Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1977, p. 9

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lhe Barrie Examiner Friday February 18 I977 Down town board budget $43 000 Barries downtown merchants could be sharing $43000 bill this year to finance the downtown improvement borrd DIBJ The lIB set its draft budget Thursday and will be sending it to city council for approval lhe$43000 figure isSt 500 less than last year Garry McCluskey llli chairman said the board has surplus of$2iioo from 1076 Mr McCluskey two year member of the board said last year the board paid $3000 deficit left from 1977 The budget includes $15000 for promotion $5000 for park ing $3000 for information $8000 for development $9000 for maintenance and $3000 for admin istration Weve changed the emphasis of our budget this year to promotion he said The figures are guidelines only and were not tied to the amounts for each section The board will set its 1077 program at the next meeting March he said when the budget should be approved Some of the plans he said include development of parkette at Mary and Dunlop streets promotion of two shopping malls downtown in the summer and more signs promoting free meter parking downtown Friday evenings andSaturday Ice fishermen turning more to snowmobiles The snowmobile method is gradually replacing the tradi tional wooden but as the most popular way to ice fish on Lake Simcoe Allan Stewart fish and wildlife supervisor with the On tario Ministry of Natural Resources in Midhurst said the number of ice fishing huts on the lake continued to decline thisyear However almost four times as many fisherman were spot ted on the lake this winter com pared with few years ago thanks to the snowmobile We have noticed trend away from the huts during the last few years he said They fishermen now go out in snowmobiles to fish PORTABLE lllTS Many of the fishermen tow portable huts onto the lake Mr Stewart said the ministry counted about 2500 ice fishing huts this winter Five or six This year ice fishing htits years ago he said record must be off the lake by March 5000 huts were counted 15 Mr Stewart said the The ministry counts the huts ministry moved the date for each year he said to deter ward by two weeks to corres mine the effect ice fishing has pond with the end of the lake on lake stocks The count also mint and whitefish seasons saves time for patrol officers Any huts left on the ice after during their daily checks on that late will be removed by fishquotasheadded the ministry By moving the This winter he said lake deadline Mr Stewart added tmut yellow perch and herring abandonml huts can be rentov fishing have been excellent but ed while the ice is still fairly Whitefish catches have been strong very low compared to past winters Part of the decline in the number of traditional ice fishing huts he said could be attributed to the poor whitefish catches Womans ear collides with train Barrie woman escaped injury Thursday on Essas Cori cession 13 when the 1900 Ford she was driving collided with PR train Barrie ll say Janice Marling was unhurt after the acci dent while estimatingdamage to her car at $1500 Police say Mrs Marling called police to the scene at 220 pm No further details are available Decorations to leave square The toy train giant snowman and red candles are coming out of Memorial Square this weekend says Carry Me ltiskty downtown improvement board chairman Mr Mtluskey said the decorations installed in December will be stored in the basement of the Municipal Savings and Loan Corp until the autumn Vandalism was minimal he said adding one of the smaller snowmen lost head He said the DH will continue putting the display into the park but will probably not increase the number of decora tions this year think there is enough there he said If we add any morcit might start to look cluttered The DIB bought the decorations forSthitt last year as part of its promotionofthedowntown It was going to be the first of three stage program to pro vide hristmas rlecorat ions in the park Scout Guide week is proclaimed Donna orbiere Iith Barrie iuides and Kan dy uthur of the 21rd Barrie Scouts represented Barries Feb 20 to 37 was proclaimed ScoutGuide week in Barrie by Mayor Ross Archer in the citys council chambers from the Scouts and luides as ttic mayor signed the proclaiiia tion The wicks actiyitics will include display at the Hayfield Mall tlluiniinir Iliolot barrie today Three Midland firefighters hurt in first of two fires Midland firefighters fought two fires overnight that caused extensive damage to two buildings Firi officials says trucks were called to 801 Yindon St at to one house fire and xrant possabihties being rev1ewed Simcoe ounty Roman atholic Separate School Board is reviewing the possibility of provincial grants for community education and llxpericncc 77 The board appointed coin niittec of three trustees Mary lo guilty Donald DAuoust and Michael lionan to review the provincial programs The board was told it would get $7000 this year for com munity education but there is no information about Ex perience 77 which supplies money for student programs Last year two summer play ground programs in Midland and Angus were funded foiSfiitoo each by the province Christian Businessmen meet here second call came at 317 am today atttil ElizabethSt lhrec firefighters were taken to hospital with smoke inhilir tion from the irst fire The roof of the first building UlllipSifl and fire gulted the Canada surprised one story building while the St mnd has VltllSDt fire water andsniokidainagc Firefighters at the lllSl fiic were hampered by Stllt of new hydrants on Yindon Street that werent fillcd lllfl used Canada Works applications well over the 100 mark shuttle Stllt of piiinpcrs to bring watcr from hydrants threeblocksaway Firc officialS were still at the scene of tlic lllliltlll Street firc early this morning in vtstigatingthccausc Kerv Johnston cant keep enough in stock Hondas used to be joke now bestselling import By SHEILA McER Examiner Staff Writer The first Honda Civic drivers had to put up with lot They would drive into gas station and ask for car wash The attendant would return with handfull of soap flakes just put it in thesink andstir But Hondas arent joke anymore they can be found in every large parking lot on every street and every highway Kerv Johnston owner of Barrie Honda Auto Sales said he couldnt quote any figures that Would really show how phenomenal the cars growth has been He put it this way three years ago no one had ever heard of the Honda Civic now its the largest selling import in Canada Mr Johnston said the car has three major selling points $3232 the price of the lowest model it gets tip to 50 miles to the gallon and it has frontwheel drive so it is less likely to get stuck large portion of his customers are buying their first car and large number of those people are women The ivic is also an cv cellent commuting car he said About 20 to it per cent of the small car busincs in Barrie involves commuters he explained becausc car pools havent been suc cessful The ivic is also popular second car Mr Johnston described his buyers as ilptrSllltlklllUH intelligent and iitlllollS buyers hodoiit givcrway to good looks or llllitlllit buy mg They know what to expect from thccar when they come in the store and sometimes bringthewliolcfainily toscc ifthcy will fit llondu introduced sta tionwagon in ltio to add more scope to the line tic said but It hasnt been but scllcr lcoplc buy it llltilt as sporting vcliiclc llt cs plaincd lltiwcycr iii ltccciiiltcl llonda introduccd new line the ccord which larger Spttllltl model with llt spiHl transmission and which gets Huh to the gallon The only llllllL optional on it is floor mat Mr lolitlStttti said but cant keep tltttlLlltlllittftlSlllxliitll Midsizes slowly taking larger portion of trade trend toward midsize cars is inevitable says Gerry Partridge sales manager for entennial Plymouth Chrysler have gone up Mid size cars now cost the same as full Slt cars of few years ago The terms mid size com pact and intermediate rcfcr to models like the Yolari lit The laiisiinnc was fill Slt luxury car but it has been lffltSlLUltfl and now fits into the lllltllllttlliilt claw ht lthlltllllfl Thi larisicnnc currently thc Danish student Annelise Rasmussen an ex change student from Denmark was the gutst speaker at Thurs days ltotiiry tlub meeting The ltt year old student is at tending tirade lit at liastvtcw Secondary School and lS iiiak tng lltl lllSl visit to foreign country its very diffictilt to get used to lJiiglisli MlSS l£lSlllllSStll Silitl lIvcrything was hard it llllfltlsllitlti but lni getting us iiflti If aiiiida lS much bigger than shcthotight it was read it was the second big gcst country in the world but didnt rcalic it tiiitil got hcrc slic said You cotild put my country in Lake Superior and not even sec it from tlic Sllttlt liverything is much bigger tSptclllll tlic cars and thc lttilflSH Miss asinusscn arrived from Denmark last August but it doesnt Sttlll that loiigago lt SttlllS likc lvc only been here couplc of months she said can llll rcnicmbcr thc lllSt day when got off the planemloionto was Slllplhttl to see how sparsely populated it is bet ween here and loronto and to see all of the land that wasnt get from North America is from thclnitedStates ontrary to what inany ana dians think Denmark isnt land of ice and snow itil IiiIR WISH Ive never seen so much snow ln Denmark we get snow but it usually doesnt last long Most people confuse us with Finland and Sweden she said have looked forward to timadian wmter and was hop mg there would be lots of snow It looks like got my wish Miss Rasmussen is bad minton enthusiast and recently competed in the Jntario Winter lames in North liay didnt win blit really had good time she said The team finished fifth out of seven and one of our team members won medal so we werent shut out anada has so many wonderful things to see and do she said You are very lucky pcopli La Salle expedition iaiiios aiiiula Manpower cntri gave out in lilililltulltitlS for funds under thc tanada Works program icorgc Wood jobcrcation llilldlll officct Sitltl Viednesday in addition itt applications for Young tanada Works tlt liandcdout Deadline for application ll Manpower ii loionto wqc lri day The two new pioginitic ro place tlic Local llllllitll lio grain and flitliitlltlllllll for Youth as tlic tcdcral i1ociii nicnts miim job creation tl forts Mr Wood ittl target datc for lttlSitJHS on filtitllllflltili is March to Sonic of tlic tliilttt if approved could start as cal as prill Funds for the programs will be allocated by federal ridings with areas of high uncniploy incnt given priority Final lttlSItiti on project ap llt mailt li tile and im migration ministry on the ad vice of local iiiciiiticrs ot pai ha iiicnt and irhisory coninnttew will manpowcr proval fcdcral appointidliy Mls anatlii Works protccts iiiiist full time jobs and can lll funded for up to year Young anada Works lS intuitd to create summer jobs for sttidciits and each project crtifc at least five must crcatcat least thrccjobs Innisfil purchases grader but with regular tires llflY liinisfil township ncvt Htlv will buy new giadcr worth $0140 to rcplacca wornout machini The iiiachiiic fhiiinpioii tnodtl No will ltc illltlliiSltl from Dominion toad Machin cry iiflllltlllflll Ltd of Toronto lt lS powered by ii 15H llttlStptthl engine and lliillttlcs snowplowingctitnpiucnt The township had sought to township about $70 to repair he said Hccu llllillll iibbins said the proyiiicc will Sillisltllf 30 percent of tlicpurchascpricc Pianosolo first to city resident lt Ht tNlft itlt Desmond weekend in ltarric mg all day Saturday in bills last month streets headed the list The llastcrn anadiaii Wn cr onfercncc of the hristian Busiiicssiiicns ominitttes of anatla will beheld this Downtown improvement bills $4L5 larries downtown iinpiovciiicnt board DIBI paid 342472 snow plow mg bill from lhilgt Snow ltcmoval for clean ing the trcc public parking lots at Sinicoe and Toronto The Hi spcnt Sltitt for 12 hours work 00 other bills crc $30 for membership to the downtown idea exchange $1314 to to liariii lrcss for 3000 DH envelopes and $33 113 loiIJttttt shectsot Dll letterhead The conference stxinsorcd by the 24 Ontario committees is at the Holiday lnn starting at in Friday and continu Saturday starts with breakfast at in with program and worksliopunfil 12 13 in lhcguest speaker for the con ferences lunch IS Sam Dalton of Denver fnl Local Barrie men are welcomed to the fitc luncheon For reservations contact Mr lluntci ikirltlll Mr umming 72ft IiTTii Mr iwcn Tlti ttittt ot Mt ficed TEN £2709 Two reasons possible for vacancy increase anada linpowcrs mcreas mg number of job vacancies mean one of two things there are more jobs available or there are more employers using necessarily representative of thc total operation he added but the total number of vacan cics in 1070 grew to 5611 from Misti in tttTTi an increase of713 hits trouble the centre said ticorchotwl it Manpower spokesman lla Midsize and compact cars mm mum have the grader coiiippctl with Malty of HTTP placed lllSf in Hd 41 ind Sillt iigtx sc ivr it ll siv lichclin gritlcr lllcS tht Hm llltlYtll prino solo com +33 ivlfflmli are no sweepin lii ltciiinar mv iilllll lllS ln Ti lt 1h Illllttulll rtt lttllttmtlltv tltct IHndlriv umlhuy fit ttlitlt it llltlth DU ltflttl car market in Barrie but cottage but it only 13 miles IIHHN IN ll mm ll 11 fhevy Vega and Ford linto are subcompact cars They are selling Mr laitridgi said but at level rati Larry Hudson salts reported Bit vacancies up from 242i iii 1070 large number of thosc vacancies involved winter works projects at taiiir fiuti Forces liasc liordcn trend to more employment op portunitics Mr Wood said but he would be more inclined to view it as it greater use of the cent rc by prospective llltllllMlS if Silllt lll iliuntlriniil why If itnnril lion ll are continuing their thi im HUM met 5131 voyage to New tileans six in nionthsaftcrleaving Montreal RigNth The 55 crew members rc they are slowly taking over larger portion of the new car trade say sampling of dealers Michael littlltlit of Douglas Lincoln lcrcuiy tltllNll tlic gradual trend to iiitciincdiatc cars as flutter not rush music festival Maliy won llli it itill of EU followttl by Jon ittlltltl of Lott don ttnt with ttl and Michael from their home she said must admit thought tana dians wcrc cray to drive two hours to get to their cottages llrllhldl anadas three largest car makers Chrysler General Motors and Ford recently announced surprising jumps in new year car sales In analyzing the figures they also noted subtle shift tosmaller cars Its matter of economy Mr lartridge said ar prices like everything else manager for ficorgian lon tiac liuick agrwd the small car trend hasnt hit lutlllt Buyers still want car they can fit six people into he said Mr Hudson said he also finds trend toward in teriiiediatc cats usually downstyled luxury models iigcurs irc llll iclling llt said were having thrcc Lincoln dclivcriil today hit the intciincdiati or compact tillS now take thi largest pcrccntiigt of lilt market about 10 lttSitltl but looking down tlic ioad ii few years he can sec that tigurcincreasi You are lucky to be living in such large littllllflll country and the cottach are beautiful liopcyouappreciate it The French lilltlllSll problem isasurpriscfolicr was surprised to hear about all of the problems anada is having with two languages she said The Danish people havent heard about it Most of the news we MARLENE NANNI left staff worker for Barrie Big Sisters and Jeanne liarris president listen as Judge Morton explains the law reform affecting juieiiilcs and families Judgi Morton was guest speaker lliursday night at the aiiliiial meeting of liarrii Ifig Sisters tlIx iiiincrlhotot Says group homes resource groups ways to handle young law breakers Group homes and resource groups are two ways the coni munity can handle young law breakers And Family ourt Judge MD Morton is all for them Detention homes are being phased out he told the annual meeting of Barrie Big Sisters Thursday night at the Municipal Savings and Loans orp building Manyofusaredisappoiiitml With the training schools We all have tendency to let ltig Daddy in Toronto solvc our community problems in the past judge itilflS boy or girl to ftiikvillc to be asstsscd and he in then policed ina traiiiiiigscliool lie is often lost ill lllt shut llc litsaid District training schools solve this litcausi the judge knows the group llllllttS schools and rcsouiccuof thcarcu He talked of group homes such as Morton house and John liosco ltcsidcnci where young offenders receive the care they ollciiiiecd Dctciitioii homes arc needed in some cases however he said creating ltobcrt avclicr Sieui dc La Sallcs 15000 mile voyage had one night stop at cnten nial licach in Barrie in the fall The group performed number of authentic French voyagcur songs and dancer while explaining the purpose of the re enactment of tilt journey Janine Lewis Liaison team director said in letter tragic accident put three of tliemcmlxrsintoahospital Four members were hit by small cattle truck near llebron while walking in smgle lllt facingtraflic loigc iarcia Nicholas de la Sallei was admitted in critical condition with internal bleeding and head laceral ions For the first time since the voyage started the group cancelled ixrforniance to wait for news about Mr lar ciasoperation Later he was listed as in critical condition but stable with assurances that he Would coiitiiiuefoniiprove Mr Lewis said members were seriouscondition they were Steve Marr tJac que ouchoist with two broken bones in his left leg and lif Wilson Jacques liourdoil Sicur dAutrayt with broken arm crushed vertebrae broken pelvis and broken thigh bone The other person laiy liiiiuii Jean du Ligiioni was treatedandreleased Mr Lewis said the voyageurs decided to coiitiiilic without replacing the injured members The past few months have proved to be ones of gruelling work constant challenge and not little heartache he said have observed the voyageurs under all conditions and have watched them overcome all obstacles two other admitted in Michael lltllllidtl wanted the new tires because llt said tlic township has not had flat tirc since putting Miclicluis on its equipment flat tire costs tlic Barrie lfllC union workers voted Thursday outside the liradford Street plant lliursday to vote on the companys latest wage offcr The i130 Harrie produc tioii workers and workers Workers at tanadian General IIlcctric Ltds Barrie plant members of the United IIlcctrical Workers union itlicrcd Yliitcof loroiito itli fli Festival ttllltlltlS said cores in tlic tliilliirvttlo competition it and under were unusually lugliandclosc which must hire through the cciitit Mr Woodsauf About 200 of the have been filled tnc months figures are not llllllltltS other plants in Ontario ac ceptcd the contract which provides for an average of it per cent increase Scrti employers During the year the centre processed tilttl new and 824 revived applications and con ducch 2430 interviews 131 3i it tiiiiers Laura Mac Donald and Harry lic May are seen checking the voting process tillllllltl lliotot

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