Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1979, p. 5

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um bk in search of church Bishop Aris Shirvanion and his 800 congregation have problem They need church to meet in The Armenian Apostolic Church of the Eastern Rite has been looking around Toronto and ate church CP Photo ItlJ Ilk itlzt Speaks at service ollier Street liIIIeIi thIIieh announces that ltm XIIIk Reeves will guest lit the to noon hour Lenten Seixiee on Tuesday March Mt litttts who Is lltit of Nova Seotia has served the lnited hureh ot Found It the Montreal tittawa KingIon Toronto London and Hamilton aras He has reeeiitl heei lecturer in tiie olliei srlioot oi Lay Ministry and IIiiieiith it makes his home lit Sandy on Acres ir teeves Is nonIt forceful and eoiivini Int oIMoi proclaiming tiod ltIU to all Luncheons wIll litttl It and follow li teens aItItIe ost of the luncheon Is III Services are Itiloi tool and geared especially for thou who may be shopping oi working ltI Harries downtown aiea ioII are invited Ito lttttt with friends There Is no adiiii Ioi charge lor the worship ei ttt Memorial fund set up In response to tributes In the form of liltittt that lune litll pouring lit the lieurend Forrest Fund has IHttt set tip The fund Is iIIeInoiIal to the contritnitioiis made in taiiada and The liiited thIIIih the late ltt Forrest outspoken and often controversial editor publisher of the liIIted thIIrelI Observer for 25 yeais special comiIIittee has been appointed to recommend the form of the memorial whitii will be established the l£ eeutive ol General fotIiieII the Churchs highest legislatiii body It is expected to he the area of continuing ttllltlttilt religious Journalism or bIlIheal Studies each of which was ol particular interest to For rest Members of the conIiiiIttee are Dr Angus MachIeen former Moderator and chair man of the ibserver board of directors Dr Fred It lolIlIn ot Mississauga irotessor titInge Johnston of Montreal lir it it Davidson of St Andrews Church loroiito Dr Forrest spent his last sah batical in intensive study on Biblical parables and was com pleting his book on the suheet at the time of his death Points to ponder Be comfortable with hu putting want ads in papers in their search mility Hy INIHUIIIY KILIH It How do we react to life Are we always lIiIIinIg onto our high horse and letting off steam young student who was which to hang his hat Again says that He dwells live are not better people lroverbs 2923 tells us that hiiii low but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit And what greater honor can we have then to dwell with the most High the tine who showed such great humility leaving His Hod nature and taking on Man nature living as servant and humbling Himself to the naked on Cross rI we discouraged with our initwrlections lake heart and IealIe that God dwells with the humble and not only does He dwell but He also cleanses and comforts ltlessed are the poor In spirit foi theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matthew it not with the proud never in the rong perfect people but itli the ones who are Imperfect who are sorry that they very upset complained to his protessni about the jibes that he received from his fellow students The professor looked at him for moment then said Hang your hat on the him In surprise because there was no hook on the wall on the professor told him to hang hi hat on the wall The student did so and watched the hat drop to the floor Then the professor said It there was Iiot much conceit and pride in your make up there would be less reaction to lifes irritations How true it Is that pride is prickly partner who prods and pokes us whenever we feel that folks are not treating us we deeie Humility is much more comfortable eompa iIIoinhoeases and oils lifes IiIevItahilItIes lhe proud find the words lam wrong am sorry very difficult to utter but they are much easier for those who are humble And the humble are special people for iod III the high and holy place with him also that Is of contrite and humble spirit Isaiah 37 13 Here we have beautiful picture wall The student looked at very The most High willing to mans pride shall bring Come and turn your faith loose 15y Ill3V JOHNSON tiiited Pentecostal hurch Mire the liible says iod roll ed back seas suixriiaturally pron ided for the Israelites and eiIIed the whale to spit Jonah out on the beach Its believable because iod is super natural being Jesus who was Bod manifest in the llesli Timothy 316 miraculously cleansed lepeis healed the sick even raised the dead It not only matter of faith It is laet of history Since person can believe those truths It should be no hurdle to believe that he is iltit tinrely wast and that he is rewaider of them that diligently seek him Hebrews tti Faith is still the factor which appropriates the salva tion iod has provided for all The person who truly believes will be motivated by that faith to obey the gospel repent be baptiied and receive the Ho lySpIrit iohn737351Acts23tt Faith has no clash with works Its not faith versus works Faith produces works James 218 lteal laitli in the atoning blood of Jesus hiist creates godly sorrow for sins which leads to reinntance Corinthians 710 Genuine repentance readies one for water baptism and the gift of the spirit Have you repented Maybe you want to or youre not sure what it Involves Thats why were here iod is rewar ding faith as it is manifested in our services ome and turn your faith loose It still works Church into recycling The National illice of the liIIted hurch in Toronto is in toa trial run todetermiiie if the staff Is serious about the desire to recycle paper The ls Five lioundation nonprofit environmental group located In Toronto is handling this at present for number of businesses departments of goveriiirient and education and now for The United Church Na tional ffice It is estimated that each staff member throws out approx imately three to four and half pounds of recyclable paper per lay MW Just who is that knocking at your door By Rev Howard ourlney When Is the last time so meone has come to your door in the guise of Christianity Yesterday You mean to say theyve been at your door today already Quite possible Today seems to be the day of visitor lion Every oddball group under the sun is tramping path to the doors of many in this area suppose were one of the strategic target areas with great potential in the eyes of offbeat religious organiza tions We are country enough for them that were not spoiled like the cities and were city enough to make it pay for them People in the cities for great part are already turned off by the thousands of solicitors Theyve learned to turn deaf ear to the door or how to polite ly say No thanks Im not iii terested But here we still like to be friendly as long as we can without having someone 220 Steel St Barrio SERVICE at 400 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL at 430 pm CHURCH SERVICE PM 09 ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church 59 En Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rov Gorord Iyioord Organist Mn Voro Diomond 1100 AM TOWEL BASIN MINISTRY Noxt Sundoy Spociol Tho Covonont Ployorc Oiurch School for ol ogoo ot tho Iomo thno htont Nuroory Coro Providod ALL WELCOME Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie 11 om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues 130300 pm9 pm vmcYo suquv MARCH 11 1979 950 AM DYNAMIC CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR Evorybody ought to go to Sondoy School 11 AM WORSHIP SERVICE Pootor Running Proochblg Whoro tho Sohit of tho Lord is thoro is Lbortyl Enloy tho Biblo Study it and find now opirituol dopthl vooPastor Courtney preaching 95 Presbyterian take advantage of us But it is becoming increasingly harder How can you determine the legitimate aboveboard and honest How do know it is not some multimillion dollar ediIaCe organization seeking personal and political power and prosperity How do check them out Heres few basics to look for before they come through your door Number One Are they local Many religious groups smother community with hundreds and sometime thousands of canvassers seeking converts and support They need to be challenged Where are you from ould see your iden tification drivers licence preferably with the address of residencet If they are not local then they are often hard to authenticateand its difficult to see what they stand for and practice You could he suppor ting abortion on demand UNITE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Chricthn Sdiool 49 Ford Lono My TIy Now 1000 om lvhg Iorflp 100 Jesus is Coming Are you ready Pastor Johnson 7282353 SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENING SERVICE $qu Westminster Presbyterian Church 110 Steel St noor Puget MINISTER not MILLS 1000 AM Morning Worship WHY MISSIONS Nuroory Coro Provided Church School Nodnoldly 030 AM lilo Study and Proyor Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry The Presbyterian hatch in laoada ©aiut filament Owen and Woesley fits Minister Hev llartvl Waiti tilt ltlt Seniot Limit ti Ittltil it my not JIIIIIoI tIIiIrtI School tti am iIIiIrtav VVtilIltil iIII HIII any Jwilhililt cannon MISSION MOTIVES MAP III Service Broadcast Cable pm titlitittd aw ao ilIiIIeit homosexuality anti government or communistic slanted groups 77 all under the name of love and Chris tian Secondly What do they call themselves Whats the handle they go by Most cults and non Christian religious groups do not readily identify themselves by their popular names Once you know who they are its easier to check them out as far as their organization doc trine and practices Thirdly What do they teach Do they allign themselves with the cardinal doctrines of Chris tianity But then some will agree with everything you say even if you contradict yourself ne of the cardinal doctrines of Christianity is the doctrine of salvation Evangelicals would all agree that full salvation was purchased by Jesus Christ in His birth life death burial and resurrection To teach FAITH MISSIONARY 779 Crawford Street Borrle 737 3062 anything different is contrary to the Bible and is anything but Christian Christianity Today August 18 1978 page 40 reported that the Moonies teach that Christ failed to achieve full salvation and that Koreanbum Messiah possibly Moon will complete the task each individual must evaluate this type of teaching with the fundamentals of Christianity Biblical Christianity teaches that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin John 17 According to the Journal of Discourses Volume 111 page 247 the Mormons ap parently believe that this is not so In referring to the cleansing power of Christs blood for sin they say that the blood of Christ will never wipe that out Your own blood must atone for it With this must disagree Further the literal physical bodily resurrection of Christ is foundational in Biblical Chris Poctor Rov Noyno Domm 1260150 945 om Sunday School 1100 om Morning Worship pm Evening Worship Wednesday 800 pm No Bible Study and Prayer Josuo cold will build my church Motthow 1618 GREAT START 80 ATTEND 90 200 Hayfield HELD FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST SUNDAY Perhaps 900 om service fits into your worship plans You are welcome to ioin us FREE METHODIST CH UR CH AM SERVICE at Dalton St 900 om Worship Service 1000 om Sunday School 100 om Worship Service 630 pm Evening Proiso RoIIy Growing to Serve You Better Cut Bull FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 156 St thont St Phono 1286035 REV BIERMAN Join us for worship at and 11am and 72041mv no om service on last Sunday df the month Tooo htto tho BAG T0 000 HOUR RADIO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINEM 000 om 1010 Toronto CHEN 930 om 1430 Pastor INNISWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Bruce Swanson CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School am Morning Worship and Sunday School Guest Spoolior Rov Ernio Nulimoyor Who brings sunshine into life of another has sunshine in his own Jordan For information 72871 33 115 Yongo St Borrio 1280110 Rov Michool Stroln Pootor 1000 om Sunday School 1100 om Morning Worship 100 pm Brod McLoon ond Morrll Woolo tint hond Loprooy Mic roport on tho oiono in India timo of Foliowchip to Iolow Growing Church in Barries South end EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 120 St Vhicont St Barrio 1203011 Rev Frank Wuast Pastor 945 AM BIBLE SCHOOL class for everyone 1100 AM The Course of Moral Impurity 100 PM Audience participation sermon Soociol Music for tho doy David Anno Gout from Lhdooy omit Wodnoodoy 130 PM Prayer Praise Bible Study DIAL BIBLE MESSAGE 737 1251 FIRST BAPTIST 31 CLAPPERTON ST Minister Rov Stewart ledell mam wonsmr 1030 AM The Glory of His Person WEDNESDA 1PM Proyor Blbio Study At the Heart of Barrie with Barrie at Heart Whool Choir Romp ovo lloblo ot tho cido door the oxamlnar Saturday Mar 10 1979 tianity From the book entitled The Kingdom is at Hand page 258 Jehovah Witnesses appear to reject this basic truth Here it states In his resurrection he was no more human He was raised as spirit creature This would seem to be basic departure from historical Christianity again causing me to reject such teaching ese are few important trut to be adhered to in Chris tianity full salvation through the birth life death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the vicarious work of Christ and the cleansing of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ and the literal bodily resur rection of Christ Literature from these cults and sects often is printed unv marked of any identity Its hard to determine often who publishes what you receive at the door again making it dif Anglican Churches St Georges Anglican Burton Gronvilio 900 AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Church School and Nursery Rector Rev Kaye BA All Welcome Rev Samuel Obol Assistant LENT II om Iton Communion 10 om Mottlnc Sormon pm Proyor Praise Uppor Room 35955 Grove St cost at Cook Mhlotor Rov Arthur Storoy 1030 om Morning Worship The Stranger of Galilee TRINIT CHURCH BARRIE 24 Collier St Next to Post Office Canon Spears Rector MIDWEER EUCNARISTS Tuocdoy 130 pm Thmdoy1030 om Friday Noon Hour Spookor Caron VI Ndnby Come into His gate with Thanksgiving United Churches bout to authenticate Ter minology is often confusing The game of semantics is played Salvation forgiveness kingdom sin and redemption are all interpreted to mean something different than what we understand it to be in Basic Christianity With many cults there is an extra Biblical source of authority prophet or other sacred writings In Christiani ty the Bible is our sole authori ty Sometimes the only way is to turn deaf ear Im not sure what you ought to do but whatever you do dont be caught in the trap Most of these people are well intentioned and sincere yet have deviated from the cardinal doctrines of Biblical Christianity We must at any cost hold firm to the basics As St Paul has told us Let no man deceive you by any meansi St Giles Anglcon Church 95 Cook St Barrie 030 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1000 AM MORNING PRAYER 130 PM LENTEN SERVICE Gout Proodor Tho Rov Al longon St Thomas Shanty Boy SERVICE 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Gods Laboratory of Love Sormon Thomo It Burton Avenue United Church 31 Burton Avo Ilrio 1030 AM WORSHIP with Nursory Coro ond Church School ot tho sumo hour Mbhtor REV PAULO MORRO Moot Dhoctor MR DOUG GARRANAY Everyone is Wolcomo gLnitcd Church Ross and Toronto Streets Next to the RVH Barrie Ontario Invites you to Celebration of Worship at 1030 AM MAKING COMEBACK REV JAY Tho church school moot at tho sumo hour Thursday March 15 Lonton Sorvico Spoohor Mrs Kathy Irvin Lunch boforo ond ottor Welcome to ChristCentred Jo fulFellowshi ii Open Sundays for your convenience SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOLS AM 11 AM Welcome To ll

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