Thelwagm Place wednesday February 16 1977 13 RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT BEDROOM APARTMENT at $172 per month bedroom apartment atSIBS per month both available immediately in Cookstown Call 4589602 BEDROOM apt central location stove included No pets $175 monthly Utilities included Deposit required Phone726 NIB if BACHELOR APARTMENT Furnished $190 month overlooking the lake one year lease required Reterences Call 77267024170r726787420 imrilt MIDHURST ONE bedroom apartment Available immediately Two bedroom available April Stove refrigerator laundry tacilities parking No pets First and last months rent 72676725 atter 4pm BEDROOM apartment at 67 Strabane Ave $215 monthly Pay own hydro Now available Phone7264033 ANGUS Two bedroom duplex apart ment tor rent Own yard Avallable March 5200 per month heat included inereésdReasï¬ï¬‚lflifll PARTLY FURNISHED $95 monthly includes heat and hydro After call 728 0972 suaLET bedrooms adults only if ap WW pliances heat hydro and cable TV in Cluded Allandale area Available March Vow Phone 7726 SBSOatterS rw BEDROOM apartment Close to downtown 3220 month Fridge and stove included Please call 7372106 tor moreinlormation PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood Relerences 775 Blake For in lormation call trom to pm7262361 Evenings72a 9682 Two BEDROOM house in downtown area available January $250 Fridge stove parking Call between and weekda ys778 4776 THREE bedroom houses tor rent 23 rent range S250toS3IO For turther par titularscallno 3257 NICE HOUSE tor rent beautilul sur rounrlings Dunlop St West Phone 72B 7044 or 416 635 0637 BEDROOM Bungalow newly reno vatod available Feb l0 Lelroy area $250 monthly Adults only Stove and Iridge included Phone 14167757563 alterd 30 or BEDROOM HOUSE at 30 North Park large lot broadloomed linished rec room bathrooms $325 monthly Available Marnhl Phone728 98I8 BEDROOMS large liVing room with tireplace rec room with Iireplace baths hydro paid Oro Township 5300 per month Phone 726 3831 or 7371245 AvailablrMarchl FOR RENT to protessional people only bedroom tully turnished home Four appliances plus color television $400 monthly Available immediately Apply in writing to Box T38 The Barrie Ex LIMIT PER FAMILY imslimo Droariloomed immediate possession Call Harry McGill Representing Lou Goedrmondt Real Estate 7284067 or 726 3861 BEDROOMS in Angus treshly painted on bl0ck lrom school $l75 monthly First and last months rent Phone MA l359 alter Available March BEDROOM Older home near downtown east end Ideal tor group at students or large tamily $450 monthly um including utilities Phone 737IA80 atter CLEAN bedroom bungalow broadloorh garage lull basement $325 monthly plus utilities Lease required Telephone 778 9745 THREE BEDROOM bungalow large yarn near schools and stores Caroline St in Allandale lridge and stove includ er AVHIIBDII March lst $265 monthly Phoni 728 4766 BIG BAY Paint wmterized home on well trend lot near lake large livingdining room open stone lireplace excellent kit chin includes appliances bedrooms broadloomed throughout electrically Top Quahty heater Relerences $300 monthly 416 SWI LARGE bedroom house Angus area on bus route Large lot garage lst and last months rent $760 monthly Avail able Marrhl Phone726 7785 LEFROY AREA bedroom winterized cottage All onvwnces SIBO monthly Blade Bone Removed Round Bone Shoulder or BLADE SHORT RIB ROASTS ROASTS 82 82c The King of Roasts PRIME RIB ROASTS 112 Broil or Fry PRIME RIB STEAKS From the Loin SIRLOIN STEAKS Telephone 436 4656 alter APARTMENTS WANTED TO ENT TWO OR three bedroom house wanted by married couple west ol Barrie Bordon Angus area Most have small barn Telephone726 0708 roomlS ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED near lactories on bus route giimt atmosphere weekly Phonvcvenings 726 9859 BRIGHT NEWLY decoratedflroorn to rent in downtown location shared kit 122 188 Cut trom Cut from rh70n raurus Real Estate Limited tlrom 73 mm Canada Beet Canada CJRADE Beet Canada Beet canada GRADE 899 Canada GRADE Beef FURNISHED ROOM Kitchen lounge Parking For single man 530 weekly Central location 726 A725 BRIGHT FURNISHED bedroom tor Qtlltltrnan linen changed weekly cook ino laLilities Freeparking Central 375 WtlIIy 778 347I Switts Boneless Two RESPONSIBLE girls ineededwto share totally turnished mobile home SU Utilities lntilldtd Angus area 5125 men ttIly II intervstoilialluS 75593lter6 ALLANOAL Furnished room cook DIN inn dIIlIILr available Gentleman DUttrrld Phone 728 4768 daytime or 778 OHIO Boneless ROU STEAK ROASTS BOTTOM CUT 118 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Pot or Oven CROSS RIB ROASTS 88 Cut from Canada GRADEA Beet Full Cut BoneIn RU ROASTS LB Cut Irom Canada GRADE Beet TBone or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS 148 Cut from Canada Beet Quick Convenient CUBE STEAKS 158 Cut lrom Canada Beet ROOMS TO RENT share kitchen and bath lose to downtown Call 737 07 bttortSp ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND board available to young men Double and single rooms Good meals IV in room Close to downtown 776 367i OFFICES STORES FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large smtcs immediate 0C iupanlty short or long term 726 3400 AnQQIOH OFFICE SPACE at 99 Baytield Street tor lease Available April 1077 Vieweo by appointment Call 776 2772 daytime and 737 7310 evenings SELOND CLASS Ollice space tor rent Parking twat and hydro included Rea sonabli rates Telephone 7289711 or 778 i134 SPACE FOR PRIMT INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 I9SOlI1 lt lully sprinklered transport and light truik loading docks IE it Plate Beet North Atlantic Bonetn Previously Frozen Whole Frozen Beet Liver Steaks Mackerel Miracles Fresh 41uality Produce Famous lor Quality Schneiders 528333322 Eiï¬lgcgngdaabs Sauerkraut EiSh dakes LB GRADE Beef lb pkg 10 lb ctn $370 Product agar 722r7tgargeo pand ng ndus al Famous tor Quality Chicken bologna mac Seairesh Cod SII fvgritlnLlliilSETiIIdehUOSggla77233138 3er cheese luncheon Anoixlnll Pride 01 Canada Sliced VERy NICE Industrial building on Beet Steakettes Lunch Meats and Chips Bananas 3012ptsztniiamgfricsil 16 oz cello pkg 12 oz pkg 16 oz pkg iiet Bayliold Street and Ferris Lane Elsi monthly tenent pays heat and llyitrn CallC iviOlttvIl Ltd 728 0674 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHAR ontano Grown BE DROOM turnished house with btnaitlootti to share with other No IJll$ ladies Allandalv area Iilipllomtno 7059 WANTE MATURE business person to 20 to 30 to share large modern tur nished home Baylield and Cundles area Po simipiitwoicome Call 726 5303 YOUNG WORKING girlwanted to share apartment with same Modern building 10 with all ionvieniemes Close to down town Telephonc737 3878 SINGLE GIRL to share an apartment availitblvMarchI Own bedroom Grove Street Fast area Telephone 776 4293 otter 30p in SNOWMOBI I973 ALOUETTE 340 excellent condi lion also l973 Boa ski 292 twin both SIIOlI or $550 each Telephone 4241376 tttit IWI SK IDOO Olympic 335 low mileage mi lIIlHI ondition 3375 Phone 726 Md I974 ARLIIC CAT Le Tigre 440 Al shape Litixt miles Asking 795 Phone M7 2976 IWO I973 Moto Ski $440 one J5 horsepower only 500 miles $650 Also mu 28 horsepower 8550 Both in goon mitilition 728 000 altero pttt W73 440 Skiwtlil bought new in l975 tow lniliagiI in ixmllint Londition $400 or best otIii Phone 728 0676 NEW ZEALAND SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS LAMB CHOPS MINI SIZZLERS SKILLET STRIPS lLBPKG 1602 PKG LB 685 0637 Famous Ior Oualily Schneiders Sde mlidili3aoen Mini Deli Beef Pies Fillets of Sole oz chub pa LB Frozen Shoulder or Blade Iwmw Im tummy lliil iii iniiii 3vi Famous twouamy INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well slt tloolod hor sis Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 726 0l9