Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 4

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the eXaminer My AP 1979 serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 726 6539 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 BUSINESS Strong return to consumerism Canadians daily are pounded with grim economic facts One of the hardest to take is the escalating price of food Ihe Anti Inflation Board reports 217 per cent increase in the price of food over the past year Leading the way is the price of beef which today costs 659 per 7266537 cent more than one year ago hard pressed consumers especially those on fixed income wonder where it will end Theyre increasingly confused by the bewddering fluctuations in prices They want action that would restore price stability When groceries for family of four cost $60 week as calculated by the Alli the homemaker must cut back somewhere The danger comes if the family diet suffers from any such cut The prudent homemaker finds alternatives Buying more poultry fish and milk products in place ofiiieat is one way But even these products are on the rise Consumers who expect the government to solve the problem are in for long wait The best the Ontario government can do is to monitor the price of food Perhaps partial answer comes in return to strong con SUIITEIISITT If consumers refuse to pay for highpriced ocmmodlties the price can only come down Maybe thats the only way consumers w1ll ever truly get the point across tt to the editor The following letter from the Sim We would like to be involved in the coe County Historical Association committee that may be established was sent to The Hon Gordon to conSIder future uses of this Walker minister of Correction Ser historic building We would like to vices for Ontario offer our expertise in the area of Dear Sir local history so that all possibilities Al the most recent Directors for the budding may be fully ex Meeting of the Simcoe County plored before final deCision is Historical Association strong con 1le cem was expressed about the fa of We have made known opr concern the present Provincial Jail in Bar for this building to the Barrie Local fie we are aware that this building Architectural onscrvation Ad dating from 1842 was constructed by 159 01mm£ local tradesmen of local limestone THU mill you Will ill and glands as unique continuing preciate our interest iii this historic link with our past SllC and that you will keep us iii The Jan was erected to provide formed of the decisions that your the first significant expression of Ministry may make forits future governmental jurisdiction as the lOOk Olward your C0 County Jail may well be considered Slderation of our request and to our unsuitable by todays standards to mulllal CO99erm0 or the support house criminals However the ofSimcoc ounty heritage building itself is landmark in the area and has been the scene of Grace Leigh judiCial events that have touched on Prestdent the lives of many Simcoe County blmcoe County families Historical AssOCiation Your COHO lC recor busmess tier iss Hy VINCENT EGAN Malady just published by the IlrilishANortli Business and onsumcr American ommll tcc Affairsmizilysi In recent years government has over ThonisoiiNrwsSirvice reached itself in terms of the publics Government economic policies could be tolcratlon for paymgihcbill and the outcome key issue in the current election campaign to has been sharp swing in the direction of the adegree nol matched iii past elcclions public perceiving government as inherently In the five years since the last general WHSlliUl election Canadas economic performance At another poilil in the study which is not has constantly been making news most of limited to any one countrys affairsi lteigic it bad notes that jtaxpaycrs appear to be resisting Inflation has risen to unpreccdeiitid levels paying mCTCflStd EUVemlmnl Spffindinft unemployment has become stuck at high new programs revolt against high rate the anadian dollar has fallen toa posl government Splndlng IS also 500 in such Depression low government has increased V01¢r $9915 1051 PmImsmun in its share of the nalional output 1042 per cent California by one measurement and the federal tProposition lii was referendum iiim budget is in deficit to the lane of $1 billion approved last year by aliforma voters to month roll back municipal properly taxes and to In 1974 the electorate ultimately chose to limit their annual increases Similar tax ignore economic problems If rejected the revolts have been taking place in other Conservatives antiinflation platform and states lllI not Ill anada where there is no instead elected the Liberals who had constitutional provision for such rcfcrcli ridiculed aliliinflallon and who were to dillii adopt walelixldowli version of that plat munI5 form the Ollowmg your llic liiosl significant effect of the increase he Thcmllfl Mum fl hm III the size of govcrniiicnl may we lie in ils VOIETSUgfim Mdofiillmmwllm aggrcgalc lllipacl on traditional in TAX RhHlIJ dividualistic values such as disciplinc sell One leading economist at lciisl WW rcliaiiccandinitiativesaysllcigic Chang sociel HUM The larger govcrliliiclil becomes arid the Carl Belglt PnSIltm WWW more iltLUSIOIIIHl individuals groups and based HOW RtStilftll llNllUltV firms are to looking to it to provide answers In SIUdY Cmilltd lilllillm l5 NWil lo lliclrcconoiiiic problems the more likely lhcsc problems will ltClIIlt liiagnifled ll govcriiiiicnl has the responsibility of we keeping uniliiployliiciil down why worry about compelifivcncss ll governliicnl can bc relied upon to protect and SlllSlllIt troubled Industries and regions why not adopt the KM Somethingon your mmdr quiet lllc which is so much more rclaxmg Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the oditorlol page Send yours to Mon to the Editor in lxhor Post Office In 310 MIRIE Out MN than the compel II we struggle And if every demand expressed loudly enough receives hen ring and generates re spouse why moderate these demands lTIlT LO HR The international oil cartel is pushing up the world price of crude oil by another time per cent from an already grossly inflated basci effective April Higher energy costs the shift toward higher government spending in relation to total output strict environmental regu lations and demand for reductions in ef fective hours of work as Beigie points out all contribute to reduction in the wealth thats available for distribution to the domestic privalc sector NEWSROOM Cralp Elson managing editor ten Mulqrew city editor Blll McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia flt rouse Lifestyle editor RE POR TE RS Carl De Gurse Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer ADVERTISING SALES Bert Stevens Wayne Hay Aden Smlih Steve Skinner Barb Boullon CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Janice Morton 66 awnglfilf it Parliament Hill Ry STEWART MacllIl Ottawa liurcau Thomson News Scri ici Federalists can get precious little comfort from those latest and startling public opi nion polls which indicate that Iremier Rene Levesque is likely to win his first referendum on Quebecs future The polls conducted for the Canadian Broadcasting orporalion clearly dcliionstrale thc success of the larti Quebccois strategy in its onceslcpratatime approach to sovereignty For the first time majority of Qucbcccrs indicated that they would give IAvcsque mandate to negotiate sovereigntyassocuitioii And this is precisely what the premier will seek The survey showed that 31 per cent of Quebecers plan on supporting chesqucs mandate referendum although there has been no daramatic increase iii the pcrcentagc of Quelxicers who favor outright iii depcndence This means that thc Iarti Quebecois has been highly successful in con vincing the population that Yes vote on this first referendum vont result in any radical or unilateral aciioii And if the referendum is approved it Wlll mean that the Iarti Quebecois can get through another election From the legislature My DICKIZK NELSON Queens Park Hilrcziu Thomson New Service TORONlt Doctorsdropplligoutoftlllll continue to stir indignation particularly lll NDP ranks NDP leader Michael assidy for the first time since hes rcplacwl Stephen lAWIS as leader has managed to zero in on an issue that looks like it is going to hurl the govern ment Health minister Dennis limbrcll hasnt looked glxxi as he squirms undcr the op position spotlight Its as though hes ducking and weaving around the questions rather than answering them Timbrcll argues that doctor dropping out ofOllll as about one fifth of those iii Ontario have doesnt hurt the universality or ac cessabiliy of medicare here If people lolit want to go to doctor who charges fee higher than what llll pays they have the option to go to another physiCian SOME PRHBLIIMS In theory hes right lIl practice there are problems to that kind of approach In lclcrborougli tounly adiiilllcdly an exception almost half the doctors have opted out which considerably restricts cllolcl Specialists in particular are leaving Illt plan and patients dont always have any say ili which specialisl their general practitioner sends them to Alid in some smaller Ontario cciilrcs like Amlierstburg or lotteliliain all the doctors have left Hll and bill patients directly Len Sevick manager Peggy Kavanagh Ruth Blals supervlsor Dana Homewood BUSINESS Marlon Gouohoccountant Jack KernLy foreman Delve Mllls Glenn Kwan asst foreman Gall McFarland Don Saunders Vlkkaranf Lorne Wass Kafhle Mitchell Vfilf cadoqan an Wrn CIRCULATION Em My Bill Halkcs manager Almnby Steve White asslstant manager Andy Haufton Alva LaPlanfe Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken Jflnll Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron ildrr Barbara Siriui PRESSROOM Don Ncnr foreman lrcn Prince asst foreman Harris Ulnnchard Brian Marr COMPOSING ROOM Published dailyexcepf Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier chnls YEARLY by carrier $46 30 BY MAIL Barrie S46 80 SIMCOE COUNTY $36 MOTOR THROW OFF $39 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $38 50a year Sl Montreal Poll gives Porri Quebecois lead in referendum question RIINII LIIVIISQI LI Strategy working NDP zeros in on OHlP pulloui limlirlll argues qiillc justifiably that there are more doctors oplid ill for every 10m people than there ever has ltll But that doesnt cover the exceptions iIT FEELING More important it misses the irrational angle the gut auger people will feel if they llillik theyre not getting the medical Stll they pay taxes and premiums for So far the govciniiiclil is safe with the sound and fury restricted to the legislature During tour at comiiiiltcc rooms and voters iii the provincial byclcctioii sclicdulcd for east loronlo April liol one canvasscr or volcr for ally of the three parties mentioned health care as an lssuc At most theres sense of uncasc ill the general populace as they wonder whats happening to the medical syslcm STAY Nil After all lot of people probably havent been to their doctor since he or Slll opted oiil and dont know hes going to tack 2n to lel percent surcharge on Illtll bill ncxl visit limbrcll has suggested changes to the systelii that arc ili cllcct liarcl tinkering with II The two opposition parties have more coiiipllcatcd land tXlKllSthi solutions hill even they have so far shied away from what Liberal lcadci Stuart Sliillli calls lllt draconian tilllllllll lll forcing doctors back into the plan But if public coiiccrn should IlSt ovcr lllt fpllllgrtflll phenomena the opposition lll follow that road and llll llltll MIltllllH olilical lioscs llic loriis wont be that far tllllltl campaign Without face to face confronta tloii with the independence issue RADIALIIANGE The remarkable success of Levesques strategy is indicated by the fact that he is likely to win his referendum while this latest poll shows that only 19 per cent of Quebecers favor outright independence This figure has changed little in the last five years but the Parti Quebecois hasnt been talking about independence lately It has concen trated on the more acceptable sovereignty assrxiatlon and the poll shows that 37 per cent of Quebeccrs now favor this One year ago only 25 per cent supported this particular consul utional concept However with only 37percent support Icvcsquc would be unwise to seek outright approval for declaring sovereignty association so he has decided to merely keep the issue alive by asking for mandate to negotiate the issue with Ottawa and the olhcr provmces What he is asking for in reality is for another round of those endless federal provinCial constitutional conference along with another four or five years of breathing room And as Levesque continues to be successful iii allaying referendum fears the federalist campaign becomes more difficult for his political opponents particularly Liberal Lcadlr laude Ryan He can no longer take dead aim at independence since this is not being sought in the referendum In fact the renewed federalism which Ryan seeks may seem more easily attainable with Yes vote in the referendum An integral element of the Palm Qucbecois strategy is to convince Quebecers that No vote in the referendum is nothing more than vote of confidence in the status quo All public opinion surveys have shown that vast majority of Quebcccrs are opposed to the stains quo OHIIRAIIUN LIKELY The most recent surveys also weakened the arguments of those federalisls who have maintained that other provinces would never form any economic association with sovereign Quebec Federal Justice Minister Marc Lalondc and Ontario Premier William Davis are among those who say that Quebec can never expect such cooperation Levesque has countered this by saying that Davis and other current politicians will go the way of all flesh and their successors will be guided by public opinion The latest poll shows that 30 per cent of Canadians outside Quebec favor economic negotiations with the province should be referendum be approved You can be that Parti Quebecois members will be tossing this figure around freely as they peddle their propaganda in the coming months the moment ll would appear that the Levesque government has complete control over the whole constitutional question with freedom to cool it to let it simmer indefinite ly on back burner to heat it slowly or to br ing ll to boil lhc Iarti Quebecois may well lit dcfcatcd on some unrelated issue long lwlorc the provinces constitutional future is settled llul cvcn iii this respect the federallsls have little causc for optimism The common ccnsciisus is that the Parli Quebecois is still running ii lalrly good government The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circulations lABC Only the Canadian Press may rc publish news stories in this newspaper credited to The Associated Press Reuters or Agencc France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 703815 register National advertising offices 65 Queen St Yoronlo 864 mo 640 Cafhcarl The advertiser agrees ml the publisher shall not be liable for damages ans mg out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid lor the space ac Iually occupied by that portion 01 the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other Wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid lor such advertisement The world today Soviet navy potent power By JOHN IIARHRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News service Slowly and irrevocably as it has done for the last 15 years the vast navy of the Soviet Union is building up its world chain of naval bases They already are much greater and more potent for maintaining distant Russian extension of world sea power than the naval bases of Imperial Britain ever were Today the various fleets of the USSR all of them supplied with nuclearequipped sub marines and surface vessels operate bases or use accessible facilities in Algeria Cuba Vietnam South Yemen Angola Mozam bique India and North Korea The newest and most worrisome move according to members of the US Senate Arms Services Committee is the desire to take over Cam Ranh Bay the immensehaval base built by the Americans to service their war in Vietnam At its height in the late 19605 Cam Ranh Bay was the largest naval base on the Asian continent It was larger than Russias own longterm naval bases on the Pacific Coast of Siberia or the smaller ones of the Japanese Self Defence navail forces Such Soviet naval base on the South China Sea virtually handed to them on platter could give the USSR direct access to the Straits of Malacca close to the vital Western oil supplies coming from antiCommunist Indonesia WIDE ASIA SEA LINKS Equally important Cam Ranh Bay in Russian hands would link Soviet Sea facilities across Asia and with East Africa joining Mozambique under its Marxist regime to pro Sovict India to Vietnam The Canadian general public and most of my journalistic associates who refuse to countenance the staggering Soviet sea presence in naval merchant shipping and fishing fleets will continue to find these quiet mamxuvrings of the Russians at sea to be unimportant Indeed busy member of the House of fommons Committee on Defence and Ex ternal Affairs from the Tory party told me during that partys foreign policy seminar in late January that he didnt believe Russian scarthreat existed This is an indefensible and unbelievable position My suggestion is that this com mittee find its way to Washington for major briefing by either the Senate or Home committees dealing with the same issues Among them are political leaders like Colorado Democratic Senator Gary Hart who has made himself specialist on naval af fairs He is the one who has drawn the possibility of Soviet naval base at am Ranh Bay to the attention of the American public The anadian headinthesand attitude about this lripartitc Soviet threat at sea is all the more strange given our great vuliicrabilitytoit We have three vast oceans making up our national frontiers at their furthest extent probably the largest ocean frontiers of any country in the world ur political climate and soft View of the Russian sea threat beginning with the Prime Ministers ho hum attitude about it make anada mcc soft undtlriXll in the Russian scheme of things The doesnt need to negotiate with us for any of our naval bases small and in adequate though thcy already are write your mp 19 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Porlio merit printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL lyncrd MPNcrth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont loll Min MPPee DuflerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sidb Stunt MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GUI Minn MPGrey$imcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL Georg Taylor MPPSimcoo Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Moo Salli MPPSimcoeEost Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gum New MPPDuiforin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto bible thought Beloved wish above all things that thou maycst prosper and be in health evon as thy soul prospereth John Some people have believed for so long that one of the marks of Christian is how hard they have it until it is difficult for them to live otherwise God wants to prosper you let Him He delighteth in the prosperity of His servants WNWi

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