EXAMINER TELEPHON ES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 113th year No 41 Sue Kelsey shows her skiing form in trial run for the bikini race in the annual winter carnival to be con ducted Saturday and Sunday Really cool skier in the Cleveland Ohio suburb of Boston Mills And given Thursdays sunshine she also got an early start on summers tan AP Photo Barrie Innisfil discuss troubles Some representatives of Bar rie and lnnisfil councils met for real friendly discussion Thursday night Mayor Ross Archer said this morning the closed meeting did not resolve problems between the two municipalities but let the two discuss troubles It was just real friendly discussion he said It was very very cordial meeting There were no fireworks and no hostilities Mayor Archer said the discussion included annexation and possible compromise the proposed road interchange at Highway 400 and lnnisfils 12m Line and water supply pro blein in the rawford arca He expects the municipalit ics to meet again in two weeks Reeve Bill Gibbins of liinisfil said the meeting field in the township was closed to let peo ple discuss the problems more freely and not be quoted on any proposals Reeve libbins said the meeting went very well with good friendly discussion Annexation was the mam topic he said and com promise is still possibility We wont know if anything was gained at the meeting until after tfic city committee rvports to its council he said Air Canada to trim staff MONTREAL Canada plans to trim its management staff by about 250 employees through special in centives aimed at encouraging early retirement airline president Claude Taylor said Thursday At least 50 per cent of the older management employees affected by the new policy will be from the Montreal head of fice or from other operations in the city Weve got to reduce the number of people in the management structure although not necessarily executives Mr Taylor told an impromtu news conference following speech to thc Swiss Canadian hamber of Com mercc Management staff includes executives supervisors and other nonunion employees The airline has 20000 employees of whom 3000 are management Itli Air The early retirement plan is an important part of the coin panys costcutting program the president said The airline has been in business for 40 years and many supervisors have been with thc company for several decades If the employees retire early it will open promotion opr portunites for younger managers Mr Taylor said emphasizing that the early retirements arcstrictly voluns tary Hc gave no details of the special incentives but said the retirement deal would be designed to prevent employees from losing normal retirement benefits because of their early departure from the company The airline which has been hiring as few fullrtimc workscr as possible in recent months is expected to record heavy loss for its 1976 operations Sonic ob servers placc the deficit figure at $21 million or more Carters bomb refusal irks Israeli officials TEL Al tAli lsracli ol ficials described President tar ters refusal to sell concussion bombs to lsrael as one of sev eral irritants by the new CS administration and psy chological hangover from the Vietnam war Egyptian President Anwar Sadat hailed the ban as great statesmanship and very positive and creat ivc step The White House announced Thursday that arter was re vcrsing lrcsidcnt Fords com mitment during his clcction campaign to sell Israel the BLT presidential spokes man said thc bomb would not be sold to any other country and that artcr was considering banningit from arsenals wellplaced lsracli official said the ban was an irritant along with sevcral other such irritants He referred to series of tartcr administration moves Uh iï¬arrir Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday February 18 1977 AT 13 ONTARIO PLANTS 15 Per Copy Carrier HomelDelivery 85 Weekly CGE workers ratify con tract Workers at Canadian General Electric Co Ltds 13 Ontario plants have ratified an agrctL merit providing an average iii crease of 85 per cent little more for women The contract retroactive to Dec 24 1976 provides an average increase of 40 to 38 cents an hour with an addi tional four cents an hour for all female employees According to press release issued Thursday night by the United Electrical Workers the settlement includes An extra four cents an hour for number ofjobs to reflect the principle of equal pay for work of equal value The new contract will in crease the lowest wage to $552 an hour from $508 and the highest to$766 from $708 The 0000 production workers voted at plant gates Thursday Laura MacDonald president of the Barrie local said all ballots were taken to Toronto to becounted The UE does this she said so there will be no way of knowing how any one plant voted Improved pension and airance provisions are also iii eluded on the settlement There is provision for health and safety plan with the stablishment of joint union management safety commit tee in line with Ontarios new occupational health and safety law The settlement recommend ed by the unions bargaining committee was reached week ago Negotiations had gone to mediation Canadian General Electric employes about 450 workers at its Barrie plant Brush wolf still free brush wolf which hit an Ontario Humane Society agent Tuesday is still in the Port Severn area Midland OPP Cpl Tom Geall said today police havent found the animal which bit Bill Burns Cpl Geall says rcgular patrols in the area are looking for the animal while others concentrating on cottage areas have orders to destroy the animal Mr Burns tracked the animal for darkness forced him to give up the search An Ontario Humane Society official in Toronto said today the incident had become confused in press and police reports and says no one knows if the animal is badly wounded Police reports indicate thc animal was shot twice by Mr Btirns but Alexandra Perry says it was only creased in its underbelly while running away She says police reports truck driver was bit ten are not tiirc several miles until Mr Burns has been given tetanus shots and antibiotics because of the bitcs High school students protest Bible reading KITCHENER Ont ti High school students protesting school religious exercises were told by the Waterloo ounty school board Thursday that thc exercises are required under provincial education rcgu lations However the board agreed to investigate the exemption of students frorii the exercises of ter receiving petitions protest ing morning Bible readings and the repeating of the Lords Prayer student leader at Kll chcnchatcrloo collcgiatc was told by board administrators that school boards might lose government grants if they ignore section of the Ontario Education Act requiring religious exercises either at the start or end of school days Steve Knight lradc stu dent who prcscnted petition bearing 29 signatures from his school and another with 230 SIL natures from Blucvalc colle giate in nearby Waterloo said religion is too private and dcli catc thing for public schools It seems to me there are fairly few people who want to say the Lords Prayer he said Since September when the school year startcd somcof thc LTD students at Kitchener Wa ltllOO collegiate have been walking out of homeroom classes during he prayers Mr Knight said the walkouts will continue Monday Trustees told him liowcvci that paren tal consent is required for ex cmpt ions from the exercises The student suggested that exercises be held in school iiidi toriums at thc end of thc day for students who want them Othciscouldgohomc iimbridgc trustee Lorraiiic Mansfield said she believes the education nnnistry plans to re move the religious liltlltPI eventually But ltcv Harry lankc the boards chairman said the ministry refused last year to approve board plan to drop the exercises although it did allow the board to drop religiousinstruction No comment from US on payoffs WASHINGION Mb The US state department is declin ing comment on report that for two decades thc lA sc cretly funneled millions of dol lars to Jordans King Hussein White House officials could not be reached immcdiatcly for reaction to the story published today by The Post President Carter learned of the payoffs and ordered them halted few days ago The Post reported Former presidcnt Gerald Ford was informed of the payments last year but did nothing to stop them the news paper said The Jordanian embassy in Washington declined comment The Post said the lA began supplying Hussein with funds in 1957 Initial payments ran to millions of dollars but dimin ished to $750000 last year The Post said it said the lA claimed that in exchange for the funds intelligcncc agencies operated freely in strategicallylocatcd lordan during the years Hussein himself provided Intelligence to the IA and for waidcd money from thc pay ments to other government Olllr cials who provided intelligence or cooperatcd with the lz the newspaper said The Post said thc lA pay ments were made outside the conventional channel of military and economic claim KING lltSSElN got funds assistance although Hussein regarded thcm as anothcr form of assistance The lnitcd States has been regular arms supplier for loi dan as well as cxtcndmg mil lions of dollars in loans and grants over the years lordan received $200 million last year in loans andgrants IGNORED REJECTED BY MANY CANADIAN billets Cheer up dear Even if you cant find job you still have me to come home to OPINIONS We want to know what you think about The Examiner On Page li of todays Ex aminer there is question naire about The Examiner and it is your chalice to tell us what you like about your newspaper and what you dont like ltcadcrs are invited to answer the questions and return the questionnaire to us Gets $43800 for leg injury lt iRt iNTti itli Brant ford tint mechanic hosc left lcg was shortened by two llltlltS as result of June ItiTil mo torcyclc accident has been awarded 3415800 by the Ontario Siiprcmctourt in judgment rclcascd Thur sday thc court ordered ilcn Scaways of Brunttord to pay chc Paul tioosscns tor futurc loss of income and loss of cn joymcnt of life The judgment said Mr Scu ways turned his car left across the path of Mr ioosscnss mo torcyclc on entering Brant ford intersection As result Mr ioosscns who was 27 at the time was off work for t5 months and was fired from lllS job at Northway Mercury Sales Ltd liccausc the accident diminished his ability to move Sidewalk cleanup urged hris Piusinowski is tired of lodging pigeon droppings and human vomit on Barrics downtown sidewalks its time fora major clean up by downtown merchants and businessmen says think the streets tsidcwalkst are deplorable she said Thursday at downtown improvement board tDlBi meeting lvc sccn timcs when vomit has stayed on the sidewalk for four days bccausc it hasnt rained Mrs Prusinowski IB member works at Simmons and womens wear storcon unlop Street East She told the MB she sweeps the sidewalk in front of the store in the summer and shovels the snow in the winter But many businessmen do not she said Its shame She said this is one area the shopping malls beat the hiwntown merchants Bob Hollywood secretary of the DIB said there are number of programs the MB could start to have the streets clcaiicd its matter of pride of ownership he said If the busincssman or merchant is proud of his property he will work to keep it clean $13M allocated for base facility OTTAW BlREAl of The Examiner OTIAWA The federal government has included almost 31 it million in HS $45 billion spciidmg estimates for fical SEITTW to cover most of thc cost of constructing an am munition storage facility anadian Fortcs Basc Borden The amount covers more than half 01 tlic facilitys cstimatcd cost of Slilffllltl and will Icavc Olll571llltltt to bcpaid offinllitiiicycars The government expects that $30800 will have already been paid on the facility by the time the prcscnt fiscal year ends March ill The cxpcnditurc falls under the defence departments 85 billion capital spending pro gram Dcfcncc Minister Barney Dansons total fiscal program ill cost in cxccss of $3 billion an increase of about $4 million over thc prcvious fiscal year Ontario team leads in Borden bowling BASE BORDEN Different arcas irc showing different strengths in thc aiiadiai Arm cd Forccs scrviccwomcns liiiiipionships at unadiaii Forces Basc Boidcii llillllll has won the bad iiiiiitoii Ontario leads lll bowl mg and Qiicbcc and Europe are battling it out in curling In badminton Atlantic has already clinched the team title with lit points Qucbcc has 112 Pacific Prairic and Ontario 08 each and Europe Ontario scts the pace in bowl mg with ttt points followed by Qticbcc at 33 Atlantic at 21 lacilicrlrairic at lit and Etiropc at ln curling two rinks have dominated thc competition Quebec Team One is 7l Europe lcam inc is 70 Quebec Team Two is 34 Europe lcam Two is On tario Team One is and Two is 32 Atlantic Team One is +4 and Team Two 1H and Pacific Prairie Team 10373 and Team lwtiti The championships end for dav Asks Carters intervention in case of ailing dissidents MOSCOW AP human rights activist Andrci Hikharov has replied to lltSltlilll ar tcrs promise to hpr wcurc thc relcasc of political pri oncrs by asking artcr to mtervcnc iin mediatcly on behalf of three ailingdissidcnts The thrcc include lcxindcr tiinzburg through whom cxilcd author Alexander Solzhenitsyn has funncllcd 3303000 to ptillllr cal prisoners and their families in the last years In pcrsonal lcttcr rcccivcd Thursday by Sakharov at thc US embassy artcr said liti nian rights is central conccrn of his administration and llt would use his good offices to seek the release of prisoners of conscience Thc cxchangc ot lcttcrs be tween Russian dissidcnt and an American president which the US embassy said was un preccdcnted is cxpcctcd to Acceptance of the French fucturyed TORONTO tPt Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau urged acceptance of the French fact in Canada after holding the fir st major meeting of his cabinet outside Ottawa on lhursday All but three cabinet minis ters attended the meeting which Mr Trudeau described as an effort by the govern ment to listen to understand to dialogue more with the people of the various regions of air ada During his weekly news con fcrcncc questionandanswer session with high school stu dents and speech to thou sands of immigrants at citi zenship ceremony Mr Trudeau urged English Canadians to accept the Fren ch fact for what it is That someZti per cent of nadians speak no other lan guage but French has been either apathetically ignored or consciously rejected by many Canadians he throughout the lay Mr Trudeau said that in his talks about Quebec independ ence with President Jim my artcr next week he hopes to make anadians more cori scious of the importance of recognizing French anada rather than aggravating the current divisions Many of the leaders of QutL bcc and Frencbspcakmg Que bec in particular are not pre repeated pared to be part of country which does not accept this basic fact and which is just waiting passively until that 20 per cent of anadians go out and learn English The prime minister also blamed his government for the rise in separatism in Quebec admitting to one student that his federal policies ad failed He told students who asked what he will do to keep Quebec in anada that his job is to con vincc Englishrspcaking ana dians to show Qiicbcccrs they can bc thcmsclvcs in united anada in speech to scvcral thou sand immigrants in packed ballroom during citizenship ceremony Mr Trudcau said the French do not plan to learn English today any more than they did thli years ago And we dont intend to forcc them to learn English he said heighten the Sovict con flict ovcr human rights in the Soviet lnioii lhcrc was no immediate comment from Russian of ticials or tlicofficial media In his rcply to artcr Sakha rov asked the prcsidciits help in arranging bail for iinxburg and Mikola Rudcnko members of group formed to monitor Soviet compliancc with the hu man rights declarations of the 1073 llclsinki Agrccmcnt signcd by the lnitcd Statcs the Soviet Ynionzindiiitothcrcountrics ItlllOltlEDlll tiiiirburg was arrested Fcb it follow ing allegations of illegal currency transactions He was reported last week to be ill with pncumonia complicated by chronic tuberculosis Sakharov the 1973 obcl lau rcatc also asked arters help in arranging the transfer to prison hospital of Scrgci Kova lev member of Amnesty ln teriiational who is serving sevenyear term in labor camp llc said Kovalcv is so riouslv ill with tumor artcrs lcttcr was in re spouse to letter from Sakhar rov last month requesting the presidents assistancc on behalf of human rights in Eastcrn Eu rope In Minnciqxilis VicePresi dcnt Waltcr Mondale repeated tlic administrations contention that expressions of support for human rights need not stand in thc way of SSovict agree mcnts on other issues such as arms control However the Soviet OHHHU nist party newspaper Pravda has said those who speak out on behalf of thc dissidents arc op poncnts of dctcntc by Trudeau And ll they want to fly their airplanes over their province by speaking French they can fly thcir airplanes ovcr thcii provmcc speaking Frcncli he said lhc crowd burst into ap plausc Earlicr he used the disputi oicr bilingual air traffic con trol to explain to rcportcrs how Englishanadians oppose or do not carc less about French taiiudians Sympathy for air contiollcrs and pilots during the height of thc national strike last spring showed that many people in tanada still had no sympathy for Frciichtanadians even its mg French within their own province when they wcrc flying in the air Mr lrudcaus whirlwind of activity in Toronto since Wed nesday evening ends today af ter private discussion with Ontario ltcmicr William Davis ovci breakfast DOROTHY KNAPP places her ballot in the box during the voting by aiiadian icncral Electric union employers on their new con tract Thursday afternoon CAPSULE NEWS Constitution move not as urgent TORONIONPi Returning the constitution to anada is no longer as urgent matter to the federal government as it was before the Nov 13 election of the Parti Quebccois Prime Minister Trudeau told news conference Thursday The con stitutioii is no longcr an immediate priority of the federal government Mr Trudeau said lt got bogged down UK seeks to harness sun LONDON AP Britain one of the worlds cloudicr countries plans to spend $1011 million on research into deriving power from the sun The governments cncrgy depart ment said in report lhursday the fouryear program is intend ed to evaluate the potential rolc of solar cncrgy in Britain and spur development of economic solar tcchnology Remanded in subway assault TORONTO li Stcvcn rcightoir fit of Toronto was remanded lhursday in provincial court to Feb 18 for scntcnc iiig after he pleaded guilty to assaulting iiiyancsc immigrant iii subway station last month rcighton and Harold Reynolds 18 also of Toronto were charged with assault causing bodily harm after lndal Narinc 23 was beaten on subway platform while on his way home from work Jan The preliminary hear ing of Reynolds who pleaded not guilty continues Feb 28 Cool reception for Gandhi RAE BARELl tAPi The local leader of the ongress party stood before thousands of peasants in this Indian community Thursday and asked them to shout long live liidira Gandhi as Mrs Gandhi the prime minister stood before them group children rchcarsr ed to respond favorably displayed the only response lhc passivc reception was typical of those Mrs iandhi received Thursday from this poor northern farming district as she opened her campaign for reelection to parliament next month Journalists said the main mason for lack of warmth was the government efforts during the last 20 months of uncrgcncy rule to prod thc countrys predominantly rural population to adopt birth control preferably by sterilization 53 INDIRA GANDHI hlldren respond Some getting Heritage Day LONDON Ont tli Some local employers are givmg miployces holiday to mark Heritage Day the asyct unof ficial holiday in February bill to make the third Monday in February statutory holiday has been stallcd in the tommons for three years However it is already included in some union contracts Union ias of hatham is giving most of its 2200 employees in 20 centres across southwestern Ontario holiday Monday Bendix llcavy Vchiclcs Systems and KM Ltd in Lori din are giving workers Friday holiday lImployccs of Alcan Budding Products in Lambeth and lccumsch Products Ltd in london have Monday oft Other major compamcs are working as usual CBC to assess its standards OllAl itli The announced lliursday plans to hold seminars across taiiada to discuss its ltilt and icsport sibiliticsiindassess itsjournalistic standards Al Johnson prcsidciit of the government controllcd net work said the first scmiiiar will bc licld May it it at Queens lnicrsity in Kingston Ont