Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1979, p. 3

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Barrielnnisfil still apart By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner Barrie and lnnisfil are still 1000 acres apart on settling final annexation boundaries Barrie Mayor Ross Archer said today The mayors comments followed two separate meetings Tuesday between the city and lnnisfiland Vespra townships Barrie and lnnisfil have made some concessions from their original annexation stance said the mayor Barrie made further conces stons at Tuesdays meeting while lnnisfil held firm on the boundary line brought into the meeting Bill Gibbins lnnisfil reeve was unavailable for comment today The mayor told The Ex aminer he could not reveal the exact boundaries until there was either settlement or talks broke down Barrie general committee meets at pm Monday to discuss the progress of negotia tions with lnnisfil and what further action might be taken Another session with the township is possible next week said the mayor The afternoon session with Vespra was described as Very cordial by the Barrie mayor The city is seeking additional land from Vespra north of Cundles Road to improve its pumping station capacity the mayor said The additional territory would aid in the flow of sewage discharge back to the pollution control centre said the mayor Vespra didnt indicate ac ceptance of the proposal said the mayor But they indicated they would give it full and careful consideration The mayor said he expected to hear from the Vespra reeve within about couple of weeks Barrie decided two weeks ago to reopen negotiations with the townships after receiving let ter from Grant Andrade In nisfil deputy reeve who re quested meeting The Ontario Court of Appeal ordered the rec ening of the OMB hearings ter doubt was cast on population figures forecast by Darcy McKeough Ontario cabinet minister Annexation hinges on how much land Barrie needs to sup port future growth McKeough predicted population of 125000 for Barrie in 2011 AI At the original 0MB hearing lnnisfil was not allowed to ques tion McKeoughs forecast Not only motorists have trouble People with the fourwheel vehicles may not have any problems with snow but Donna Robertson l0 and brother Billy have got their hands full try ing to get stuck bike out their front yard The two were using the driveway ofthelr home to pick up speed and see how far they could get in the snow in their yard But all good things must stop sometime and the snow certainly stopped the pair for while Examiner Photo tion in court March 23 Reeve Pridham told Nesbitt dary School at 730 pm want unilingual education Penetanguishene with PSS tion town country Robber sentenced to jail The Simcoe County Board of Education is proposing an an nex be build to P88 to accommodate French students who Representatives of the board are meeting with the Frenchlanguage Advisory ommittec FLAfi made up of three trustees and six persons electcd by ratepayers in The final decision will be made by the ministcr of educa FLAC officials said they also plan to make an announce ment about the French facility at tonights meeting BARRIE An Angus man who pleaded guilty to robbing Barrie fast food store Jan was sentenced to three months in jail in provincial court Tuesday James Whitman 24 was also given three years probae Brooke Douglas 1eWolfe also charged in connection with the robbery of Kentucky Fried hicken Store will appear Township expanding building BAXTER ESSa Township is planning an addition to its administration building in Baxter and has retained Harrie architect to submit designs for the expansion Essa council Tuesday asked architect Harry Nesbitt to br ing preliminary designs and estimated costs back to council before special budget meeting March 26 Essa Reeve Charles lridham said council was consider ing the addition for some time because space shortage The addition which would likely be to the west of the ex isting building should be large enough to include new council chamber committee room and public washrooms The new council chamber should be ablc to accomnnxlaic at least 60 persons to save the township having to rent facilities for public meetings said ltccvc Pridham The current chamber locatcd in the bascmcnt of the township building will be turned into office space he said Reeve Pridham said the cost of the expansion could bc financed over twoyear period but at this time there are no estimates of the projected spending French facility announcement PENETANGUlSHENlZ People in Pencianguishcnc will find out tonight what type of Frenchianguagc high school facility the board of education has in mind Preliminary plans and architectural sketches of the faciiir ty will be unveiled at meeting at Pcnctanguishcnc Secon if FLAC has been pushing to have separate French language high school built not connected architcctuialiy Committee approves Brookdale expansion General committee recom mended Tuesday the expansion of thc Brookdale Park on be allowed to proceed The expansion will add full second storey addition onto the existing main building and will expand the total seating capacr ty to 480 seats An additional 60 parking spaces will have to be provided by owners to accomnnxiaic tiic expansion wners had originally sought the addition also of 68 motel units ltut planning board turned it down on the grounds thc units would havc too great an impact on the surrounding rcsidcnts Annexation boundaries recommended Barrie councils general com mittee recommended Tuesday the ward boundaries for annex ation which the city will be tak ing to the Ontario Municipal Board April 30 Wards and existing boun dary line will be extended north along St Vincent Street Wards and will extend our therly along Hayfield Street The existing boundary line on Ward and will go west along Tiffin Street to Highway 90 iliiniop Street West It will extend west along Highway 90 Barrie won the original hear ing but lnnisfil had the deci sion reversed by Ontario Pro vincial Court In December Barrie appeal ed to the Ontario Court of Ap pea and had the hearing re opened The OMB hearing is schedul ed to be held on April 30 Riders wont see change By ARL DcGIRSE The Examiner City bus passengers wont notice any changes but the large blue and white vehicles they ride are now owned by Barrie and not lravelways School Transit Ltd City council decided Monday to buy 14 buses Barrics full transit flcet from lravclways for$454000 Don Kirkpatrick deputy engineer says the change in ownership wont be noticed by passengers Fares will remain the same routes wont be changcd and the physical apjxarancc of thc buses wont be altcrcd Kirkpatrick said today The buses Harrie bought arc the same vehicles used now Travclways will continue to maintain the hiiscs and provide drivers lhc only diffcrcncc is that we now own the buses instczid today City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 of lravelways said He said councils purchase was designed to save money The provincial ministry of transportation and c0mmunica tions offers 75 per cent incen tive bonus for municipalities operating their own transit systems Also the purchase allows Barrie to hire contractor other than lravelwziys in future years if bettcr deal can be found Kirkpatrick has estimated Harrie will save $40000 in costs following tiic first year of operation The matter was brought up last month when an ad ministrative rccommendaiion suggested the city rcncw its contract with iruvelways Krikpatiick Aldermen said Harrie was forced to agrcc with Iravclwnys terms when the biicscs werc owned by the com pany Ease off campaign delegates suggest to Ontario Hydr Delegates to the annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association say tintzirio llyliro should czisc off its conservation camtiign so people will use morc power and solvc the currcnt problciii of cxr ccss Hill Elson utilities commission sccrctary trcasurcr onc of four ltzirric rcprcscntaiivcs at the con firencc said the rcccnt illi nounccincnts by Hydro of the ovcrnbundzincc of generating capaicty promptcd thc members movc Elson said he thinks thc con scrvaiion program has worked well but that it may bc helping to create llydros cncrgj pro blcni Elson iuy tluit lIrnic Altx andcr lit commissioner and il ltruckcr llt coiiiniis sioncr attcndcd thc two day mccting that cndcd lucsiluy in Toronto Elsoii public says thc possibic amalgamation of and thc Association of Municipal llicctric ltiiitics IAMEI was also discusscd lhc ll includcs clcctcd llt commissioners hilc thc Mlll incliidcs senior staff and management of thc ll Some of thc dclcgutcs said that at tiincs the two associii tions go in oppositc dirtc tions with policy stiitcnicnts said Elson lIlson said thi AMlIi should not bc making policy statements Statcincnts should be niaiic by the clccicd rcprcscntativcs hc said do what liii told by thc ttilllll11 sioncrs llic iiizittcr will likcly tn tzikcn up by lltl associations latcr in thcycar he said Spcakcrs during thi scssion included rcprcscntzitivis from the ministry oi intergovcrn incntal itltiirs thc ministry of cncrgy for llllliltlti and thc in tario Hydro Hollitl associat ion Dont leave car running police it youre in thc habit oi lciiviog your car running lit park ing lot while you do some quick shopping you not only risk havin it stolcn is you may bc charged by policc ity policc charged lsnrric man aficr his car was stolcn from an lIsszi ltoad ziricty storc parking lot Saturday night loscph Mattcnly 24 lowcr rcs was charged with fail ing to tukc precautions against it vehiclc bcing sct in mo tion said policc llic charge undcr tiic Highway Traffic Act also includcs improper parking on hill whcic thc motorist lcavcs his car in neutral or fails to usc his parking brakc Sgt Andy Austin ltarric liistrici till said the chargc was created to climinatc thc hazard of movmg unnttcndcd vehicles He said scvcral pcrsons have hccn killed by rolling cars liildrcn playing in running cars have shifted thc car into gcar and caused accidents also it was happy occasion for two local high school students as they received the Barrie Huronia Rotary Club student of the month awards The two were chosen for the months of January and February Cathy Eydt of innisdale Secondary Vespra Reeve George Buie left and Mayor Ross Archer of Barrie discuss annexation boundaries at meeting held Tuesday between the two coun Administra the examlnor Wodnuday Mar 1879 cils Barrie also met with lnnisfil representatives Tuesday but nothing was resolved Examiner Photo province cheating city lturiic is not litlllLl llttlil fairly lll giniiiis ittililtl tioiii tln proyiticini gmcriiinciit says iiiiy lninlilyn city til niinistintor lhc amount ot llilttttitllllliliil grants bcnig sciit to itarric sinking lowci ttill cni laiiiblyn says in llllt to llionizis We lls niinistii ot til tcrgovcrnniciitilittntrs lncoiiditioiml grnnh iiioiicy tlii tll iiii put lllltl1l mill ratc Jltll war to lit1p Iowci taxation ticrb Kirk city trcnsiiiii Hut liriic IcciHiiig lcss inspector appointed onrad Hutch llliftilh vitli tllc city oi itiiriic was up pointcd tlic lti7ti vccd inspcctor by gcncrgil commit tcc lucsdny izioniy on per cipiii i£ti tuisiil on population than 190 othci tiiitiiiio citics liiiiiilii suiwcy was coiidiiclid by tliciilysidiiiinistrntion lo 107 thc ll rccciycd $1140 pci cupitu grant coin p1rml with in ilktlitilt $iitt11 tor ltt otlict citics linitilii il it llic iiicriusc Mil il ttlll inorc than in 1070 wiicn tiic iiycrngc for thosc illit has in cicnscd $1t Zitt iii lllt two yciii pirmii sziysianiiilyn 1iinliiy said the comparison ligincs nic vcry alarming to us and that the city is not bc ing tiiuitcdni in cqiiitnlilc niinnci lhc lcttci ihc town of an inloriiintioii iiiccting was rcccncd by city council Mon day it has bccn litliiltltl to iiorgc Taylor lt Sinicoc tcnirc lnnililyii tlil liicsiiiiy hc Rotary club student awards School left centre and Sara ODonal of Central centre right received an award of achievement and $25 The award winners are chosen by their principals Presenting the awards were Dr Bill Eveans left and Howard Hamilton Examiner Photo liopw thc govcrniiicnt listcntothccitysplight liycn it wc got thc ivcragc grants ot all inunicipzilitics it will would illtdlt no additional million for Home That nothing to be sncixcd at saitl lzimbiyn Group fighting ministry proposal proposal by thc provincial govcttiiiicnt to pciiiitt addl tional quarrying along the Niagara lIscziipiiicnt has met with opposition from the oali tion on thc Niagara Escarp mcnt itttNE lini Voixliord cxecutivc director of tiNlI says thc group is opposcd to the rcmoval of rock along the rock iticc It says rock can bc obtained at least 300 fcct back from thc rock iticc tc want to protect tiic bcau ty of thc cscarpmcnt hc says Vixxltord says thc group might ich diffcrcntly if tiic government showcd nccd for more quarries on the escarpr ment Ontario is not building new highways just resurfacing old oncs and constrtiction is down he says Xilttitiitlly dangerous in tcrscction in thc villiigc of Angus will bcnciit troin new sct of traffic lights lltl suminci through the ixiscwrcncc of llssa lowiisliip touncil llic lights will bc installed at thc iiitcrscction of Highway 00 and King St by tiic ministry of transportation and communica tions Arthur 1toth Essa lcrk told council lucsdgiy ltoth said lcttcr litttl bccn rccciud iroiii lllt ministry winch advised lhc township itl rangcnicnts wcrc alrcady bcing niadc to acquire lcgtil approval and electrical design for thc lights The ministrys lcttcr agreed tiicrc was need for the traffic control lights bascd on recent trafiic count takcii it the 111 tcrscction Essa ltccvc hnilcs lridtiiini said tlic township had been iiftcr thc lights for ycars but prcvious councils had bccn un successful in convincing thc iiniiistry ouiicil pctitioncd tiic ministry to carry out its traffic survey during school hours ltecvc lridhain said The rccvc said the intcrscc Ron ltcid ot tlic Hntnrio Federation of Naturalists says poorly regulath quarrying as onc of thc destructivc forccs leading to protective letfislntnin for the cscziipiiiciii last regulation of pits and quarrics has hccn poorly itlltii with witlcsprcad abuse of wayside pit provisions he says This new process could bc uscd to ltgltlmlh past abuses and cover thc tracks of thc ministrys poor record ttiNll rcco1nnnnth that local municipalities hpr rcsolu critical supply pro blems while the piovinciiil government insists that thc ministry of natural rcsourccs is thc only body that can designate spccific quarries for expansion Ministry promises lights for corner tioii is across from tho ngus Plaza and lltt1l used Evcning traffic on Highway 90 coming from anadiaii Forces itiisc ltordcn wcst of Angus niakcs it ditiicult to leave tlic pinii siiid liccvc lridliani Smoking beheved causein motel fire litcfightcrs wcrc called to thc liayshorc Mottl Hit liunlop St about to in lucsday night to extinguish fire in one of thc units hicf iack Mcllistcr said firc dcstioyul tlic rooms bed rug and sonic iuriiitiiic Damagc is lSllitlillttl it $3000 and cartless smoking is lhc suspcclul as thc causc said thicf McAIlistcr

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