The old lltstttorut tpprl to lme and alive and Well at pllitllt school students took rl Queb lthllilTkl tl Will li it still not Mr than week after the ltii tr tic accident lllni Fires raging Rene lecre in Australia llL =t tlteuter lilomite killed tne itll tgt nat rv tnre 51 imr pill nl tp tl£ wvr litlllli twill Hut tl Ln lltrt tvn ill ltW It lztil tl yzllt ratio and Tasman vorst law Ni utvl ii hwl l7 wre itllittllttv illililt Sollli romanti dtl tog it Hp ltliet ti it rlanv It lllliilttlh ill lltllii aim sottleofsmfltn tunland in thi ammo litt llarlze limi In rumt own ti tiltwtm lv iiltlllrll hlwmu til it ll liitlll tau litl lL my will lttllltllllllll itttimlH tttt tunstances twine ltt tlie ptmezpals lll the new premier at the wintil wt his secretary earand ll Ytlli MAN lhltvltull txtll llllilli this knight lll tllllttlll premiers acci fully Mg eat les lilL VtHllillL Ins and the Xplained it iltll£tll concerned and the llitttt Road Ntlgrw ol lit Hollis out Ult iwl ittt levll Hen rt enact lintk no truth lie ltltttrtt lholo Ident W3 ltt lll tllilin ll llllwli loll MI Mlt iwlll ililll Initial lttlwtnultton iteealvoul the iltlitll LIt lilllt£igt tllttlll wt lt ht lonlpait early last Sun llt ttttztenl ltlllll yith HALll Illl ir ttitll and ap llltflit other mt 113 lt towf tut no seemtat torttnaxt ow are about tht rlleaed the Ntti yya ll gt titt lgtiifi if pniitp itlthotlt Junopaper til 1let llq or itwttnilpoitn yer ilgtt draw tillltl ntlte ll stood ltl tietl ï¬al lt1 Eluu tizilltl it ti II twin trimow lililltit iijuttl ltlli ltottset taint rltltlvntiaittitly la the ll 31p plantw litw Afc MEILUND1I Complete Denture Service DENIURE IHERAPISI li Heurs am pm Mon thru Sat 7286830 ii Dunlap unibI Here is again Back By ttiopular Demand St Barrie Member Denturist Society 347 Hayfield St Barrie 280941 lollee shut the go or ti ti nu no 94 Luwi Gandhi opposition now includes aunt M4 lllIHll lI Vijaya lltillllll iillliil lttllllll prime minister itllliiiti Velltus sister amt lillltli liv litst known women lll lutlia llt tented the eatnpaim tgtitlt tn powIll metttoi he lmtm Minis let lttdmtrix it it 5£elf3 it it afoottint till tpt ott ll li mm lilt itl it tl tLJlll vfl tynllt titwat lit at It the vl It lit ll tt it st woman president of the United Naiotns General Assem hly and served as ambassador to the United States the Soviet lnion and Britain is 76 and has been in retirement for nearly nine years But her stand is likely to be psychological blow to Mrs Gandhi as well as trailers rid pt charges phianon no further breach of the llljllllllltnl has been re pol ted lith Mr Justice Ihurlows eeision it is expected that hath appeals in connection with the Jmnipeg case will be abanr tittlltti lhe tetleral government ap liltli tor the injunction when emittollers threatened to go on sllike over the issue of Hlllllllllili air traffic control in gnuher hitting the walkout airline pllotn retule to fly saying it molt he unsafe to operate un til thetondtltotts vBARRI big boost to the morale of her opponents She said she will not run in the parliamentary election next month nor join any political party But she pledged to cam paign actively for the human values to which India has tradi tiottally ascribed It is of the highest impor tance to put an end to the au thoritarian trend which has grown to vast proportions and is destroying cherished values she said IIOSES EM ERGENtY Mrs landit told news con ference today that she did not see single reason for the state of emergency in June 1975 under which Mrs landhi suspended civil rights imposed censorship and put her chief po litical opponents in jail She said the essence of de mocracy is the right to dissent and that it was shockingto me to see all dissent muzzled and those who disagreed with the government put in prison ller news conference was held at the home of Jagjivan Ram who resigned as agriculture minister two weeks ago and formed new Congress DENTURE CllNlC COLEllA DJ Complete Denture Service 7264721 I49A Dunlop St Member Denturist Society Ontario unincrcc SMART romp Savings Plan slRl tugs Han and do Il lltollcy oLl to or both ot thcsc ww and then is Wont your taxable HUM ithin the limits ilk ax Cl Barrie for Democracy party in revolt against Mrs Gandhis leader ship of the governing Congress party Although she told the news conference she loved Mrs Gan dhi very dearly Mrs Pandit is reported to have been at po TheBmrie Exfliner Monday February 14 1977 litical odds with her niece for years In an interview with the New York Times last October she said Mrs Gandhis govern ment was far more repressive today in many ways than were the British who impris oned her three times during the Indian struggle for independ ence Fronts the Iommcrcc we call that SMART because you can Save Money And Reduce laxcs In fact you really save twice once for your future home or retirement and again by CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE reducing your While March 1st is certainly taxable income of Beef Sides of Beef Blacklocks Farm Meats RR No Cookstown Ontario LOL 1L0 on No 89 mile west of 400 705 4584232 at SM ART March lst Blacklocks Beefy Bargains All Government Top Quality Inspected Meats Hinds of Beef at not your last chance to open SMART llan you can open Plan anytime its your last chance to take advantage of its 1976 henctits omc talk to us soon Let us explain how the llans work and why they can help you save Last years income may seem past history to you but it could mean whole new future