Portrait gift for Trudeau After appearing at TVA local station in Quebec Ci ty Prime Minister Trudeau received an oil portrait painted by Quebecbased young amateur CP Photo Rigas one Russian city where living standards high RIGA Soviet Union tReuteri Hopes and problems of the Soviet economy come sharply into focus in this Baltic city where incomes are among the highest in the Soviet Union By the standards of other So viet cities the shops are well stocked With clothes and house hold goods Radios record players and other consumer goods roll off the production lines in light industrial plants 0n the outskirts of Riga new factory has started making such novelties for the Soviet Jumble sale biggest ever LONDON ICPi The worlds largest jumble sale ill be staged at Alexandra Palace North London May 377 in aid of the worldwide Save The hil dren Fund during this I11Itl national Year of the hild More than To tons of clothes books phonograph records tapes toys ornaments postage stamps and other odds and ends are expected to raise more than 50000 for the fund Last year threeday jumble at lyiiipia London raised Latino for thr iund winning the sale place in the Guinness Book of World Records shopper as tltl1lt tooth brushes kitchen mixers 1111ttt oyciis and tlttllii carting kiiiycs fficial figures slit that lit dustrial prixtuctioii has tiltllll plied 42 times since Lain in was absorbed into the Sm tit tiiioii in litlit The average wage here is $24011 month higher than tllt Soviet norm But the Iatians still ltit their pioblciiis line tr mg to buy roast on which to test lic new electric caryiiig kllllt iii the snow covered gt1tlitll out side Itigas central department store the incat liiic starts to form an hour lttlttll daw llNllIltS 1t11 After custoiiicis itl for up to an hour in iiiart l1ttllli weather the door open and several hundred houscwnw nish in only to Itsttntl this once again the Itltrll and lII age counters are bare Meat shortages are per maiicnt problem 111 Illt Sowi Inion but seem incongruous in 1atia centre of Sowt im stuck farming which claiiiis to produce more iiicat pci capita than Franci or West ticiiiian liatyians say tariii suppliw were worse than usual this in ter because thc harmst mined by torrential raiiitall four times thc noriiial lcycl GRAND 0PElIll6 tollcclni and titc tariiis stitltttlilll ltl iiicat and dairy pioduciioii air major prop of thc lit ll1 icoiioiiiy but lilllll iitL Iltl liciii It of success than iiidustiy ItItlIt 111ilt ltttlttltiils iii Itttlil years since lllo oicr all agricultural production lids increased by only it per cent barely keeping ahead HIll tlic llitltitxtltipiipttlitlllltl IIIII IItll Hiic iica whcic growth has betii iiiiich ltll1 is fllllllL but itttttlij ot llsll iiid tlic spread ot loo iiiilc xoncs are starting to IIJIilIl llit styli ll Iltt Soyiit llti ll lack ot tisli in thc sea is lltillltltl thicli Nnict piiiiiiicis mi do little to olic but tlicic tttltlllt of other strains iii ttic Iit iaii icoiioiny l1tll oss toiiiiiiiiiiid stt iiii has complained that lttttlldlitl tiigct l1llll hayi tlic toi cc of law iii the rigid sj ltIlt ot oict planning were being igiioitd on largc calc ilc ltltllllt irresponsibility by iiiaiiiici iltlll local lllllllill and tttillts out it tllts of statc lllllt llttlllllllt 1ityias two big radio and electronics iiitcr piisi VIII and Ifrttllttltklllllkil ltil lIlltillItltlt lill of plan tilIlLtllslItiltllt litilltti industry has failed to yyiiiiiiiIlirirrrrIrIIIIIIIIIII CONTACT lENSES Soft $15000 Hard $10000 Flexible $13500 HUNDREDS OF FRAMES FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM BA FIELD OPTICAL BA FIELD MALL 73 74464 artist meet its targets for raising la liot productivity Voss says It tcriing to problem which at lttl the whole Soy ltl icoiioiiiy lltll is especially important for more dcyclopcd regions such as Iat ia latia and the neighboring Ilaltic republics of IIstoiiia and IilIllllilllltll1£ittl1tltltl birth rates in tlic Soy iit liiion Ihcrc is general shortagc ot labor economic growth has to conic from more citicicncy and WE llilillNHIS lllIlil lilttNSlIth 1Iv lhc iiil gian Iitiolcuiii Iitlt1ftlltitl ritciitly pledged to cooperati lll1 tlic goycriiiiiciits plans to ration llttl iiig fuel The gtncrn iiiciit has cut limo heating fuel allocation to pritatc citiciis by Llli per cent and It pci cent for industries St For farm land buildings or major improvements Features include repayment terms up to 25 years optional interest rate ï¬xed or floating Most profitable year in its history CN earned 78 net income of $136M OTTAWA CP Canadian National Railways earned net income of $1361 million in 1978 the most profitable year in its 56year history In its annual report released Wednesday the government owned line said it returned dividend of $272 million to the federal treasury The results were obtained despite the fact that the rate of growth of the Canadian econ Farmers told omy was well below the aver age of the last 20 years said CNR president Robert Barr deen He said the sixpercent rate of return on investment was still below acceptable coin mercial standards but he was confident the upward trend we have established will cori tinue Part of the CNR success story for the year was credited to recapitalization which con verted $801 million of debt held by the government into com mon stock As result about $55 million in annual interest charges were wiped out Even without recapitaliza tion however the company would have shown net income of $71 million more than times the profit shown in 1977 he said Classification of quotas for tax purposes difficult LONDON nt ti Some farm production quota prices have increale tenfold in the last eight years but because quotas are nontangible asset the taxman does not seem to know how to classify them says an Ontario agriculture ministry economist Ralph Winslade of the minis trys Vineland station told more than 100 farmers Wednesday at the opening of the annual poultry industry conference and exhibition at the Western Fair that thc taxman has com promised by making half the value of the quota taxable and half untaxable When it comes to income tax purposes they taxmeni have real problem Wiiisladc said Quota isnt land 11 isnt equipment So they consider it in the nothing category Production quotas are used by marketing boards to control the supply of commodities to meet consumer demand The volume of quota is restricted and has increased in price he causo of farmer demand CONTROL PROIHCIIUV Quotas are used in ntaiio to control production of such coiir modities as tobacco chicken eggs turkey and milk Winsdale said turkey quotas have increased tenfold to cents pound this year from Farmers await tariff details 111A fi As their crops begin to grow in May and June farmers will be learning whether six years of inter national bargaining has ciilti yatcd fertile ground for in creased agricultural exports Farm and food industry groups aiiXiously are awaiting details in cuts in tariffs and im poit quotas on products by the tuitcd States the IIuropeaii IIcononiic oin iiiiinity and Japan The details are expected hy the end of June While some details of the agreement reached under the iciicral Agreement on lariffs and Trade are known govern 11ltlllttllltltll5 say some still are being orkcd out The most significant benefit for consumers will be reduced food price increases in the ncxt eight years as tariff cuts take effect agriculture department economist Mike iifford said Wednesday However the moderation will likely be barely incasureablc it food prices continue to increase at tEtperrcent annual rate as they did in 1978 ILLIHIVIIFII anada and the have agreed to try to cqtialilc their tariffs for similar products which means concessions on both sides But all regions of taiiada stand to benefit from increased export possi liilitiis to the market Deputy Prime Minister Allan Macilachcn says Among the winners will be potato growers Industry sources say both countries are committed to reducing tariffs to 11 cents Iiuiidrcdwciglit TORONTO DOMINION lwik uiwn puiva Ilukt ltw thinmt See your local TD Manager agricultural from 1175 cents At the same time the will withdraw system under which the tariff on anadiaii potatoes lllltlllMtI to 73 cents once quota on imports as icaclicd three cents pound in 1971 and chicken quotas have jumped to well over $551 bird from $1110 in the same period If quota prices are allowed to increase without any ceiling as suggested in recent study by two tiiiycisity of Guelph economists linsladc said the immediate eftcct would be very high quota prices which could dropotf latcr Itob Morris the agricultural rcpiescntatiye for Toronto 11o ininioii Itank told the meeting that banks like farmers to have quota as assurance of stable income but they will not bet on fluctuating quota values as so curity tor loan At present there are flllllr cultics iii obtaining the iicccs tt security on the quota and therefore should the quota be financed the banks lll prob ably lic sciking security on other assets be said The tittlllllll of credit for the purchase of quota will depend on the type of quota liciiig pur chased tlic financial strength of the borrower and thc ayail ability of other Illttllls oi sccur it The parliamentary bill ap proving recapitalization also provided that CNR would return 20 per cent of its profits to the government and would finance its capital program through profits and borrowing on money markets Gross revenues for the year were the highest in the com panys history totalling $287 billion 1N Hail the companys larg est division had gross revenues of $2 at billion ltpercent in creasi over 1977 During the year the INlt continued to transfer its responr ability for passenger services to VIA Itail but still lost $56 million on such services The company said these losses would be eliminated gradually as VIA takes over all passenger services gonection JACKPOT If APRIL other bright spots in 1978 The Grand Trunk Corp holding company for CNR whollyowned US railways had net income of $303 mil lion compared with $272 million in 1977 CN Telecommunications increased its income by more than 20 per cent through an 11 percent growth in revenues CN trunks rolled to profit before tax of $212 million com pared with $23 million in 1977 despite what IN called severe competition from other highway carriers and other transport rivals Ct hotels division showed profit of $27 million compared with loss of $23 million in 1977 The company said the aver age number of employees total led 78247 in 1978 slight de crease from 1977 21197918 $95445510 GROWING Nf 113889012 10 AS XAS Illlt titllil ytthI AY APRIL 161979 rve had an accident But need transportation Will my car insurance pay for car rental If you have loss of use endorsement on your auto policy You could receive up to per day for as long as 30 days towards car rental while car IS being repaired or irnrriediotely after the incident it your car is not drivable Similar coverage is available for comprehensive losses The Cost is very low Bring your auto insurance policy to and let us analyse your coverage 80 sure you have this useful protection My Fridge has been destroyed in house fire get new If you have endorseirioiit $20 VUU for depreciation save ii large cash outlay in the event of loss you do not have LUVQYHQI U5 Will replacement cast your insurance would pay the full cost of new tridqe Without deduction It in doubt your home owners policy Can insure my boat for more than one Your boat This could Most likely be certain this useful bring in boat We ensure its cost may be insured for to days actual cash value With recent inflation your boat may not be fully protected You would be wise to have reappraisal of its value to that in the event of loss you would not be out large difference to buy new provide servoce to proper coverage Please drop in With your present policy leftitlttnl INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 53 AUTO HOME MARINE BUSINESS BONDS tlABlLITY BOILER GROUP PENSION ilfE DISABILITY RARHIE 41 Owen St 7269941 HIMKUIUID 17 IlJlilt St 7755411 Aitlfiith 438 VitltHltl St 435 9141 Hill 326 4371 Ilia14 ROCKETTILLER ivttLlt Firtpe tip Cilt for clutch tliigtliv reverse irry alui All major oporatirig trots on handlebar Goo shill imumwo speeds forward and two inverse loiigti steel hoe tinmj Universal welded steel tines Hinged steel tnilboard levels tilted sod Eleven sets of taper roller and needle bean ings in transmission and tine gear case Tiller drive goats iiin to oil bath daublo Roaled for protection 15fo wit Hi lift operation 1pmt Hon lott engine liitcti iiyii ittnltti ttl eh cir 11h Heavy duty belt drive With two Vbelts Heavy duty ltdLliit typo bar tires 00 pneumatic CAL MADILL LAWN GARDEN EQUIPMENT HNY MI OF BARBIE AT ST PAULS 4361913