The Market Place Wednesday February I977 Guthrie WI sponsoring needlepoint course GUTHRIE The local Womens Institute is sponsor ing needlepoint course which started Monday at the home of Mrs Norman Campbell with afternoon and evening sessions The arrangements for the course were discussed at the January meeting of the in stitute which was held at the home of Mrs Howard Caldwell with Mrs Coates presiding Mrs Jim Caldwell reviewed the minutes of previous meetings letter was read from Mrs Joanne McQwen about family histories which the institute is helping to obtain for Oro township Records of families who settled in the township in the years 1870 to 1880 or before are sought Donations were approved for the Oro Fall Fair Society and also for the Save Sight project It was decided to send pooling fee of $75 for one delegate to at tend the officers conference at Waterloo The roll call From Adams rib to Womens Lib stirred some lively comment and humorous poem was read from husband June Suttons book Once More With Love was quoted by Mrs Campbell as her pro mumnnn gram theme which was follow ed by question period Mrs Florence Stoddart gave the motto about the consumers and family affairs presenta tion The members have been in vited to ro council next month and this has been arranged for Monday Feb at 130 pm Mrs Duncan Cameron will be convener in charge of the in stitute group hozen Ponderosa Steak House all beef pork chops steakettes fresh shank orutt portion no1 graile Lobla Shopsy beef boneless boners cooked smoked diner hams corned beef or round steak pastraml tullslicc 139 1138 veryday meat vaue special Value rrescoumrvcul Loblaws pure pork Ziggys fine her parts apples 3ri87 it aVecadPs 411100 iésié elahtf Senior housing units backed for Innisfil BARCLAY The provincial ministry of housing has recom mended that the Ontario government construct 40 gearedtoincome housing units ii for senior citizens in Innisfil township and township coun an asked for the unit Wednes av The recommendation is con tained in needranddemand survey which shows ver more than the price IS right We demandw for mi governmentsubsidized housing in the township The survey was conducted between June and October last year The report states that of 2802 senior citizens living in the township last year 35 are very interested in moving into governmentsubsidized housing and are in real need The ministry arrived at its recom mendation by projecting the W76 figures to estimated 1978 senior citizens population figures The report also says that In nisfil senior citizens are paying high rents because only one of the 35 applicants judged to be in need of the housing would pay more than his present rent while 13 of the applicants would have rent decreases of more than$20 The majority of the 35 ap plicants are single women while there 14 couples and one single man The average monthly income of the couples is $396 and $275 for single persons Seventeen of the 35 applicants own their homes seven rent rooms three own mobile homes and two are renting detached houses Thirtyone applicants have central heating in their dwell ag to VVVV ings and four use space heaters sausage meat liver sausage 3f1uarters wrth whole bdï¬h new 3s 291bletsr ldealfor piiltles Vb OH each The report notes that the On fVVzV tario Municipal board is con In sidering Barries proposal to 1V 25ng annex land in Innisfil township VJ and says successful annexa NV 19 Deepn delicious or $3258 tion hid could affect the de mand for senior citizens hous ing in the township Should this annexation oc cur the report states it is likely that some of the very in terested and needy senior citizens would be eligible for housing in the city of Barrie NDP BANQlET DRILLIA Staff Date for the annual banquet of the Suncoe East New Democratic Party Association has been set for Saturday May 21 It will be held in the South Ward com munity hall llllBURl NtllAWA Don Moyer has been chosen chairman of the Nottawa hall board with Beryl Gulbromson secretary and Lloyd Blackburn treasurer ther members are Bill Van cise Rose Pearce Mike Flood John Robinson Doug Clarke Bruce Burgess Carol Schnurr Bruce Rule and Mike Currie Ga buy and get $1 refund with mailin 1802 pkg TU ELECT OFFICERS ltllilJA Staff Elec tion of officers will be held and additional saVlngS COUpon reports presented at the annual meeting of the Orillia Association for the Han dicapped on Thursday March 31 at the publiclihrarv hall one lb poly be of McCain siwliéhiilflhittiiltiimge frozen fancy cnn le cut Superfries Charlton has been appointed Stayners representative to the limit one redemption per coupon coupon expires Sat Feb 1977 Nottawasaga Valley Conserva additional savings with this coupon man additioal savings with this coupon With this coupon with this coupon and the purChase Of and the purchase of one Deep ndelncrous frozen loblaws one 16 02 or 32 oz carton of Loblaws vanilla or Chocolate McCain cake Richs frozen coffee rich limit one reiVemption per coupon limit one redemption per coupon coupon expres Sat Feb 1977 coupon expires Sat Feb 1977 II tion Authority board which meets regularly at its aid ministrative office building at Angus