Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 7

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tho examiner Monday April 1079 Shortage in Nursing recruiters coming to Barrie Nursing recruiters troin hospitals will visit Georgian College in Harrie from liiesday to pril to interview about we nurses at the 197 ginniiiatingclass lcitiiy Coiiiuxzi placement Ollutl it Georgian College says large number of hospitals lh being representixl during the interviews from large training hospitals to small community hospitals stateowned and private ceii ires She says there is still definite shortage of nurses in the tinted States We have had to turn down requests for interview troni many hospitals in various states Those who have been selected ill give the gadiiates who are willing to relocate wide range of choice Recruiters Orleans lvnvood Angeles in Houston Long Columbus Pasadena Fa yet teville and Raleigh will repre sent the states of Texas California Louisiana Ohio and North Carolina during the in terviews in the past only about 25 per cent of ieorgians nursing graduates have accepted jobs across the border Mis Comuz 1i said some 75 er cent of the Colleges graduating nurses have been able to secure employment in Canada Many of the nurses who go south return to Canada after about one year because years experience gained in the lnited States makes it easier for them to find job in Canada Mrs Coniuzzi said Bird illustrations on display at museum The bird illustrations of Allan itrooks are on display iii the cultural wing of the Simcoe County Museum until the end of pril The travelling exhibition is trom the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Ottawa it includes paintings in vivid colors Brooks who lived from 1869 to 1946 was not only an artist but naturalist woodsman author and taxidermist Born in liidia educated in England he came to Canada at the age of 12 with his family He studied wildlife in most parts of North America and eventually on an extended trip around the world He recorded his collected information in quick but detailed sketches The colors are vivid and ttlllkt iZach detail is liii peccably executed This is one of the most beautiful collections we have been able to bring to the county for your pleasure says the mUseum newsletter Chapter marks 55th anniversary Corsages oi piiik carnations were presented to charter meiiibeis lteatrici Spearn lrene Moori and Jessie ia well at the 33th anniversary of the touiiding of liayview Chapter to Order of the Eastern Si ii lhyliss SitMullen and Dick Howe were presented with 337 year pins loyce ltecs worthy matron and lid Young worthy patron welcomed 130 members and guests to the reception held in the chapters room at 17 Owen St Harrie Following the meeting liloradoras iirls from Peter borough musical group pro vided entertainment The chapter announces that the Order of the Eastern Star of Ontario donated 34mm to cancer research last year MEILUN DJ OENIURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Service Hours 9am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 7286810 Member Denturist Society 7284 761 fa SIMCOE CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS fWALL T0 WALL CARPETS RUGS FURNITURE PROF ISSIONALLY CLEANED Barrio First Commercially Operated Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning Unit Beach los Children from Johnson Street School in Barrie toured the citys public works department recent ly In photo above they hunt for small tree toad in the dense growth of plants at the greenhouse ot the citys operation centre on Ferndole Drive Learning about city services Editor Claudia Krona72645537 Below Stephen Sclater at left and Rich rd Gilbey found it impossible to move the turbine 05 snow removal vehicle In bottom photo Danny Gllliland watches as Jim Clarke city mechanic greases the axle of public works truck Ex aminer Photos Wellknown medicine woman attributes Spring dance Barrie Ys Menettes prssents Spread Your Wings spring dance on April at Sunnidale Community Centre from 830 pm tot am Tickets at $12 couple are available at the Barrie YM YWCA or by phoning 726642 Art rented Barrie Art Club announces its art rental service will be open April from to pm at its new location in the Downtown Centre on Dunlop Street West Paintings are rented or sold by the club on the first Satur day of every month Society meets The Innisfil Historical and Archaelogical Society meets April at pm at Knock Com munity Centre At the last meeting motion was passed to ask the township council to consider forming Local Architectural Conserva tion Committee forinnisfil Also the meeting proposed that Simcoe County Historical Associaton be asked to place plaque to Andrew Hunter at Knock Community Centre Easter cantata Trinity Anglican Church in Thornton will present an Easter cantata The Gospel Song of Easter on April 15 at 730 pm All are welcome New group The Womens Association and Penmara Mission Circle of Barries First Baptist Church have united to form First Bap tist Women new organiza tion Missionary work wdl be the main purpose of the new organization At the first meeting slides of india were shown missmnary newscast was given and worr ship time was held Staging show The May Court Club of Harm is staging fashion show on Wednsday to model clothes available at the Gingham Door store selling nearlynew clothing The show at Hayshore Motor Hotel begins at 115 pm Tickets are $5 and include lunch Tickets must be purchased in advance frorii the iingham Door 74 Maple St Harrie Resources Fair Simcoe Presbytery inited Church of Canada is spomorr ing resources fair at Central United Church in Barrie from Tuesday to Friday Workshops Will be held daily with leaders such as Margaret Nix Bill Lord Grant Kerr and ChrisJay anec books Christian xiiicatonal resources and sup plies records and United Church items will be available The resources fair is open to all who wish to attend Estate planning it ickenson will be the guest speaker on Tuesday at meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital auxiliary Dickenson will speak on financial and estate planning The meeting held in the hospitals eighth floor auxiliary room begins at 730 pm Col fee and desert will be served Everyone is welcome Branch meets lHlie Canadian Bible Socie tys Harrie branch meets Tues nrs Airing beefs wouldhelp Dear Ann Landers With all the 18swheelers on the road wonder if am the only truckers wife who is going crazy My home has turned into layover situation My husband comes in and plops in the recliner sometimes doesnt move until its time to take another runout Other times hell visit friends so he can talk about trucking He gets furious if ask him to do anything around the heuse do my job he yells You do yours Meanwhile im working parttime and trying my dar nedest to finish college Plus take full responsibility for our two children sitting up nights when theyre sick leaving work to keep doctor appointments doing the housework the laundry etc and handling all the finances He wonders why im not thrilled when he brags about making it to Texas and back in 33 hours Or why dont think its hilarious that he was propositioned at rest area by hooker Or why cant watch threeshour western on TV with him not to mention doing his laundry shopping packing and smiling sweetly when he leaves for another week of driving know youll get million replies from truckers about how hard they work how tiring and boring and lonely it is out there on the road But if its so bad why rush to leave again Why dont they get job that lets them stay home dont know how other wives handle it but im about to become Unglued in Tenn Dear Tenn Granted truckers life isnt easy but the problem isnt the job its the man He probably wouldnt behave differently if he were postman or ribbon clerk You need joint counseling so you can both air your beefs if he wont go go alone Better one person in marriage with some insight than nobody recommend your clergyman or the Familv Service Association Dear Ann Landers admire you for your guts at printing outspoken letters Do you have the guts to print this We just received notice that we cannot keep two cats in our apartment and if we dont get rid of one within 10 days the lawyers will be on us Have you ever heard of parent being told to get rid of child Our cats are like our children We cant afford fam ily at this time so we give our love to the cats They are lot cleaner and less destructive than most kids ive seen They dont dig up the lawn break windows or run sticks along the sides of cars but Ive seen several kids do these things and worse Shouldnt we have the right to prove our animals are well behaved ill bet half the parents around here cant prove their kids are Someone needs to investigate this sort of injutice and change the rules Just Plain Mad near JPM What does your lease say Look at it If it states no animals or one pet to family you are in violation Try to reason with the landlord in any event invite him in for coffee and let him see how clean and wellbehaved your felines are He may change his mind Erma Bombeck According to SiIi iTAiu the Wall Street Journal lEND ilAl liberation of women has brought about an increase in the number of men who shop for groceries This in turn has loused up the advertising campaigns Men obviously buy products for different reasons than women ffhand id guess that men dont get too choked up about whether their wives would prefer dressing to potatoes get fussy about peanut butter for their children or care much if their cats danced all the way to dinner if someone offered my husband $50 for his old shirt in laundromat hed throw in his entire closet Advertising is geared toward women who are serious about taking care of their families it their coffee is mountain grown theyll have successful marriage if they can get their husbands bad breath in remission theyll be promoted Ii they forcefeed bowl of hot cereal into their children theyre good mothers Did you ever watch men shop divide them into three categories Theres the Little Old Listmaker He has list that is so rigid he will not deviate one single item if the list says Pick up laundry hell buy one on the way home At the other end of the spectrum is the man cann the Party Shopper Old liatsrandHorns goes up and down the aisle like knows exactly what he is doing At the checkout he will rack up $87 worth of smoked oysters assorted crack ers chips dips and enough beverages to supply PX dur ing siege Theres the man whose mother was procurement officer and passed down her philosophy on voliiee buying if you can buy four rolls of toilet tissue for 8icents think what saving you could rack upon rolls To get to men suspect advertising executives will have to use the macho approach Any day now youll probably we Robert Conrad put can of Tidy Howl on his shoulder and challengeyou to Knock it off dare you Or man who mixes pitcher of KoolAid and says to his kids You only go around once in this life and you might ust as well go around with all the gusto you can get lntil this happens men are Just going to be content getting cheap thrill out of squeezing the youknowwhat with Mr Whipple day in the Resources Room of the St Andrews Pnshyltiltili latefound career to vision of lion Commercial Residential ioim DUPAIN can advise you service you may require 143 DUNLOP ST 7287M3 31 BLAKE ST 7281442 and pamper you THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 67 ESSA RD ALLANDALE 7280018 FANTASTIC COUPON OFFER Take this opportunity to visit us soon Our qualified specialists on iust about any hair Our professional services include hair designing hair recon structing hair protein conditioning treatments scientifically iormuloted hair beauty products and much much more FT llI lIIIZt Ni it was iii years ago that Madeleine ltabassca saw lllt vision ol the bolt and became medicinewoman Now liti she gave up her practice several years ago and spends much oi lici llllll at home She tires easin and has dilli ciilty getting aiound but her eyes still sparkle Iroin between the round lines of age She was resting Ill her bed room pillows and blankets propping up her small ironic Above her bed hung picture oi Jesus and ltosary Slu spoke My liili through an interpreter lilllllllVISION My children were grown up she says was with my husband in the hush lie was hunting and was collecting than had never seen them be fore or since told him to leave me alone and would leave him alone He said he only wanted to give me the power to make people well tlictiiiie Ilierewas iiiueli sickness around He knew this and said li wanted me to help ldoiil know why liecliosc mi The vision lasted only min iitc or two but immediately illeiward she began to lltl like another woman another person IltllIissKlClilil1l ltacl in line IIdo about iii kilometres northwest oI cl lowknile Madeleine told friends about her experience and subsequently had people knocking at her door lor ielicl lioiii tll issoiiiiiciii ol alllic liiitls lIliabeill lickeiiic who acts as her interpreter says Madeleine treated people with skin diseases arthritis ilitti inatisin mental disorders heart piohleiiis and shock as wellasminoriiiiiiricslikeculs leine with small gifts like moc casins leather goods furs gun shells and animal traps lieiie President iiurge llrasmus says that Madeleine is well known among residents ot the Mittktitllt Valley Although believed to be the oldest she is iiol alone There are medicine men and women practising in most Mackennc Valley communities today says Erasmus Even in the larger communities it doctor cant help them they llllt iiativesi will go to the na tivcmedicmeman Church on Worsley Street at 730 In Growing roses ro Township Horticultural Society meets at Oro iownship Hall April at pm inforiiia tion about growing roses will be available and miniature rose bushes will be for sale Lawrence Leigh will speak about starting seeds Too polluted too noisy too damn hot Inuk ltllillNlI itll Ask ileti lordoii whether hed like to live in Toronto and hell tell it toyoii straight No way man the 15 year old liiiik says You cant hunt ctic Circle near the Yukon bor der ahoiil 5000 kilometres northwest of the the lower The trip was organized by the YMCA and funded by the fed eral secretary of state depart ment inc students were billeted with Toronto families and Jane Flanagan 15 said she has learned lot about the North in 20 James Thrasher said Thats what we call nice weather The group left Toronto today for week in Ottawa before re tuniiiig home Pollys Pointtfi Perxide lifts scorch DEAR POLLY is it possible to remove scorch spot from polyester knit pants HP DEAR BJ Heavy scorch marks cannot be removed 0n those that do not seem to be really burned you might try dampening cloth with peroxide Lay this on the scorched spot cover with another pressing cloth and iron over it with iron set at the hottest setting for your particular type of fabric ALWAYS test first to see effect of anything on dye and fibers in material POLLY DEAR POLLY man you cannot open drawer because something in it is sticking up try using pancake turner it will reach in and push the offending item down so the drawer will open HENRIETTA DEAR POLLY found that electric blankets are too short to tuck in if the blanket is pulled up to cover ones lircwoml and spruce houghs tor She would begin her liitill mum limp hp tlielttwo pays iSlitXRiilih the rfigzisioioslhzzzetfizffi melfsiggraggnaghfhzdtfiggfié theltlooi oi ouliktcnt nieiit by thanting ltxttlhlillitZllll willin fmii VISIIRI iv Im and sewed this strip to the fool of the elsectric blanket Now Tn ll PM ll lm ms SIN ll there is plenty to tuck under and the bed does not have tobe 500 towards the purchase of any service or urvicu and ill ol sudden hcaid she would ieally sing up NHLm rm it 54 completely 01adc every day This is especially good for loud roar looked around and stormaiidshakeall over my laughml Who all people VIOLET 3500 service $2500 and up saw big lioii Willi his long HimnIlinus iiii chunan cns itiitltlll was one oI Hit innit asked mom If timid The DEAR FULLY Myson Hndmyfolks both use our guest $200 off any larvica$1500 and up maneblowingiiithewiiid enough and sometimes it was liidiaii Metis and white tail illrunnynlcvklds mom 0th visits bu my 59 smokes and my lie was approaching me accoiii ianied by mHlicatioti dents lioni Aklavlk in it Ir WWWHMHR thing he Ak parents do not so the pillows smell Cigarette smoke WW5hfliflY lroni the edge of lake at the made roin roots and grasses Northwest ltlilltitlth who lawk group was onploto Now when mm up the bed put ti fabric softener sheet Giovanni Parriln Ioni Marci Jllt Apr 9th bottom of mountain knew lot ol people who spent three days in loroiito this gnwnwm about was ml such as goes in the dryer on each Pniow and men put the in few seconds the Iioii said they had been cured by week to get feel ol big city mu temporaluro in Tumnm bedspread over it An few 51s use he softener 300 EA VOID DSAPPOIMMNT turned into man and it her but iaiit think of any who life lhursduy hm in 1091er hlegtjrfiiuthe dryer and put new ones on the pillows til rrvv IIUsIIIlylKllIllhiilillllvvllllliltIlIItliltyllE dark skinned people but not In laiients usually paid Mittlt mmmm Him Al When Wt itll liiitnl II was newspaper oupon ppch She has your Pointer Peeve or Problem in her column Write POLLYS iiNiFRS in care of this newspaper

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