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow TIC TAC DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS Ill NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHow PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHow cue it NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW Guests rtn Payne Debra Washington PETER APPLEYARD MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHow 800 CLIFFHANGERS STANLEYCUPHOCKEYW gamerntheOuarter Finalsrtnecessarylorrirst In the Sam FInals hrs PAPER CHASE Professor Kings fields annual scavenger hunt which Involves researching I00 legal Questions In three days and Creates chaos In the library arouses the th of the dean and the taculty 60 mins HAPPY DAYS When Fonze loses his Vision because of head many he begins to realize the true meaning OI irrendshrp LIVELY COUNTRY DIFFERENT UNDERSTAND ING wrm Do You Do With Km le That ThrndayalnthaIiiaoiatoonaoeboywtthiurn inc diaabllllraa and the problems he faces with iamlthachcol and paera AT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT MOVIE MUSICALDFIAMA Carmenggrboa I954 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne Ia riding high when she starts dating Jake the leader of the Purple Fronds oi Fear TWOS COMPANY THE REAL STORY 900 WHEELS Adamlrentonaexperimental carprciactJhoHawkIareactivatednrrdwithrt his aifair wrth advertrsrng executrve Barbara LIpton Stars RockHudsonteeRernIrk Pt IV we art caries hrs ESDAY NIGHT MOVIE lhe Dosertar l9 Stars John Huston Richard on THREES Mysterrous phone calls and secret meotmgs lead Jack Janetand CnnasytobelrcvnthatHeienRoper is havrnu an sits with her husband best friend GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests ry GailIn JanIe Fricke Gloria Kaye Usrng his police contacts Smokey Stevenson gets the shoplifting charges against Erica Trenton dropped the death at her younger sun In VIetnern Is the final blowthatsendsErIcaIoseekthepsyrhmtncaid that can help her rebuIld her hie wIIh Adam nclusmn 2hrs VISTA lhe GreeIIMachIrIe IInIe lapse photography provrdes VIIId proof for tho most recent broiogrcnl theories of plant movement wth and chemrritlchanue ALICE 930 on TAXI Johnandhrsnewwde Suzanne reach crisis point In their marnegp when because of financml woes one oi them must outotcolleae TURNABOUT 1000 2020 QUINCY Omncy sets out on relentless quest to determme whether charred remains ioilowma bombing are those of hit mans ndedvrctIrn R60mins MEN OF IDEAS MaerSt Philosophy Ontord professor Charles Taylor Canadian analyzes the hIstory and paradox of Marxism NEWSUPDATE NEws 1001 BARETTA 1100 In NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS at MOVIE oDRAMA Inn of the Sixth Happiness 1059 1120 Ii NEws 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Guest host 20st Guest Drahann Carroll 90 mm LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES Gold Record For Murder rock arnoer Ia Barnabya prime suspect In the murder of songwriter MADIGAN The Manhattan Stars Richard Widmark Ronny Cox MOVIE MUSICAL 53 howboat1951 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 145 WORLD ATWAR Thisepisodedetaila the beginnrngoi the and ot the German lorcea In Europe wIth theiaunchrnq otOperatIon Anvil the Aiired Invasion at Southern France 60 min 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSE Duel 1971 1200 to MEDICAL CENTER r13 MOVIE DRAMA Rome Like Chicago 19117 1210 It MOVIE SUSPENSE The Vatican Altair 1969 100 TOMORRow In MARCUS WELaY MD 130 NEws 200 79 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 210 TROUBLE WITH TRACY historically speaking todgy in history pril 2i I1i71i Ncw York City police hiokc up an assassination attcmpt on hiang hingkuo son and heir apparcnt of icncralissimo hiang Karshck of Nationalist hIna IIIIIc yIars ago tonight III ltlTo inc wild shot was fircd at tho cntrancc to hiangs hotel by onc of two Incn who subsequently wcrc rrcstcd I701 Phc first IKS newspaper thc Boston Newsletter bcgan puhlicat Ion 1896 Donald Smith founder of tho anadian Pacific Railway was appoIntId high coinmissioncr to Britain tstis Spain dcclarcd war IIII thc lnitcd Statcs lfllti Tho Eastcr ltcbcllion hogan in Dublin I919 tandy rationing ciidcd in Britain barries stag April 3t IIIIIII Ihc RtAl torporals lub at Camp Borden cntcrtaInId Dcfcncc Minister Paul HcllyIr canadas story Uttcr iiciiIIcd Battlcford Aftcr Month if Sirgr Inc of thcsc storiIs rchntly dcscribId thc dangIr prairiI sctticrs wcrr in during thc Northwrst ltchrIlion ti 1813 ihcy had to abandon thcir lIonIIsand find shcltIr in NWMI compounds thncycr possiblc Man of llltlll Ilcd to BattlIford tho original capital of thc Northwcst ltrritorics aftIr anada bought lIupIrts fund from thc Hudsons Bay onipan liaitlcford was row of thc first placcs attackcrl by thc lIIdIaIIs whcri thc tlll on tho warpath thicf lound rnakIr lId his rccs thIrc and sackId thr homcs and slows wliilc pIoplI atIltId from th safrt of tlic policc ba rrar ks month IIIIII wcrc kIpt undIr sirgr for IIIarty iiIIIral Middlrton chicf of thc aniidian militia or dIrcd olonrl llrrchtncr of thr IIMI to takr so of his iIItil and try to rcliIIc liattlrford by marching zoo lllllts from ltrgina horsIs and thIy would llIrr lliiltr rchIsId Uni half his IiIrII had haw had to ford thc South Saskairhcwan ltiwr thr was thcn in full flood lIIc would ho was targrts for thc Indians whilc trying to gIt at As it was an almost unhcard of thinLI for polir Iiffirrt to rriwt an ordrr but llrrchmcr was right Middlrton rcyiscd his plan and arrangId to sInd argrr forr from Sw Ift IirrInt lcd by olonIl WI tittcr ho jwars iatIr commandcd thr anadirins in thr NI Aar Irrirvrs forr irIriudrd thr 30 mIrnbrrs of thc NWMI hon llrrrIIiTlir had rrfuscd to squandcr llv rIar hId Battlcford on April 21 and loiiridmakIr did risk riot battlr with supIrior force of soldiIrs and poIr llr prcfrrrrd to liyc to fight another day and did rtcfcal ttIr two wrcks latcr at Iitknifc llill it was thrilling Ixprricncr for thc pcopli of lfatticford whrn thcj hrard military band approaching and thc lrIdIarIs lrft lhcn thr soldiers apprarcd owr hill and Inc llttllrIL could bc hIard for miles rilirilt EVENTS 0N Allti 21 1026 77 Champlain sailed from Dirppr on llth voyagc to Canada lel lrinrr Edward lslarid achiIvcd rcsponsibir gov crnmrnt undcr corgr Colts lrImicr 172 Ilalhousir tniycrsity Halifax graduatId first students in mrdiriric 1893 Joshua Slocum of Nova Scotia brgan voyagr around thr world in small sailboat at dinricr Mr llcllycr ac ccptcd an invitation to bc thc guest speaker lhc Barric hamhcr of om mcrcc askcd city council to im provc thc clcanup of ion ntown strccts and sIIggrstcd that if thc strcct swccpIr opcratcd by thr city could not do better job it should hr aungntcd by manual swccpcrs ltcfcrring to rcccnt hcpatItIs cascs at liuronia School in nisfil Township Dircctor of Illt Simcoc tounty liclth Init Dr Scott said thc dIsrasc was hclicvcd to havc bccn brought into thc arca by casc not diagnosed until thc damagi wasdonc Inch to hayr thc county study thc possihlc advantagc of taking ovcr thI municipalitics sharc of cost of lUiillIll was dofcated 22 to 20 aftcr somc spiiitId dcbatc at Simcoc Touri ty ouncil Royal Victoria Hospital ac quircd thc scryiccs of psychiatrist administrator amcron announccd at hoard of dIrIctors nIIcting lr llavid lurk of London tint was complcting his final ycar at Wcslcrn linivcrsity and was to assumc his position at tho hospital July Harold Xirighani of Barrio was circtId prcsidcnt of thc Siiricoc IIItII Ncw llcmocratic larty lJIcItcd first IIccprcsIdInt at tho associations annual nitcling III thc ptiblic library was liussrll loguc of Wasaga Boarh Ed icngc of lIairIc was nanch sccond vicr prcsidcnt Anthony Butts an iHrycarold gradc l3 studrnts at lIarric North ollcgiatc was to coIIIpItr for lanada in thc fam cd omtnonwcalth riflc corn pctItIon at llislcy England Biff Stadnik i2 was among the hundreds who turned out to check vintage comic books in the citys first molar science fiction and comic book conven tion CP Photo Youll need more than Pap smear By PAUL RUBLE Ml Dear Dr Ruble recently had Pap smear and asked my doctor about my bladder prob lem lately when cough or sneeze urinate little The doctor told me have an en larged uterus that is pressing on the bladder causing this problem was told to do ex erciscs or to have corrective surgery The exercise doesnt seem to help much Do you have further information about this am 51 and near the end of my menopausc have thrcc children The urination problem is called stress incontinence The exercise chcl some times helps but it may be sonic time before results can bc notcd The uterus is located fairly close to the urinary blad dcr and urine tubes Iurctcrsi it is possible for greatly cn largcd organ to cause the urian tion problem The utcrus cII largcmcnt should be in vestigated Thcrc is tendency for thc utcrus to dccrcasc sonic what in size after mcnopausc and your problem might corrcct itself in fcw ycats if fibroid tumor is causing thc cnlargcmcnt that too would dccrcasc in sizc aftcr mcnopausc But if your in contiiicncc continucs and is not hclpcd by thc cxcrcisIs tho surgery may help thc pltlltlil You will nccd morc than Pap stncar to pinpoint thc causc of your strcam lll Cliillllttltt urologist should evaluatc thc hiaddcr situation Mcanwhilc continuc thc chIl cxcrciscs which arc conr sciously contracting thc mus clcs uscd in shutting off urina lit Dear Dr Ruble What Is violet is chemical compound and has nothing to do with roots Dont confuse it with another sub stance called gentian which is extracted from the gentiana lutea yellow gentian plant Gentian The root product has been popularforycars asatonic The gcntian violet to which you refer is dark bluish solu tion which is often used in liquidapplication to combat certain fungi and bacteria in fections It is effective against many organisms but chiefly against monilia common va ginal infection it is also helpful in alleviating anal pruritis itch due to infection The other root product gen tian has had many uses over the years but has been particu larly popular in ionic form for trcatmcnt of upset stomach It is onc Of the medicines handed down from the ancient Greeks and Arabians Gentian Violet on tho other hand while time honorcd and effective treat mcnt has bccn replaced by othci morc convenient nicdicrncs that dont have thc disadvantagc of bluestaining clothing IIIair ltr ltiihlc About how much salt should pcrson gctinaday llll onsidcrahly lcss than hcs probably gctting if hc is typ ical North Anicrican About thrcc grams day is rccorn rncndcd for thc avcragc adult to stay hcalthy bit morc if hc is cngagcd III vigorous work or Iscrcisc Thrcc grams is about halt tcaspoon An avIIagc hoiriog IIIIght contain half that amount so you soc how casy it Is to ovIrdo on salt gcntian vioch and what in Dear Dr ltuhlIz Arc fcctions is it good for Wbcrc do bananas constipating they got thc roots No Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Bumper play helps timing TA IIIoIIrls hcforc going riftcr NH hcarls lf IIIarts IIII 42 and thc ritt Is III thc hrind Wllll tlIr long litarts lll will losc both hunt trick and thc 1093 arc of llJllliIlllil lIIiithIrinorc If hc attacks WEST 551 diarrionds and NW man with jl thc acI holds up twicc takcs 10 thI third dIaIIIoiIIl and loads 725827 248 second spadc Ia spadc was lcd originallyi South Will be StllTTll Iri dIIrIIIIIy for thc last tiiric t3 and will lIrIvI to rlIItrlc lic twccn his two plays right ti ll tliIII lIIkIrs points out Vulncrablo NorthSouth LIIIIIPILMVPpl33 Dealer Smith row of rlIaIIioIIds Itf hI docs West Iiorth East South holrl itI on tlIc scconrl dia monIl lcad Pass lo Pass NT At trick two South corncs Pass fl Nl Pass Pass to his hand with It IIIart Pass pcning load Hi owl Wc IrI IrIdIthd to Paul lukics and thc Brtdgc World Iriagzilinc for todays hand Playing at six notrump South has It surc tricks and can got his lilth If horirts lltilk ZIJI In Iii tl III chaiicII or tlic club fincssc Will work fit fit IIII ccnt chanch South would ltkr to hr ablc to try both but hc iIIIIst knock out tlic of til1 lw daily crossword ACROSS hi IlII ix ier an In mm JIIW ilfllrilrlltl pmrrrl It In S4 MINI Il Morlri If Irllfl1lc syntwv Si RI rilfllv I5 iriril mm It trim of III DOWN In but hit llnrr is air 19 iltIIIWIIII 7f LidMiro id liIIlrIiIlIIi 26 Milu Midy Ff IliumVII 7f illown Il hiiri rill ilil Wdicll lisIIy III loIt rIIIV ltln Apiuulrnrl éAVs ltovvriii irmis llIII kinus illlfliii Nopruti Intogown Katrina thin rIl lliilfrtiltf lfl NtftlrlllJt crinlrintiriri HIIiIsnrd stair latihrr iwuiri ll lillltl 19 lrriw port Pl litIlIlllllIt1 onpam Irirnt 36 iifsririii rlfrnont ll 38 WIanII quit 40 léililw supports 4i Liiridinr boat 42 iléii Ial rirlrp La LJ 19 Saint rackct Stahh WITHIN 39 limiil lllllltH CD lcads diamond to duriimys king coIIiIs back With sIconrl hunt and lcrids ri sIconddIiIIIIoIIrltodiimriiys qiiccti lZrist Will Slilll trikc his acr in IIopIs that tho diamond jack Is in thc Wrist hand Now South can afford to try for thc IIIart brczik and kccp thc club fiIIIssc in rIscrvr Ask the Experts lIIiricsscc Ititiltl asks if thc lzitc llowriid sclIriikcii IIIchItId thr wIrik two bid No but hc Is Icspoiisihlc for Its IIIoIlIiII form and Its grncial rprIt adoption ilI Illillltl Al things on 43 lair ll ldtr 414 Main ir IIIiIrItIlfirI ililillillll Ll Wrilc by IIIirIIIrII lIIiIlIsr 2t AIIII wdnl db is human ll not 48 First IiiI liIIlIl will 49 Drritist drqrrc Ith 50 lflltélllgtllt rt 51 nc Soil lJIIsorinI 27 LIII Its IrIIrImI WI Ant itlll Itrrngerl Instrument ll lVll wrorir to 147 rg Airy13 wins Bernice Bedéogo cYour cBirthday April 25 1979 maior move could be afoot for you thrs coming year one that Will change y0ur basrc litestyle conSIderably Those problems of the past are now on the mend TAURUS April 20May 20 Put ting on big front may do wonders for your ego but not for your Image Be yourself and seek out those who also arent pretentious Ninthrop HAPPINE65 I5NTOL5IA MATreact BEING RICH GEMINI May 21June 20 Berng an Intellectual person you can get QUIte Introspective some times Today you may carry this to extremes and end up with severe case of brOOdIng CANCER June 21July 22 Going along With what the group wants to do is fine and dandy when you can afiord It but when you dont have the money Its plain fooiIshness LEO July 23Aug 22 Optimism may be carried tOO far today You could end up breaking your neck for something totally unrealistrc Face the facts VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Youll have to prove yourself if you lead Others to belreve you know what youre talking 012 HANDï¬OME Of WT Bugs Bunny CAPTAIN FLUB WANT DONT OKAY BLUNDEIZ To BE REQPECTED F02 WANT To WOMAN KISSME MV MIND TER BANK r7543 WHAT KIND OEZEIFT ID For OPENINC NEW BE JUST LOVE OBJECT Frank and Ernest 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St LOOK AT wrNTHrasP HES HAPPY it if flr YOUR CHOICE OF 9LVEECHINA OR PORTABLE TV Meg os 911m about Make certain you can back up yOur claims LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 If at all possrble try not to get en meshed in the affairs Of Others today especially if It Involves money Uniortunately youll be the loser SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Keep your Opinions to yourself and dont even offer any suggestions today Chances are what you say will be blown out Of proportIon and coud be used against you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Although you are rackot ali trades there are some things that take practice You could make costly mistake today If you play the expert In Job you know only slightly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Everything In moderation should be your motto today if youre not careful Overindui gence could sneak up on you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your mate will give you in return exactly what you put forth today If youre expecting much youd better be pre pared tO offer lot PISCES Feb 20March 20 its elbow grease and not talk that Will get the tab accomplished today If something important needs dorng roll up your sleeves Get to work ARIES March 21Aprii 19 Ex travagance always has heavy price tag Today will be no different Watch your spending so you wont suifer later HAVE KNACK OI WALKth INTO CONVEQSATION AT THE WOULD You MINV HOLDING MY PLACE lN LINE WHIL$T PHONE MY 5TOCKBROKEK7 if 3i uuusr 2915 EAIAND PUT Taaseaza He at sizr 35 THIS is YouR PAPTAIN SFEAKING Irs FUNNY ow ME AN ELS IE AMAYS END UP THE LOSSES CALLIHATA BIT SUSPtCtOUS WHAT WOULD You CALL ITP Announcements Headquarters at We provide loanout service YOURE CUTE WHEN vourzs ANGQV RATE IT IIIHen PLAY PRALTICAL JOKES ON ow Aaour MINIgt OVER CHATTER Jar Lu