ALIHHIY IISlItti ar rived at the childrens annex to the Barrie Public Library Saturday to hang tier monsterkiiittizigdispiay She will teach local children the basics of her craft during three workshops Feb 20 Next week children will be introduced to mime theatre and during Winter tarnival the library will rim display at the old anadian lire store ilIxammer Iholot Joey the Clown to Visit Barrie Public Library annex The inst Weess wil in busy ones tcr Harrie Illltlii Library Lliiliitit itiilli liztli L1 iSiT tItiIi doc it lite and display at the liall iitei Carnival Andre rnsfrohg the library monster will conlat on her ciait lef gzotiv knz will conduct two mime workshops lroni 1030 to liia he ill work itli children eight to 112 years old From 11 io to to he ill help children iii to liearsofage The library tiill hold its in tor arnival display at the old taiiadiaii Tire store on lgtiiiilop Street leb calligrapher and will also demonstrate his craft Feb lit children lllttltil in tfie librarys animation prograiiiwillbeiiiakingatilin lhroughoiit the carnival library page girls will demon strate book repair and senior staff members will be present toansweriiiiistioiis The adult section also has special ewnt planned for lebriiary drama siiidei illuiniiiator lirhard lotttioft Sound aill give demonstration of hm If lll itll JOey tht iwie meal old style printing Mr lotilioft qvllI lmlll Childrei lhc it show will be appearing courtesy of mm thelibrarj Sdltivliiltifltilllit the Georgian iay egional group In and lcltiziziry it ill llltiii sy ieiii and the The tlllii the olleeiioii perform the tattoox itliti lttlltiitil program of the of George iiii and IllilliilIS Carnival and lIi to Sat ministry oi culture and wieral itiluHJl tlltlllli cowrs Franciscoitiissiiiiiiner recreaiioo lapeil iai mom will be In th morning ljlesiiski Hordoi tross aii engraver played PEOPLE AND PLACE IllllSll ItlltIIVIAI nesses from the iairie area Mr and Ni ii lei siiiti lhe iarrie Art lub is Will attend two daj semi andfainil 1lltl and holding an art rental service annualassenibly belt iaiidoin Mrs tiu Ladoiii or iiai innit of Port Iltitdi Ittl 31th and Rio tiertun fucker of lidhiirst reiiriied from iiolzdzc the laarttados IURUNTHMI ICSIS Mr Eiliti li iiibrex tiiftei and Date xisiteif and li William liniiigar and Sir aiiii Mrs John Ifltkllirfl id VIlllllill on Sunday eiiti IUIX III Itlit VIENNA il suite has showi ha Lglllliitsll courses are tiir=ifig greater popularity than exer betore among Viennes of all aw Viennas Athletic teiitie has doubled Ii iizroliiient in thi last year as more people sign up for courses lJitlltllL tie in how to stay ptiysicall fit CYIIHIHCI lli IIII It LOMHARI lit Al taii water is best for housi plants says the Water Quality Associ ation Wheretapxiatii supplies have high iiiiiieial content the association rev oiniiiends oc casmnal heav house plants to bid aaaj any salts that may tollect in the soil LA VLS UNII NEW YORK li loity per cent of the iiist class at New York newst school the School Benjamin Cardozo for Law of Yeshiva lniversity are women There are students enrolled in the school watering of 263 Saiiiday iron to ip in at the iariie litlilii Library lhcclub holds rentals the first Saturday oi every month KIISIII liitktlt bake sale is in the plaiiiiiiigstaziesfornienibersot the ladies Jillellttl to the ariie litiiiiaiie Society it was announced at meeting reccn tlj at the home of Margaret Stewart lilli protect include ltllif mage sale in April Donationt of good used clothing and household item are being taken Tickets will be on sale soon for an atghan made by one of theiiieintwrs Hllltn llS WITNESSES About mo Jehovahs Wit Brampton The theme will be llnteiiiii I£tlit hair Leading to ctiyity tlli emphasis on the evangeliiiig lfllllgt foi hristians lIZHIHCR lta id Wilson of Radio Shack was welcomed as llt llltHl bcr ol the Carrie totar tliib Also at the meeting members were reminded of the annual Rotary lionspiel March it at the tarrietiolt iiidt oiiiitijt llllI IZH IltIISIIHIVI Steti Masters was elected president of the lit tttllllt ltit lltt NIHHH iSttllilllttll at recent meetingl Iioii ioodrov ls llll Vicepresident lJoiig Hughes second ltt president and ltob ioaii secretary treasiii er tattleiiieiis aycees fight Car thefts Car thefts have been reduced 27 per cent in Barrie since August says Paul Hodgert of the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce That is when the Jaycecs kicked off the Lock it and Pocket The Key campaign against car theft he told the Kiwanis lub of Barrie meeting Monday night at the Holiday inn We know our campaign is working he said There has also been 33 per cent reduc tion in lnnisfil township and about iii per cent in the area served by ll district seven The value of stolen autos amounted to onoquartcr million dollars in 1975 and less that $200000 in Barrie during the last four months of 1970 he said The Lock It and Pocket The Key campaign was started several years ago in the United States it was started in Canada last April in conjunction with the in surance Bureau of Canada The Barrie Jaycees have been working on this project since last August The committee includes Gary Logan of the Barrie City Police and pi Wes Prosser of Barrie OPP Mr liodgert and Jaycccs president Greg Henri showed slides and discussed car thefts on national scale More than 70000 cars were stolen in Canada in 1975 with onehalf million dollars spent on police investigation This doesnt include the cost of followup investigation Mr with lock it pocket key llodgert said Fifty seven per cent of cars stolen are taken from the driveway of the owner four per cent from the street six per cent from plazas and seven per cent from car lots he said Many thefts are by the under 16 age group he said Those leaving keys in the ignition are simply tempting youth to crime ther thieves are travellers of all ages looking for an easy ride He said the laycees plan to approach the provincial gover nment to make locking car doors mandatory They will also approach city council to levy fines on those with doors unlocked The project is aimed to stop the impulse thief he said Proper eating and exercise wards off heart disease at and exercise properly and dont smoke That is what workers with the Ontario Heart Foundation Har ric chapter are driving at in their effort to educate the public during liebruary liebruary is lleart Month The Barrie chapter has more than 250 people canvassing Painswick Stroud Minesing Midhurst and most of Barrie says Mary Lou Lessengcr of the chapter ampaign chairman is Frank Wilkins The goal this year is 313000 Mrs Wessenger said Last year more than 512400 was raised from the drive IllnIS raised locally are sent to the Ioronto office and then allocated to Heart Foundation branches IIiglitysn per cent of the funds go to research and this takes place in teaching hospitals throughout aiiada Ten per cent goes to educating thcpublic How does this education take place Last summer ineinbcrs of the local chapter held display in the ieorgian Mall promoting proper diet exercise and tips on how to ttiltl cardio vascular disease During nonsmokers week recently the chapter took part in demonstration at the Hayfield Mall of the effects of smoking Four per cent of the funds raised go to administration There are 28 fullrtinie paid workers with the foundat ion The ntario llcart Founda tion was started in 1032 and the Barrie chapter was started three years ago The first year $8000 was raised by tit can vassers in the Barrie Midhurst and Minesing area Researchers agree there are five main risk factors which lead to cardiovascular disease smoking hyperteii sion diabetes high cholesterol The Harrie IillllIlltl hurch vital force in immunity says newlyappitinted minister The church must establish itself as Vital force that is in touch llll its community say ltev lionald Siiiith iecen tlyappointwl first pastor of llistoii Alliance hiiicli llisloti am ecited about the projected growth for llllttll and look forward to our chur cii lttliiL part of that gioyktli lr Siiiith served as hslwléllll pastor it the lirainalea ltaptist hurch lrevmusly he graduated from Newtonbrooke In AIIiHon 35 Inherit In NH 176 Bradford St Bradford Secondary School Willowdale and from entral liaptist Seminary in Toronto in 107i He served iii speiialicd youth ministries in Africa and taiiada lie is popular speaker tit youth rallze liaiitpiets and ttlitil is also an iitl spirit ll lllllslfil Alr Smith and his wife tar baia hair one son littilfll eight months old WANT ADS PHONE 718 7114 holiday Hour 1u Syxiim and obesity These factors were decided during study of 50th people completed 23 years ago in liraniinghain Mass At the chapters meeting last year Dr lhoiiipson the cent of 3000 medical adniis sions of persons over the age of It to ltoyal Victoria Hospital in 1073 were people suffering from cardio vascular disease Fifty per cent of all deaths of persons over it years of age are linked to cardio vascular disease he said He also said the rate cardiovascular disease is lions Idiiesday ebruai litTI annual lack chapters incdical advtser said ll per III III creasing ll epidemic propor Beesleys to appear in concert The Becsleys accomplished musicians and concert artists will take part in services at Hi Way Pentecostal Church Feb 22 Feb 27 Gary Beesley studied voice Just say charge it HAWIL 3W IlIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIoo with the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto and Jan Beesley has studied piano for 11 years with the conservatory They both majored in sacred music and have performed in concerts throughout the world Mr Beesley has won numerous awards in Canada and the United States for his musical accomplishments They were hosts of weekly television program while they lived in the United States and also played host to television series called Sacred Splendor in RESH BAKED DAILY DELICIOUS BANANA ROLL 98 THIS WEEK SPECIAL CAKES FOR ANY FESTIVE OCCASION CALL 7287731 5676 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE MON T0 FRI OPEN TILL 900 pm SAT OPEN TILL 600 pm Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed on Ever Purchase Town Shop finol ole days This is your final opportunity to save money on quality Town Shop imports from around the world during this our most extensive sole of the year PontSuHs Blouses Ponts Short Dresses Skirts Long Skirts Gowns up to 50 APPLE PIE $1 EACH Storewide Savings Kitchener Both have written and recor ded their own compositions Mr Beesley is minister and evangelist with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Services will take place at 730 pm weeknights and Sun day at 11 am and pm They will not take part in services Saturday For information phone 728072 ATS UNRELATED The ringtailcd cat is not re lated to cats at all but is member of the raccoon family 20 5ii Savings The schools initial faculty is composed of iii legal scholars and practitioners one third of whom are women Ports We will have the full Ports Inter national Spring selection GENUINE IRONSTONE 20 Pieces Detergent Proof Dishwasher Proof Place Settings HAYS riiAVEL SERVICE 7284zoo 31 ROBINSON HARDWARE 45 DunlopSt 83 No reduction on accessories The Town Shop Piece COMPLETER SETS AVAILABLE Downtown Barrie 28 Nerf to the Theatre