Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 13

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12 the oxamlnar Monay April 1079 29 cottages IIMBR FOUR BEDROOM cottage wanted to rent In Georgian Bay Muskoka area wrth sandy beach and good swimming For month at July Phone 726 4337 S2oonforulo CHECK RUST WITHRUST CHECK SEVEN working chemicals in specially formulate OIL BASE Complete job for ANY AGE vehicle $4950 MW VOICLES appointment only Business 13220 Hwy II 5th Lilo between Burl Orllla MWFAul0 I978 DATSUN Flo tronl whorl dTlVL low mileage maroon wrth black Interior standard In excullrnl condrtron Tclophonu 737 0381 I964 CHEVY II standard bLSt 0T ter l91l PLYMOUTH tour door automalIc V3 best utter Tclophonc 377 790i I971 AUSTIN MARINA tour Ir Sudan tour cyl autonialrc radials rarlro ox cellrvnt conclIlIon only 35 000 ITIIIOS or mind also IOTI Toyota Corolla two dr cyl tour spcicl good runnlnu concIItIon Telephoner IJTbaItpr op In I973 TOYOTA COROL I600 50 IILIII mst conLlItIon Cyrth uns riiIILauI Cortilll Telephom 815 314 AUTO INSURANCE and hour In suranlc Compcttrvc ratus Call John Nelson Insurance 728 NH ni 197 ME TEOR door for saII also Nov Muslanu both In good ondltIon Telephom 72¢ veil W78 CHRYSI Lu ULIHIII IV 000 nirlus well mantaInuc Charcoal are with plan Vinyl root ASKHMI 55100 Call 72811674 III Ir to JO Allrr 737 2061 I971 PINTO SLIUIYL wnoorr alltorimtl root rack nlw Iiltml Itty cum clean 46 000 milvs curtItIoLI Tilcphonv 728 SIB I975 DODGE CORONET Brougham door buths AM FMLassntlu radurlx snows 3T8 FUSTDFOOIIILI Low rrIIluag AI condition $7 900 Phone pm 726 i307 lob DODGE JOL tron Enlist CDIUITI bin exclItem sonar cylindvr start lard $775 is Tcliphmn 726 1781 THE MUF FL 8T0 I8ll nnIsfI Strrtl WM CORDOBl Ivan sport Ron and wnIn ILP Lotsot doodles bucket seats factor Al track powv windows iutorvmi rrncmcg0 Way consolu and rv1rt Irnngc KLS IJI CaIl BIII Lo Mo Lb House AMC JlL 726 IFII WIS CHE IMPALA pear hardtop DOWN SIN1 power braklvs In ex cellunr 0nd tron low nirlcagi Crrht int Also antique sotlLL reruvcrvo In pond condition Telephonudifl 4158 I969 BARRACUDA nouns om lust alter Telephanc 718 7307 IQoQCHRYSLF NE VORKE May in good shapv Runs good Many new parts As Is $550 MIN 41¢ 204 30 00 719 3766 Dave I974 BARRACLIDA JIB SOURCE limo rubber SI 200 3r mist ultrlr Tollplump 737 I265 Ask for Ionn I978 DELUXE MAZDA 92 months old 8500 mtlti$ air DOLLIIjlltu AM FM stereo snows many extras Replacement value 58 349 Desporalu to sell 55 750 Call 726 784 lvbl ENGLISH FODD ZPDIy Ivar owls S100 Good motor TPltDTIOTr Thrrna SW $86 3078 Wu VOLVO I278 manual tour so rebunt molar Excellent runnIng lt0 lion Many ncw parts Needs sortwv body work to CTIII Reasonablli DTTLT 726 5361 l969 MUSTANG 307 61000 rIIIlS 79 plates cerirtled $850 Telephony 726 HUB alleréD I975 BUICK SKYHAWK autornaIc power slccrInu powLr Drakes red WIIII WthL Interior JItalIzed and Duraduard ed Immaculate one owner car but now too small lor my tamrly Asklng 5105 certified 4741931 I966 MUSTANG FASTBACK 289 four barrel dual exhausts tour speed trac bars air shocks new paint two tool silvervgroysrlver mag wheels 500 or best otter Tolephoou after Cer lItIed 776 6834 I976 THUNDERBIRO unused by ph sent family because at Illness own at fer Telephone 42 2600 I978 ACCORD WELL looted allur Only 55695 Call 726 6250atter5 30p 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE tor top cars Tokr Motors Limited II9 Bradford Street Bdrrw 77R Elli WANTE Clean usnd cars Barrii Itor da Auto rtales l7 Gawain St 726 6488 SPRING SPECIAL TRACY wanrscar FuIIsIzLars SIOprlrtdup Fullslzrlul brought In Bonus for extra Idlgl car 776 8187 SCRAP VEHKLEI WANTED Top prices pawl FTt mrnr4lvalr pith upany TITTII A36 COT BROS arsand trucks fANTF for wrnrkrnq Fast plrlup Phoni 43$ 6377davs 414 5919 evenrigs SCRAP CATIS WANTED S30 lull Sill picred up $40 fullsi1brrngIil ESQIIU tor extrahonvy 718 3606 776 JUNK CARS WANTED HIQIIWI DTIUC paid Same day prclrup Holt Auto WrrcIurs 776 87H URGENTLY REQUIRED Good clean late model automobiles TOP CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY ORV HARDY MOTORS I768RADFORDST 7284272 MWFTF Ziatrucks and trailers WU FORD TON ronlplvlr vltrr Insulated cap New TIQITI and exhaust system $7700 Tulcphonrl 716 Ilsa I967 FORD ton pick up nrrrirtr ftpairg UTICCYTITICTI $300 Call Jillr 487 5540 I976 FORD 350 four sowed stun Gard power SIFITIQ powrr TITOII heavy duty susponsIrIn dual whrolr 17 ll platlorm With rmk Vcry IrirI Telephone 116 IWB SPRING TRUCK SALE 78 Chev hall Ion LIC 076859 76 lord Window Van LIC KNV AIS 76 Ford F750 Campnr special with Cap LIC E43829 75 Ford F150 Explorer wnli Cap LC 647880 74 Cth El amino LIC JJSAEI TIIIJJ units BTLCIEFIIIILU and guaranteed Banir ItrtYIS GleliITHf Bay City Motors Bradford St 728 T110 I977 FORD VAN custurriiivrl miles AMF it track excrllrrnt rondl lion Telephone 474 9364 WI FORD VAN 30 custom innnor $1000 Toluptionr IM ltlb 37molorcycles I975 T80 YAMAHA naurr condition AslrInq S750 728 IlllallLr rri 4O Utlclu for solo nlIulII 29 REUPHOLSTERIN SPECIAL $29900 reupholsters ches guarantee on workmanship estimates call ruummmmummummuuimu mumsmou mmumiimimiunm IUI In good Telephone Labour and Fabric Included up to Is yirlds yr 7265721 STONES UPHOLSTERY IIltlll 50min for solo SENSATIONAL NEW STORE 20 GXIOO and got it free I2 RCA xuoo for Oily 400 wily starting Juno19 One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS Nut door to Mention HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE 4ST DUNLOP 131IIB2 TF DOMINION UPRIGHT pIano new can when $800 Tclcphonu 726 7146 lENlTN 20 PORTABLE COLOR loot solid state only S598 Under S6 wkly Starling Juno19 Order tanilo gotalroo I2 black and white Ono hour delivery KRAIY KELLYS now next door to Moalrnan Highway Forndalo 737II82 TF SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Will lease and Install lar homeowners lanilly SIIE aluminum swimming pools wrth patro Chaice ot styles meeting all lonc Ing regulations on one two or lhror year rental basiswnh option to own Try belch you buy Call toll tree 800 268 5970 BARRIE TENT and Awning Conlpdny provlrtLS OITIDILIL repair sorvlce on tarps lrmlurs tents and awnrngs Bi ready for spring act now av0Id Iht drlay Telephone 776 6137 Barrio Tent and Awnlnu Company 34 Baylruld SI downtown PINE FURNITURE custom madc SUITE wood lurnlturr reasonable ralus Colloi tablcs diningrournlablusctc 717 l0 MATERNITY FASHIONS just arriving for the spring and you AT REASONABLE PRICES MORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 726440I 9am530prn Mon thru Sat MWFAl8 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new I978 Pools regular prLu $2190 00 now at our all season spur Ial SI 35 00 Pools come wIlb walk around deck patio luncrnq pump motor and Him lolrvzxry ariangccl to your convi prance or LILst SIILCIOII and Inlorrrm hon can loll true 800 268 two BICYCIE TRICYCLES All types nut sites ernndrtIorwd rtparnlLt Ripnir mad partswantiid 726 0850 INDOOR SHOWROOM turII slvcl pools on dlsplay COTTIL In today Or call 716 dooe tor tree page booklet at inground anrt above ground poms POlltl Pools Baymarl Plaza DFNTON MOTOR bill I25 $10 Yamaha Trumburw almost nIw SIM Lacrossi stick S5 Pnonv 726 636s ROOM DI ILER with pImtlrr hf AIT rollers lll lung by Sit nigh Bayxrrirlv HoltI COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER IO ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor SI 500 CH JIM 1312432 TF PIANO BABY GRAND througle SITSO Call Ale 281 TWO APARTMENT SIZE thlu CltCr lrcIvrnalur stuvr 330 baby Iolm rocwr SA Dcn Iil soon told no car $8 yIIlowborgtunllfiubnu Mirma Hankscraft holllt glorim 36 III IIJth snugqllr baby LarrIur 778 055 60 WATT SPEAKERS SitS Paar lIJl watt speakAr S500 oarll Dunno 8000 S550 Manhood lurnlaDI LII lf turntablr $50 gunrlrapnonn may phonls S200 auxsnor vs Slur rm Jill A74 QSI atlur 05 SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM rociovor custom lurnlablo S343 Got frog ipoahort Under S5 wkly starting June 19 KRAZY KELIYS now next door to Moalrnan One hour dolivory Highway 90 Farr dale 731 IIB If USED CVfrtTtl and tryvrs rlr 718 83 NAME BRAND Nattwaw it list Ulill prlco Odd Slit rrlmlr toordm Ilnrrrl NdlITlflt Dunlap rial FIWTIIUNI Barric STE RE A1 IlTIC rt3lllt rLr rrrtir and playivr IM IM rwmwir Inn 71 watt sprainr3 TIITII ITIITIIII OIi SIIOU vamp azlrInq Sitar tunplum 474 IvaHdTTrT SKI HFSIAIIRANT EQllrprrirnl IC slush lmrtim ur IrIIII Trllvptumi 717 1810 TITANIC TOSHIBA lncrodlblo 50month warranty Electronic tuning now S849 Ordor tonilo got frog I2 portable Under S7 willy starting Juno79 KRAZY KELLYS now noxt lo Maalrnan Highway 90 Fern dab 7374 I87 TF VI NMORT WRINGT NIIllf yrmr olrt asking tron FxrrIlrrnt rnrlrll lion TCILDTIITII J74 llyH ITIPT If UNVI wrmlrir countIr Tfrif AM FM illrlft lwri Illll wavr handy llJleldTHl sluruqr spurr Iur Il ord tapes etc In TTIIFIII also om prirlrrIrrlt tor rail to real rIrr nrw Mons IIOCklfY cuillpriIrnl SIII J6 IIIIIT condition Ttllplllfllt IM 561 ARMORALL CARECARE PRODUCTS Come on in Look Around Our Prices are Right 39 High St Barrio 72B59II A2I6 terlield and chair For free inhome mumununinmmmmm wwuuumummmn to 10 day Ian ice mumimmacuIIIminimum MWFTF Allclicks for solo SIDE PIPES Thorloy 80 complete with solid pipe hookups to attach to headers Previoust an Ford pick up yrs s40 good condition 1760768 alter 30 RIDGE cu ll trosl lrec years old Dishwasher cycle year old Best ol lrr Telephone Edward 728 6031 DESK AND CHINA cabinet combina tron selection or clocks oil lamps dressers add tables pine cupboards pictures lramcs washstands small dishes etc Interested people only Apply Ross Street THREE FULL ROOMS at furniture seven piece living room sunto consists ol chostcrliold straight chair swrvcl rocker ottoman lwocnd tables one col loc tablc Fivc piece kitchen suite seven piece bedroom surto consrsts of double dresser mirror bookcase headboard toolboard tour drawer chest and 54 box spring and nialress all tor only SEW with tree delivery or no money down terms arranged no payments until May New and Usou Furniture and Appliance Store 70 Dunlop Street West liust west at the Barrie arena 737 £114 Closed Mondays JUST ARRIVED 23 sots54box spr Ina mattresses Sale price $99 95 per set wlIIIc they last delivery extra New and used Furniture and Appliance Store 70 Dunlop Street liusl west at the harrroarena 737 4174 Closed Mondays Used Appliances Stoves Refrigerators Washers and Dryers New and USED FURNITURE and AP PLIANCES STORE 70 Dunlop St lust West at the Barrie Arena 7371774 lCIosed Mondays CUTE AND OVAL TABLE and tour swivel chair set chrome and woodgrain arboritv Must sell Doesnt match new decor SIIS or best otter Excellent can dilion 726 6560 INDUSTRIAL CHAIN HOIST 20 tool reach complete with trolley Budget ton Telephone 8490 COMPONENT STEREO wrlh Sansul AU7700 amplifier Sony lranl load cassette duck AKI speakers 55 RMS watts per channel Brand new stIII this warranty 487 3651 BOYSBICYCLE 20in wlieol Excellent condItIon wheel IFICYCIL good contII lion sleeping bags All very reasonable Call 778 9947 alter In QUANTITY ol Doxlon sliulving llII App iy THE MUFFI FR TOP I80 lnnrslIl SITLtI Barrri 726 228 BEAUTIFUL KHROL burlroorri sum three months old was H825 Asknriu SI 350 or post after TCIODITOIH 73 mar atlvr FOR SALE International trrduo or client working and needs door Ildll die SUItablu tor collage Brst otter all 47 6416 WASHER SPIN dryer tar stile Srmpirl ty in excellent ondIIon SIM Telephone 726 II ALUMINUM REYSIONE Milli Wheels ISSI15 Telephone 716 816 CHAINSAW STIHL Utl AU run bodyn $350 10 In bar plus hams TLILphllth 776 816 FRIDGE AND IUVf Dnnliy wlirr SIII untill vvmrnrty two IYIIJIITTIS Illl apartrnun svrr SIIIII tIIr rmr Ttltflnlllll 737 II ANTIQUE MAPLE amino TIITIIt or LuiseII 54 lJll oplrn $200 Tiivplumw 4w I67 lbrllJIrJS from ma Sldt It wormipw shirt and IIQTIT rIerr ittiII If leu Iarquutot lawn IIIIvI Svlr Tilvflulu do 2671VTTLllrrifi 1r POOI IRAllii nw wIrI Tr tICI ltl Ill Ilfdhs 51 WII Iflrxri TWO wav IrI It two IS nuiq WhttlS rar l4 lrml vwln of room and Sptdktrs Zrrturun lr trillr OTTIDIIITI at ylIIlrITIl TIICDTIOIM our alter 4IAboals and motors CHRIS TTLITHVHIITYVTlyWII1I curvtplntol irulrt slimtil tuur loci rondIlIrI $1 ill TR FR lk ABLE Tut TlthfITli71Pll MACDONALI MARINE LTD 77 YONIiE ST IHHRIFZI ITI LIMIT FREE ti IAIK um CYCLE OIL with every tun up on JOHNSON IZVINRIDI OLTTBOAHT MOTORS Call today for your PRESEASON TINIIIl 7282910 My GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Dry slips available summer and Y°°f Ound CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Mercruiser Dealer JuZ B72I22 RES 7260032 CANOES or Painted Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royals Canvas Aluminum Kayau Complete stock at accessorlm Trades occoplod ROLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 530 41 articles wanted INII isl nausr LIIIIItIIIi or any Irwin Items or Will YTIIUV TrIr ptIorr Hit II CASH FOR 01 FURNITURE lilirliv 3TH old pirlurrv lurks urlrl iIIII lnrJ lrr Irsrillmn 18 If CANADIAN II VI l1 IIIN IIITIIIl III Amour TIIIIITI I964 tin llll IIurl qu Irirqr or urnall ilTIiIIIIrITI lunar ulrl wntrlirw potlr rlTlT IPVllllr Hr 1HI IvrriInrisM llol IOTFI WAIITE TI lln TIIlll HIIIIIOtk rtr wllIi IIIIOI Innaturn TIuIrliriqvviltilmintt41H IMII vii Ings Ill 5804 44 dogs and puts WOODLI TlJIMMllIII LIYIIIILIIIIHII grooming all Imrrlu plrl up dill lIl IIvrry 116 Itlrll lItl rim TROIItfI FISH lust Sulatroll Iii lrrwn Aqimnlini all um il lirilwlilnlilr Illt prIr III lvlnIliq Lirirl wrqutlirl liIII ArIIiririii IAI Arrhmli llrmrl Im 00 MAVS flll PAHLOW lrolr Sluriai IIppIriti irirl urrxirninn harmi HI uptrrt Plionr 715 ION lAliltLUUR TIII hltrllr nrirl Yllllifl rtqmtirvrl ulml rli wornwrl Itlirly in tin TIIIKIIITIIII 11 All AIIIsIun DAT ION lf NHL Soul millrill Iri Tlnnrrllriu lrir flit Dory IUIIII 0n lario TrIrplianrIUI 81 INI fIARRII POOIJII ldlrintlmiilpririrngi and clipping at all httllli illnlltl Strutt list 726 AIAI 9011an Idll OIIT RMAN TINIIHI cars and Irlll croppml luur rririnlli olrl female SIA Has all aholi TlltIIIrllllt 737 440 NOAHS ARK PET SHOP Professional All Breed Dog Grooming l0 yrs Experience Phone 7267332 688 Maple Ave Barrie Opposite Downtown Woolworth 50garden supplies TOP SOIL tor sale Sill Ilmrn ll ynrrlt New owull Mm Ttltpllolll 55m 54 service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRI ntnu ripmrs lo stereos ctr Quick ultILIriil guarantorl sorwctr Within 30 iriill rlirIIu ot Barrio call STEWART FLFI TRUNK 7ll 945 A1 hone Improveonto Itocamping equipment 1971 WOODS lent traIILr sleeps Six S300 Telephone 726 l29t after s7Iivestock lonsale WANTED DEAD or animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705i 326 9243 Simcoc Recycling EIGHT VEAR OLD thoroughbred gelding l6 hands high has been shown successlully at Canadian stamp OIILCIIOIT all plus reference books Valur SLIUO plus also Minolta 700mm tolcplialulcns mt 6786 PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL to lw sold at Elmvalo Sales Arena on Thurs day April Yearling born January I978 tirst call at Champion tomato lbs He Is hard and ready lor Sirvlcu 1F Ross Jermev 5977Apoultrychicks DEKAL READY to lay pullrls Farm fresh egos Laying tapes for sale Crmq Hunter Poultry Farms 136 Hill FRFSH FARM LOGS for 90050 995 Telephone 458 Mill 67lruits APPLES Apply Koolo and Sun rm cession Oro 118 8489 or 726 190 N0 Sunday sales APPLES BUSHELS Guardian lay tra lancy Macs so 99 Spy St 99 Your contmners KETJICIapporton St Barrw POT ATOFS CHOICE quality nIsLImirvI seconds wn tvIIvur or 778 9375 41 lioino improvements ANY COLOR GUARANTEED TIE smxs APPLI NCES Barrie MWFA23 ACE REFINISHERS 12mm Due to further expansion we require energetic and aggressive commissioned salespeople to work in our home division This job in crippled larm standard bred approved shows good mover bold Iumpor ml isai valves the sales of SELL OR SWAP for sound IIVLSIOk manufactured homes both niInl modular and mobile leasing office trailers and industrial buildings For appointment please call DIANE PRESTED at THE HITCH HOUSE LTD 1289700 35 mm camera WIIIT I975 Michigan Statu Present WEIQTII 950 EARN BIG norm ovmusm You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the same or similar type of job by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of iob skilled tradesmen or an unskilled laborer regardless of your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large sell addressed stamped envelope SLIII also vegetables CANCILLA FRUIT MAR TtltplIOIH 728 MI PorArorerH sin in Isl2mm FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES I738 Chatll llsniriu lullphran 710 khu sh Smbn fiversonals Toronto Ontario MSC A24 AUTHORIIED SALES II SERVICE ELECT ROLUX LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for last reasonable and prolossronal 1283392 ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TODAY TF EUR Til LON TROI Itvl IIRMAI IUN Mary trrrt Dunn Monti mu Yulact on I09 and rmlminm ill III service pm 717 412 735 9100f II 1I AL comm ANONVMOU Hit 55m IO SOCFOTOIIEII BUIOOU you LITIITI ttmts your THJnHSy It you want ILI qul that ours nll Itlyl IrIi AND Al US TO Hf UR IV ttIl Im IIM Id IIIUWINIl also ar hymnml Imti Dunlap ID and SIIIIIIIIYII aat Imrmtn TTVl Away mrvlrr SJIII Yunur VI lowdill Ont 4M 125 1M5 FA20 RIDINI INsIuIIIIIo Irmlvlr IrlIm Hersn tioartlwl Illirrln tile TIIIIHTI rI WIIdytfanIT arrrI IV NH TEL nut by on ImIr vI II Ilill iIIr llr an olorwj Hit It trIInr Pulp II Inlru lt wmiiuuw II r36 77° WANTT II IMH Hull Iiirail II It DONIIIILI Hirluiw iriri umwlli II ttrlr rIlllT Irv in tht wmulil you want all ltxlrtrihrvlrl IIrlrrrr Ir frll Ir int Marilyn or Irirm MIII IM Id MONI pqrtm JIIII mm itriJIITl counsrIlniu IMyuanilriuwlwqr Mum ttlruulitr lrIrtay ltmnn VIII MAP fACIAL ANTI BODY him tirozumtd SALES Rurnovwl prttlrlnlnly Mall ItTTIrIII lllanlI llltfollyllllrl on yrlni HrIm Lhuli fIiI TTIIrl ltl TJ 3n Loniuni II our AND ARE Iriri ttlnrzta Avmmivll through nw Im MECHANICALLY INCLINED Worrtn povldl an outllcrldirg iulai up 70 Iostandlound portunYty whom rumor 9mm and FRt vl HIFIDN lr AL Irn Itl TIMIKIOItowardarouuullum IA Extomivnliold and Volvo statronwiirmn train TlTw onqum pnrr III DIIKIIT Imv rutr ptodntliolilramlriu tIrItILt sun rml IW UNIV Spocialdvuwnnd we odvanco prugrurris wTT LOIFIIHIINJV 1l hob walled vovomml mini mum auicluruo Establulmd Ia ul Brilln OrIIIIa lnrr tor To Twirl triutl about quul Ty line of roplur amen polls tun hardware lailonan woldrng alloys and automotiv rhornuoli IL now Lt doolou body SlIrin 0an garage REQUIRED Friday 4007 30 5757900 Saturday 00 00 April l979 EXPERIENCED APPLICANTS Ipm to ONLY April mm 90mlobprn M3IA1 Ask for MI Drew Dorlmoyor A13 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 ELMVALE CLAPPERTON ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA AGNES LOUNT STS MULCASTER ST Yes would like more information about Route NAME mm AGE ADDRESS PHONE PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 THERESA AMELIA Hc EUGENIA ST VINCENT AREA DRURY LN WELLINGTON sr AREA TFFlNFERNDALE Just look over the ads below The ad NEENeed help vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible END YOUR PAINTING VlCWATSON Fireplacu and mommy For our Lessons agglkgl and popuigr mlim IOIIVII hnzitlmatosphono 1204599 Marcel Patvln Guitar Studio126ll CUSTOM BUILT and design Sposlallllnc ACCORDION guitar piano or in Im VnYl Sldng in natural none and antique brick mine nor and odvancod Two months torTol my SPOCIOI Spring Discount boIIIlru Workmamhlp guaranteed Polar Horuer 7372 Soffit Fascia Eavestroughing vinyl Shutters FIREWOO Wont scratch or dent moni loaned for home practice Canadian Acodornyiol Musicj21 BertiId 1284799 GUITAR LESSONS Clonical popular and rodr For further Information call Gary 7269098 PImoNPvmmmw ioo DRY MAPLE mm 4365645 an are susouro YEARS swarming Elilied io yoan126222 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7311295 can REPAIRS maintenance am TF 16 FACE CORD S30 FFREE DELIVERY 4812I13 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorilod Salon and Service Fro Home Demonstra iiom IBAIIIanco amt Until 7203392 CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Froo ostlmatoi Call 7312l93 CHIMNEYS cleaned bulll repaired oavos NERAL courucrmc CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions dry wall all masonry noods For quality wothficoll Jack 1283776 or Jahflfloafl lroughlng Installed tooling and flashing WW Mmm dmd bblh TOTNSIESLINGCPROFESSIONALWPA MTV INTING M72695BandMConstructlon °ppu° 0° ntorior anterior paper hanging custom vorkSa faction guarpntgod 126m PAPER hanging experiencod 17o caramels Jock Richardson 12620 at MSSES FIT II mode by JOSIE AOUINO Spoclollllng In pantwits gowns and altora lion Sl Phono266W owucaimo MARCH SPECIAL SPRING CLEANUP Vlfindows storms removed cleaned °Home yard cleanup Rubbish removal small EXTERIOR lions PAINTING REPAIRS PHOTOCOPIES order NOW for Spring °VT9 °b REFERENCES AVAILABLE EACH Exterior painting WHITE repairs GARY HANWELL LOCAL 4813141 233 Napier SI 1312325 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ZOLLE PR Pcnconstizucrion Houlnroumg loun mu donor ionovolions bddIlroru Phone wo WRITTEN 9°° 4362955 arm 33 Wow Mar Inga 7373990 NORTHERN CAPPINIPY SpacIuIIrIng In In tenor worh liar rourm kitchens butt rooms panelling finish work 7259007 AUTHORIZED still Melitta i4ch i4 CARPENTER Puur rxvmmcro wIlh pom orenon Electric omitn toolr IIIVJVOIionB odor doclu bathroom rrllnq lger mowers etc 7283818 rot 100ml alt Tolophoria 776 l77I TVIIO CARPENTERS Tully nvpanoncod on all interior or altarior additiono or alterations Kitchoru bathrooms 726v245l OTHER SIDE EXTRA OLOII STOCK EXTRA SH UN OFFSET COP PRINTING Woum ICATINC bl HVIFS AM runny Ault GATES B7 Dunlap St East Cultom now IMPROVEMENTS add It who mm We stock man urn WW 53 51 Mpg Repairs to 7794i Io TELEVISION STEREO RADIO 5T Pm Other Electronic Equipment ACTON aooxxmmo TAX Personal and Galiul CONTRACTING lTD 31 bumu returns to 72677572 mcomr TAX from your home Prompt 0T APWh plcli up and delivery Reasonable IF TOIOphonQN SMHHM 4378 Prraomu TAX RETURNS our specialty OBPIIIII sooling 30 °° Oporlling lots Otonnls court suemon EAVESTBOUGHING SPECIALISTS ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK OF opoirl Shoat metal 130 SLIILMQIZIIN Lowell patio floor etc FERTILIZING wood spraying mowing Iod Orig ooodlng otc Vic TIOITIBIYO 72672909 CARPENTRY roofi fillshod ROOFHIG TREE SERVICE stm KNICELV MASONRY and block and 24 hour tonic 726145 stun work chimney Fuoplocax 52 Ipcclalty Froaashmato 1124 SISB 474 I956 IBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boat irmwmobrloi mythmg fiberglan lroo estimator an WTHEII rato Worhrnorilhip Quorumad 474 5807 PLASTER REPAIR fancy moulds artlltic coll decorative walls apply on plaster or MIL KOBRA Froo estimates 12646 TAKE ADVANTAGE of our low spring roof Ing pricu Residential commercial 5264953 calloct Free estimates maniac RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Mode To Odor FAST SERVICE BILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE RRNo SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE CIT3035 SNOW BLOWING KARL FORSTL SNOWBLOWING Drle parking loll Iidowolko otc Reasona rates hono12B519I Barrio PLEXIGLAS SIGNS osroneraom PLYLON SIGNS OILLUMINAIEDNDNILLUMINATED OCUTOUT LETTEHS LOGOS RENTALS AVAILABLE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION uo vrsm mm UNIT 7374453 momma PALAS SNOWPLOWTNG Throo trucks for pfml dependable service at compotiliu VI 34 OWING Residential and ial Reasonable rat Fast dependable urvico Call Larry 7264599 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Roasonoblo ram Radio dispatched 24 hour nrvlco Tolephorio 7372897 REDIEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblaw hg Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal by cloanup Call 7265666 TV AND RADIO REYNOLDS TV SEBVCE in to 04° blad and while TV groom All make Udmodal lZlfI ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commorcial aid Industrial Fro estimates Telephone ml 11h wind 7I0P Intd holp wanted Equipment Sales EXPANSION Our client on international leader in its field and Number One in the North American market has doubled sales volume in two years and plans to continue this growth They have demon strated superior marketing skills and have top service support They will be adding professional representative in the North BoyBarriePeterboro areas to complement their current sales force and sell to the printing industries and inplanl printing operations Your experience will include selling tangible product and will demonstrate solid sales record of achievement You will be growth minded and be currently in the 830000 income range top compensation package includes Salary Bonus Com mission Plan Car Expenses and Paid Benefits You will sell to commercial and industrial users with an average unit sale of $30000 Reply in confidence or send resume to Joseph Lloyd 360I293 THE 500 SELECTION SERVICES CANADA LTD IO KING ST STE 5CD TORONTO M5C IC3 SELLING CAN PUT SUNSHINE IN YOUR LIFE Bored by one gray day after the next Develop sunny new aspect of yourself as an AVON Representative Sell quality products earn good may and have flexible hours too For details call 7289652 or write PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont LAM AT7 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN BARRIE and surroundingtownshlps MTTF All Step in to Career in Management We are interested in graduates of postsecondary institutions who wish to establish themselves in career opportunities in the retailing field Your introduction to Sears would start with our management development program featuring planned lob rotation in retail store Initial training generally lasts to months Qualifications MONEY to relocate nationally Natural leadership ability Apply in person to Sears Personnel Office Georgian Mall Barrie SimpsonSears Limited CONTRLLER Wu roquira graduate RIA or CA with several years of comprehensive manufacturing accounting experience Ap plicunts must have sound general accounting background with the ability to develop and install computer accounting systems well c1uiruuluclury accounting systems This position will appeal to hands on individual not afraid of the hard work involved in ioining fast growing nianulac luring company Salary open To apply send complete resume wrth salary requirements DANCHUK KOOLATRON IND LTD 230 Boyviow Drive Barrio Ont Hit an Examiner Carrier Sincere interest in retail merchandising Willingness 1ihob wanted ARE YOU DISABLED SUCH AS ARTHRITIS EPILEPSY POLIOETC We have full and parttime positions available Pleasant telephone work hourly rate plus bonus necessary 7314118 No experience PROFESSIONAL SALES CAREER SALARY SIIIJIIIII ILIS COMMISSIONS in all sales ITIINIS and stiles contests This amounts to very SUI STANTIAI INCOME good chance for ndumcvmonl broad company benefits and paid pension plan an included THE POSITION The sale if Rtntlill insurance products Tire casualty automotive humv disabilit income business life and related packaged pulicivs We offer an established torritor in the Barrie artu complotc and continuous ruining plenty of leads and prospects We deal with medium sized business firms and un spvciiilists in our field IIIIFITIO ThLpersun should be resident have guild rvpututiun lllIt model cur high schuul or butter education keen interest in ii prulcssiunal carolr and desire for management Ipririinu is not nttcsszir in our field Please submit rmumc to BOX A5 The Examiner Barrie M3IA279I4I67I 23 HAIRSTYLIST If you are good Hairdresser have good clientele and have minimum of four years experience and would like to have all the mandatory benefits of your own business but none of the expense and worry or waning your own business THEN RENT CHAIR IS FOR YOU Instead of giving the employer half your earnings you only pay the set amount of SISO per week for your own rent chair Any amount can be earned thats up to you Think about it IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please call JAMES MORAY HAIR DESIGN 1261655 A3 flu

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