L1 NEWS ROUNDUP Storm seen hitting province By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Relief and rescue operations continue in the wake of winter storm earlier this week but En Vironinent Canada warns that another storm is expected to move into Ontario late today oi early Thursday The weather office said the new storm is not expected to be as fierce as the earlier one that blocked roads closed schools stranded motorists and resulted in the death of Fergus man That storm ended luesday although much of the province is still feeling the effects of drif ted snow subzero tempera tures and winds with gusts up to 65 kmph Environment Canada pre dicted that clear skies across the southern part of the prov ince today would aid work crews trying to clear parts of nine highways st ill closed Tiles day night convoy of 12 to 14 oil tanker trucks and roadclearing equip ment planned to push through snowblocked Highway from London today in an attempt to relieve fuel shortages in Lake Huron conimunit ies Escorted by provincial police the convoy was to head for Eseter tlinton tioderich Wingham and Kiiicardiiie with about $1 million in supplies Over pizza TORONTO tli Kenneth Gordon Reynolds 22 has been charged with assault causing bodily harm and assaulting policeman tollowing an HIV cident over pizza man or dered pizza Sunday and ran out without paying llic cook pursued demanded payment and was purched in the eye police said Police went to an apartment Tuesday in con iiection with the incident and police office as ptiiiclicd iii the nose Attacks TURHNTU Ir Almost 25 per cent of victims in violent at tacks on the Toronto Transit Commission Tlt systems last year involved employ ces study showed that of the oil ocr curences registered by the po lice 15 involved bus drivers ticket collectors and inspectors trying to deal with unruly pas sengers Unly six beatings ap peared racially motivated Barn burns STttLFlIlili tnt tti York regional policc and tho ttntario fire iiiarshals Ullltt areiiivestigitinga$13otiotirc that destroyed barn and 34 cattle Tuesthy in this coiiiniii mty lo mile north of Toronto neighbour ioticcd flames and called firefighters who were abletosave23cattlc Sentenced LONDUNJmt Irciic inn May of Toronto ilgt sentenced ll provincial court Tuesday to an indeterminate term in reiormatory not ceeding three months on chargeof lllll oyirSJUtt llt in housekeeper she had ad mitted steal rig 2i piirsc contain mg 8273 and credit cards from her London employer fourt was told it was her titth coo yiction for theft from an em ployer pa Licences TORONTO Pi lhemin istry of transportation and communications and today that til MT cent of ttntiirio car owners ha yet to rentU Ihtll 197T autoirobilc llltllt About 25 million drivers have still to buy 197 stickers tor their liceii ce plates if licence is not re newed by tie PM oi the month it is illega to operatc Illt ci hicle Get raise BRAMPTON itl lccl Regions public health nur 55 have been any ardcd litpci cent wage incrcasc ovcr cight months by provincial arbi tration board it was announced Tuesday Harold Kennedy health board chairman said the award makes salaries of public health nurses equal to salaries of nurses employed by hospitals Mr Kennedy said the settlement must be approved by the anti inflation board To trial MAIHH Jiit iI lid mund Alcxandci May 51 ot Bannockbiirn tint has hiiii committct for trial by lodge and Jury on two counts of set ting an explosive and two coun ts of possession oI cxplosivcn for an unlawful purpose ltay was committed Tuesday by Judge Itonald Jackson ot provincial court tollowmg preliminary hearing No trial late has been set WHOLESALE RETAIL mos cameo DAILY DISTRIBUTORS FOR suicx DIAMOND cum HAPPY HOLLOW FARMS I3 ALLIANCE aivo BARBIE 7288022 to Mon to Frli 12 Noon Sat CONTROLS Untario lrcasttrcr Darcy McKeoiigh saying thc anti inflation program has been major factor discouraging investment called Iucsday for an immediate end to con trols on corporac profits Illtl for an carly cnil to agi con trols tor priyatc industry tl llltilti Remanded lttltttNllt tl lilcvcii senior officials and iiiciiihcrs it the Seafarers International liiioii Sll wcrc remiinilwl tit May itoll 83m bail attcrtlicy iip pcarcd Tuesday in provincial cotirt on charges involving con spiracy to prevent union incni licrs iroin Ittll ticipatiii layittilly in union ictiy it It ttitttl llliIM illiitthtl iitt llo man tiriilcwii Sll taiiadiiiii ltï¬iltlii and Ilt iinon icc piesidcnis lIll tllillLEIs litlltivyttl will plilllll iintlcr thc tanadian li Itor otit tlll politt iiiils of tilt ion ltllllt tlltl llttllii tit mom otticials Settlement Illlllt tl llici it has agreed to pay tlic iiitiiiic Starvin laryins lilllltrlltit lloiiw éfio ooo in illi out oi ioiiz settlement was iiJiiiiw Itlcsdtiy liivor lick lzii ltotialtl siiid llit decision to wt lt HUI tiI tiiilll lliitilt following tiggitioii iroin ii tiidgc that thc city had niciimil the applicant llilllllii iiisici The ltIllIitl ltlllltstlltt hoo lillitil ii $1 it llllllltlli Iiiliiait out iggiiiis tlii iitj tilicr pciiciicinit ilitiiciiltiw ll ting liccncc iii MT and rt 90 days IllNIIlItttKII tl ltiiicc Arthur Imr if ot ttlliii scntcncid to to day Ili tail Iticsday after pleading guilt in provincial court to charm of daiigcroii llittl III carin Mo was tllitllll lll coniicctioii with lit both of liiio lliiii tIlll who ii killed 1977 xylicii trtick by th ca librc litillct while riding in lltt il $7144 rmiratrni um PETER ROGERSWH Mt All LE II it mm in CONNOR wmosoti UAVIL PATRICK MOWER JULN GUSON wx now JOAN SIMS PE YER BUIITWMIH MELVYN HAYES PUER JONES AWHIIEIIUT it ii iiii ti iriiiitiiiyitri is WllLIllIlIiI IN back of his fathers car near Itcnfrew oiirt was told Peer had been shooting grotiiidliogs from car window at the imc haii man OTTAWA itlt Progressive onscrvative MP James tiillics has been ap pointed chairman of Opposition Leader Joe larks shadow cabinet Mr iillics 33 MP for To roiito Don Valley replaces Mr tlaik who tilled in after the resignation of MP tlaiide Wag iier iSt Ilyaciiitlicl last Sep tember lolin trosbic Pt St Johns Westt will replace ilr iillies as party energy critic in the shadow cabinet gioiipot ttp position critics coiiceiitiitiiig on particular issues Mr trosbie was elected last ttctober in byclcct ion He is former lltllll ral resources of Newfoundland lr liirk also announced the appointment Iucsday of MI tttto lcliiiek illiin Park lliim ber Valley as shadow cabinet minister torsmall business Mr tiillies Ill be chairman of weekly meetings of the toii scrvativc shadow itltllltlt help other shadow cabinet members plan tours and assist them itIi their aiioiisissiuniiicnts Pornography itllf tli giotipot Ils ha toriiicd an informal tttllllllllltt to pltss the govern ment to cntorcc lt against pornography laiiics lctlratli vlt St loliiis IIiist illtl liicsday Thc committcc will be the parliamcntary wini ot cam paieii by ltllltllitl ltonmii titliiilic tlltl lltiltddlll chiircli giiititw against pornography ll lctiiith siIltl it nzi llllll ltv ll ItiUlitl lliltliiv lti lttllll yttlll Itittilt Hiti iri iii til it iittcr di t1lltitl to itiiizi llllltll iii to ik iltisiic llllltl lltiti Iiiltiltl iiilI lltttillt Nliiiistci loiiiipic bcgiii to clamp down oii lllt importation of IllttliIXlllt books and films lliitl illLttltttlt New prison yioviiiicyi tl tgiicluc tii Iiticitic lIic liiioii say the tcdciitl gitycttaiiittit ltlitlrsiililllltlllilllttlttllltlthIl oi ttlll iii lllt Iiiiil Itldtlliilitil tor liiibcl lllltl iiitoiiiil irpori liitiw ii lliiiiiin ot hc on ion piisoiiii litï¬lis Itilll itit iittl ltttili ioti titiciion plain liic ilicodj ltttil drawn up tor lic iii llltllitili yliii li is to on iipy MI teirc ncv Ill iiilltll til II Vt alked ltilttilti il l1tll lttl Iliiiliiii tliltl it bits liiti it lititllitiisltlli ytiiiopoliti loroiito iliiriiiil liicila winnings riih hoiii scycii lilI ciiiiic and acycii ltllt miit ltlll cach yi oo tiill tor tii loionto Iriiiisit tilliltil iot lvlt cliiiiiiiin lIllHliIll totally gatc lip iiiid iiilcvl li lliiilbiirt said its lac othpltiiiictl 3o tclloJ coin lllls toiici ilioii lll ick ot itl tiitry do lllilt Uri lllllilily tJi tioii li lliirlbiiit and tic irlllttl ilthlI talk of lllll at illltl tlii po siliility oi Illr in llit wticn what lllILIII llt iiiMIMI llittlt better service coliiitctl lit pcoplcoii Inrs thc othci daz li lliirlbiiit ttl illll iiiitf pcoplc illt con pliiitllilniilllllltiitI licti1icl Liiicn ITt cliict Ltttittal iiiziiiiitUl itl poor ttllltl lllldltl bc icspoiisiblc DOUBLE TAKE 715 CARRY 0N ENGLAND pm THE RANK ORGANISATION PRESENTS mannerisms mi umumutuif ASSAULT 0N PRECINCT 13 AT pm HIGH VELOCITY 845 HELD ITY IIIMtt lttlllll Illilï¬ th ilttodiltilt for recent crowding on subways and buses Shots fired BEAVERTUN nt ttli Provincial police said Tuesday they believe that two shooting incidents which occurred at the same time and place Sunday on Highway 12 are related In one of the incidents niiitL yearold Beavcrton boy was shot in the head Police said Michael Itobcrt llrown was shot by 132calibre bullet while he was riding in truck driven by his father The bullet entered through the pas senger side window The boy was taken to hospital in nearby trillia where the Indy let was removed He was later tiaiislcred to Sick Iiildrens Hospital in Toronto where he was reported in satisfactory condition following an operation to remove blood clot The second incident involved bullet hitting the rear tender of car driven by Viola ard ol trillia police said Probation ltilttiNlo in 27 year old Iormcr Metropolitan To roiito police constable was placed on two years probation Tuesday on cliargcsot break iiigandcntcting oiinty Judge William Lyon ordcrcd Kciinctli ltobcit llyslop now tiiiivcrsity student lll Hamilton to pay totalof$tittttotciiaiitsototticcs lichadbrokciiinto llic tttdgc said Ilyslops pcr soiial revolver to be sold and that hc may not possess any ieapoiisdiiringhisprobation lIic cottrt had liccii told llys lop kept olticc iipiiptiicnt he stole III the Itasciiicnt ot lll ipartiiicnt illltl had not tricd to stll ll Mail issm littlttt ii The Lon don thainbci of oiiiiniicc planning to sct up an alternate postal scricc tor the London area in tlic cycnt of national postalstrikc Canada Tr liagiii played by Ian Knox counts his pcnnics during tlic ttoin Iali IaIi scciic lll tlic Music product ioi Icaclicrs Ilicat rc HOTEL At the Points Finest in Canadian Chinese Ciiisnii divlint titllIIt it ti Ill ill for great entertainment SIMCOE Daily Buffet tut tlliilijl $200 12 noon to am entertaining this week LED DENNY FAGIN DlNIS IIIS ttliUr Di oi it Me mi ii Try our longer haurs satin Mon Thurs to Fri to 30 Sat to Crisp golden FRENCH FRIES small order only 25 34 BAYFIELD ST prcscntcil titsLt Friday and Saturday llll it tlic iroitlaii tollcgc lliczitic 728094 IIIN Ilic play will bi NIICS lthlllllltl Photo vat16 NEW IN TOWN and ront know WliCt WtlV to tuti Co the TltTtitmalgtiOIt fiUfiflSS at 65 7286331 You lie igar you lid CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Iry our hot fast delivery it 90 on orders over $700 in Borne IO Discount on PickUp Orders over $7 00 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE DAILY FEATURE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESAYHoi Turkey THURSDAY Barbecue Chicken Hot Beef Dip SATURDAY Shish Kabob SUNDAY LCENSED LLBO FRIDAY The Barrie Examiner Response immature TORONTO CP Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was immature in his response to speech made in New York last week by Quebec Premier Rene Levesque ntario Premier William Davis said Tuesday The future of this nation lies in our capacity to channel our respective passions into reason AEDUNLOP ST Adult Entertainment DO NOT ENT 7284681 IT TAKES RARE AND SPECIAL MOVIE ti iiitlicc iitttait llthl itillt¢ti llliilil ylicii ifi tliiiiL itiill igri itti ttl xvi it till itiit xv vl rflitGTEERSiDE OF without an uuuAi AiAlsti tr aswiiv rs anus Au Wednesday February I977 and balance understanding and commitment Mr Davis said in speech to the Junior Chamber of Commerce Mr Davis said that Mr Le vesque who told the Economic Club of New York last week that the separation of Quebec is inevitable said nothing that differed substantially from the program which he placed be fore the people of Quebec The hysteria of the media in covering the speech and the prime ministers response to it smacks very simply of imma turity Mr Davis said COMPLETE SHOW DAILY AT 700 915 pm NOPLAYING pm pm ibiil ilLilt ll lt iillltL WWL iitii lt ii llitl Ltti lit tt iri ll riplaxiii yutiyt littll iilt Hit it THEMUELEIAIN ww Held Over 2nd Week 705 905 pm THIS HOUSE high in this house is airoom room possessed by an unspeakable horror room from which no one has ever returned on Fry all you Pork Chops Salad Bar Included ammo OHnSOlIf Veal Spaghetti 4t sexiness ï¬quultEnte 249 249 249 249 249 399 399 can eat Home of the Salad Bar 355 BAYFIELD ST