AREA HIGHLIGHTS County crests are presented MIDIIURST Staffi New crests bearing the county coat of arms and maps of the county were presented to members at Simcoe County councils February session The crests were made for the 22 new members most of whom were present Warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of Tecumseth in making the presentations explained these were first used 65 years ago in 1912 according to county minutes Quoting the late Fred Hunter who was county clerk for some years and onetime lecumseth reeve the warden stated his research indicated the coatofarms was an adap tafion from that of John Graves Simcoe who was appointed Governor of Upper anada iii 17m The Simcoe Arms was granted to aptain Simcoe naval officer in 1747 who was John Graves Siincocs father John Graves Simcoc was married to Elizabeth inIllltll in 1782 As was the sutom the Siincoe Arms was quartcrul and combined with the twilluin arms to form the present county crest It was noted the latter consists of two stars of 12 points fess or bar of wavey ermine and cannon baitwise The motto Non sibi sed patriae was praised by the warden as if was explained it means Not for ones self but for one country There seems to be no particular significance to the various symbols of the cinifof1arms except that they were iised with variations to make tip coat of arms used either by right of heredity or by grant for some service to the trown it was explained The council was told that jackets are expected to be ready for new members next month llans also were approved for photographs to be taken of the 1977 county cotiiicil and department officials during the woday sessions in March The Barrie Examiner Friday February 18 iimor Farmers going to It alls ELMVALF tStaffI North Simcoe Junior Farmers will sent rink to compete in 1977 provincial winter curling games at Niagara Falls this coming Saturday The mixed rink which includes Norm McKay of RR llawkestone oug Langnian of RR trillia Bonnie Ritr chic of RR Elmvale and Lynn Martin of RR lIlinvalc will participate in competition with over Zoo regional champions from six zone winter games The North Simcoe curlers won this right by winning the zone competition earlier at Georgetown The provincial curling games is one of several provincial activities provided by the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario for its nooo members tither events at Niagara Falls include mens and ladies basketball mixed volleyball and mens and ladies bowling South Sinicoe Junior Farmers will send team to compete in one of the basetball tournaments at Niagara Falls on Saturday The curling will include mens and mixed curling event To discuss 1977 golf programs Ross Leeder who is wellrknown in county golf circles will present an instruction program over Barrie thainiel it television on ednesday Feb 23 between and tt Ill The new program will mark the fifth anniversary of the Barrie golf pros televised instruction courses which have been followed with keen interest by most of the countys golfing fraternity Plans for lttTT will be touched upon for the Barrie tountty club llorseshoe Valley Shanty liay Springwater Allandale and Royal Downs cotirses liecder has given golf instruction at all tlicsecourses along with others in the county during an eventful golf career His father Fd Lecder who is golf pro at Lake touchiching Course was former owner of the Lake St ieorgc course at thenorthcast end of the county Membership payments approved MlllllRSl iStalfi Payment of incinlwrsliip fees in three Untario municipal associations was authorized by Simcoetounty council at its February innting The sum of $12m was approved for the Association of ounties and Regions oftintario which has followed regional administration closely and kept cotiiity delegates iiitoriiiid on various changes The membership for the Association of Municipalities of thitario as $3o while San payment was approved for the Association of Municipal lerks and licasiirers of iiiitaiio The latter is attended by Duncan tlreen treasurer and ior don Wat son clerk It was recommended that the warden appoint the delegates to attend future sessions of the other orgaiiiza tioiis 16 rinks registered for county bonspiel llCNlClANti iSfalfI Six twillimbury ctye teen rinks have registered so traynianottookstown litpiin far to compete in the annual Reeve liavc Walker of curling bonspiel simiisorcd by the county rccrcition commitr Deputy ltccvetharlcs Smith of tee Rama llcrb liisk cf lccnniscth lhe chairman Reeve andlionellioiiof lcnetaiig harlcs Rawson of lay said there are openings for eight other rinks and iudging from inquiries thesi also will be fill ed The bonspiel is totake place onSaturday March Plans also are underway to conduct zone seminars tor cluh executives for senior citizens dcalingmcratts The Siiiicoe toiinty Arts and ratts Association will be holding its 19th annual quilt and riigfair niScptcnibtr Numerous clinics for coaches and officials in lacrosse hockey softball basketball and soccer are being sponsored by the ircater lluionia Sports ouncil It was also announced summer games are planned in various parts of the county in July illicr members of the rccica tioii coiiiniiitce are Deputy Reeve tharlcs ltrown of West gt CHINESE FOOD Mel Ie dontc Vardcn Allan tilasstord Feb 17 Draw Ujmm proclamation calling on Iii iiisfil residents to join in the international observances of Scoutiiiide cek Feb 20 to Democratic procedures iii larliaiiicnt are enlivened by the regular question period which has become tanadian institution at ttttawa ac cording to Sinclair Stcycns ll forYork Sniicoc The Aurora area lawyer wliosc riding extends nor tliward to the city of ltarries borders discussed the question period in his latest report from larlianicni llill ttur parlianicniary forebeircrs fed up with the god like pretensions of their rulers decrle that once day the government should be lt quircd to ll and answer qtics lions ptit to them by other members in the louse ol toiii moiis explained the York Sinicoc representative who has often been mentioned as potcii tial cabinet material it the oii servativcs should again obtain House niaioiity within the next few years IiICSI ill DKSP Neither side he added referring to the traditional custom inherited from the British speaks directly to the other ciitiiiics of parliaincniary practice have found it prudent to have an impartial Speaker he decides who is to speak and all questions and answers are addressed to him device which prevents the unconicly slittltitli iif lwti tiitliiIiirs throttling each oilicr in the bcti titt Iltlttll the blcaclicis ttl£ttllttl ll tevcns with the comment Sonic say it is larliaincnt at lfs best while others my ll lailianient at It worst Vhiclicycr view you share you must agrccit is liirliainent The word larlianiciit comes from the french larlii to talk That is iirtaiiily what they do on larliaiiiciit Hill said the riding iiiiiiibcr llic exchanges are usually between the ttibltltl niinistcr and those opposition tinnibcis who would be cabinet iiiinistcr if their parties came to powci lhc climate tlic political IIllllillt that is ls ideal for animated afternoon NUMBER WANT QUICK 6191 it 576 it In lryourhotdustdelivery 16 Li 5832 ii ImeonordersoverSTOO 32400 inBorrie l£ Wt 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over 5700 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Next Drow Mar from Kirkland ONIARIO ltlllIRVt UNPURAlltflt lnnisfil iit 37 is read by Reeve Iiill lib bins at council chambers Looking are Barb Davies ll tleftt of lcona tst iiiide lR SIIH IZNS piaises tradition Discussing the House of ioiii mons procedures further Mr Stevens suggested any con stitiitcnts who havent taken in lIll tree for all can read about it by lllisttllilllL to llansard tlicofticial puliltcationof llotisc proceedings painstakingly itciittlttlltilptisftlity It is one of the great bargains of our time he said mentioning ilic low subscrip tioii rate for to or so closely printed pages of the £Hlllllt iif lIltIItillt Missing of course he hastily cxplaiiicd istliclloiisc atmospheic of ortlcrly may hcni but it can be recon Organ Sale New Yamahus at THE KEYBOARD 66 Dunlop West 7288729 Winning Numbers FIRST PRIZE NUMBER 6i it y81000004 576 5832 ECOND PRIZE HOUSE $100000 7i 576 5832 5100000 tiii 31000001 itiiii $29 IXPOO Loke iitiiioiii observe ScoutGuide Week Dennis ist Stroiid Scout Troop tIéllIll1lIIIUIIH oinpany and ker II of House question period enlivens proceedings Sinclair Stevens finds structed with put few pointers on how to read llan sard Explaining he said desk thumping applause is usually refcrred to as Sonic llonorablc members llcar llcar Jeers too numerous to record appear as Some llonorablcmembers tth tih nd an aiidibleotf the cuff sally is attributed to an honorable member an Mr Stevens itlis4il constituents in Ill report trip to tttiawa and visit to thc House and you can lie thi iiidgc Vhocaii say liirlionicnt does not lic when you hayc thrusts tndcoiintcr tlirttsts iysi siiiii In the opinion of the York Sinicoc ll the right honorable member from lrincc lbctt loliii Itictcnbakcr niastcr It Is dilficitlt fot the govern incnt to be ocilicliiicrl by delusions of liiyinc Right as long as we litt the liycly tliiiiidcrings oi lr liicfcn bakci he said quoting few examples lt Alliston Bradford schools nearing overcrowded stage Separati school In Alliston and Bradford are becoming owicrowdcd sayu ltoss Saunders Siincoe oiinty Roman tatholic Scpai atc School Itoard trustee The board may have to build an elementary school oinewierc mouth of ltarric WlIIIIll the next two years to ban dlc the Illtltlttll population he said Wednesday night There ai number of large subdiVisions in the planning stage in the two areas he said If they ever come into he initat onctiiiic thcn Were in trouble Mi Saunders chairman of the boards accoininodation committee which itvicwml the situation in ltradlord tolgcn andIliston HI Iattls school in Allistoii with an enrolment of 227 Itiidcnts It iicar capacity he said biil it can handle about so more students in September llr committee siiggcutid there should not be any pro blcni in 197 lftli but wanted cnrolnicnt monitored monthly with complete accomniodation cview Ill January lttTt There 13 not enough room at the school to build portable clisrooni Mr Saunders Jllll adding an new sitcand school would be needed In radforil tliesitiiation is post serious licsaid The two separate elementary schools St tbtiilcs and Marie of the Incarnation could take about 114 students iii September licsaid St harlcs has 1H students enrolle but is surrounded by unoccupied homes Mr Saunders said the town is having problems with sewage capacity for the new homes which is preventing the developer from selling them int he said as soon as the problem is overcome homes will be sold Illt county news Back lower speed limit llltiRNlttN Statti Village trustees have been ad vised that lnnisfil township council has added its support to the request made to thctiiitario ministry of transportation and conimunications to reduce the speed hunt on Highway 27 throughlliornton IIssa council earlier sup GRANT PASSED Nl2 ltiil1ll itatt Sunnidalc council has approvml grant of $3 for Illl North Sim coc Soil and rop liiiprovcincnt Association NEW RIIGIJNI tiltlllil Staff Mrs John It ilfiyllis lalniir has been installed as the new regent of the Lady Margaret Mcxandcr hapter Imperial tirdcr liaughtcr of lllt llnipiic lltttttllllt Mis lydia lclvcllar Mrs ay Iomcroy was made the first ice regent and Mrs trown secretary Getthe drop on the hi it 125131 Million grand prizes 28$100000 prizes and total of up totBOOOO rizes are waiting to won Dont miss out Loto in Canada ported the request which pro posed Zto miles per hour liiiiitc insteadot thcprcsent 23 The lnnisfil resolution was moved by ouiicillor John Young and seconded by licpuiy tievi lilake tonstabli hcn Itcevc ltill tiibbins called for vote ll liltttl without opposi litill The police illagc of lhorn ton is located at the borders of and lLssa lowiishii WHOLESALE REIAIl £ch sumo innit DISTRIBUTORS FOR BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE OId $189 per pound Cracked Eggs 59 per dot HAPPY HOLLOW FARMS 13 AllIANCE IlVD BARBIE 7288022 to Mon to Fri to 12 noon Sat gesc banks caisses populaires credit unions and retailers History March 13 Bradford is the pressure area he said lt is growing perhaps faster than any other community in Simcoe There are great many homes built but no occupied Marie of the Incarnation iii the town is the real problem spot hesaid with an enrollment ofittto students Mr Saunders said there are two classrooms portable at the school and his coininitttm suggested adding one more lxlorcSeptember It is expected so to on children will enroll in kindergarten in the fall be said while 311 children In kindergarten will move totlradcl Only one class of it iradet students will be leaving Marie this year Maricof the Incarnation was built aiidtilled in 197 Mr Saunders said the school should have been built with two additional classrooms but the ministry of education told the board Mr Saunders said the ministry of educatinn stopped the board from building the school with two additional classrooms Im not surprised at ilic giowtli in liradlord he said The rest of the county is prcttj stable as far as growth but tradtord is really growing Mr Saunders said St Iitlll gtIltitil iii tolgan has 459 students enrolled this year down from the hiin of 4m in September ltt7t llis tUiititilfItc nuggcsted the board monitor the eiirollr Will and review the iccoiniiiodatioii during 197771978 lcoplc are building houses all over the place in folgan he said There aic nunibci of lll houses being buitt along thctownship roads St James has one portable and Mt Saunders said the school should be able to handlcthc lftTI lttTtt cniolnient CHRIS TAIT Vocalist and Organist Extraordinaire Tues to Sat pm to am THE CONTINENTAL INN Hwy 90 Oil Hwy NO 400 Barrie Ont Buy your tickets now at must trust companies all acrossCanadaYour chances of Winning are better than ever before Loto