The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 16 1977 STLARI HARTNICLL IL left and Burghard Staiide 11 both of Port lcicoll look over the selection ot coins at the tliiioiizi Numismatic ssociiiioii coin show Satiinla in Hayfield lall Stamps and one on llttll illl il Bestatshow to Wasaga collector Gord Culbert of Wasaga Beach won the best at show senior division Saturday at the annual minicoin show held by the Huronia Numismatic Association at the Hayfield Mall And Robertson of Mississauga took the best at Show in the junior division In the Canadian decimal category Richard Ford of Wasaga Beach was first In the world coin category lord ulbert was first txei Prophet of Banie 15 second and Noreen llou croft ot Barrie was third lii world paper Noreen lloiicroft was first and Lorraine Acker of Barrie second In tokens medals and medallions Ken lrophet as first and oreen llowcrott xias second ln topical Uord tulbert was 11s lit oitii llouciott is stsmtd iitsccllaiieous Stcn iitilliMZI ot liiiric is tirst izid lliint tiaitc ot tio is ettmi lIoii ladore ot base ltoidcn on the tirst ttlyinpic coin set series lannn liiiit of liariic til liit siiitlltl IN littlltlt ccitt presentation set lohii ltobsott ot ltarrie on the tin kc Lttlttlldlol ls tltltd pllxt PEOPLE AND PLACES ICW IRIISIIIIIVI tasking of Barrie as recently elected president oi the anadian Forces Long ser iice Pensioners issntllitlitil Joseph Lank was elected vice president Wallace Jones treasurer and Reginald King secretary The group Hll hold its tirst quarterly meeting ot 1977 lon day at pm in the Blue Flame Room onsuniers ias LSIIIIICI Agriculture and education in uba wcrejust to of the topics discussed by guest speaker Mary hr at the meeting of the Bond llead United Church Women Mrs trr and her hit band Allan toured tuba recent WINTER IIIIIIII The Blue Mountains club of the Bruce Trail Association is holding its Winter iamboree Sunday afternoon at the Jun troon tommunity entre lto ple can crosscotiiitrj ski snowshoe or hike on the nearby trail during the afternoon at hile potluck supper will be stlVttl at pm George Roberts prcsi dent of the Bruce Trail Associa tion is the special guest during the evening slides will be shown WORLD Ilt YIIIt World Day of Prayer Scri ices will beheld March at in at St Andrews Presbyterian Church tiro Station The Womens Missionar Society will be hosts and Will be tilliti by Guthrie tfnitcd church Guthrie Presbyterian thumb and tentral tJro liesbjtiiiaii hurcli Mrs Paul llansen Wlll Lib wives get their way NEW YttltK AP The New York leleplionc to has bowed to liberated wives who want their names ltfdttl with their husbands in the telephone directory iut the firm says it will have to charge 23 cents ex tra The propost subject to ap proval by the state lublic Scrv ice oininissioii lollouwd coin plaints that listing married couples only bf the husbands firstnamiwasdiscriiiiinatory The current clittt flt tor sip arate listing lor the ilc now is St HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 45 million iv in to llw wane be speaker and Mrs Vernoi In 101 soloist IIl Rt IISIIRVHI The First iro tiibs and Scouts are scheduled to attend church servici at illiillt nited hurch Sunday at it am with the First littdlllz Brownies The groups are celebrating Scout Guide Weik Feb ltt to Feb LIT At lllt stt ice the Brownies lll haw their flag dedicated The public isinVitedtoattend IIICI FOR IHIVIISS Bob Kerr president ot lill Barrie and District ssoeiatioii for the physically disabled told the Barrie Soroptiiinst tliib last week there is iiied toi public tlIlltllts ot the pro liloins ot hc tiltitttll disabl ed itid the llttll tor assistance to allov the disabled to llttllll taiii their independence The Noroptiiiiists held their February diiiiar incctitiitat the latenext litstaiuant llSl SSICNSIIIH ItIi lilt tttitl tlllt til thi Mincm toiiiit llcalth ltiit xicic listllzssttl recently when tiiirpal ltliilloti ltiltltl ot thi Siincot toiintj lublic llcaltli ursing iddrissul the liittllllL ot lltt Shiiraiiiada tlub ot liariic The meeting was held it the lItistoiii Nt ir ltooin on IIcn Slritt Choir chooses new executive IIileen Screeton li been elected president ot the llsa Road Presbyterian thuich senior choir for 1977 72 The election ot otliccrs and annual inwting ot the senior choir followed pot luck iippcr in the church auditorium it tended by about tu inctnbcr ot illtjtlllltiléllltltltltllltil Others chosen included Mildred Walker xltttitts lllll liti lcicj secrctarf treasurer Iitltll Webb itAs reporter tictitrlllaird honorarj proidctit lIi turn and ltoiis Keartis conii coin ltillltt ltoiiald and hill Horn and llillic lJi lonLl wcial coin lllllltt llelcn Webb and llaii lcii niusic liltltl cia liianioiid Ultiéttllsl and Joe Ilctntiut and lin omiti auditor Come to England Scotland and Wales with Hays 59 Travel Service 7284700 16 GLORIOUS DAYS $79900 Per Person Departure Toronto September to 25th I977 Personally Escorted JULIETTE BERTRAND Travel Consultant FOR FREE BROCHURE PLEASE CALL HAYS TRAVEL 45 Dunlop St Barrie Ontario 7284700 VISITING Jobs are there for graduates but students have to move Jobs are waiting for most Georgian College graduates but theres catch The graduates have to go where the jobs are loii McKilliean lean of educational and student Ser vices and Penny foinumi placement officer at Georgian both agreed mobility is the key tofindingjobs Mobility is the answer says Mr McKiIlican If graduate is willing to be mobile then there are jobs to be loiiiid As proof by the middle of lteceinlwr 91 per cent of last years tut Georgian graduates rcri employed ilrs toniun said most of the unemployed graduates are not villmi to leave their home coiiiuiunit ies lor iobs She said two graduate diploma nurses cic needed in Neii Hilllllk recently bill the unemployed igradilatcs she contacted ci not illinn to no llicic llic ll11ilItIlIltIlHlllilll loom Iltllll MI omuzi said students Ilitlllil be made aware ot the posuibilih ot leaving their lioiiic lill toi tuba ll tvcloic tlic itlullltltlllltgtl litlltjtt llic liIl iiiplouiicnl per cciitoc in the Iltldlllxs ll llIll Ill lltl itli only til IN tllt ll itiadliatcu tindioi title llic ih llttll Illtllllll courses toi local medical llltl iicncral ucciclal ItH iu cll IlldlltNH llilillllivlllllltll Il loniuxxi said there is iioup ot tllIJlllK ho are not utiliiit to mine out of their siiiill ltilllnl iol inst not she siiil stiitltl lliivic orientated the general Jlltr liom ttillltst Step ladder Compare similar value up to only about 80 per cent were em ployed COLLEGESURPRISE She said the college was sur prised by the 92 per cent placement rate of health scien ces graduates who are involved in diploma nursing nursing assistants and dental assistan ts Provincial scares of govern ment cutbacks to hospitals and shortage of nurses had worried most of the graduates she said In the Applied Arts division including design arts ad vertising journalism land and security and hotel operations 95 per cent of the 1m gradiites were employed The best placement factor came in the technology division WllIl on per cent of the graduatesemployed Mrs toinuui said the figure could have been too per cent but one graduate had quit job when the ligures were taken in December Its dilliciilt to say what course is the best for getting Jobs she said Business ad ministration and technology graduates have always been in high demand and WI continue to be to tree Studio She said the college keeps track of graduates for num ber of reasons including provin cial government requirements Mr McKillican said the college has about 1600 fullrt imi students enrolled in September Most of the students he said will complete their education in the same program they enrolled Each year he said about per cent of the students Iail their courses while another it to 20 per cent drop out Some courses such as design arts is limited to the number ol student who can enroll Other special courses such as the three year inarinc engineering technology and marine naVigation technology at Owen Sound are co operatives which give the student practical experience WilliHiteducation Mr McKillican said Lth year lenialc graduati oI Marine navigation was hired second matt on Hillldi Vessel Mrs oniiilxi maid co op graduates can expect to be hired at soon to mono mou year than regular graduati becausc ol thi practical ex pcricncc The salary iaiigc loi IIrl CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES and BEDSPREADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Human Imui an UlliJillllIlIU tIttimi of unilimit quality lltllitfllrll and pattimu from Laioida Poisoiial service on large or small llllilillllf ullllllllltli and iiitalliitioii required Phone ili 7268637 Approved LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER iii iltl ltl ti Iiriom liar lotq or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrie Introducing StainResiitant WJJIJUIP Pie pasted Peeiahle Wallpaper COMPARE UP TO Wa paper lre pastedStrippable Shun Resistant Scuibtmtfle Reg498 Now Compare similar value 795 up t0 pa LE Color Your World Vinyl Wallcoverings rice To make room for new Spring patterns we have selected certain wallcoverings and discounted them by 50 OFF REG Compare to products selling up to $7 95 595 Vin ICoated graduates she and In the two year program was lulwrrn $8500 It $1thli Wlitlt IIircl ye technology titudcnt were car rung about $Ill71lt WW and hotsl operation worlimtei were under most graduate uh zlilI With the rliltlmii il 375 IMI Marine engineering and marine navigating technology graduates finishing the coop program are earning about $18000 year she said ElIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllltllllIlllllllllltlltIIlllltltlllilllltlllllllltllIlllllllllIlllIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllIllllIlllIlllIllIlllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Blacklocks Beefy Bargains All Government Top Quality Inspected Meats Hinds of Beef Fronts of Beef 49c Sides of Beef 5c Custom kill $800 per head 99c llIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllIIllIIIllIIllIllIIIIIIIIIIlIlIllIlllllIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Blacklocks Farm Meats KR No ookstoun ntario UIL 110 on No 89 mile wrest of 400 705 4584232 IlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlhllhIlllllrlllllllIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllll Color arid CanadaWide Wall per 99 PER SINGLE ROLL $598 Our everyday low price 98 PER SINGLE ROLL 98 PER SINGLE ROLL ONLY OFF Selected Wallpaper Books ColorYourWorld ly thelook is expensive 308 BAYEIELD ST BARRIE 7265396 my