Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1979, p. 11

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10 the oxamlnor Monday Apr112 1910 MONDAY EVENING VIEWING HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND IENDS Guest Jncl Waxion POLKA DOT DOOR 8130 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 600 genomes NEWS 615 ID READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE snow no no DOUGH BILLY ID NEWLYWED GAME ID DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW PRICE is RIGHT 730 3100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CARTER COUNTRY SHA NA NA Guest Blend Lee MAGIC SHADOWS Cnptam QIICB BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 In LITTLE HOUSE ON THE The lngalls and then tormei neigh Dora the Garvey and the Olesons discover that Me In Winoka IS much ditteienl as they all nettle Into new robs Concluding Episode 60 55b THE LION THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE An mmma IpeCIaldepictingtheexltaotdinaiy encuvsion allow children mm the land utNarnn tantasY would tilled With stianue cieatums and danger historically speaking atlitmus Conclusnun80 nuns SALVAGE1ltuiymdhisutvaue Illm try to Dave than FBI and Klinpui liom donih below hung Squad When he II kid hipped by commandos while YRlt ntionino In in GOMIRS ALI You NEED Is LOVE mm HOT CITY DISCO MOVIE COMEDY Road to Hong Kong no 9200 JESUSOF NAzARETH mint nod diamntanlion ot the Me and Inachmuii ot Jesus JohnthoBthostlsslmn Josuspeitounn the uncles ot healing the possessed boy and titling Simon Polerl amply IIIIh Roll Simon PatelThomasandMltlhawiomIheunksothis tolloweis Sluts RobertfowollAnnrnanciuti Illout pylorias 2h MASH The oppmsswe KLtlnil heat gels to evmyone especially Klingon who responds to the conditions with one oi his most omens theme to otlecl dischaiue ALICE Edsel Jams nsllebeny lhows uplookingtoi hISdRuuhteI Flo whomhuhasnt letn IllfF she was out am How NF WFST WAS WON LukehooksupmlhapiottybutIothnlrobboiwho wantshimtoihei owmomantic Iowaidswhileho dodgesbountyhunteuinlutdospaIteeltoii Eleni his name at mutdev charge his MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED THE ODYSSEY Episode ed Heio WELCOME BACK KOTTER 930 09 WKRP IN CINCINNATI An adveiiismu campaign engineered by Herb to promote WKRF results In stunning Ievctalion Venus Ftytiap ONE DAY Al TIME 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOUGRANTAsaoesotShIdRowstrnn glinqslulns out tohave specmtmeaningtol Lo who discover his lormet dock is now bum min SPEAKING OUT o3 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 MAN ALIVE mm look at the growth at Christianity in the PACItIc Inland 1100 In 02 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA vi Mayorllng one 1120 90 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOWtiunInuun The Muppnll Guoltu flainailottn lotaia Lao or 90 nuns CBS LATE MOVIE mz Rocuonu FllES bought At Indinnhvld Rival Whun Angel luddonly heroin wnnlthy Rurktmd ll Iuspo mus and Imitiulluil hes incl otnundoi wuild tat nwulttle MCMII AN AND erl Husbands thl Amthittms Stall Rockltud Susan Saint James MOVIE DRAMA Satan mvor Sloo I1962 STREE TALK QUESTION PERIOD 1145 THE BODY IN QUESTION Menu ol the MallI HOSI Jonathan Miller ranges Iriusstho SubioctolIhacuculunonolihoblood With iiiIla to tho tumous anatomy then In PnduRJthyandWithuponmenlaonhmisultto IIIUSIIOIP how blood pressure works 60 mars 1150 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA The Alphaga or 1973 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Buttortly Altair tan 1210 MOVIE ADVENTURE Key West1912 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyaai Guest Rons Philbin host ol Loo Angolan TV talk Show 60 thin lit ARCUS WELBY MD 130 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY godaxin history pril I070 llillllilltl1itl11It1sttltls born 171 years ago today In 1803 in dense Denmark the son of penniless shoemaker Andersen was dreamer He quit school to build ptippet theatre and puppets and when he went to opcnliagen to find his fortune at age he tried opera singing dancing and dab bled in theatre all without sue eess He wanted to become great novelist and dramatist His first novel The linprovisa tore was published in 1833 llut he had little regard for his Fairy Tales which began to ap pear the same year and which he coiilinued to produce until shortly before his death in 1873 llis novels and plays are forgot ten but the Fairy Tales which ltltlltlt The tgly Duckling The llrave Tin Soldier and The Little Mermaid have made him revered and beloved throughout the world as childrens storyteller till The establishment of the Mint uIsauthorIzed lxlli Britain and lienmark fought the naval battle of pcnhagen lltiit The Pacific Scandal broke In Parliament Illoli The first session of the Saskatchewan legislature opened Lam April 1957 Kinsmen Week was being recognized throughout anada by the various Kinsmen clubs and Barrie Kinsmen marked the week by devoting their canadas story New Westminster Should Be Capital of British Columbia New Westminster would have been the capital of British Columbia if it had not been for some skullduggery on the part of some people who preferred Victoria Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columr bia were separate colonies until they were united in 1866 Victoria was the capital of the island and New Westmin ster of the mainland and Governor Seymour wanted New Westminster to be the seat of government The decision was to be made at meeting of the legislative council of British Columbia on April 1868 Captain Franklin of Nanaimo was entrusted with the task of presenting the case for New Westminster Vic toria supporters treated him to number ofdrinks before the meeting opened and he was in fuzzy state of mind when the time came for him to speak iold Commission er Cox sitting next to him was in favor of Victoria and managed to shuffle the pages of Franklins speech so he began on page three Franklin knew something was wrong and made three false starts Then he took off his spectacles hoping to be able to see more clearly Cox pressed the glass from the frames of the spectacles so Franklins vision was worse than ever when he put them on again The meeting was adjourned for half an hour in the hope that Franklin would be able to speak When it resumed Franklin stood up to resume his speech but delegate protested that he had already spoken and could not heard again The objection was sustained and the majori ty of the members voted for Victoria Governor Seymour was furious but could do nothing about it except dismiss Franklin and Cox from the councfl TlltIR EVENTS ON APRIL 1663 Edict issued stating that Canada was to be go verned by laws of France 1778 Quebec merchants petitioned for repeat of Quebec Act 1838 Council of 22 members governed Lower Canada 1871 First Dominion of Canada census showed popula tion as 3689000 with British 21 10000 and French 1082000 1085 Indians massacred whites at Frog Lake during Northwest Rebellion ltltl7 US seized Canadian sealing vessels in Bering Sea 1898 Colonel Moodie of Hamilton had first gasoline powered auto in Canada Winton 1947 Cocktail bars opened in Toronto 1955 Angus Mcdonald bridge opened between llali fax and Dartmouth regular meeting to discussion of the proposed new childrens park on the site of the old Dy nieiit Farm property in the Anne Street area Barrie Arena was packed to capacity for the final meeting of the threeweek Crusade for Christ The crusade original ly scheduled for two weeks was extended for third week because of the strong support it received William Craig was elected chairman of the board of trustees of the ltoyal Victoria Hospital at the annual meeting of the corporation lle succeed cd Warren Wilgar who would continue to serve on the board Brennan was voted itIzIn of the Year and awarded the ll Wright Memorial Trophy presented by William raig Mr Brennan got the award although he had been active in many community affairs mainly on his efforts hiring 1954 and for the preceeding five years in the Barrie Agricultural Society grounds and buildings and St Marys larisli school church and auditorium ne of the biggest industries in town with an annual payroll of almost $Itlooo the Royal Victoria Hospital showed revenue deficit of $26590 before depreciation at the end of 1936 Over half of this amount $14870 was due to losses on Indigent patients and $7404 to bad accounts incurred in the main by the near indigent The rink skipped by Mrs Vern Adams won the and lilbey Trophy at Barrie url Ing lub Members of Mrs Adams rink were Mrs harles llurtibcsc Vice Mrs llrnest tlell second and Mrs lack flutter lead This four some defeated Mrs Lottie lliompsons rink of Mrs Doug lltilfltt Mrs lack llatiiilto nand Adrienne Fraser PM denies he was told RCMP might break law SASKAIUUN Itli lrnnc Minister Trudeau dench Friday he was informed in 1070 that the lttMl might lime to break the law in the national Interest Trudeau told reporters during brief stop on his western campaign tour for the Mav 22 election that he was not informed about so called inherent contradiction that police force might have to break the Ian itself Previously secret cabinet and lttMl documents and Itsllr monv by John Stariies former director of the forces security service were released lednts was discussed it two Iiicctiugs of cabinet committee III lllio of which Trudeau was the chairman llic lclonald royal commis sioii on lttMI wrongdoing re leased the material in hcIIy edited toim lrudcau said he had been aware long before he became prime minister that such con tiadIctIon cIstcd and posed dilemma llut he said he wasnt informed about any inherent contradiction in lttMl oper ations The documents released this week indicate that paper en titled Law and tlrdcr was sent day They indicate the issue tothecalniicteoiiiIIiIttIeoiipii tlllllts and planning and was discussed at meetings on Nov 21 aiidllcc Ill The fit page paper noted that ltoyul commission on the sc ciirity sttHtl had rccognIcd III llllit that security and in tcllIgIncc work may require those engaged in it toundcrtakc activities that are contrary to tliclau The paper went on to say that the problem must be resolved soon it Illl security and in telligcnce sciiicc is to provide eftccliic adncc information for the govciInncnt The agenda for the llec meeting lists the first item as further Iltllittlt on the low thoughts The Doctor Says Use medicine cautiously It Ill IZ ltlltIJI hear Itublc My laugh tei who is two Inonlhs preyI hunt is taking Aldonict for high blood pressure also potassium supplements with it am con cerned about her taking this She re mrls feeling very tired ioiili appreciate your IIs IIIt Let me repeat something have said here on other occa sions Generally speaking the effect of medicine is the same for the fetus as for the iiiolhcr taking it For this reason any medicine is to be used cau tiousty during pregnancy There are times when inch elite Is essential for the health of the mother High blood pres sure is an example of an over riding iieed Also there is risk to the fetus from high blood pressure Doctors watch the mothers pressure closely rise 111 to points in the lower or 21 in the upper reading is con sideied abnormal requiring action In normal pregnancy pressure declines until the last month when rise is expected We dont know why some women have abnormal rises in pregnancy It is more common in women in their first prcg nancy or in those who have had kidney or previous blood pressure problems Where possible conservative treatment is tried salt re striction rest and perhaps sedatives If these measures fail diuretics water pills may be tried Aldoniel lnielhyldopai is drug that acts bit the nervous system to lower pressure in the arteries There are others used in combination always too may necessary which are weighing the risks present danger Since your daughter com plains about fatigue shc sliotild mention that to her doctor It may be mild effect ot the IncIlicineoranemia against licar lir Itnnlc llcascex plain what bronchoscopy is and what it involves ls surgery con iiccted with it and what are the dangers pains eftects etc llt think you are unduly anx ious about your bronchoscopy The doctor uses lliui tube like instrument which has small reflecting light in it With this he can view the bronchial tubes inside your chest for signs of abnormalities sears growths or foreign objects You will be asked to lie down on your back on table Your head will be slightly below the body as you bend it backwards This allows the doctor to insert the tube into the wiiidpipe Lo cal anesthetic and some mch clues to calm you might be used to case any discomfort There is no surgery no pain and no after effects Im not trying to tout it as the pleasantest cxtxricnce youll ever have but with modern techniques discomfort is min imized Youll be up and out of the examining room in short or der with little but an un pleasant memory The iii strument is called bron clioscope BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Art Of refusing finesses WEST OK53 VAQJSII 0743 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East 2v 30 to Pass Pass Pass Openlng lead o3 Alan What is the largest number of finesses de clarer might refuse to take Oswald You can probaly work up hand where de clarer will refuse four but three is the largest really logical number Here is an example Alan South realizes that the three of clubs lead is Dr0bably singleton so he hops up with dummys ace Then he leads the jack of trumps from dummy and rises with his ace He cant afford that finesse because that opening club lead just might have been fourth best so South wants to pull trumps as quickly as possi ble Oswald He leads small trump West rises with the king and leads the three of diamonds after East dis cards on that second trump South refuses that finesse also Then he pulls Wests last trump and goes about the business of conceding tricks to Easts two kings Alan South has made sure of his game in spite of all finesses being wrong Incidentally if all had been right he could have taken them all and made grand slam 63310999qu New Jersey reader wants to know who invented the weak jump overcall The bid was first used by Oswald Jacoby in 1931 It became tool for few experts in the early 305 and today is in common expert use and also is employed by many average players daily crossword 45 Bllllltd chmth Play dIVIsIon Bay window ACROSS 46 48 CJdglllalt Hontbeat gum 5t Jackie 2nd Cum IlfSlfIll Wham Aint Will 52 50w WHOM state alibi WM mm 56 Collaborate Comm 56 Separates mm mm 15 Crude 59 EUem Ma 60 Routine nickname Shunt 18 laHIOll plant Cmlm ln 221 63 You would 22 JIIICL drink 64 trill 23 Bygone lays 24 Shoe 27 Plant hatintul DOWN Cam Sudden stroke comp wd Road 32 Edible gleen 539 pod louvriey Mao 35 Bloke biead mg 36 Fatima Cut husband Lean 37 Fermented Pay dot dunk Teaching 39 Legends An pletix 41 Most desiring to PIeCIpItatIori 44 Antlaiiciatt It Poultry hie 16 Fashion at on Answni lit lwtnins Iue 2t lIoniIsi sobnutty 42 lull mound 43 Coated Ntllt 22 Yeiiis II lite pilt 23 High card 47 Spy group 24 Fuel abut 25 Something maikable Isl 26 American 48 Kind of 9mm 49 Rivets Sp 50 Idea FI patriot la 28 Cheers Sp Si 29 Nobleman 52 30 Volcano In aua eve my 53 In case that 54 interrogates 57 Canal system 31 Ottice table 33 Good natured kidding in noivtu 38 Rope ol lowers 55 Hockey 40 Steinwaid league alibi AStrOG ra Bernice Bede 0801 April 1979 This coming year several lucky breaks wnll give you the oppor tunity to complete protects youve had on the drawing board for long tIme Once completed youll be able to do many new things ARIES March illApril 19 It may come as surprise to you today when someOne who usu ally doesnl pay you too much attention IS extranice TAURUS April 20May 20 Someone Older or more experi Ninthrop enced may point out direction for you today and bring you new hope toward getting some thing youd like to have GEMINI May 21June 20 Con tinue to give your responsibili ties top priority today You will receive more satisfaction in achievement than through triv olous outlets CANCER June 21July 22 You have good chance to sell those ideas or plans youve been trying to promote Your approach today Is creative and practical LEO July 23Aug 22 friend IS going to jump into the picture today and Show you how to get something youve been want ing badly Listen Tim though inn way may not be easy Short Ribs OD SWOQDSMAN 6gan RE RES THINK 1M COWNG DDWN NITIl gtitlETiltlp mumn Frank and Ernest Nmflfl Swim MI Ltd Ti 17 Dally Ultra it pin Kain gt NORTH ERN STATION ERY 29 Dunlnp St 737 3860 WE TALKEDME INTO GOINGTO HIE BIRTHDAY FMRTV SATURDAY CARE TOONE OF DURSBLF TO THE ANNUAL 13le FOR 01290th IOME FOR W666 HIMA IS THERE ANY 97ECIAL6ELEC TION YOUD LIKE TO HEAR BY Mitt13 It awr You Your wedding invitations nnouncemen ts Headquarters We provide loanout service HE TALKEDME WE INTO BRINGING WEE Ovhfllntflg03m THE TIME THESE Ebls t5 THEY WIDI KNOW T0 TAFE CARE OF VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You have chance today to make big hit with one who doesnt know you very well through your wlllingness to be coopera tive and helpful LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 That little extra push youve needed to put you out in tronl ot the pack will be forthcoming today Youll cross the tinish line tirst after all SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 It you allow experience to guide you today everything should come out just the way you want It to in the romance depart ment SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Involvements where you share material interest should be given lull attention AVWY ER How ABOUT FL6H7 TH BUMBL EBEE Cl1 flrv lets VOMITNCJ KAGHIFEVER today Worthwhile gains will come of it CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 The timing is good today to make request at someone who doesnt grant tavors easi ly This person will be In the right Irame ol mind and will come throuah tor vou AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Its good day to clean out those closets or to tackle the attic You may even discover lew valuable misplaced or for gotten Itemsl PISCES Feb ZOMarch 20 SOCIal gathering could bring you together with someone who has been hard tor you to reach Use this opportunity advantageously at IV II US Pm on lebFTANT WHEN YOUR BFAI N6 ARE SoFAMBLED PERSONALLY PRECEQ PISTOL oicns OKAYnd vugDSPuoa on FIVE BUCKS mutnbuniuniMIAo ya mite

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