Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1979, p. 21

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the examiner Wodnosday Mar 1970 21 television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ll NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL eURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 030 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE 0N1 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH HOURLONG NEWLYWED GAME ONCE UPON TIME MAN GOOD TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW Guest sytteste 11 °GONG SHow HEE HAW HONEYS Guests The dalls MAGIC SHADows BOB NEWHART SHow 800 CHERAND OTHER FANTASIES Cher is the host at this variety specual and her guests will Include Kata Jackson and Andy Kaulman 60 fish MORK AND MINDY EDWARD THE KING The Royal Ouadrille Foreign altairs particularly those involving the family occupy great deal OI Edwards timebut also an altaIr involving beaulilul actress 60 mins EIGHT IS ENOUGH Abby linds her relationship with her son Tommy threatened when she returns to teaching and llunks snorted basketball star 60 mrns 00 EESBGQEDEOO historically toda KAZ prostitute befriended by Kazinski comes to him lor help alter she stabs her exvpimp but why she did it is mystery mins HOCKEY Toronto Maple Leals vs couvar Canucks Iii INI ROSPEC MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY At Long Lgegéove 1975 GREAT DETECTIVE The Curious Death or Maiden Lady Alderman Tanner calls on the services or Detective Cameron to aid the Toronto Police Force In their investigation 01 the death Ol an elderly philanthropic Temperance worker lOund dead in the Rosedale Ravrne her skull crushed and kin of whiskey am TVO 900 STUDS LONIGAN An adaptation at James Farrells Classrc trilogy about an IrishAmerican lad growing up in postWorldWarlChicago Studsparentshigh expectations tor their son are dashed by his combative personality Stars Harry Hamlin Colleen Dewhurst Pt otathreepartseoes El ONE DAY AT TIME CHARLIES ANGELS Kelly and Kris win an alllemale marathon run in which one OI the contestants mowe struck Arab oil heiress is targeted lor kidnap by pair 01 woeléio oars 60 ruins 0ND CITY 930 EXPLODING THE MYTH This program sets out to clear up many common misunderstandrigs about mental retardation and shows that the handicapped can playauselulandproductiverolein socrety rather than be shut away Host Warner ab THE JEFFERSONS me inst casualty trom George and Lourses VICIous verbal battle could be the Interviewer interests ed in their perlect marriage 1000 prostitute belrierided by Kazinaki Comes to him tor help alter she stabs her airpimp but why she did It is mystery mins LADY FROM GREY COUNTY Made up Ol old photographs archival tootage and quotations trom her speeches and writings this NFB lilm is historical document about an unusual lady and the turbulence 01 her times Agnes Campbell MacPhail who became Canadas lirst woman Member or wiament on March 1922 VEGAS Dan Tannas Sidekick Binzer and his girllriend are marked tor death by killer who thinks the couple saw him at the scene 01 murder 60 mins 22 NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 WATSON REPORT Host Patrick Watson 1100 NEWS cac NEWS CTV NEws EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE SUSPENSECOMEDY mu Dollars 1011 1115 CD THE REAL STORY 1120 NEws 1125 QUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow out at Geor Carlin 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE THE nocx FORD FILES Wheres Houston The grand daughter 01 Rockys Old pal Preli Is missmg KOJAK Letters Ot Death Stars Telly alas Keyin Dobson MOVIE WESTERN eatbound1954 STREET TALK 1145 BRIER REPORT Don cum and Don Dugwd report trom Ottawas CIVIC Centre 1150 MOVIE DOCUMENTARY The Mysterious Monsters 1975 1200 AMERICAN FILM THEATRE MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURE Honey Baby Honey Baby 1973 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Puzzle 01 Downfall Child 1970 100 TOMORRow MARCUS WELaY MD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY peaking Oswald Jacoby andAlaVn sontag in history By THE CANADIAN PRESS March 1970 Sir Henry Pellatt the finan cier who built the 50room Casa Loma in Toronto died 40 years ago today in 1939 The castle cost $2 million to build and was planned so that anada might have mansion elegant enough for visiting royalty complete with secret tunnel large stables and expensive art treasures Pellatt colonel of the Queens Own Regiment used to entertain the regiment at asa Loma which had barracks to housc 1100 soldicrs Aftcr lcllatls hcuvy financiul losscs of lhc 10105 Casa Loma passcd into possession of thc city and lotcr was lcascd to scrvicc cltib for usc as tourist attraction 187x Thc lnivcrsrly of Western Ontario was opcncd in London Ont 1912 Captain Ronald Amundscn announccd that hc had discovcrcd thc South Polc Donor1415111 111211 lhc first successful transatlantic radiotclcphonc conversation was hcld bctwccn Ncw York and London 11131 Oscar ollalo Iucr touriczin nationalist was con victcd of attctiipting to assassi natc prcsidcnt Hurry Iru 112111 11177 An clcction victory by Pakistani IIimc llilllSltl Ali Bhutto spzirkcd charch of votc rigging and months of court trywidc violcncc barries stogy March 111215 Barric Electric Light Depart ment showed gross profit of $1780657 on its operations for 1934 and when the customary percentage for depreciation $7335 was deducted this left net profit of $1047167 as com pared 10134331611 for 151311 special meeting of Barrio Board of Health was held in Council hambcr with Chair man JI Wisdom Mayor Blair Ald Buchanan and Dr Littlc 11 in at tendancc The qucstion of thc care and control of the town dump was discussed The Board decided to recommend that Council ap point William Livingston to bc in chargc of thc town dump at rate of $1 per working day and that he bc responsible for its propcr carc and sanitary condi tion at all times The Canadian National Railways completed ha rvcsting about 0000 tons of icc from their ficld on thc south sidc ol the bay and about twcnty mcn were ciigugcd filling thc icc housc During thc hcight of thc icecutting season as many as 86 mcn wcrc cmploycd for tcii days including about lit11 who had bccn on lowii rclicf In the ncighhorhoixl of 70oo tons of icc wcrc shippcd away to various points and llttlll 2000 tons wcrc bciiig storcd in thc icc housc at Allanrlalc Sletcr managing dircctor of BtIIIIc Arcna was appoinch sccrcltirytrcaxurci of Barric Watcr Light and ins Commission 1115 salary was $111667 pcr month Thc formcr sccrctary treasurcr was givcn months salary in licu of noticc thn hc asked why 110 was being fired Chairman Dougall replied that one of thc main rcusons was public opir nion canadas stogg French Ministcr Wanted Dcvclopmcnt South Of Canada Thcrc are number of reasons why prcscntrday iinar da and thc might be Frcnchspcaking Onc anglc often neglected by historians is that Francc could havc settled the Atlantic coast colonics as far south as Virginia bcforc the English got thcrc Dc Monts and Champlan had cxplorcd thc St Lawrcncc hctwccn 16001603 and rcalizcd thc grcat possibilitics of the fur tradc Latc 1603 they wcrc ablc to confcr with King Henry IV and got him intcrcstcd in dIvclopniIrit Ilowcvcr thc Kings chicf advisor thI Duc dc Sully argucd that thc rcgion was cold and inhospitablc and that colonization should bc south of It dcgrccs lutitudc Virginia Dc Monts argucd that thc success of any dcvclopnicnt dcpcndcd on thc fur tradc and that thc lJtSI furs wcrc in thc north His opinion prcvailcd and llcnry 1V gavc liitii it 10 ycar monopon of the fur tradc So it happcncd that Dc Monts and Champlain saich from Havrc on March 1601 to cstablixh colony it Acadia They had two ships carrying 120 Htrktllttt as wcll as numbcr of distinguishcd associath including loril gravc nd Pout rincou rt Thc cxpcdition also includcd two Roman Catholit pricsts and two Calvanist ministch who got into Stilllt awful fights Thc voyagi across thc Atlantic was unccntful and whcn the coast of Acadia was sightcd Champlain wcnt ahcad of the ships in an cightton pinnancc so hc could explorc the coast Thcy worked their way along thc southwcst Shllrt and into thc Bay of Fundy whcrc thcy found thc bcautiful harbor that Champlain namcd Port Royal Eventually they dccidcd to build thcir first how on an island in the St Croix Rivcr whcrc they spent thc wiritcr It was an unfortunatc choicc bccausc the island lackcd many things they nccdcd cspccially in wintcr number of men dicd Thc colony was moved to Port Royal thc following yca OTHER EVENTS MARCIIT 1657 King Louis XIV prohibited sale of liquor to In dians 1778 Captain Cook bcgan cxploration of Pacific coast 1842 Queens University was opcncd 1865 New Brunswick lcgislaturc voted against Confcd eration 1878Universities of Western Ontario and Montreal were incorporated 1908 Univesity of British Columbia was founded 1961 Lord Mountbattcn arrived in Ottawa for defence discussions 1965 Roman Catholic churches in Canada cclcbratcd mass in English It was hopcd Burric Agricultural Socicty nioy bcncfit through thc policy of making incrcascd grants to fairs and cxltibilions from lhc Dominion il11111lll an nountcd by Hon Robcrt tcit chcrol Ministcr of Agriculturc Officials of thc Socicty iidcd by Simpson had bccn ictivc for SOIIIC timc iri cnrlctivouriiig to huvc Burrit Fair LI class fair mzirlc it class fair grants to which wcrc lorgcr In at lcttci rcccivcd by zimcroti sccrctary of thc Socicty llon Robcrt tcir Slillttl that thc Dcpartnicnt was giving ctircful considcrutioii to thc rcqucst of thc Rurric Society It was pointcd out that Bzirric had thc location and Hpiipiiicnt for it progrcssivc fair as wcll as having Iuriior which was considcrcd by many as sccond to iioric in thc Iro vincc Barric Board of Education furthcr cut its cstimatcs for 1011 by $1500 without rcducing tcticlicrs SilliltitS Ihc total rcduction from 192111 rcr IllilCllltIllS215131511424 This action was takcii by llic Board following rcqucst to this cflcct from Mayor Blair and Rccvc Robcrtson chair man of linuncc of thc Town Council who confcircd with thc mcmbcrs of thc board in corri niittcc lhc two ItpltStlI tutivcs of ouncil pointcd out that it was zibsoltitcly ricccssziry that thc Board pzirc its cstimtitcs to 1111 bonc lhc motion piisscd at thc Fcbruury mccting asking thc council to lcvy for $11488035 for all purposcs was rcscindcd and anothcr was zidoptcd Il qucst ing thc sum of $81138035 lhc amount rcqucstcd in 151214 wastiltzifiatfill During thc wcck from licbruory 23 to March thc ciitrul Rclicl tommittcc cx pcndctl Stilltl 311 on rclicf in Bar ric thcrc bcing total of 808 IttipitlllS according to report prcscntcd to thc Town Council by Aid 11 Buchanan Dominion Storc spcciuls inr cludcd pot rouststil 10 ccnls pcr pound bladc roasts It 12 ccnts pcr pound pork tcndcrloin It 26 ccnls pcr pound flour at $239 pcr till lb bag and pancakc flour at 14 cuts pci packtigc SIIH Illll IIl GENEVA Switzcrland IAII Rabics ltlIlililIS major tliicut to thc liculth ol humans and animals say cxpcrts of thc World Ilculth Organization About 130 coscs of human rabics ziltributcd to rabid vuln ilt bats huvc bccn rcportcd iii thc last lcVI yours iti South Amcriczi lhc buts also cuusc thc dcutli of lltll 300000 and million ciitllc unnuully thc iIgiiicy Sitltl The doctor says This disease not common By PAUL RUBIJC M1 Dear Rublc My son now six was born with Hirschsprungs disease He had bowel problems and at eight months they performed col ostomy on him to give his bowel rest It was four times normal size At 16 months they remov cd thc colostomy and rccon ncctcd the colon At first hc had no control and had accidciits At four he began to have troublc having movcmcnts Barium enemas and xrays showed nothing wrong have tried fresh fruit and vegetables bran and mincral oil After two or three days of this he starts having ac cidcnts again Ihc loctor suggcstcd giving him an cncmu daily for six wccks and to allow him plenty of timc in thc bathroom He told too not to worry that ho would outgrow this Do you think am doing right and do you have any othcr suggcstions Mrs Ml It sounds as though your son has had cxccllcnt and standard carc for this coiigcnital at birthI dcfcct You were for tunatc to discovcr it soon enough for the surgery to bc donc cffcctivcly The results arc cxccllcnt in about 80 pcr cent of cases Thc xray rcports are encouraging This problem bcgins with dcfcct in thc ncrvcs and muscles serving scctiori of the colon largc bowcli As result peristalsis twach of boch mo tion dccrcasc and constipation results as well as crilzirgcnicnt of the bowel An early Sign is distcndcd abdomcn 1n sonic youiigstcrs this can bc controll cd by dict alonc thigh residue stool softeners and lubricants until the bowel adjusts When all else fails the col ostomy bowel opening through the body to allow col lection of contentsi is tried Dont overdo the laxatives Often the biggest hurdlc at this point is to find the ideal amount of bowel stimulation not too much not too little Until this is achieved accidents can bc cX pcctcd They should end in time Bc patient and follow thc doctors suggestions Ihc encma stimulation idca sounds like good one Whilc llirschsprungs disease is not very common it should be investigated in any case of stubborn constipation Dear Dr Rublc My daughterinlaw tells me you can send few strands of your hair away to laboratory and bc told what is lacking in your dict Iruc Jl doubt this can be done cf ficicntly Hard enough to do with blood or other spccific tests for various materials At present the tcchniquc Should bc limitcd to research not for diagnosis Analysis might be able to tcll if certain minerals are lacking Dear Dr Rublc hnvc been having circulation problcms iti one leg My doctor wants to xray my femoral artery What is that and what would it show ILN lhc fcrnorul ortcry is major blood vcsscl scrving the thigh buttocks and log musclcs lhc xray will Show the condition of that irtcry and the location and cxtcnt of thc obstruction of blood supply to thclcg How to avoid an end play Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer East West North East Pass Pass Pass South NT 20 Pass 20 49 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 NorthSouth reached the only gamc contract that had charicc of success in spitc of tlicir 28 highcard points Even with strong eight card spadc fit game in spadcs was poor proposi tion chiirthclcss it would take good dcfciisc to dcfcat the contract The major problem with the NorthSouth holdings was tlic cxtrcrric duplication in the heart sutt Another problem was that thcir hands had mirror distribu tion It was no fault of North South that thcy could not discover this In the bidding Aftcr East won the first hcart trick With thc ricc and rcturricd l1£ttl it was obvtous to cvcryoric that dc clarcr had startcd with tlic kirigquccri doublctori lccltrcr tlrcw thtcc rounds of trump coding lll dummy and lcd club IIast played thc ninc dcclarcr thi ace and it was up to Wlhl to make tbc kcy play West ilrcady kricw dc clarcr had startcd With four spadcs to thc aceking and kirigquccri doublctori hcarts lhc othcr distribu turn was almost certainly fourthrcc bctwccri clubs and diamonds Rccausc dc clarcr had not takcri club fincssc Wcst riicritally as signed thc queen of clubs to his partncr The most important qucs tiori was the location of thc jack of diamonds If East had that card any dcfcnsc would dcfctit tlic contract But if dcclarcr had thc jack of diamonds Wcst would have to avoid bctrig crid playcd with lllS club king Aftcr all this thought Wcst droppcd thc king of clubs on dcclarcrs ach Eventually dcclarcr lost two club tricks and dia mond trick to go with thc ace of hearts and wcnt down oric daily crossword ACROSS Hi My My IvllSl Simw 51 filJllUll bar 53 low tlllWlI Hill IIt biotin li Syi IithIJIit CHM 5H Wiliioijly HMM 51 Aiilrt 11qu Tomi 16 Jtirjwr 18 Stindw 19 Popular 57 liirtiiiittcri illwr Hill lilllllll flovwI Pflltllt DOWN 24111I11151lltflw Ala Div in 75 Cillliljix 81 yoritl 1hr 27 Nllttwtt gamut 29 Roman Limits rlScbti IMch MM 31 Hooky 35 BdSbllkt n1dlllt fish full Bring to bay Cool uoit human 38 Fatherctl Plemlt 40 lmitrito Sam Hatred Spade School 1h 41 Muck 10 Holds In 44 Bird part pl Wonder 46 Adenosrne in II Nostrils phosphate 12 Bank alibi empmyep 47 Pat2ific Island 15 Curly letter 01 RD on 01 La Answer ltl llrattiiit Htiridlc 39 Small roughly 12 41 Mllllllltlllli wrist tabbri 19 Rugs 42 Asmtic 20 Above mountains MHO lxl 43 Diikedom Iririrrlcl 45 rotiouncc indistinctly 28 light 48 PerSIan ruler 30 On grand scale 50 reyaricated 32 College 52 Noun suffix athletic group 54 30 33 5le ol puppy 55 H0usc 34 Puppy sound addition 36 Four pas pl 56 Change color AstroGra March 1979 Several new lriends could en ter your tile this coming year opening up fresh path lor you to tread You could acquire knowledge In areas that Will be extremely helplul to you PISCES Feb 20March 20 Look lor dillerent and unusual things to do today it you feel youre rut Diversdication is tonic we all need from time to time Mormon zarlPUé Tymr You 0165 our THE FARMER OF THE YEA AWARD Short HEW NORIDDIN 1W MUCH 15 TWO ANDTINO ARIES March 21April 19 No matter what your problems are at home today you can reverse them quickly With willingness to bend or yield You wont really be giVIng up anything TAURUS April 20May 20 Lis ten to anothers advice and you can tind the way to unload burdensome task Two heads are always better than one GEMINI May 21June 20 An impromptu change in social plans may disappomt you early in the day However when you realize how much work youve accomplished youll be glad it happened CANCER June 21July 22 The unexpected turns out to be the thing to make you the happiest today Keep llexrble sched WOULD LIKE JECTION OF MY FUTURE Tl cm SP5 ECH READY not manoeuvreMO URINE ENCHANTED F©E3ET Born Loser IUILL YOU ACCEPT COLLECT CALL FROM CHICAQO lLLItJOlSZ TCH FLIPPIN KIDS TOLD THEM TD 9109 THROININ SONES AN THEY JUST STOOD THERE AN 737 3860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St HUHWHODO KNOW IL MINDYOU YOU CANT SAYANYIHIN 10 THEIR PARENTS THEY LOOK SIDEINAYS AT YW TO GET 7120 ule Go along with events as they happen LEO July 23Aug 22 Although you may search in many places today the answers you seek are to be lOund right under you nose Check around home lirst belore running around VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Much to your surprise the things that Will give you the most pleasure today are those that cost noth ing Leave your checkbook at home LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your rewards come lrom the least expected sources or places today Stop and look around it you lind yoursell beating your head against brick wall SCORPIO Oct paint 24Nov 22 Dont yoursell into 665 YA GETTIN COMPLETE REAPIN AN NOT HAVINTH DOUGH PAY FER 1T60 KEEP MOVN FEW ALLIGATORS CANT STOP ME EVIL PWESSOR FUONU HAVENT RETURNED THEIR COPIES 0F LITTLE WOMEN WELLIUH ERIYEAH an only II MI And Cm 0101 Newspap Syndicate Your wedding invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service IM ROUGH ON NYLONS AND WHlTE5LJlT5 1TB MY PLEASURE TD INTRODUCE Fl GREAT GUYON FIND OFF THE FIELD Bernice Bede Osol corner with singular thoughts The more Open and receptive you are today the more likely the chances tor happiness SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Get rid ol any deadbeats who are holding up you Chances lor success It you need partner or buddy look around Youll find one CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Someone with whom youve had dealings lately is feeling he Or she is getting the short end 01 the stick new direction wnl make everybody happy AQUARIUS JJan 20Feb 19 breakthrough today on some thing thats stymied you could put you in the limelight Accept and enjoy your welldeserved applause DONT BITE BLJT Your mwerzs OF THE occULT ARE TRULY AMAZING CURSE You =LUBNow ILL HAVE TO GET DENTURES =02 MV PETS uoflasnfltu In In Yauuulio THAIE5 37

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