Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1976, p. 1

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n13 Wears 533s lt 33 first EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7766537 12th YearNo I94 PERCE Que CP Sear chers have found the first body of group of 12 persons re ported missing after their mo torboat capsized in rough seas Monday on pleasure trip to nearby island While local politician called WEATHER FORECAST Uhr Tamra Examiner for an investigation into the in cident the body of 20yearold Francoise Louette from Nan tes France was found Wed nesday in the Gulf of St Lawrence two miles south of here Eight other members of the he Barrie Examiner group were young tourists from France while the other three aboard were Quebecers Their overturned 14foot mo torboat was spotted by an ar med forces helicopter earlier Wednesday The boat was floating about Heather Flynn one of the first councilors to get dunked at the dunk your leader contest giimaces as the cold tap water pours over her head This was one of the SOMEONE SAY ITS RAINING many popular contests at the penny carnival held at Stin nidale Park by the recreation departments activity cen tres The Wednesday evening Crisis looming in UK drought LONDON itli Hritaiiis worst drought iii 250 years of weather records is reaching crisis proportions with the wheels of industry starting to dry up housewives hoarding vegetables and the gmernmeiit toying with such ideas as on porting water by ship Most everywhere except Scotland private gardens and public parks are singed vegetable and flower plants withered and thousands of trees are dying Beer prices go up as result of the barley and hops shortage brewers warn and one oldestablished umbrella firm has gone bankrupt All to local water authorities lll England and Wales are inak mg plans to step up restrictions as permitted under recently passed legislation IIOlSIIS IIII Display fountains have been turned off and in some areas new houses are suffering cracked foundations as the ground below shrinks Newspapers almost daily publish pictures of reservoirs that have dwmdled to mere puddles atid offer tips on how to san water 625 units goal set for blood clinic here At least 625 units of all types of blood must be collected at twoday Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic Monday Aug to and IuesdayAug at The clinic will be held at Trinity Parish Hall next to the Barrie Post Office from to pm Monday and to pm and5t08 30p in Tuesday Hoots for the clinic have been changed and extended Blow collected during the first two hours of the Monday will be rushed immediately to Toronto There blook components used daily for leukemia pa tients hemo times and burn patients will broken down ill centrifu machine If the lood is not broken down within two to three hours of the donation it will remain whole blood donation The breaking down of the blood enables four people to benefit from one donation Hours were extended to en sure more blood is collected Summer months are always crucial for blood banks because of holidays and highway ac cidents The Harrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross has been asked to collect extra units of lositiye Negative and Positive blood Anybody in good health bet ween 18and 65 may donate 17 year old boy may donate with the written per mission of parent or guar dian Girls must be 18 Maclaren is chairman of the blood donor clinic Tension SEOUL South Korea iAP North Korea announced today it has ordered its armed forces into state of combat pre aredness because of the nited States reaction to the slaying of two US officers in the truce village of Pan munjom All US military personnel on leave in Korea were ordered to return to their units at once and the United States warned North Korea that the killing of the two US officers jeopard ized the entire framework of the Korean armistice But Pen tagon officials in Washington discounted the Sibiiity of US military reta iation broadcast by North Koreas official Central news agency carnival was preceeded by an llfloat parade which ran from North Collegiate to Sun nidale Park More photos on page 11 Examiner Photoi Joyce Joan Berry Doreen Susan Hazel CaroP BULLETIN US President Gerald Ford announced today his runningmate iii the No vember elections will be Sen Robert hole of Kansas You re right name is wrong If you see the separate school boards bright copper main tenance van scurrying around the city preparing for school opening and you think the name is spelled wrong you are right The board purchased the van this summer When It was received last week it came with few minor defects and iiiissplled name seperate mr stea of separate Corbiere superinten dent of business for the Sinicoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board said the name will be corrected when the van receives its first check up The checkup is due shortly Examiner Staff Reporter Canada is being overrun by dogooders in government because businessmen are not working hard enough political ly Ed Harper president of the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce told officials of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Wednesday We as businessmen are not putting ourselves otit for elec tions he said Provincially federally we are being overrun by dogooders Profit is dirty word Mr Harper was one of three dozen representatives of chambers from Collingwood to Haliburton Highlands who met in Barrie with ntario chamber president Meakes of Slld bury and other provincial chambcrofficials The Ontario chamber was gathering input from local chambers in preparation for its meeting Sept with the provinr cial cabinet Mr Harper charged that the provincial government is soft on labor and as result is pricing Ontarios work force right out ofjobs They are kowtowiiig to labor continually he said citing legislation givng teachers the right to strike and the failure of labor minister Bette Ste henson to speak out against illegal work stop page scheduled by the Cana dian Labor Congress tCLCi for Oct lI OIIOSE RIGHT He called on the Ontario chamber to present resolution opposing the right to strike for teachers The strike as bargaining tool is 50 years behind the times he said There just Farmers three miles southeast of Bona venture Island off the tip of the Gaspe peninsula Canadian Forces aircraft and coast guard vessels joined by local fishermen had been coin hing the area since the boat was reported missing Police said Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday AUQUSt 19 l976 mFirst body found in St Lawrence tragedy the search for bodies would con l5 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly SUNNY 20Pages tinue until Sunday REIORTIIIGH WINDS The group set out in the ino torboat on day when local fishermen and other tourboat owners did not venture off shore Waves as high as 15 feet and high winds were reported at the time the boat was last seen by lighthouse keeper on Bonaventure Island about hours after leaving port Leo Vienneau member of the coast guard who partici pated in the search said he thought l4foot launch loaded with 12 people would fill with water when hit by the first big wave He said he believed there were no life jackets aboard the boat when it left shore TOO MANY DOGOODERS Government soft on labor Chamber president charges By RICHARD DUNSTAN has to be better way Mr Meakes told him the On tario chamber has already taken stand against strikes in essential services where ser vices caniiot be maintained by supervisory personnel and the public interest is endangered Mr Meakes said labor has actually benefited from the wage and price controls the plans toprotest Oct 14 Between May 1975 and May MEAKES standing president of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce watches Harries Arch Brown left and Ed Harper list their chief areas of con market plan announced to be topic of public meeting parking lot full of farm pro duce and Christmas decora tions at Memorial Square are among the prospects for visitors to Barries downtown between now and the end of the year The Downtown Improvement Board hopes to hold farmers market in the parking lot ltl to city hall in late September The board has also begun in quiries into simple but attrac tive decorations for Memorial Square and adjacent parkland on Simcoe Street for the holiday season Another feature of downtown Barries Christmas ruin this year will be Santa Claus who will either hold court in va cant shop or move from store to store The farmers market is ex few live calves or pigs for col or baked goods contributed by church groups and possibly few ceramics or other crafts The old ollier Street fireball is under consideration for the market minus the livestock in the event of rain The board hopes to tllllSl the support of 10 Simcoe District otip the Elinvale office oy the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture anti mm and 4H club members to round up enough farmers to make the market success The market would be held from in to or and boat inciiibcrs hope those who attend will move on to shop in downtown after the market closes SliiltS State of the economy discussed by premiers EDMONTON itli taii adas to premiers ended the fit st day of their threcday annual conference Wednesday re leasing three communiques on econmnic issues and making start on discussion of the con stitution The coiiimuniques covered the state of the economy reve nue guarantees and federal provincial financial negotiations Federal moves to end revenue guarantees to the provinces and to place con ditions on cosrsharing grants brought the harshest words from the provincial leaders Alberta liemiei letei lioug heed ho at Is as chairman for the tiillltltlllt told reporters tollowing thi sessions that the premiers had used strong laii giiage to cpress their dis satisttit tioi is lit but they con sidcr Ottawa failure to meet the federal undertaking to con Illlllt ic ciziii guarantees The guarantees resulted from changes in the federal income tax structure in 1972 The fed eral gmernineiit offered the guarantees to ensure that no prmiiicc lost reienue because of the changes mounts following said the United States took combat posture by issuing an emergency order of alert to the units of the forces occupy ing South Korea This is the prelude to the war adventure that the im perialist aggressors may per petrate it said Spokesman for the CS mil itary command in Seoul refused to say whether the recall of leave personnel constituted an alert Each Side accused the other of starting the fight at Par munjom Wednesday KILLINGS BRLTAL Never before in the 23 years since the ceasefire was for mally signed has there been the outright and brutal murder of jomt security area security for ce personnel said letter from Gen Richard Stilw ell the CS head of the timed Nations Command to North Korean President Kim Ilsung This was not the eruption of an unplanned argument It was the deliberate murder of tNC itN Commandi personnel who 1976 he said the average in dustrial wage rose 12 per cent while inflation was held to lesser increase think the net gain for labor is said to be about three per cent he said llarrie chamber member Arch Brown said the labor force suffers from an inflation men tality feel that our employee has been average bra ii cern in preparation for the Ontario Chambers meeting with the provincial cabinet Sept Mr Harper presi dent of the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce Barrie ptiblie meeting on the future of Barries downtown core will be held Sept l6 at 730 pm in the council chamber at city hall Wayinan lairr weather city planning direc tor innoiinced today IltSldtllIS and organizations submissions to the meeting will be evaluated by fourmember committee of planning board which will report its findings to the board Sept 28 Mr Fiiiiweatliei said the mettiny was called to get residents icws on the role the downtown area should play iii the life of the city rather than to deal sixcitically with an of licial plan requested by the tircaiei iiiirie Chamber of onimeice The amendment endorsed by the chamber in April would designate the downtown area as the heart of the city and the primary retail coiiimcicial cultural entertainment in sllllllliilldl recreational and adiiiinistiatne centre for the Harriearca The committee has not decided hctlicr or not an of ticiil plan amendment is needed at this titccttlre liitt ts going to wait until aftei the public mettunl to decidi that issue Ir liiicithti said the cm came undei lire last ttl from the chamber for did in calling the public lliitllltL and Ill acting on the proposed amendment Il liiiwcitlici said today ti lillillltl meeting would have iiiplititl mar officials and tiiltlll ill the tlltllitt to heat iiihtlitiilil lhe ttillllllllltt was of the to on that it would be folly to hold ii public meeting iii the washed to think that if the average cost of living goes up they are automatically entitled to an increase in wages he said lie suggested profit sharing for employees as the solution to this problem Mr Meakes said much of the problem of inflationary speir ding by governments can be traced back to demands by the public plans to attend the meeting with Mr Meakcs and about 200 other chamber members from across the province Examiner photo summer when so many people were on holidays he said REJECTSONIENTIONS lIe rejected chamber conten tions that September meeting will be too late for the city to participate in the provincial governments downtown re vitaliation program which will provide various forms of financial assistance to municipalities wishing to re juvenatc their core areas He said Qiiecns Iark too slows down in the summer and the govinimeni will have too much tittClllllL up to do to get moving on the new program in early September Mr Fiiiiwtatlici also ex pressed doubts about llilllllltl statements that an oftii litl plan amendment is necessity be fore the pro incial government ill prox iiletinancial aid Im not sure Marshall tirecii itllilllllttl civic attaiis llitll man and leader of the chambers downtown rinowi lion driic is on the High track litsaid chamber olticials said mi her this year that provincial oi ficials tiiiie told Illtlll no money can be expected until hi municipality commits itsclt itsolficial plan Mr haniycathei said planning board ioiiimittev dues not intend the public mettn take place III spirit of controii tation but instixid wants is iiiuih publii input is possible He said he hoped submissions will be Ill though on and no tlllillliilldi ii niiiiiic One question to be answered he said is whether thedie has been cast for downtown businesses by the construction of shopping malls on Hayfield Panmunjom while engaged in routine main tenance functions of type your personnel often perform were attacked unmerCifully by numerically superior force wielding axes and clubs Stilwells letter was read at an emergency meeting of the Military Armistice Commission in the truce village about 300 yards from the spot where the nited States said that North Korean guards brutally mur dered the two officers The United Nations om mand said about 30 North Korean guards armed with axes and metal pikes attacked working party of Americans and South Koreans who were trimming trees in the security zone around the truce People are elected to give people what they want he said Another topic for the Barrie colingent was proposed proper ty tax reform legislation IllStOlltAIilfl MERCHANTS Mr Brown said the proposal to assess parking lots at So per cent of market value instead of the present 25 will discourage merchants and others from pro viding parking and will mean step backward in the provmcial governments jiivcnate downtown areas He said he himself moved his business ttanarliaii Tire out of Harries downtown area where the municipality provided my adequate parking and was he said literally leeching on private commercial parking lots such as his own Mr Meakes said it is impossi ble at present due to lack of data to assess the impact of tax reform on businessmen suspect that in the simplest language business is going to pay little more than it did before he said Peter llowden legislative af fairs chairman for the Barrie chamber said the province has already compiled the necessary data and should hand it over dont understand why they arent producing it for you and think you should get after them he said Shirley Near executive secretary of the Harrie and District Real Estate Board drew applause when she called on governments to account for their own wasteful practices in stead of investigating bus inessmen so much We have to Justify what were doing to them she said Why dont they justify Street liability of family retail operations to compete with chain stores in the malls ht said might make it necessary to convert the city core into an office buildingarea drive to re themselvestoiis Mr Meakcs said next mon ths meeting with the cabinet is urgent because of increasing government regulation of business This summer one out of every members of the provin cial legislature regardless of party he said is working on legislation to regulate business somernorc IIIR ESICNI 10000 Mr Meakes said the chambers submissions will represent as many as 40000 On tario businesses The politicians can properly regard this as the consensus of the sector of our economy which finances the ollier seer tors he said Nevertheless he said he did not anticipate llltljtil legislative changes as result of the meeting with the cabinet Our biggest gains are to be made in heading off legislation rather than changing what weve got he said Mr Meakes said the Ontario chambers voice is vital to business because of the lack of other business input For exam ple he said he has learned that the Blair Commission on the Reform of Property laxat ion in Ontario has received otin one business brief from the chamber This compares he said to several submissions from the YMtA and two from the avowed communist groups About 200 representatives of local chambers are expected to jtilll in the Sept meeting There Will be iltlllllnlllt ses sion wnh the entire cabinet in cliirfing premier William Davis plus smaller sessions with various ministers and their top subordinates downtown cores future The planning board commit tic consists of chairman Ken ltylcs who is viiechairnian ot the board lloiig Skcltoii Ald liiii Itlll and Mayor llorian laikii CAPSULE NE WS Girls body found in creek Sl tIIIIIES thil ttl Police are attempting to identify five year old girl whose body was found Wmliiesday stuffed in garbage bag insidi dufllc bag in 2b Mile treek at Jordan llarboiii near here Eight Africans die in riots From ltlll IIIRAI lt lltl El IYHlilll itli night of rioting arson and plunder lctt at least eight Alritaiis dead from police bullets and towns of buildings binmg early today as South Africas OIlllll uprising found new flashpomt lll this Indian Ocean port Tidal waves to blame Ill Ii Ibe tidal waves that swept more than iuarler ot tlillt lIlldlltl were blamed today for most of the asiialties in the earthquake ii the southern Philippines The latest offii ial toll is 131 klllitl homeless 17 missing and ltti 274 persons Man dies from exposure llliltll rl year old lintario man found wiiiiiesdau llil being missing for five days in Moose Brook Slate lnik poi tioitianz died early today spokesman at the ntliosioggzii Valley Hospital in Berlin said harles Pifko of tii tigi died lliilll ttlistllt Price of gold rises il it Iteiitct The price of gold rose by more than 51 iii ounce ll busy irailing on London bullion markets today after ii slid tall Wednesday that took the metal to ltS lowest level in almost mood incident buildings The CV Command said four enlisted men and five South Koreans were me Jured and military sources said three North Koreans were believed killed ACTION DEBATE In Washington United States offiCIals areconsidering what response to make to the slay ings Following the bloody clash Wednesday at Panmuniom the state department warned that North Korea must bear full re sponsibility for all the con sequences of its brutal action state department spokesman refused to rule out possible US military retaliation but Penta gon officials discounted that possibility

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