Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1979, p. 4

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Saturday Mar 10 1970 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Two profiles in courage In world where selfinterest invariably comes irst people are somehow not expected to risk their lives for others We lost sight of the fact that humanity still prevails and real heroes do exist Two real life heroes front our area were honored by Gover nor General Schreyer yesterday in Ottawa for acts of outstan ding bravery Each deserves recognition in his home area William Dixon of Oro acted courageously to rescue pilot after plane crash near his home in November 1977 Doing far more than might have been expected Mr Dixon forced his way through the burning wreckage to pull the pilot to safety Warrant officer Edgar Weatherlwc formerly of CFB Borden acted with bravery to save Cpl OBrien from falling to his death during parachute jump After the two men became tangled during the jump W0 Weatherbec helped OBrien control his fall OBrien landed safely but Weatherbee suffered compressed verterbme We think these two are profiles in courage for the rest of US In an emergency they are how courageous people should and must act hitl simooe ear The Grand Trunk Station In Barrie as It looked lust after the turn of the cen tury The station Is believed to have been built about i870 and was demolished around i959 Station was located near Memorial Park DearSir You report March Little reaction here local Anglican church spokesmen say to the or daining of homosexual priests Well Im not religious person par ticularly But am sensitive to the fact that the church is an essential part of our western civilization And anything that can attack its supporting pillars is danger ultimately to all our lives There is no valid historical basis for condoning flagrant homosexuality in the modern Christian church You report also note that some feel the bishops decision to ordain homosexuals was political rather than spiritually motivated Of course it was That is in fact the main reason for this reaction of mine Understand that homosexuality may or may not be neurotic men tally unhealthy in itself but the virulence of organized homosexuals as group reveal all the symptoms of mass hysteria typical of all threats to sane society It seems to me that when person flounts his or her intimate sexual life in public by wearing it as badge of protest then the danger flag of zealotry to say the least should be raised by society And why one wonders would an applicant for ordination choose to reveal his sexual proclivitics except as an indication that he feels obliged to ally himself with an organized group thus communicating clear ly that he has potential for con tagious presence in whatever organization he moves in this case the church we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Latter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doasnl publish unsigned late tars but if you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to vorin letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condoms or reject letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to tho Editor The hub Put OM In 370 IAIIII Ont MM letters to the editor Otherwise there would be no more point in his do doing than there would be for heterosexual con tender volunteering that his private sexual predilections tended toward some bizarre kinkincss Which would no doubt automatically bar his acceptance What inverted values come into view like shoals in the way of an ark whose helsman has floutcd his masters orders and sailed off the charted course How long will it be before Peeping Toms are organized one wonders And child fondlers sado masochists transvestites exhibi tionists ctc They could all preach the same human rights as could homosexuals They also may be relatively inlt nocuous individually but as an organized creed they would be as virulent and destructive as organiz ed homoscxuals are to the founda tions of our society So dear Bishops please regard this letter of mine as more than little reaction to your subversive action Surely your mute trusting flocks deserve more than contemp tuous betrayal Yours truly Douglas Greenwood Barrie Dear Sir Recently with the melting of this winters snow have become in creasingly aware of the large amounts of dog feces littering the sidewalks of my street Every day find myself dodging the little piles which happen along every few feet As walk to school feel even sor rier for parents with small children for whom this problem constitutes health hazard The same problem occures at Sun nidale Park and at other parks Im sure during the spring have also seen dog owners engage in the rude practice of walking up the road allowing their dogs to defecate in the park then return home Most dog owners are responsible enough to clean up after their beasts but there are few selfish ignorant few who feel they have the right to foul on other peoples pro perty Lets have our sidewalks and parks used the way they are meant to be used not as doggic disposal sites Chris Skelton 1098unnidaleRd Barrie BUSINESS 7266537 SCOOPS NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Craig lson managing editor Len Sevlck manager lanMularew city editor SALES Bill McFarlane wire editor Bart Stevens Dave uller sports editor Peggy Kavanagh Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor Wayne Hay Aden Smith POR TE Carl De Gurse Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports Betty Armer camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer Steve Skinner Barb Boulton CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner Peggy Chapcll Dana Homewood Janice Morton Parliament Hill By STEWART MacIJIOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service The latest Gallup Poll may have put the Liberals ahead of the Conservatives for the first time in five months but behind this barc statistic there is little comfort for Irimc Minister Trudeau as he ponders the date of the next election The Liberals had expected to do much better in this most recent poll Ihey wcrc counting on greater fallout from that In Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Add another category to the study of finance The divorce business For tax specialists accountants lawyers and appraisers its rapidly growing source of professional fees In 1977 the latest year for which statistics are available there wcrc 55730 divorces Ill Canada Thats 2377 for every 100000 ol population The most spectacular divorce sclllcmcnl involving Canadians so far this year is one recently announced in Los Angclcs Jack Kent Cooke who was born Ill Hamilton and laid the foundation of his fortune with Toronto radio station and liar bara Jean Cooke once of Port Perry nl agreed to an equal split of property roughly valued at$100 million In California where the Cookcs have lived since 1952 Cooke owns among other properties the Los Angelis Kings of the National Hockey League the law regards family property as being owned equmly by the marriage partners regardless of their individual contributions to the acquisition of that property Mrs Cooke retained the services of the same businessvaluation experts who were retained by the lawyer for Hollywood star Lee Marvin who is currenin being sued by an exlovcr for half the money he carncd while they lived together DOLLAR SIGNS In such cases involving big stakes ap praisers and tax ecialists play more prominent part than awycrs One appraiser will assess the value of the family home for example second knowl edgcable in finc art would assess thc worth of the familys art collection third might be needed to evaluate the husbands practice if he were professional or the worllt of his fringe benefits pension stock options lifc Ruth Blais supervisor BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian cough accountant Jack Kerney Ioreman Deiva Mills Glenn Kwan asst ioreman Gail McFarland Don Saunders Vikki Grant Lorne Wass Brenda Woods will Cadogan Stan Wray CIRCULATION BillRoynor Bill Halkes manager Ed Allenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Steve White assistant manager Andy Hauqhton Alva LaPlante Ron Gilder Lisa Worry Barbara Strigl Elaine POIIEI pusssgooyi Cheryl Aiken Don Near foreman Fred Prince asst loremen Harris Blanchard Brian Marr famous round thcvworld tour by Tory Leader Joe Clark as they optimistically prediclcd five point lead in the polls And even the Tories were expecting more dismal showing Ill be surprised if we arc not down by five points said Annapolis Valley MI Parick Nowlan The partys campaign chairman Lowell Murray had said sixpoint spread would not come as shock Instead the poll shows that the Liberals squcakcd ahcad of the Tories by only one The rising cost of splitting up insurance corpmatc perquisites and the like if he were in business In one of TV host Johnny Carsons divorces conlcntious point was the custody of thc Carsons Yorkshire terrier It isnt only the lawyers and financial consultants of the various disciplines who are finding that divorce proceedings take an increasing amount of their time and provide more and more of their income Somc rcalcslalc agents say that divorcc is more frequent reason in the sale of homcs today than ever before And theres flourishing market in self help books on the subject especially those that show the husband how to protect himself financially but also such inspirational titles as Growing Through Divorce Bantam Books 144 pages $185 by Jim Smoke described as minister to single adults at community church in California lII TAX LAW Under Canadian tax law husband may leducl from his taxable income any separation payments or alimony payments he makes to his wife pursuant to decree order judgment or written agreement if they are one of series payable on periodic basis husband for example who became separach or divorced in 1978 is allowed to claim either the alimony or separation allowance or both or the personal exemp tions of thc estranged spouse and children of the marriage in the custody of thc estranged spouse whichever is most beneficial points out Ion Kitchen an Ontariobasixl certified general accountant Separation payments and alimony arc taxa lc as incomc to thc wifc This can put her in cash squeeze around this time of year since no income tax has been withheld at the source that is by the husband and lumpsum tax payment falls due April 30 Another tax pointer Following separation or divorce the party who has custody of the children can claim personal exemption for one of the children at rate equal to that for dependent spouse WELL 50Y5 WE ALL AGREE THAT CARTER WILL 9E HIGHLY VULNERABLE Ill 1980 Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EKLY by carrier 90 cents YEARLY by carrier $4680 Copyright registration number 203815regisler 61 BY MAIL Barrie 80 National advertisingoffices 65 Queen St Toronto so 1710 MOCathcart SI Montreal SIMCOE COUNTY 36 5° The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arts ing out of errors in advertisemenls beyond the amount paid for the space ac tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other Wise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement MOTOR THROW OFF 3398 V93 ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 538 50 year Neck and neck at the polls means campaign will decide point 39 to 3X while the New Democrats rosc two points to 19 month earlier the Conservatives were just barely In front with 40 per cent while the Liberals held 39 per cent That survey involving about 1025 rev spondcnls was taken before Joe Clark began losing his luggage on his world tour And smcc the poll indicated that the Liberals were making srxctacular gains on the Tories who led by 10 pomls few months ago Clarks people were braced for disasicrous showrngthistimc II2SIHCIIAIION It was these expectations that led to so much speculation about an early May election With huge Liberal lead foregone conclusion for the March poll many Mls predicted that Trudeau would call an election prior to its release ilad tidings from Gallup would represent glorious gift early in the campaign As it turns out Trudeau was wise to resist that particular lcmplalion on the basis of the polls What the latest results indicate is that despite small decline in Tory popularity the Liberals are not cashing in on this disenchantment What is happening is that more and more voters are bccommg un decided When iallup talks about the Liberals leading the Tories tilt38 the pollsters are breaking down the undecidcds in the same percentages as 1050 who ha vc made up their minds Thc actual responses to the monthly wrvcy show that 26 per cent plan to vote Liberal almost the same rxrrccntagc dcclarcd they would vote Tory and per cent were committcd to the New Democrats whopping 33 per cent said they didnt know how they would vote lllIILI BATTLE While the Liberals can get some small consolation from the fact that they now lead the Tories on national basis and lets face it this is better than 10 point shortfall thcrc is still an uphill battle to be fought in most regions of the country When you consider the fact that thc irits are main taining their massive strength in Quebec where 1hcy have 1hc support of 60 per cent of the voters you can apprcciatc how badly they trail in other areas Of coursc you can also apprcciatc the unintended humor lll Joe Clarks prediction that his party might win to of Quebecs 75 seats in the next election If Clark achieved this the Liberals would be reduccd to splinter party What the latest poll indicates as did all polls over the last srx months is that the Liberals remain in deep trouble in the West and they still face steep unhill battle in Ontario where the war will be won or lost Whilc Liberal voles arc going to waste in parts of Quebec they are still scarce III mctro Toronto But optimistic parly officials kccp looking at the briglil side With so many IllltlttHlltl volcrs they argue the battle wrll be won in the actual campaign and Trudeau will be formidable force on the huslmgs But whatever happens and it might well be that the NDP will hold the balance of power next time we will almost certainly have government without broad national support The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CPI and Audit Bureau at Circuialians ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presses and local news stories published in The xaminer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper For all seasons Normalcy ying out By TRAYNOR MCFARLANIZ Its weird weird weird weird world There was time when it wasnt as weird when the oddballs were in the minority Now were not so sure The discipline and common sense which counteracted wild and outlandish violence and actions is hardly with us any more Personally weve known some beauties such as thejogger running around the health circuit with lighted cigarette dangling from his lips the 16yearold boarding plane with us in 1960 who asked where its engines were located the 20rpound woman in the restaurant bemoaning the difficulties of her diet restrictions then ordering cottage cheese and large milk shake please the strikers and radicals who vent their frustrar tion by burning their enemies in effigy the incompetents holding down jobs 10yearold could do better those people who tell you ob vious lies and expect you to believe them the appalling crimes committed nowadays with fiendish evil and intelligence the Jonestown types 900 of them no less the eternal triangle types will they never learn who always end up in real trouble the politicians who talk for an hour or more and say nothing the scheming bored vandals who creep out of their cosy wintercoccoons when spring are rives to wreak havoc on property their parents helped pay for all of the ego things the oddballs dojust to get attention or satiate their weird desires Oh well thank God werc normalf Are you normal Because if you arc you may well be part of vanishing breed interpreting the news Invasion force may topple Amin WASHINGTON CPI Igandas Idi Amin is facing the most serious threat in his eight year reigh as he tries to rcpulsc an invading force of Tanzanians and Igandan exiles United States foreign policy analysts are keeping close eye on the fighting in East Africa but are refraining from any public guesses about whether Amin might be driven from power by his latest feud with Tanzania Officials say privately however they feel the Igandan leader is in deep trouble Hpr being sent by Libyas volatile Moammar Khadafy rcprcScnls the best hope for his continued survival While Libya was reported to be sending tons of military equipment to Ilganda this week the ITS the Sovrct lnion and African nations were staying out of the conflict intelligence reports that have been madc public say The sympathies of most counlrics in cluding the and the Soviets arc with the Tanzanian side and with that countrys leader Julius Nycrcrc one of the longest ruling most respected leaders In Africa Nycrcrc feels lganda has wronged its East African neighbor once too often He wants Uganda condemned by the Organization of African Unity OAll for its invasion of lanr zania last fall and says he wont accept an Al mediation offer until he gets some satisfaction Itclations IXlwcen the two countries have been strained in recent years by political economic and ideological disagreements Willi the break up about two years ago of the East African Economic Community regional development organization that aim involved Kenya the differences dccpcncd ROSSIII BORDER In Octobcr Ugandan troops crossed the border into remote portion of Iamania west of Lake Victoria The troops withdrew few weeks later leaving devastation and death in their wake Analysts here say the tragic thing about 1hc invasion was that it apparently began be cause of revolt by some Igandan troops slationed on the border CS intelligence reports say rcbcl lgandan troops were chased across the border by pro Amin forces Amin always the opportunist apparently decided to make whatever mileage he could from the situation Tanzania retaliated in the last few weeks with better organixixi counter attack using mainly regular troops supportixl by exiled Ugandans lDl AMIN Ills days numbered

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