Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 6

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notebook Any nonprofit organization or individual may Illl community HIll iii Notohimk Just call 7261353 and ask for Stoplioii iaiior alls for Mondays l0ohoolt inust ho roooivod by noon Iridi Ior publication tho ioIIouiiig londa sills for ookoml Notohook piihlisliod IIIIl Ill laiiorania must bo roooiud by noon iodiiosday every monday Olottoiiham Lions Bingo at Tzzio pm in tho lottoiihaiii oniinunity ontro S250 jaokpot must go oaoh nook oarly btldh sharo tliowoalth rolling $200 jackpot consolation ot Smogoos Ollingo at ti p11 at tho aiiadiaii Logion Branoli HT St iiioont hiroot and iiiidlos Road Barrio laokpot Ssoo ooii soltioiiSioo to Simooo ounty hoss luli iiioots lroiii 630 to to pm In tho Barrio Iiihlio Lihrar iiionihors illi woloonio Iho Iiildioiis ttlt of tho Barrio luhlio Lihrary holds ronoh Iiour for pro soliootois mini to in every tuesday Critiohro at tho Boll IIart ttltiltlllllll oiitio at in 50430 dram will also ho hold Thotiotrlogothoi Iuh oi Barrio III iiioot at Zitl in at tho lluh Non inoiiihorsaronolooino OBlighty Bingo at tlioyoalo tiiaiigotoiitro at in OIho Stroud Sonior itvoiis iiioot at 130 pm in tho Stroud omplox OIho Bollo IZuart Eucliro liih plas at it in tho Bollo Ewart oiniiiunity Hall For iiioro inioiiiiatioii oall limo Iaidsoii at 43672337 Olho aiiadiaii aloiio ouiitois moot at ti in at St Marys Soparato Sohool on odiingtoii Strool For liltllt iii Ioiiiiatioii oall Ilo lloiiizhtoii at TZti ow 0A pIOStIIOOI stor hour is hold at tho Iiildioiis lllit of tho Barrio Iuhlio IlIltlt Iltiltl to to 11 in luos day and Vodiiosday No rogistiatioii is roqiiirod OIho Ihiplioato Biidgo liih iiioots Ll Iiiosda at pm at tho lI IIvoiynio is oloonio For partiiors call 7374469 OIIio Mollo Blonds piaotiso oory Iuosda at Tito in at tIkIL Iark Sohool Erovo and Davidson Stioots omoii iiitoiostod in joining tho chorus aro invitod to attoiid every wednesday olho Barrio and Distriot Iaiont oporatiu Iro school Corporation and ioorgiaii ollogos IIJIII hildliood liopt has opoii Iioiiso ovoi Vodiiosda iroiii tot in in Room Ht ol iooigians Busiiioss Building suporrisod play aioa tor pro solioolois illItlKIIllg llIl thoir paroiits is arailahlo Educational hooks and rooords will ho oii salo Iaronts oliildroii and oarognors illt initod to drop in LLl Vodiiosda until tlioond oi April OCatholio Loinons lhiilt Shop at Canadian Foroos Baso Bordon is opoii from to ii iii Looatioii is Building Id North sido IILLll tho oliapols For turthor information call tzioTtizi OIho iiiighaiii liooi Baiiios Noail Non Shopotwratod by tho May ourt luh oi Barrio ilio uso tho proooods for community projoots is looatml at 74 Maplo St Barrio and is opoii Tuosda to Frida troiii ttiiti lit to iiiti in Satur da ltiIioa to in Mootings aro hold to or Iodiiosday for ilS ilako it Pounds SlltSIIiIi nonprofit IgItlritlIllS orgaiiia tion Iho iiiootiiigs giro hold at ioodlollou Iuhlio School in Aloona Boaoii tor iiioio iiiioriiiatioii aII losio at iiiii 3775i OIho Barrio haptor of tho Sooioty for tho lrosoiviitioii and Encouragoinoiit ot Baihor Shop Quaitot Singing in Amorioa moots at in in Monsignor Iair School on undlos Road oast oi St iiiooiit Mon intorostod iii joining tho chorus aro wolcomo to at toiid OArts and crafts aro sold by Barrio rosidoiits from to at tho Farinois Markot on MuloastorStroot Zoot suiting Actor Edward James Olmos left starring as The Pachuco in the new Broadway musical Zoot Suit watches rock personality Mick Jagger chuckle during recent photo session alter performance of the musical at New Yorks Wintergarden Theatre AP Photo HARD OF HEARING HEARING AID WEARERS Hearing Aid Service Centre will be held THE BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL DUNLOP ST WEDNESDAY APRIL RM Free service to most hearing aids including Beltones Free ear molds cleaned tubing replaced if necessary Free Electronic Hearing Test also Come in and try the new GOULD hearing aid battery 100 longer life than existing premium batteries ARNOLD HOCK Hearing Aid Service formerly Beltone ARNOLD HOCK Certified hearing aid specialist Ask to see the new all in the mold hearing aid 5457 Yunge Si Willowdaie Uni 4152253281 Editor Stephen Gauer en tertainment Italian film director Fra Toni Tucci whoop it up Friday night Zeflirelli IIZIIlItBtilitiltill lIllI itli lho soiooiiiiit oi luo Solitudos uithout an adraiioo KilllliilL that tho liliilt as in Ironoh as among tiio llltt pootod moms at tho opoiiiiig lII aiiadiaii liiiauos mu Ioronoo on llllll and photography Most oi tho aiidioiioo oi ooo loti tho oiid oi tho opoiiiiiu rodits at IIlt thoalro Iitlt luo Solitiidos ias soiooiiotl lhiirsda llIltIlI IZiitzlish siih IIIIts In otiioi oponiiii ooiits Itil litllltMtlllhttlllltittitltlttl oi tiio still photograph dopaii iiiont oi tho National Iiliii Board spoki ioi Iiiiiil li miniitos on tho hoards histor siiioo lHi Iho addross had hooii soliodiiiod to last tor tun hoiiis ith oiio Iiour tor tho spooih and tho otlioi llii tillisittiiis liii iiiodiaol altoi litilsIllill ls Monk sat dmm titlIltJIIIilL tiioiouoiildhoiiiiiiiitstioiis Miohaol Soiixak protossoi oi IIIiII arts and an instructor oi photograph at York liiioisit in Toronto stood up and QUiI Iio lolt iohii od IIo askoil Monk iii spoiiilato on tho tiitiiio oi photograph and to tplillll soiiii oi ha ho iallid IIII graiiilioso idoas oil pioposod anadiaii ooiitio tor photograplix EC issiioiali Francos fling nco Zeffirelli and actress at New Yorks Studio 54 in New York for the Ms loiik said IIioios tai too litlltIl talk ahoui photography and not oiioiigli ao tioii cannot talk ahoiit tho ooii tio hotniiiso it is politioal tIttl sioii and no aio in tho iiiiddlo oi aiioloitioii Ilio soooiid aiiiiiial ooii ioroiioo prosoiitod lioiii Iiiiiorsity looal oiiioiiias and art gallorios oiitiiiiios iiiitil Sunday in lhiiisday hiiiidiods ot studoiits troiii lotoihoioiiuh and surrounding aioas jaiiiiiiod local thoatios to iatth taiia iIian tiliiis lliIl as Why Shoot tho loaoiioi aiid Iho xiiltll tioosiiipoi IIIltII Kiavit liioro oro sovoii photograph oxhiiiits throughout tho ill ItsiilttylltL oii I3oo photographs toiispioiioiis Ii his ahsoiioo iroiii tho ioiiioioiioo was loiiii on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 PeeISt OLELLA DENTIIRE THERAPY CLINIC FORMERLY um omun CLINIC 726472 14 DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBERQENTURIST SOCIETY MAKES KOTTEB AND HIS SWEATBOGS LOOK LIKE KINDERGARTEN oau ISOI cr an Elllfm 7269944 NOW PLAYING AT7I59IS 030 All IIDI Hm IIC haunt mlSDI nu OLENDA JACKSON um OLIVER REED in THE CLASS OF MISS MACMICHAEL mum MICHAEL MURPHY ROSALIND CASH with JOII lulDKIO hirbmhu IIIIL Composed And Conducted by SMILEY mu Incint Producer OIOIOI MIMI Band on novel by MIT HUISOB Irttun tor the name Ind Associate Producer AIIICLA Dustin Hellman Produced by JUDD IIAID Directed by SILVIO IAIIZLANO NOW PLAYING AT PM Vanessa Redgrave fictional solution to tho aI mystory of Agatha Christios disappearance A3AIIIA iiiiii in ninjas IAlt lilth kl nmuTuEdisi mi common III IINIlliltiR iwwwuim Nada Am an intuit no on liivtil li Auk ltiitllli ll premiere of his latest effort The Champ will have his Jesus of Nazareth rebroadcasi on NBC beginning Sunday night AP Photo Exodus for French screening Siiiioii ioiiimiiod ou York tiliii Illll iho had Iitlll soiiodiiiod to spoak mu toroiioo oliiiial said thoio had hooii lailiiio ot ooiiiiiiiiiiioa tioii llo iSiiiioiii iiidioatod ho miild ttiiill hiil iiiii pooplo did not road tho tiiio print and part ot that as that ho as asking llil iiioioiiiotii Iho ottiiial said Miiinii was MtIfililLl almiit Sltioo and all that taiiadiaii Ilillltlls tiilIIiI at liiiduasSHi tiruaiiiois oi tiio ttillllliltt havo appliod ioi grants IItIill tho IlIIlt board and tho iiiitaiio tl oiiniil iiiit iiaio lottlHtI iioiophos the examiner Menééyafiefitljfiér Rock roll invasion takes Cuba by storm II tiiini IIlItI llirItii iioii Iltldlll lllliiiitttI IiIlI Iii iilttI Ilia and iii tiio iooiiiioii iiidoi oi tin lid and tIiitiii kids who wit it soo IIH IIIU llII loii Ixii= Iiisiottiir Ili Itlta tiiiiItIIiH lIllI Mold Stills tiilIiI iiii intuit iiioiiiiii tis till ioiohiad toi llitIt IIii IIlIIilti Himviim part ot Ilax iiii laiii IIi lillttlI iioiisniod iii no Iiioii it iI Hoititils iiid ii liiliaii winiiiiiioii ljai ii in iiiati Iiotl IliI MM liiiiii liiii iiipsiiiiitl lo iiil IlI lIIlllliiitl it tllI Itosidi lhi lilt4l in II lllniit tiiwtiitiii ii 11 iml tltitliIIiill ll its iiiiti to iiiso an potoiitaiii tIiIi oiltots tho titltll ts iiiiiiiil IlittItilt IIlttillllIi ioiwiaiii ii Biii IdII liui lli Iil wit Mm lIlt sttitt iiiiii Hi thi poiloiiiiaiiii iinidi iI as iiihlii ti tiiliaii Ittll xiiio had IIIdlt Ili Iio ItI tiiit uii road to ioilt Ill ii tho soiiiid thou on ifo Iiiiiii radio station ill ioixoiot iiit tllliltliitl iliii lool oxiiloiitl Iti ii hail iiioi aiiHirfl li liiii imian til to Iltl liii Hiuix slaflo iiniiiit till and iii piano tow Iii vol ooiiio to io Hit in ii ltlliIil hazi more IliliMI adiiiiiois in law sw hist IIILI iii tilii ilt lai ll llil Iii itiiiaiis iishoiod iw it it vpio im lim in woii iiiaid ii in than tho liIIIilI osoiianuo that has vtiiii iiiiadjt Iiittllilill liakoi to Now liwi imii aim toiiiid iiixi ioil lot tiiitlil vi iii Im iiiili ru lmiw Ii gal iiiii iItmi till Ijal liiililljw it ii ii ii ii iflI aast ii Iill IN Hill turf up ItlllIHfditIHi HEATRES iowEST 51 326°633i tram Some mortal may not In who fr proten wu yum1 it Ewart 11343940 31110 original space men Buck ogere New in Town tiiill swings beck to earth and lays it on the 25th Century Recommended AM Entenairimon tiiirl liittiil Iliit iill Iqav RIVIER HOOL OFMODELLING FOR MEN NEEDS YOU Never before have male styles been so fashionable Can you picture yourself in TV commercials magazines and runway modelling If so call for free interview and evaluation 72b Iiil iiiiili iIIIIIIlIi Today cnIili RandiM of poopio Eiznow what fin China Foundromo means Soon you wiii know $642167 50 ANI GROWING LOTTARIO WINNING Niiiiiiiiiiis Saturday March iilst II ABt Rlt il AR NI iMliiRS XIN IN ANY Rl il glvsllergq ion WWII gnawing nu1w NHL fiCQlU my LLWMJOQ iitiias JACKIOI IIO YUI li iiigiii ii lllllltItl iii tll iIIlIII Puma3 3612167th Ilt ItifIlIJl IllllliItI II III lull ltIlI iIllIIiIitl Niiiiiliii $275iaiti it ijllIJi iiiiiii ils iii tlt IiIiI IIIIIIB iHli ItitlIitl Illiililil Ili ili HIiItI 4th Iiizo mm 1267 211 25706139072760 IIllii lttfllIJl iiiiiiilitis iii tll tIxIlI 5th Irizo Next Draw Sat April 1979 OVER 400000 LUCK LOITARIO WINNERS SO FAR IMPERIAL MAG atlavtltslily IiIflIlflI USIBIY Recommend AMt Iiiteituinmant YOU DONT JUST BUY TICKET YOU PLAY IT

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