the examiner Frlday Apr 20 1979 11 Head waiter label put on Clark by PM Not on voters list Heres what to do TIAWA itll Voters overlooked by enunierators have two weeks to get their names on the voters list or they will lose their right to vote in the May 22 federal general election Chief Electoral Officer Jean Marc Hamel said Thursday in an interview the lists prepared by enumerators who collected names doortodoor are dam iied close to complete He said only 15 to per cent of the estimated million eli gible voters were left off the lists in process that costs be tween Sit million and SH mil lion Doublepage ads began ap pearing in daily newspajxrs across the country lhursday telling these people to phone their returning officer the person responsible for running the election in each con Prejudice problem says Kashtan BRAMPTON nt ttPi The national leader of the Com munistlarty of Canada says his partys biggest problem is the prejudice against the name Communist But William Kashtan told news conference Thursday that the Canadian people should look at what his party stands for rather than the name it carries and break out of the Liberal and Conservative trap in the May 22 federal election We intend to tight an active energetic and angry cani paign he said think its time to be angry at the current government and the situation Canada has been put in hope Canadians will pay heed to the priorities of Canada He said that when the Com munist party speaks of change its members re speak ing of liberating Canada from the dominance of multinational corporations Its policies were aimed at full employment stable prices redistribution of income to benefit working people and price and profit control The party advocated new constitution to guarantee real unity for Canada on the basis of an equal and voluntary part ner ship between the French and English It would pursue for eign policy based on peace de tente and disarmament SCHOOL Aiiala Central Alliston Union Baxter Central Bradford Public Cookstown Central IIon Earl Rowe Sir Wm Osler SEPTEMBER Fletcher Chairman 900 am stitueiiey to have their names added to the list Voters who lid not receive form stating they were enuiner ated have four ways of getting on the voters list before the May deadline Hamel said Any eligible voter Cana dian citizen more than years old who resided in Canada on April can sign an appli cation at the returning office This is the simplest procedure for most people Hamel says MAY SEEK IIIIII The voter may ask the return ing officer to send revising ot fieer to his home to collect the pertinent informat ion The voter can go in person or send someone on his behalf to sitting for revision of voting lists in each of the 282 ridiiigs on May it or Hamel said some people are upset at being left off the lists but said enumerators do their best to catch everybody They make at least two visits to ev ery house and can collect infor mation from neighbor or landlord if they believe it to be reliable In spite of every effort by the enumerators there are people who will be missed he said But enumeration had to close on some late Hamel must publish the num ber of eligible voters esti mated at million onApril 21 so that political parties can work out how much money they can spend on their campaigns in each riding LTnder the new Election CV pcnses Act candidates in most ridings are restricted to spend ing $1 for each of the first is 000 voters So cents for the next limbo and 23 cents for the rest CAN CANCER BE BEATEN YOU BET YOUR LIFE ITCAN W¢ SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the school year SEPTEMBER I979 TO JUNE I980 TEL SCHOOL 7292624 TecumsethBeeton 4357391 at Patterson St 4249992 includes Beeton 7752I 72 village and Tecumseth 4584461 North Attendance Area 129263 7753031 Tecumseth South 936263I 7752922 Tosorontio Central 4356023 TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ATTENDANCE THIS SEPTEMBER PUPIL MUST BE YEARS OF AGE BY DECEMBER 31 I979 PROOF OF AGE EACH CHILD BIRTH CERTIFICATE PASSPORT OR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE FURNISHED TO THE SCHOOL BEFORE THE CHILD WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE CLASS IN Tottenham By THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Trudeau said Thursday that Progessive Conservative Leader Joe Clark would be wishywashy prime minister head waiter who would take orders from Con servative premiers As Trudeau castigated Clark in Newfoundland Clark was in troduced to the Empire Club in Toronto as the man who will be Joe Now when Canadians vote May 22 Tiark was dubbed Joe Who shortly after becoming party leader in 1976 Theres no distinction be tween toe Trudeau and Pierre Clark New Democrat Leader Ed Broadbent told Van couver Island audiences saying there is no difference between the Liberal and Conservative parties Broadbent said Trudeau and Clark arent dealing with the is sues but are engaged in mud stinging match At busy pulp mill in Port Alberni Broadbent found work ers wearing hard liats with the sticker The perfect union NDI and me and saw roll of newsprint with the slogan Vote NDI scrawled on it in red letters In Toronto Clark told 1300 businessmen Trudeau has im proved the lot of FrenchCana dians but doesnt understand that Canada is community of communities Conservative government would bring constitutional changes to give federal lcad ership in economics and provin cial leadership in culture In Wabush Nfld trudeaii suggested that Clark wouldnt defend Labrador against Que bec claims of ownership This land dispute has simmered since the British Privy Council gave Labrador to Newfoun dland in 1927 SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos Fer OuickServuce Coll STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Feel St If theres in your future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party Ior bridestobe and their mothers Monday April I979 Continental Inn Barrie WWWagate 7286743 Youlllie glad you did Area Elementary Schools WEDNESDAY MAY I979 330 pm 936495I Ramsay Director WHO The Business Information 0F CANADASNEW $3 llittfï¬rï¬ioï¬iéaï¬Ã©iiiiiï¬a ANSWERS rim CANADIAN an electronic answering service will take your message GOVERNMENI Centre is new concept in businessgovernment communi wtthls Government of Canada project introduced under the auspices of the Board of Your Business Information Centre is open now and waiting for your call WHY Egotlomic D€V€10Dm€nt The Business Information Mimsters Centres have been created to And its for everyone who help make the Government of does business in Canada WHAT The Business Information Centre was created for one main purpose to answer questions Questions about govern ment services programs oppor tunities problems policies people regulations or anything else that affects the Canadian business person Your local or tollfree long distance call puts you in touch with helpful people who know their way around Theyll answer your question on the spot or connect you with the person who can Canada more accessible to Canadian Business 11 help business people get in touch with the government people and departments that can be most responsive to individual needs Ib be central contact point for people seeking answers to their questions And to answer quickly responsibly completely Ib cut red tape and save Theres Business Informa tion Centre in every province of Canada Its designed so that busi ness people can use it no matter where they are valuable time for you If youre inToronto or Ottawa If youve got question call just call the local numberlfyoure today Weve got answers for further away just dial and Canadian Business ask for Zenith 03200There is no longdistance charge anytime Brit And each Centre has ï¬g special knowledge about regional problems and opportunities WHEN As business person you can call the Business Informa tion Centre at any time of the day or night 24 hours day Information officers will be at their desks and on the phones during regular business hours five days week But if you need to call after hours or on holidays Government of Canada Business Information Centres Gouvernement du Canada Centre dintormation des entreprises SS ZENITH 03200