Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1976, p. 15

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am mi TEEVISION GUIE BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON 3BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO I2 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL SATURDAY EVENING 500 7Baseball Playoff SNews 24522News SMovie Play It As It 11Movie They Shoot 2Campaign and Can Lays Horses Dont They didates llBob Newhart 1145 3Mov1e Tickle Me taNumber To Call SMovie Fear No Evil FAmazing Kreskin 830 1150 11Between Hash Lines qtiDoc 12Movie Gold lszuppet Show 900 22Movie Theatre of 2Movie ssss55 Death 2stports Probe 4Mary Tyler Moore 1155 2News 939 3Movie The Rusians 5Rogers Report 4Bob Newhart Are Coming The Rus 49News 22Pop Goes The Country sians Are Coming llMr Mrs TV Bingo 1000 1200 IllNow zzMovie Slaughter 9Movie Isnt It Shock l100 4Carol Burnett in 22My Country 1030 100 ZHce Haw 3512Stay Tuned 2Don Kirshners Rock 4Its Academic 1055 125 Lapierre 4Political ProgramAD sMovie Peep 1News 7Political ProgramR 130 9Emergency 1100 9Movie She Live llFriends of man 2845791112News 150 12Family 1105 llMovie Pretty Poison 110 llBang Bang Youre 220 22Science International Alive 3MOVie The Weekemi 4Treasure Hunt 1115 Lady SAndy aLate Edition 230 7K1rkland And Com 5Weekend Edition 7Challenge Deny l2Night Final 300 llGeorge Hamilton IV 1130 7N8WS 100 2Weekend sIronside ZEmergency 4Movie The Good The 425 3512NHL Hockey Bad and The Ugly 3Movie Little Giant 4Jefler80ns 7Movie The Bridge on the River Kwai SUNDAY MORNING 555 3Day of Discovery 9Day of Discovery 9Focus 4Tarzan lllt ls Written 800 7Rocketship 1000 2NFL Game of Week llDale Hameys Magic zzBilly Graham Crusade 9Cartoons ZZJimmy Swaggart 3Peoples Church llHilarious House of 830 4Lamp Unto My Feet Frightenstein 2Jerry Falwell 7Flintstones 630 3Jimmy Swaggart 9Rex Humbard 2This is the Life 7Christopher Closeup 9Encounter 100 2Ecumedia News 7Faith For Today 9Uncle Bobby llCrossroads 22Canadian Cavalcade tre 900 4Courageous Cat 5Sunday Sampler 9Flintstones 11Masters Touch lZChurch Today flToronto Christian Cen 301d Time Gospe 2Day of Discovery llItalian Panorama 12Day of Discovery I0130 zOpen Rap 4ka Up and Live 7Gilligan IZIt Is Written Hour 22Avramis Greek Show 715 4Hudson Brothers 1100 zChurch Invitation 9Flintstones 20ral Roberts 730 11Father Meehan 3Rex Humbard 2Day of Discovery 22Search for the Quiet 4Camera Three 3Crossroads Hour 512Meeting Place 4U Farm Report 930 7Oddball Couple 7Sunday Surprise ZZEncounter 9Peoples Church 9Cartoons 2Rex Humbard 22Fstival Portuguese llCircle Square 4Far 01 Space Nuts 30 220ral Roberts sMovie The Bugle 2Rev James Andrews 800 Sounds 4Face The Nation ZJimmy Swaggart 12Junmy Swaggart 7Animals Animab SUNDAY AFTERNOON I2200 22Johnny Lombardi tlBusiness Report 9Dick Van Dyke Church Today 15 Festival ltaliano 1130 3512Mr Chips 2Meet The Press Shell Game 130 EGamer Armstrong 3512Country Canada 3s12Worid of Disney 4ln Process oFamily Affair RAype 7Movie i3 Worlds of 200 711ABasebali Playoffs Gulllver 3Faces in Small Places 9lronside lZRex Humbard sizThis Land I00 EjAlbllm TV 7Building Decent 4By The People Lmng Tomorrow Future 2Merrie Melodies 12 9kaing 130 5A Way Out nSaivaiion Army l5l2CFL Football 1230 130 9Question Period Herald of Truth 3rS12Hymn Sing 4Campaign 76 SMoney Makers 7Chanenge zzWait Till Your Father ZLVOU Saba Football nMasters Touch Gets Home 45911 TOdi 9Star Trek 500 fiVEWS lISpencers Pilots 4Festival of Lively Arts 1245 00 SLast of the Wild 4NFL Football 3512Howie Meeker 22Bugs Bunny 35I2Rec11al ITodays Woman 530 9Brady Bunch SUNDAY EVENING 000 900 4Marcus Welby 47News SSlZSidestreet 7oMary Hartman 9Money Magazine 49Kojak 11Idea Machine flNewsweek flCaught in the Act 2Sports Probe 630 930 45 4Not Our First Priority ZZMixed Doubles 5Movie Flight 79News 2Quincy =50 11109 Faces 1000 12Movie Forget Me ascience International SSIZFlight Passionate Not 100 Affair II55 2World of Disney 4Delvecchio Movie Suddenly Last 460 Minutes 9W5 Summer SStzBeachcombers ZGlen Campbell 1200 7Lorenm and Henrietta 1030 SSix Million Man llWhat Is Truth 9University of The Air llOnedin Line llOceans Alive 1055 22Mov1e Sabrina 22Bill Cosby 4Political ProgramR 7Peter Marshall 7130 1111 1230 SSlZSuperspecial flMoney Talks 4Mod Squad llMov1e What is Truth 234581112News 130 800 1115 7Sunday Surprise 2Columbo SLate Edition 145 49Sonny and Cher SWeekend Edition zWith This Ring TilBaseball 12Night Final 220 ZZWildlife Cinema 1120 DMovie Viva Las 830 9Night Beat News Vegas 22ln Private Life 3512Tony Randall 30 Clyde 111E DOCTOR SAYS Bulges suggest varicosities By GEORGE THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Could you please explain what per ipheral vascular disease is My husband comes home at the end of the day with protrud ing or bulging veins in the legs and feet He does reat dal of walking all day in arge ware house know this could be what mentioned above but how is it treated Should he be on some kind of medication for it He is 50 years old and in good health His blood pressure was normal at the last checkup Mrs ILM That phrase peripheral vascular disease is blanket diagnosis that can cover many specific ailments Vascular refers to the overall system of veins and arteries serving the peripheral distant parts of the body as the legs The bul ging veins suggest varicosities weakenings in them If there is inflammation that would be phlebitis There can be circula tion disorders involved such as arteriosclerosis Buergers dis ease inflammation of the per ipheral arteries is often found in heavy smokers From your description it ap pears that it is the veins which are his main problem That would explain the aching and crampin in the legs as well as the swel ing of the feet at the end of his day of standirljg The symptoms shoul not go unchecked because things Wlll only tend to grow worse Skin ulcers are ssible part of the picture lood pressure chan es can occur rather rapid so the fact that his last reading was satisfactory means nothing Local circulation problems dont have to roduce dramati cally changed lood pressure The sooner your husband re ceives proper diagnosis the sooner treatment can start and the better off hell be Dear Dr Thosteson would like some information abouta 2Movie Bonnie and disease my doctor told me have sarcoidosis am 32 and want to know what it is all about Mrs CB There isnt very much can tell you about this disease Not too much is known It oc curs when complex substance called amyloid combines in ac body with protein to form no dules These can occur in an organ The lungs liver ki neys skin intestines are com mon sites It seems to affect those in the 20to40 group and is common among lacks Symptoms are not always ob vious but they can include chronic fever breathing diffi culties and skin lesions Sar coidosis can be mistaken for tu berculosis and does in fact of ten occur with TB It is suspec ted if the liver is large and if there is albumin protein sub stance in the urin Other sym ptoms include bleeding from the intestinal tract or heart disease that fails to respond to ordinary treatment The diagnosis can be confirmed through biopsy of suspicious tissue The outlook is uncertain It may clear up spontaneously with or without treatment but it has tendency to recur or to occur in other places It may respond to corticoste roid drugs which suppress the inflammation This must often be given over many years Sin ce there is no definite cure the goal is to prevent extensive tissue dama You should brace yoursef for long and painstaking treatment And you should be examined for TB CATHEDRAL RESTORED ST LOUIS Mo AP The 181 yearold St Louis Cathedral has been renovated at cost of $960000 as part of the New Or leans Roman Catholic Arch dioceses bicentennial proect The interior walls and cei ings were repainted and art special ists restored paintings and re placed deteriorating ortraits of the apostles on the ceiling Bernice Bode Osot For Sunday October 10 1070 ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Theres possibility you could treat serious matter far too lightly today Dont play games with something of value TAURUS April 20May 20 Even though you will have to contend with opposition today youre apt to be the one who tucks out in the long run GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Whether you have problems today largely depends on your own attitude If you seek the sunshine its there CANCER June 21July 22 Its not likely that your generosity toward certain pals will be matched today When the tab comes see that everyone antes up LEO July 23Aug 22 Put your splendid sense of humor to work for you today instead of taking yourself and everything you do too seriously VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dwelling on selfdefeating thoughts will whip you before you even get started today Its just as easy to see yourself winner LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Give of yourself your time and your advice to friend who has problem today but dont try to solve things with your checkbook SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Being too closely involved with the wrong person today could cause you complications Avoid anyone whose aims differ considerably from yours SAGITTARIUSNov 23Dec 21 Youll be willing to be help ful today but youll deeply re sent being used Unfortunately someone may try to take ad vantage of you CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Its best that you dont do business with friends today If it cant be avoided be careful no ones feelings are hurt AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 This is not good day to enter into important negotiations as you may have to bargain from your weakness Wait PISCES Fob 20March 20 Today youre apt to be y0ur own harshest critic Try to see the same good points in yourself that others recognize Your Birthday Oct 10 1978 3pportunities may be resented to you this year not ecause of whom you know ut because of WHAT you now Work on developing nore expertise in your field NEW HAVEN Conn AP Ronald Reagan defeated for the Republican presidential nomination this year indicated Thursday that he hasnt ruled out another try for the presi dency During an interview for broadcast by the Connecticut Radio Network Reagan was asked about running for public office again Ive learned not to predict on that he said PARDON ME MADAM BUT COULDNT HELP NOTICING YOUR LITTLE BOY THREW CANDY WRAPPER ON THE GROUND UMHAK WH LE LEAD TO EERIOUS CRIME fiq OSTENSIBLY SMALL THING DEFIANCE OF THE LAW CAN 171 ARE YOU CALLING MY wesLEY MURDERER lF You DONT LEAVE ILL SCREAM F012 THE BITE MAN lF HE COMES ANY CLOER WESLEY wllllillllllllllllllllll um Bernice Bede Osol For Monday Oct 11 1976 ARIES March 21April 19 It will take some soulsearching today before your best ideas surface Once the light goes on however follow through promptly TAURUS April 20May 20 big opportunity may come about from humble begin ning today If you hear an in stder talking about potential gain take notice GEMINI May 21June 20 You may be slow starter today but once you get going the sparks wull fly Toward evening youll really sharpen up CANCER June 21July 22 Youll be fortunate today in ac complishing what you want to if you operate behind the scenes Just be sure to be above board LEO July 23Aug 22 Today youll function best in front of crowd An attentive sea of faces inspires you to ucrd prose VIRGO Aug 22Sept 22 Taking steps to enhance yOur income or career sh0ud be your major concern today The results w1ll please you LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Grasping ideas and retaining them 935in are your main stocks in trade today Dont waste time on shallow thoughts or thinkers SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Joint ventures are extremely promismg today Move as soon as everyone is in full accord SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youre pretty nifty horse trader today Chances are if anyone Can turn buck you can Dont pass up anything that looks like bargain CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Conditions affecting your vocation should be in harmony With your highest aspirations the next few days Do your very best AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Hang in there today Time IS your ally You may not be the first one out of the starting WINTIIROP IVE BEEN WATCHING THE MISS WOQLDWIDE BEAUTY CONTEST ON TV SIIORT RIBS more cows ppE RED JACK KERRY DRAKE BUGS BUNNY Atria MAY THE RANsat NOTE FEDM 1002 KipuAPPErzs BE RETURNED or race WIFE FOR iNSUFFICiENT P051266 IM TALKING STRAIGHT wait you THERE HE GOES USING THAT FAKE SLEEPWALKING WOUTINE TO WAID MV WEFWIGEWATOR COLD LEMONADE 56 GLASS HAD NO IDEA VIY HAEEM WAS GETTING So 01 TO NEW OEK MAYAN oascENE TArroasr TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F You Dome AN ALCOHOLIC COMA block but you could break the tape PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your mind today will be on the good things you can do for others Follow thrOugh It will please you as much as it helps Your Birthday Oct 11 1976 Some of the problems you ex perienced over the past few years Will be alleViated Solutions Will be forthcoming and bright new promises Will prevail Compulsory insurance OTTAWA CP The On tario government is con sidering making car insurance compulsory and requiring in surance companies to justify theirrates Paul Yakabuski chairman of legislature subcommittee on company law said at com mittee hearing Wednesday re port to be submitted later this year or early in 1977 may rec ommend compulsory insurance for all Ontario drivers Mr Yakabuski PCARen frew South said it may be necessary to require justification of rates if in surance becomes compulsory to prevent companies from taking advantage of the situation If the firms dont have to justify their rates there would be no incentive to run efficient operations he said At one time competition solved this problem but that is not the case now If you dont have some checks or controls the system doesnt work well IH bLACIM IC CENTES 19 El PTS HOPA JET EVEN IF OU COULD LIVE YOUVE KILLEDA COP gt002 HillyEDI TELL ME wuos SMUGGLING ALL THOSE GUNS xro AND BIA ME THE V1 HOLE SUN WIN AT BRIDGE NORTH 7633 62 9174 596532 WEST 6A5 V8743 0108653 4J8 EAST 82 VKJ109 10AK9 Q10 SOUTH AKQJIOIH VAQ5 002 AAK Both vulnerable West North East South IA Pass Pass Dbl 4A Dbl Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Souths jump to four spades was definitely an overbid but one of those overbids that everyone makes from time to time West doubled and started proceedings by playing the ace and five of spades East produced the eight so South who had dropped his nine of spades at trick one was forced to win in his own hand South could still get to dummy with trump to take the heart finesse but that would leave him no way to ruff his last heart So South decided to try to get the defenders to help him out He cashed the ace and king of clubs and led the queen of diamonds East was in with the king and in trouble He cashed his queen of clubs If South had ruffed South would have been dead but South discarded his deuce of diamonds East could not lead another club That would establish club in dummy He could not lead his ace of diamonds That would set up dummys jack He did his best by leading heart This enabled South to finesse his queen cash the ace ruff his last heart and win the rubber ASKIIISJM 0° An Ontario reader wants to know why when the opening leader holds suit headed by aceking he leads the king rather than the ace There really is no good reason except that this has been the standard lead since the days of whist There just isnt any important reason to change although some experts have Will appeal sentence NORTH BAY OF Mayor Merle Dickerson convicted Wednesday for the second time of being found in common gaming house and fined $500 says he will appeal the sen tence The mayor said Wednesday it was inequitable that six other men convicted of the same of fence in the incident were fined only $25 each feel shouldnt be treated any differently in the courts than an other citizen he said ad ing that has asked his lawyer to file an appeal notice Mayor Dickerson was con victed of the charge year ago and sentenced to 15 days in jail $300 fine and probation for two years He served only two hours of his prison term before an appeal was filed On Wedneday Toronto judge presidin at new trial for the mayor ismissed an ap peal of conviction saying there was ample evidence in the tran script of the original trial to support conviction cvil l4h¢my 1€t977 DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle Groceries ACROSS Flesh food Food fish Green vegetables 12 Skin affliction 13 Heart anat 14 Therefore Lahn 15 Flower 16 Hen product 17 Wing shaped 18 Assembles 20 Motionless 21 lnsuranceab 22 Small shield 23 Parts of jaws 26 Suffocate 30 Hover 31 Stupefy 32 Malt brew 33 Circle part 34 Hoots 35 Clock face III III ANDY CAPP BORN LOSER TRYINGTO SAY ABG TlEALMJET 1477 msz GOOD OLD WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST FUNNY BUSINESS VWT IT NEVER LlKE T0 016L066 THle WITH WOMEN THEY TAKE EVERWTH litléc PERSONALth IEIEEEEL HI THERE 1551512 ows IT 60m WITH IV SHES FANTASTIC MKCAPP IVE REALLYGOT IT BAD CANT THINK ABOUT It 36 Bird 38 Paralysis 39 Kind of meal 40 of sardines 41 Food cake 44 Come before 48 Dismounted 49Madrid cheer 50 Ireland 51 Surrender 52 Put on name 31 Carbonllke 53 Bacon 1o Seaweed residue 54 Sharp 11 Classify 34 Trlturate 55 Lawyer ab 19 Halfems 35 Waltzcrs 56 Bishoprics 20 Sacred image 37 Putrld 22 Australian 38 Pastry DOWN ostriches 40 Canadian river Mutilate 23 Charles ab 41 Tamp Unbleached 24 Stringed 42 Nautical term Cuckoo instrument 43 Ocean blackbirds 25 Peruvian phenomenon Trying Indian 44 Scheme Cake frosters 26 Pack away 45 Great Lake Canines 27 Great 46 Eat evening Unit of energy 28 Guidos high meal butter notes 47 Concludes Masculine 29 Depend 49 Harem room III III III III III III IIII IIIII II IIIIII III III III GOT IT THE FIRST TIME PLAYED GAME WEI OLYMPIA SM8 MANUAL Paper Support Correction Space Bar Tabulation Bar 29 Dunlop 73702OI THIS gTArdégwiil QERVE A9 AN wanknos TO ALL 4095 WHO PUREUE LAW 49 CAREER ill THINK IT ONE MORE THINé HA5 ll EVER OCCURRED To You THAT HE SEEMS TO KNOW AN AwFuI Lol ABOUT $1M mowu min Tum 09 7995 NEEDS 1a

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