Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1977, p. 4

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all 13 EIIIIP TEX EIIIIIIIPI Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Wilson Advertising Manager The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 1977 Fortunate with energy but for how long While newest increases in Ontario Hydro rates have been stirring some concern it took reports from neighboring United States areas where there have been severe shor Henshow Managing Editor dustries operating costs have been rising for Hydro Appeals to consumers to conserve became necessary and the response has been helpful although severe QUEENS PARK NDP not so smart about the north By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The New Democratic Party has been bit terly attacking the establishing of ministry of northern af fairs It may not be so smart For the north has been asking for just such ministry for years The demand has centred in northwestern Ontario it is true But it also has been heard from the central north And it cant help but be wel comed right across the north NORTIIERNER The party also may not be doing itself any good by attack more typical of the north Perhaps not to the Steel Workers in the mines who tend to have come from all corners of the world but to the true nor therner Bemier is man that would be liked and trusted Just as is the NDPs Jack Stokes in Nipigon HELPS FAMILY Just what he will do in his new portfolio is another ques tion On actual direct respon sibility about all they were able to dig up for him was ad ministration of some municipal and development unctions And these obviously will have to remain largely in the hands of the main ministries in tagesin fuel and electrical energies winter weather has interferred to bring home just how relatively There is great deal more which nglhemnlsmleo Bernlet chargeonleseleldsi For Bernier IS popular in the But he Will keepa liaison and north this is important fortunate we really are In the city of Barrie as in most places across this province appeals were made to consumers to do their part to help conserve electrical energy This was given particular emphasis at Christmas time when people were urged to confine decorative lighting to restricted evening hours Increases in electric bills also gave further emphasis to the need to conserve energy and with more hikes coming for many areas this aspect is bound to receive renewed attention But the difficulties here have been relatively little compared with pro blems which had to be endured in parts of the United States during severe storms This hasnt happened here but it could in the future if responsible ac tion were neglected and appeals for cooperation disregarded Ontaro Hydro has been trying to could be done to save energy in an emergency and this should be borne in mind in case it should become necessary Householders might be asked to help hold down peak loads by con serving power at times when in dustrial demands are heaviest For daily shift work this is often at and 11 am and sometimes also in the late afternoon If shortages become severe enough industries could be asked to follow wartime procedures of shift work which might be considered hardship in normal times There might also be differences opinion on the value of conserving on street lighting by the city but it is another method used during severe emergency Householders and other con sumers also could be told to save on energy for lighting which isnt necessary The appeals accompanied by in No fifth column of antediluvian FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Davis approach to Quebec how can he criticize Trudeau He is every inch northerner And if you know your north unique in contrast to south erner He is big bluff and outgoing this means that he is quite It is important politically as the opposition parties charge But it also is of public impor tance in that it gives recogni tion and stature to the north which this section of the prov ince deserves and needs There are the distance gap and the difference in character between the people of the north and the south and this can make northerners feel left out Anything which makes them feel more in the family cant help but be worthwhile He doesnt have quick wit or the ability to think on his feet it is true These are qualities one finds in southern politicians particu larly lawyers But in their stead he has straightforwardness and an honesty of expression which are EnglishCanadians there THE WORLD TODAY US fishing zone more conflict St Pierre and Miquelon This would supply both the departments of external affairs and fisheries with diplomatic conundrum for which the needs By IOIIN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service When the United States de break up Canada He has been very careful not to be threat ening but he repeatedly sug gests that the other premiers would not be in mood to enter agreements with an independ ent Quebec clares its own ZOOmile fishing 20110 in the Atlantic and Pacific March we may face new area of conflict in USCanada relations The Canadian 200mile fishing 10118 was declared last His first mistake thought was that Toronto spewh in which he ticked off Mr Trudeau and Ixvcsque but particularly Trudeau for the way they were debating the Con meet the anticipated growing needs with new developments by pro viding new sources of power The increases in rates were large ly necessary to meet the financing and cover payments on substantial and go barrelling into Quebec to make an argument for Can ada He said the debate must be carried on with decency respect and dignity And he said that Ontarios role is to keep the channels of creases in electric bills have been the chief methods followed so far to encourage conservation of power It is hoped of course that the On tario Hydro will be able to meet its By STEWART MacIEI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service of our deepsea fishermen would demand an untypically early Ottawa solution The Americans should know we can act if we consider their boats are in our zone even after After Ontario Premier Wil liam Davis was so deciswe in borrowmgs at tOdays high lnlereSl endeavors to keep ahead 0f growmg lislllrlllilg 0tlhcbreh puliltlcmnd commu ations Opt with fxl llt Its gr od point in lht prime in ow ave owar cra ion issui sug csc Jan Wm overja with the March our seizure of three lee Other busmesses and demands on power supplles Quebec expected him to offer Quebec when the Ottawa childishncss brinkmanship minister sargunient American one in ptwok key Cuban factory trawlers one of So what does Mr Davis do them from then international places the very rich fishing grounds of the Georges Bank in the Atlantic and in the Pacific Ocean region east and south of Vancouver Island This potential new area of conflict would be paradox since both countries are pro claiming this major extension of ocean boundaries to protect their declining fishing in dustries from the predatory shouting and he referred to un bridlcdhostility Up to this point most of us thought that Mr Irudcau and Mr Levesque wcrc decidedly uncmotional in presenting their opposing viewpoints This may shock Mr Davis but the last time chcst uc came to it tawa Mr Imrcau said Hi Rene its good to see you Quebec lines become affected by partisanship and personality clashes The voice of reason or at least the Signal Corps will be based in Toronto CRITICISM DIFFICIIXI Its not easy to criticize any premier who calls for moder ation reason tranquility de cency and all the other ideal in us all sorts of WlSdOInS following his talks with Rene Levesque Mr Davis government had spent two months considering what approach to take to Que bec separatism and after he went to Quebec City for 22 hours of conversation with Mr Levesque it wouldnt be unrea sonable to expect some waters last December show we mean business Another paradox resulting from this act is that Cuba heps to pay for its growing pur chases of Canadian industrial equipment in part from the in creasing Cuban sea food lob ster and shrimp imports to Canada And of course many of these He goes to Quebec City where he and Mr Levesque appear to hit it off just splendidly and he docs nothing to lend support to Mr lrudcaus suggestions At joint press conference the Quebec premier said that no matter what happens in the future there will be an inevitable partnership with On tario Mr Davis was at his side DOWN MEMORY LANE rison is chairman of new board with The Barrie Examiner Feb Len Pledger chairman of recreation 1907 Striking members of the committee and Charles Griffin United Electrical Workers local at Barks Tickets are on sale for Bob Barries CGE plant are to meet at ie Rosenfeld testimonial dinner 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Arena to vote on proposed Affair is in honor of the outstanding profound pronouncemenw grediems which should be ad gum settlement in strike affecting 8300 Canadian woman athlete of the half man meonmrio premier had dedto debate Andevenifthere smiling Russiansy Japanese and Com are caught by the selfsame never was any hysteria in the ANOTHEROVERSIGHT Quebec television viewers munistblocfishingpokuars emerging Cuban factor earlier accused Prime Minister Trudeau of being immature in his reaction to Mr Levesque Now thought we would get the benefit of Mr Davis more mature assessment But when he flew out of Que bee and directly to London Ont to report to convention of Conservatives he didnt exlt actly bogglc minds with his in sights Hc said it was too early to search for solutions He said the problems of separatism were not fully understood He said nonQuebec politicians should not get on our horses WEISS Montreal pipeline extens1on trawler fleets But while being tough with the Cubans and having signed bilateral agreements with the USSR Spain Norway and Portugal to acknowledge our new limits we dont have the sea or air facilities to really en forcethem Our small fleet of destroyer escorts contain highpowered surveillance equipment to do tect and search out Soviet nu clear subs not to chase surface fishing vessels Ottawas stupid division of services with the defence de partments warships operating under one ministry and the pa trol vessels under the depart ment of fisheries has left us with fewer ships than we need and the wrong kind ONE BOSS Together under one ministry they might have formed an ef fective integrated patrol ser might be impressed with this picture Iruc Mr Davis made it clear he was foe of Quebec independence but that wouldnt surprise anybody All other provinces are foes 0f Qucbcc indcjwndencc Mr Davis would have made far greater contribution to the debate if he had simply inter rupted Mr Levesque for mo ment when the Quebec premier talked about the inevitable partnership with Ontario But perhaps that would be bordering on hysteria Since the early 19605 the So viet Union later joined by East ern European fishing powers then Cuba have engaged in massive fishing fleet tactics in the North Atlantic These methods have resulted literally in swee ing the seas clean beyond an occasionally insde old 12mile limit of major ocks of fish Factory ships take on board the catch from satellite fleet of trawlers and then process just about every major fish part JAPANESE AS BAD In the North Pacific the same technique has been under way by the Japanese since about the same time As result Canadian and American inshore and deepsea fisheries industries worth about $3 billion have faced reduced catches boats damaged by marauding Russian monster trawlers vice for the new territorial There is something else Mr Davis may have overlooktxi in the debate so far That is the way the prime minister has been consistently questioning Mr Levcsqucs proposal for an economic union with the re maining provinces after he pulls Quebec out of on century Essa councillor Fred Ross says early decision is expected on li quor store for AngusRink from Sheba Shrine Club of Barrie wins Whitefish trophy at second annual Shriners bonspiel Frank Taylor is second Archie Fraser lead John Ough skip and Bill Stephenson vice skip Brent Smith scores four and assists twice and Dan Maloney scores twice as Mustangs drop Hurricanes 94 in RCAF Association midgetjuvenile hockey at Barrie Arena workers at 16 plants and ware houses in OntarioSgt Reg Neathway of Barrie City Police Department lectures about Criminal Code to 40 men from coun ty taking auxiliary police constable trainingTom Kerr chairman of citys centennial celebrations com mittee says there are many other projects besides Centennial Park which can be accomplished to help mark Canadas 100th birthday Barries parks and recreation com mittees amalgamate Jack Mor CUSO looks to practicality is selecting its volunteers The sows were fed cooked discussions between Mr Trudeau and Mr Levesque it isnt serious offence for Mr Davis to say that hysteria should end immediately Politicians do have bit of li cence now and then But if any provincial premier is going to jump into the Great Confederation Debate after two federation months of consideration and The message Mr lrudcau come down firmly on thcsidc of has been trying to get across is moderation optimism and rea that the Quebec separatists son he should be able to make shouldnt be foolish enough to contributions based on this cri expect coojxration from the teria other provinces after they Cana candidate with degree or LONDON Ont itli dian lniversity Services Over seas flTSOi the volunteer or ganization which began in the early 1000s is shifting its volun tccr prclcrcnccs from academic to practical background Local lSO committee chairman Shirley Shamr journalism teacher at lfnivcrr sity of Western Ontario said leSO is still academic on technical skills agricultural skills In both the agricultural and technical fields we stress the experience but volunteer Ehr Barrie Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72643537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class ail Return postage guaranth Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies cents looking for teachers but the current drive is concentrated civil engineers blacksmiths equip ment operators and people with diploma in particular field plus practical experience would have an edge in being selected for twoyear tour overseas Harold Killins of London who farmed in the Niagara Ienin sula from 1932 to 1930 then went into the agricultural chemical business was CUSO volunteer from 1971 to 1973 in PapuaNew Guinea The Unga Bunga River proved to be key to hog project Mr Killins and the highschool boys he was teach ing set up near Vereina Papua New Guinea PIGLETS KEPT DYING The problem with raising hogs which eventually found their way on to dinner platters even though they were regar ded as pets was that most sows successfully raised only three pigs Mr Killins said he didnt be lieve this low number possible because the warm climate was ideal for hog production found it was no trick at all to turn out seven or eight little pigs and the main problem had won protein deficiency in the sows diet he said We got the boys fishing with nets in the Unga Bunga River The culled fish they cooked for fish rice bran paddy rice sweet potatoes and garbage and placed in an altered version of governmentrecommended pen Previously the sows would wander into the bush with their piglets in search of food and many were lost to such natural enemies as snakes ITSED LOCAL MATERIALS The pen Mr Killins devised was built of local materials such as bamboo for the sides and grass for the roof and all they had to buy was bag of cement for the feeding pad Mr Killins also was rwpon siblc for chicken coop break through The first change he made to the government recommended coop was to the roof which specified that it had to be made from expensive imported ply wood He had his boys make the roof of grass the same as they did onthcir villagchuts They also put the coop on stilts to avoid rat infestation By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service This winter has brought re newcd proofof some of the hard facts of life Canadians still are heavily dependent upon oil to sustain life our progress toward self sufficicncy in oil is slow and little if anything can be done about the constant increases in prices of oil imports Because of the severity of this winters weather con sumption of petroleumbased energy is currently running up to 30 per cent above normal ac cordingtosomeestimates The cost to consumers is higher than ever before but even the most dedicated con servationist cant offset the cost increases by selfdenial To reduce our de endence Mr Killins said most of his upon the internationa oil car students were intelligent and tel the Organization of Petro we had couple of geniuses leum EXinrting Countriesikthe but they lacka the practical federal government decided technological knowledge hehad few years ago to extend the oil acquircdin Canada pipeline from Alberta to Mon He said it was easier to talk treat from its original ter to the young people than the minus in southern Ontario By Mail Harrie 544 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Oil $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 ywrv the pigs and the good fish their families ate were set in their ways INTERPRETING THE NEWS National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto WAN 640 Cathcart St Mon triéal Member of the Canadian adults because the old people Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper By GARRY FAIRHAIRN WASHINGTON IIl The Carter administrations em phasis on human rights as part of the fabric of US foreign policy has touched sensitive Soviet nerve Although the Soviet Union has continuing trouble with its own dissidents the Moscow problem is related primarily with unrest among Eastern European satellites Throughout Eastern Europe human rights groups and other promises to promote freedom in their countries Ihcir actions have met some success in Poland where the government recently offered clemency to factory workers imprisoned for demonstrating against food price increases Polish writers were also sorship iveii the hope of more relaxc cen lii Czechoslovakia some sen ior Communist offiCials are re ported to be pressing for mod Since midl976 western Canadian crude oilv that used sinki accord In East Germany and Poland restrictions have been eased on small rivate en terprises both to iminate one source of discontent and to fill gaps in the economy The question facing the Soviet Union is how far such trends will go if the Russians do not stepin The Red Army intervened in Hungary in 1956 and Czech oslovakia in 1968 when the Kremlin fell matters were get erate handlin of petition to be exported to the western United States has instead been fed into the Montreal market Deliveries reached level of about 250000 barrels lay in midNovember and imports of OPEC oil into eastern Canada dropped to about 600000 barrels day from an average of ap proximately 800000 earlier in the year MONTREALPIPELINE Not much more substitution of Alberta oil for imported OPEC oil is likely to be achieved however now that the AlbertaMontreal pipeline is fully operational Nor is the OPEC cartel likely to reduce its price in order to recover the 25 per cent of the Canadian market it has lost What is almost certain is this The Canadian government which administers domestic petroleum prices in the same way that OPEC fixes inter national prices will increase the domestic price every six months over the next two to four years until it has reached equality with the cartels price Today the governinentvad ministered price of barrel of domestic crude oil is $975 in Al US foreign policy touches Soviet nerve Alternatively the Soviet Un ion could tolerate more au tonomy in Eastern Europe de monstrating that the paranoia of the past is being replaced by greater sophistication and commitment to improved East West relations The other major actor is the United States which finds itself with delicate problem By encouraging more individ ual and national freedom in Eastern Europe the United States might possibly defuse or lessen the political and military is helping to ease the crunch that the oil companies are en joying windfall gains on their oil reserves thats not neces sarily the case big share of the pump price is skimmed off by federal ex cise taxes and provincial road taXcs The oil companies task of ex ploring and drilling for new hydrocarlxmcrescrves to re place current consumption is more difficult and expensive than ever And the governments mani pulation of the oil market inevi tably results in distortioncv lower volume of sales in one place too much production in another and so on The need for petroleum bascd energy will continue to grow since no acceptable sub stitute is in sightrrand its ad ministered price is sure to go While these semiannual jinn much higher before return to ps in the price you pay at the competitive marketing service station may suggest system overtakes place Berrys World bcrta or about $1065 by the time it is delivered in Montreal Foreign oil delivered in Mon trcal costs $14 to $1450 bar rel depending upon its quality and source Thats an increase of about $1 over 1976 prices as result of both the widely publicized OPEC price increase of Jan and rise of about eight cents barrel in the tariff charged by the pipeline that transports OPEC oil from the port of Port land Me to Montreal llltllllilt PRICES In the final analysis all of this means that there will be yet another increase of few cents gallon on your gasoline and heatingfuel bills after March because of the govern ments policy of equalizing energy prices across the coun try You want DIME for cup of coffee Where Now the parallel 200mile ex tensions could put two North waterextensions American industries both fac Because our surveillance re ing the same kind of crisis in sources are divided and of our conflict with each other reticence to treat American In addition Canada is faced boats as we have the Cuban with the clear possibility that ones if they operate in our new France might declare her own zone there is the clear possi 200mile territorial waters zone bility of new kindof USCan beyond the French islands of adatradeclash over fishing CANADAS STORY United States wanted it all lished that the boundary from Lake of the Woods to the Rock ies should be the 43th parallel Although Mexico owned Cali By BOB BOWMAN If it had not been for show off British naval captain in the war of 1812 Canada might own the Pacific coast as far south as Portland Ore The territory would be the State of Washing ton with the Columbia River formingthe boundary Owing to the navy captains action the United States was able to claim the territory after the War of 1812 but Canadian fur traders kept operating there for the Northwest and Hudsons Bay Companies By 1840 thousands of Ameri cans were crossing the conti nciit in covered wagons to settle there but Canada did not extend beyond Ontario until 1870 Nev ertheless it had been estab Alaska the US was deter mined to own the entire Pacific coast In 1844 the Democratic arty adopted the slogan fifth our forty or fight This meant occupying the coast to Alaska On Feb 1846 the US Con gress gave notice that British settlers and traders would have to get out of Oregon which meant from California to Alaska There could have been war with Britain over the issue but the US modified its stand be cause war with Mexico was im minent It was agreed that the boundary along the 49th parallel should be extended through the Rockies then dip ping south to give Britain all of Vancouver Island This led to the Hudsons Bay Company moving its chief trad ing post from Fort Astoria on the Columbia River to Van couver Island BIBLE THOUGHT For the Lord heareth the poor and despiseth not his prisoners Psalms 6933 The love of God cuts through class He is no respector of WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject fornia and Russia owned Icy ting out of control Similar ac tion cannot be ruled out for the future movement arter 77 that calls for implementation of freedoms declared in the Hel Copyright Registration Number 203815 register 61 critics of government have at ready been encouraged to have YOU been greater lXildness by Carters letter threat posed by the Warsaw pact persons

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