Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 5

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Beating the rush Where theres patch of open water there will always be fisherman Thomas Wong of Toronto decided to beat the rush of spring fishermen and took his family to the Penetanguishene Town Dock to get lttle fishing in Sunday Wong said he didnt catch anything but on nice day it is great way to kill some time Examiner Photo by David Burcsik Dr Rynard retiring from active politics ORlLLlA Special Dr Philip Rynard Progressive Conservative MP for Simcoe North since 1957 is retiring At press conference this morning in his Orillia home Dr Rynard 83 confirmed that he will not seek another term in parliament nomination convention to choose Rynards successor will be held here April Two candidates are known to beseeking nomination Orillia businessman and alderman Gurney Trites 48 said this morning that he is run ning Orillia lawyer Doug Lewis has called news con ference for Tuesday morning at which time he will declare his candidacy Dr Rynard was born in tldora Ontario in 1896 He studied medicine at Queens University in Kingston tario and did post graduate work in the United States He married Thelma Dobson teacher in 1926 and moved to the rillia area in 1939 to set up his medical practice Mrs Rynard died in 1977 Dr Rynard continues to practice iiiedicineinOrillia Rynard first sought federal office in 1933 but he was defeated by liberal He ran successfully for parliament in 1057 and has won easily in six subsequent federal elections Detox centre closes doors detoxification centre serv ing Simcoe and Muskoka coun ties has closed Weve got no funds no money Hough Stout director of the centre at H4 Colbourne St Orillia told The Examiner today its disappointment ti lot of people Its going to put quite burden to all other related services in the area hesaid The centre which opened in 1976 to treat alcohol related pro blems in the counties had been operating under Canada works grant for the past year he said However 75 per cent of the funds were going to the salaries of the centres eight member staff he said The centre needed an addi tional 335000 to cover operating costs in the past three years more than 10000 volunteer hours had been logged at the centre said Stout The centre has review ed about 1400 admissions since its ocning and was one of the very few in the area to handle male and female cases he said The centre was treating greater number of persons coming from outside the Orillia area he said PMCL begins new bus service today PenetangMidland Coach Lines Ltd begins operating number of new bus routes along Highway 27 today Brian Dubeau vicepresident of the company said it will take over all bus routes from Toron to to Collingwood with stops at Alliston Tottenham Beaton Bolton Stayncr and IFB Borden PenetangMidland will share facilities at the Barrie bus sta tion Dubeau said the new routes was boost to the com pany town country Victims satisfactory An 11yearold Barrie girl her mother and father are in nospital with stab wounds following an incident Saturday morning at their home Lauri Moyer and Robert Bruce Moycr her father are in satisfactory condition in Royal Victoria Hospital today Margaret Moyer is in fair condition in Torontos Wellcslcy Hospital lnsp Ron Pickard of Barrie Tity Police said police are iii vestigating the incident Three in court today Three men appear in Barrie provincial court for bail her ing Tuesday charged in connection with last lucsdays breakin at Harpers Pharmacy Ltd 128 lcnetangSt Shawn Lamb 20 of RR oburg and Robert Vance 21 of 65 Tiffin St have been charged with break enter and theft Kalvin Wayne Burgess 22 of 157 lenetang St is charged with possession of stolen property Police said drugs cigarettes and cameras were stolen from the store Toronto men charged Mississauga man and two Downsvicw youths were charged Wednesday with steling $4300 in cigarettes from Barrie convenience store March 13 John Ahee 20 Mervin Manners 17 and Steven leatiier 16 were charged with break enter and theft Policecity closer It appears the city and its police officers are getting closer to completion of 1970 contract Mayor Ross Archer says Mayor Archer member of the police commission says that from timing point of view it appears were getting closer Members of the police commission met Wednesday to discuss previous talks between the two sides liiret meetings have been held so far The mayor said the major stumbling blocks in completion of new contract include increased salaries holidays and improved dental plan He said he doesnt know when contract agreement might be reached between the two sides It would be nice if we could settle the contract before April 12 said the mayor The commission meets April 12 to discuss the police budget for the coming year Rynard served for many years as the PC health and welfare critic Hc has been known in recent years for his campaign to upgrade the teaching and practice of geriatric medicine in anada During his tenure in ittawa Rynard served as the personal physicniii for former prime minister John liefcnbaker and he made himself availablc to attend to the medical needs of many other Mls Dogs need to eat too Annexation dispute the oxamlnor Monday AprIIZ Hearing delayed for year By DENNIS LANIIIIICR if The Examiner It appears the annexation dispute between Barrie and ln nisfil will be extended at least one more year An Ontario Municipal lioard 0MB hearing into the case which was scheduled for April 30 will now be automatically delayed says Bill iibbins ln nisfil iccvc ltriday tlic Suprcini touit of Canada granted leave of ap peal to the township It means the township can now bring the case before the supreme court the date of which has not been set The lnnisfil reeve says his solicitor estimates the hearing will be delayed another 12 to 18 months The OMB cant conduct hearing until weve heard the actual court date Barrie Mayor Ross Archer confirmed today it would probably be contempt of court Presidents meet at Georgian Education too expensive says student commission By NANCY Iililtt if The Examiner The Ontario ollcgc tommis sion says students at Ontarios 22 community colleges are pay ing too much for their cducir tion and increasing costs could defeat the purpose of the col legcs Rob Rcid nieiiibci of thc commission and icorgian ol lcgc student president said the increased fees would smn pri vent some people from lllltlltlllitllllttiilltflts He said the govtrniiicnt built community colleges to piovide post secondary training tor those who didnt want to or couldnt afford to go to university Reid was speaking Satuidy at meeting of the tintario tol lcgc toniiiiission Rtpicscn tatives from ll of Ontarios 22 Bertha Lindsay says she isnt the only one in her household that has to eat She has little dog that needs fair shake in wages too she says She was one of more than 200 pickets gathered in front of the Simcoe County Board of Education Centre today At l20l am caretakers and maintenance workers went on strike Examiner Photo Deputations airport highlight council agenda lhrcc dcpntations and the proposed municipal airport will highlight tonights regular meeting of Rairic general com lllllltt The session starts at pm Representatives from the Barrie Public Library Hoard the liildrcns Aid Society and the Georgian lioundation tor the lcrloriiiing Arts will discuss their 1070 budgets with the committee The deputations are between and 30 in five year forecast for the municipal airport development program is also to be discussed the committee Harrie has illlllttilllttl feasibility study to determine sites for an tlllptili The forecast will determine the cost tor the airport in five years The ltltitllllg of city owned buildings known as tit and 01 Worslcy St and 50 00 and tilt Mulcastcr Street will also llt discussed The buildings are included as part of the proposed civic ccn tre plan If the civic ttntrc sclicme goes ahead the buildings will likely be demolished to make room for ixirkingarea Ald Dorian larkci will discuss the parking restriction of the west side of tilssa Road lltiiii tiowan Street to Iiurion Avenue An amendment from the ci tys planning board ccnccrniiig District it ithc ircii ot the liunlop Street widcniiigi Hll litdiscussed Rick loucs city planner is rccoinincnding that before council widens III the residcn tial illtll that the possible ct fccts on arca residents lic con sidcied The city is proposing to budget for widening ironi Mulcastcr street to in area near the Lakevicw liuiry in ll7i community colleges attended the meeting The commission was established in September to unite community college stu dent councils throughout tario to give them united voice to speak vith members of government about student needs and problems In brief presented March 21 to Dr licttc Stephenson minister of education the coin mission said In 1072 fees jumped from $150 to $250 In 1077 fees were raised further $7 to $333 tin Jan 1970 the ministry of colleges and univcr sitics announccd tuition fee increase of $20 to two tcrin college program in limirtiti This latest incrcasc which brings tuition fees to SLHS nitans til the final year of the present decade students will be paying 2J0 pcr ccnt of what they paid in Election gears activated the May federal election date draws near Simcoe South cnumcrators arc keeping busy Saturday more than 100 cnuincritors met with Al lltlttlli South Simcoe returning otticei to discuss the duties of theinnnicrator broom said the tlltlllltl itois job includes making door to door calls to enquiri about lllt age and citicnsliip ol each rcsi dcnt distributing election in toriniitioii typing and posting the names of eligible voters and attending an enumeration inccting llitlllltltilil said tiixiiii are paid to cents name for lllt tirst 200 names of eligible voters and lilt paid 00 cents name for every eligible voter ccccdiiig 100 well for typ ing lists of eligible voters they are Lilli cents name For attending Satuidays intcting tlicy are paid Slit and are paid iii additional Slfi tor gas and other expenses incur lttl ldcalty in cnunicratoi with 300 llllllll would be paid Stiif All Canadian citicns age iii ind Iiltlll residing in nnadn on llli llll day of cntnnciation icik nic qualified to vote All urban rcsidcnts must lltttl be on the votcis list prepared by thecnuinciators It you have not been enumerated you must call the returning otticci and make the necessary arrangements to get on lllt voters list says the otirs illltlt published by the bolt lllttltilitl tilficcr of aniidzi It you are not on the voters llSl and you are rural resident Ia pollingdivision is considered rural it it is in locality of less than 0000 pcoplci you can still vote if you are vouched for at the polling station by voter who knows you and who is on the list for your arca says the Voters luidc lflnuincrators must post the voters list as soon as cnuiiiciaton is completed If your name is not includcd call l10tlll at 720 3742 before May Senior citicns the ill or disabled and those who are unablc to vote on election day may vote at advanci polls They are opcn front 12 noon un til it in on the second Satur day bctorc election day May ICU and on the Monday and Tuesday inimcdiatcly piccccdingelection day lhosc unable to vote on any of the advance polling days or on clecton day can make or rangcincnts to vote at another time in lirooins office at tltii liayticldSt tin election day polls are open from Ill to it In struction on how to mark ballots will be posted in all poll ing station and in all polling booths Most polls are held at nearby sclioots Although Simcoe toun 1y public school custodians and maintenance workers are on strike there shouldnt be any problems voting in the schools said llttlll lhat is one of our concerns though he said Correction The movie ross and Swit clibladc at other Strcct United hiirch will be shown at 730 in Sunday not 0110 pm as previously tiniiounced The 0MB hearing was to allow lnnisfil to argue project ed population figures forecast by Darcy McKeough Ontario cabinet minister McKeough predicted population of 125000 in the year 2011 The township was not allowed to argue the figures at the original hearing The township will now argue that member of cabinet or the crown can be put on the witness stand at an OMB hear ing The scope of evidence that the first year of the decade As well as increasing tuition fees many college are charg ing additional fees for services formerly paid for by general operating costs At Georgian college students are paying anncilliary lalmratoiy fees of $15 to $50 and $15 to $50 in materials fees Georgian however said Reid is one of the better colleges as far as ancilliziry fccs go Georgian plays down the an cilliary fees and is thinking of removing most of them he said At llutnbci ollcgc Toronto some students arc payingl up to $200 in laboratory fees up to $100 in materials fees and iipto $00 in field placement coop fees in addition to regular tui tion tees At Seneca ollcgc Toronto laboratory ices jumped from maximum 330 to maximum $180 in one year At Sir Sanford Fleming college letcr borough ficld placement coop frees jumped from maximum $100 lll 107077 to inaxnnum $150 in 1017 TH Because if ancilliary ices tuition lttb are now iiican ingless said Don Francis chairman of the commission luition ties are meaningless because they dont give you clear fltllllllltlll of what youre buying lTJtlltlS said He said that some tab ties are justified but the fees should be constant throughout all o1 tintarios community colleges The commission plans lt organize committee to monitor aiicilliary fees Wert really oing to push tht ministry to conic up with soint guidelines for aiicilliary fccs Looking after taxpayers Inspector Berrys role By SIIIIIHIN NIlllllS if The Examincr Looking out for the taxpayer takes high priority with lnspcctor Ralph Berry charge of ministration of Barrie polici operations His chores are numerous and varied tlcneial office routine records and filing arc siuxrvised by the inspector toinmunications and equipment come under his jurisdiction Inspector Berry enr sures devices used by police are kept in Inspector Berry is in good repair The inspectors duties firearms registrations and municipal liceii sing of taxis bicycles and sonic businesses All 11 civilian clerks and secretaries who work at the police station answer to the in spector When new officers apply for jobs and before making recommendations to the chief and Harrie police commission If someone finds lost article and brings it to police lnsp iicrrys office catalogs the item and makes sure it is returned to the lnsp liciry interviews can be investigated at an 0MB hearing will be discussed at the supreme court hearing said MayorArcher REEVE HILL GIBBINS stalling tactic Barrie will now meet its an nexation solicitor before deciding to take further steps said the mayor Weve hired an expert and we should listen to him before any further deCi sion is made said the mayor Gibbins told The Examiner today that any further meetings with Barrie would be up to Barrie Mayor Archer referred earlier to the move by the township as an expensive stallingtactic Barrie and lnnisfil met in early March to try and reach settlement on final annexation boundaries The two sides end ed up about 1000 acres apart with land located in Stroud be ing the primary issue lnnisfil has maintained that its last offer to Barrie is final one Mayor Archer says that Bar rie relented about 3500 acres at the meeting from the original boundaries set by the Ontario Municipal Board OMB City Editor Ivan Mulgrew7266537 County told deny landfill request By RICHARD THOMAS The Examiner Simcoe ounty has been told not to lease 10 acres in Tiny Iownship to three of its nor thern municipalitiesfora land fillsitc lecumseth Reeve Roy Gar dhoiisc chairman of the agriculture and reforestation committee told council members the committee had been cautioned over leasing the land to the MidlandPene tanguishcnesliny sanitary landfill committee because it might be held legally responsi blc in the event of contamina tion Reeve iardhouse said this was the opinion of the countys solicitor He said the committee had been advised there might be litigation liability against the county if there was seepage ms to the ground water The agriculture and ltltltlill10ll committee had recommended in February the know your police Inspector Ralph Berry OWIltl Supplies purchases and budgeting is done by the inspector always very conscious of how hes spending taxpayerdollars This means close crutiny of each detail even down to what color ink pens to buy be ad said work also include spector tests them here tinder in three months if not claimed by the lnsp Berry said he has become familiar with many small office details useful in his Blue ink pens last longer Black ink run out sooner he said in paper black ink lasts longer lllue ink fades sooner Red ink wont copy well on machine You have to decide what you want the pens for and get what will suit your needs best said the in My responsibility is to look aftei the tax payers money lm doing things to support police work at the taxpayers expense said lnsp Berry You can be assured give everything third thought before spend any money land be leased providing it received clearance from the solicitor dont feel we as commit tee should do anything except scll the property Reeve Gar dhouse said He said the committee was not opposed to the land being used for landfill site but might be setting precedent Council however recom mended the matter be referred to the agriculture and reforestation committee for further discussion and negotia tion with the three townships joint landfill committee Tiny Reeve Morris Darby told The Examiner although the iaiidfill site is not pressing issue with the township which is just trying to cooperate with its neighbors acquiring sites for landfill is certainly Droblem Landowners are not keen to sell property for sites because they do not want to live near to it he said lnsp llcriy said hes pens is

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